SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #12

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Wahhh! :(
I still have to go to work unless the building loses electricity or I choose to use my personal leave. & I have a 15 mile commute... I don't know how to drive in that mess... Haha!

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Be safe driving in this predicted mess!
Methamphetamine use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ...

I wonder how many parents realize adhd drugs create a neural pathway for meth abuse? when I was helping the pregnant girl she mentions adhd drug use and when I brought that up with her parents they were mortified that perhaps their well meaning efforts might have led to problems. I printed out all sorts of links to medical reports and made many aware of it.
I'd read Heather was taking adhd meds. Perhaps it might explain how so many good kids wind up with problems? You want to help your kids in every way possible, but can that lead to trusting doctors who might be pushing meds?:moo:
I've seen it many times before.:twocents:
Reporting is poor in general. These cases always have contradictions. I remember in Adrienne Salinas' case, it was a known fact her phone was not found. Then one small outlet printed it had been found and there was a huge outcry here, we contacted them asking for source, etc, they could not give it, but because it was printed we had a few posters pointing to that article all the time, saying phone was found. Also another case, where a purse was found, I think...another media added a backpack to the mix and we all went wild, lol.
Reporting is poor in general. These cases always have contradictions. I remember in Adrienne Salinas' case, it was a known fact her phone was not found. Then one small outlet printed it had been found and there was a huge outcry here, we contacted them asking for source, etc, they could not give it, but because it was printed we had a few posters pointing to that article all the time, saying phone was found. Also another case, where a purse was found, I think...another media added a backpack to the mix and we all went wild, lol.

And it seems like the bad information gets around faster than the good information, and sticks around longer.
My friend has her private, so if she comments on someone's only people who are friends can read the tweet. To anyone else, it shows up as, @theirname account private (or something like that. I see nothing anywhere and I had expected to see it. I also don't see where they are friends on the private account. And that would show up.

But I also can't remember her private twitter acct. anyone remember?

274 tweets
60 following

heather elvis Protected Tweets

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

Myrtle Beach, SC!
Wahhh! :(
I still have to go to work unless the building loses electricity or I choose to use my personal leave. & I have a 15 mile commute... I don't know how to drive in that mess... Haha!

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slow and steady. slow enough that you dont have to use your brakes. brakes and snow dont mix. :Banane49:
Just an FYI. We're officially at defcon 5. Oh wait...? Sorry. No, I'm wrong. Opcon 3. "Emergency situation likely or imminent."

County Schools are closed tomorrow (and I'm off work woo!) Many other private businesses are closing early, and everyone is expecting to be home Wednesday too.
My daughter lives there and I live aprox an 8 hour drive away. I just called to tell her that she wouldnt have college classes tomorrow and she laughed and wanted to know how I knew. lol :silenced:
Methamphetamine use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity ...

I wonder how many parents realize adhd drugs create a neural pathway for meth abuse? when I was helping the pregnant girl she mentions adhd drug use and when I brought that up with her parents they were mortified that perhaps their well meaning efforts might have led to problems. I printed out all sorts of links to medical reports and made many aware of it.
I'd read Heather was taking adhd meds. Perhaps it might explain how so many good kids wind up with problems? You want to help your kids in every way possible, but can that lead to trusting doctors who might be pushing meds?:moo:
I've seen it many times before.:twocents:

I don't understand that though. I'm an adult and I have a rx for adderall. I have never found it to have any effect on me in a drug type way were I would "seek" it. It makes me pretty sleepy and calm - I've never seen someone who is using meth seem sleepy? Wouldn't that point to them not really having add or adhd? :fence:
It does remind us that we probably can't rule out random stranger abduction, though it seems unlikely.

I have had my own theories about what may have happened to HE and the stranger abduction theory, though a possibility, wasn't predominant in my thinking either. Then I got to thinking about something today in one of the articles I read. It was about two men wanted in connection with a shooting, an armed robbery and murder that happened on the 17th of December in Socastee. One of the men has since been apprehended, but the other remains at-large.

What are the odds of a connection between this wanted felon fleeing the scene (a Kangaroo gas station) just 24 hrs prior and within a few miles of where a now identified missing person's car is located? In my own mind it kind of intensifies the possibility of a stranger abduction.
Also in going to search for this post noticed it was edited due to 10% copyright rule?
huh??which rule is that or if my post was edited shouldn't I be made aware of it? Maybe there is notification & I'm not aware of it??:moo:

There is a rule that a referenced article can't have more than 10% copied to here. It makes sense....have you ever participated in a forum where someone copies a huge, giant article or text and its a page long on your monitor?

So reference the link and only copy a few lines. Then readers can visit the site if they wish to further read.

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OT but I noticed on the daily arrest log for HC that one person was charged with giving false information to police or fire personnel. So, they do have that law, even if it seems to be a minor offense. We have seen LE make arrests for minor offenses in other cases many times, just to get a POI in for possible questioning. Not saying it will happen here, but the issue came up last week about lying to police.
OT Local ABC just interrupted the Bachelor with another weather warning....grrrrr
I don't understand that though. I'm an adult and I have a rx for adderall. I have never found it to have any effect on me in a drug type way were I would "seek" it. It makes me pretty sleepy and calm - I've never seen someone who is using meth seem sleepy? Wouldn't that point to them not really having add or adhd? :fence:

I'm no doctor,but I'd assume it's like allergies-some get reactions and some don't. It may be a crapshoot or there but for the grace of God go I....
Lots of times many doctors prescribe medicines are there are so many noted side effects. I've seen where kids were forcibly ordered by the school to administer these meds cuz they're used as a "control tactic" I myself know of parents who went to a charter school or homeschooled because of this.
Not to mention an open market for trading/sales in schools.
Funny that both the Colorado and Newtown shooters were taking them. Maybe a coincidence,maybe not. Just something to keep in mind and ask your doctor (with medical reports in hand)
There's many,many references & medical reports by reputable organizations-not just hearsay..
I have had my own theories about what may have happened to HE and the stranger abduction theory, though a possibility, wasn't predominant in my thinking either. Then I got to thinking about something today in one of the articles I read. It was about two men wanted in connection with a shooting, an armed robbery and murder that happened on the 17th of December in Socastee. One of the men has since been apprehended, but the other remains at-large.

What are the odds of a connection between this wanted felon fleeing the scene (a Kangaroo gas station) just 24 hrs prior and within a few miles of where a now identified missing person's car is located? In my own mind it kind of intensifies the possibility of a stranger abduction.

Quoting myself to bring this to the current page and add the LINK to the article.

I'm no doctor,but I'd assume it's like allergies-some get reactions and some don't. It may be a crapshoot or there but for the grace of God go I....
Lots of times many doctors prescribe medicines are there are so many noted side effects. I've seen where kids were forcibly ordered by the school to administer these meds cuz they're used as a "control tactic" I myself know of parents who went to a charter school or homeschooled because of this.
Not to mention an open market for trading/sales in schools.
Funny that both the Colorado and Newtown shooters were taking them. Maybe a coincidence,maybe not. Just something to keep in mind and ask your doctor (with medical reports in hand)
There's many,many references & medical reports by reputable organizations-not just hearsay..
Did they ever research wether those individuals were improperly diagnosed which would then mean they were prescribed a drug that would cause psychosis?
Something that keeps sticking out as the missing person poster and the fact that it says her car was found on 12/17. I can't get over this. Also, the missing person report was filed with an occurred date of 12/17. Could it be possible that she went missing on this date instead? Hear me out please.

The things I am having issues with are the details on the missing person report, specifically, dates, times, and it being closed. The call sounds to be for an abandon car, but that was not what the report was taken in for. IMO, It can't be nothing ways. The report is either done wrong (not likely) or something was not presented in the MSM correctly, IMO. Unless, the missing person report and poster are correct and we have been told a lot of fluff. I am in no way saying the date is guilty but what I mean by that is that he initially told the family and LE what he told them about the date. Turns out none of it happen and whatever happened to HE did...either foul play or run away, etc. When they bring him in for questioning he tells LE that HE used him to do whatever that night, go out with OM or whoever she was. The car was found at 10:43pm on the 17th. He gets cleared, but the story stands for I have no idea try and pull out OM if they think he's guilty and that is who she was with? Or wherever she really was?

My other reason for thinking this or something along these lines is, the report was entered around 11pm on 12/19 and then closed on 12/20 4:58 and approved at 8am. If the car had only been found a few hours prior to 11pm, how is it possible to do all of this leg work? Even to get everyone on the phone would be difficult. Not to mention verifying the phone calls, which in know are on a delay. Now if this was all done on the 17th, that would give two days to make the phone calls.

I know it's a long shot and has many holes. I am only brainstorming and sleuthing. Not accusing anyone. Just don't understand why if her car was found on the 19th, it wouldn't say, the 19th.
I have had my own theories about what may have happened to HE and the stranger abduction theory, though a possibility, wasn't predominant in my thinking either. Then I got to thinking about something today in one of the articles I read. It was about two men wanted in connection with a shooting, an armed robbery and murder that happened on the 17th of December in Socastee. One of the men has since been apprehended, but the other remains at-large.

What are the odds of a connection between this wanted felon fleeing the scene (a Kangaroo gas station) just 24 hrs prior and within a few miles of where a now identified missing person's car is located? In my own mind it kind of intensifies the possibility of a stranger abduction.

It might also bring to mind that there would be an enhanced police presence in the area. While that event happened at 5AM,what's to say that person stumbled across Heather during the day and might have been along in her car for her various trips for mail,etc. Then since she had a date maybe he hung around at her place until she returned? I know it sounds crazy
If this person is missing and they were in a vehicle that actually killed an innocent bystander for trying to follow them I believe another killing of a stranger might not bother them. Since one of the 2 was recently apprehended maybe they could shed a little light? Maybe the 2 split up so as not to be so obvious?:moo:
Meanwhile on an off chance of this, I wonder if roomie took her car or left it at home? Since it was a standard,if it was at home,could that also be used as an accessory mode of transport? In other words use THAT vehicle for whatever and return it back to condo with no-one the wiser?? :twocents:
I don't understand that though. I'm an adult and I have a rx for adderall. I have never found it to have any effect on me in a drug type way were I would "seek" it. It makes me pretty sleepy and calm - I've never seen someone who is using meth seem sleepy? Wouldn't that point to them not really having add or adhd? :fence:

It's because you actually need the meds. This is the effect ADHD meds have on people who actually need to take them - it's calming. To people without ADHD, it makes them hyper.

There is no magic blood test for ADHD. I once had a specialist tell me that sometimes the best way to know for sure if the diagnoses is correct, is to observe the effect the medication has on the patient.
HockeyMom, the dates bug me too.
And your theory is interesting.

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