SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #16

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I'm not saying a witness that can identify the car. Merely a witness to corroborate that shots were fired because they heard them too. Maybe they didn't see anything. Maybe they just heard the shots. But it doesn't appear that anyone did
or they are too scared to admit they didn't see anything but did hear something as you suggest even though they'd have no idea whose report they were corroborating.

I would guess if you were attempting to harrass an individual you might take the time to follow and wait for the proper opportunity to do so when there are no witnesses present-like a dark back country road.
I would also further add most people might not get involved unless they knew the person for fear of alleged gun and shooter might then make THEM a target.
Most people don't see anything even if in broad daylight at high noon in the middle of main street.Even for accidents..
Originally Posted by hockeymom4 View Post
My thoughts are maybe LE doesn't know for certain either way. I remember reading about Samantha Koenig and how horrible and nasty Samantha's family was to the man they believe had the answers. LE had no idea what happen to her and had not cleared him or charged him as a person of interest. They may have later cleared him, but at one point in time they didn't and it was horrible for this man and his family. Of course every case is different, so I am only thinking it is possibly they don't know here what happened to HE and also don't know if SM is responsible like one point in time they didn't know either of those things with Samantha. I hope that things move quickly so that all the families can move forward because what is going on isn't healthy for anyone.

I don't know much about the Samantha Koenig case. What made the family suspect the man? How was it eventually resolved, if it was?

I don't know if it was SM, or not, either, but I do think there are quite a number of reasons to suspect that it is. I also think LE is making a big mistake if they know they can clear him, but aren't. I truly hope this is not the case. His kids deserve better.

'Yes hockeymom4, every case is different, but with few exceptions; in virtually every missing person case that I have researched. The one common denominator where the antiquated silence & mis-info investigative strategy is adhered too. The proverbial ball is dropped on the innocent victim/s and their families.

RE: I don't know much about the Samantha Koenig case. What made the family suspect the man? How was it eventually resolved, if it was?

Israel Keyes, was pulled over by LE during a routine traffic stop in TX, weeks after Samantha Koenig's murder, but not before he took a cruise and committing another, bank robbery, arson, and another unidentified murder, etc. in TX.

After viewing the security cam in Samatha's abduction. APD knew the boyfriend was innocent in SK's abduction. yet choose to mislead the community. A POI(stranger) & VOI(pickup truck) were caught on security cam. APD investigators visited all owners in Anchorage, AK, of the same make & model of the pickup truck caught on the security cam. Visiting IK's home twice, his truck was ruled out because it had green tool boxes that run the length of the truck on each side. The truck in the security cam did not have tool boxes.

<sniped & BBM>

APD Investigator Doll said investigators reviewing the abduction caught by security cameras initially thought Keyes had Koenig on the floor to wait out anyone who might have seen him climb through the window or to wait for things to calm down.

Samantha Koenig has been missing since Feb. 1. A surveillance camera at the coffee hut where she worked showed her being led away by a man police believe was armed.

"We want to let the public know that Israel Keyes, in our belief, is involved in the abduction of Samantha Koenig," said Anchorage Police Chief Mark Mews.
He said local and federal investigators are seeking witnesses who may know something about the movements of Keyes' white three-quarter ton Chevrolet pickup, which was seized after Keyes' arrest in Texas.

Investigators say they're looking for people who may have seen the truck in late January and early February near the coffee hut where Samantha Koenig worked as a barista and other locations.

The truck was equipped with green tool boxes that run the length of the box on each side. It also was photographed with a rack over the box, but the truck may have been driven without it, investigators said.
"It may have been off of the vehicle at the time of the incident," said FBI agent Darrin Jones.

Keyes likely would have needed help moving the rack on or off the truck, and investigators would like to speak to anyone who may have assisted him.

Mews and U.S. Attorney for Alaska Karen Loeffler said they would be revealing few details of the investigation, such as whether there were other "persons of interest," to prevent compromising the case or affecting the testimony of potential witnesses.


"Silence & mis-info by investigators causes innocent victims lives lost and mounting cold cases"..
FBI: &#8220;Keyes may be responsible for a homicide in Texas or a surrounding state&#8221; after Samantha Koenig murder in AK .
The FBI is asking for the public&#8217;s help in its investigation of confessed serial killer Israel Keyes.

websleuths - Israel Keyes threads
Israel Keyes - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
not sure if she lived with ex,I do remember an MSM mention early on which has since been revised-someone else made a passing mention as to being in a twitter msg but a bunch of them were erased as well..maybe someone can dig it up like the 1st exojane article? allso remember an "If you hide I will find you" quote somewhere-maybe attributed to roomie?

Police are also reviewing reports about another man who may have been a coworker of Elvis.

A police report describes the possible coworker as “possibly being abusive” and “possibly violent.”

Horry County police spokesman Lt. Robert Kegler said both men identified in the report as being connected to Elvis have been interviewed.

MSM has never stated Heather lived with possible violent ex. I have original xojane article copied and it does not say that. That piece of info has never been verified by MSM or LE. And when I view HE Twitter there is no gap in postings I can see all twitter posts through 11/29.
I believe the living with possible violent ex is Rumor.
The best thing for the M family to do (from their perspective) is to delete their social media, and stop making any noise. Don't say a word. No more police reports. No more posting on social media. No more interviews. They go away, and the public interest in this case will fade. If people cannot log onto their computers, and answer the question, "Okay what did the M's do/say today?" eventually they will lose interest, lessen their rage against them, maybe look at other options, etc. They are contributing to the sensational "developments" in this case. Everything "new" that happens in this case is the direct result of the M's actions. If they went away, all that would be happening would be prayer vigils and fundraisers.

For some odd reason, this doesn't seem to be a goal of certain individuals, and in fact would the opposite of what they want. Hard to understand for sure. It's so easy to make a profile completely private, yet some people are very narcissistic and won't do that (based on my experience being on Facebook and having Facebook friends).
I would guess if you were attempting to harrass an individual you might take the time to follow and wait for the proper opportunity to do so when there are no witnesses present-like a dark back country road.

I would also further add most people might not get involved unless they knew the person for fear of alleged gun and shooter might then make THEM a target.

Most people don't see anything even if in broad daylight at high noon in the middle of main street.Even for accidents..

Agree they might not see much but gunshots are very loud so they'd be heard.
And no matter how dark a back country road is, I believe there is always someone around. JMO
I wonder if MSM had info about the alleged shooting incident anytime close to 2/6 when it happened? If so, why wait to print it? The article was published 12 days after it happened. I just find this curious because if all events occurred as reported public safety is at risk.
Thanks to both of you for the info....

maybe I missed it in that link??

I went looking and found this

Where do reptiles such as alligators go when winter comes?

Although they might disappear from sight for several days, alligators don't actually hibernate.............

But they seldom stay undercover longer than a week or two -- not long enough to be considered hibernation.............

But as soon as the sun comes out and the weather warms up, gators emerge from their dens..............

The response on this site explains why aligators, down here in South Carolina, show up on the banks of the lagoons on warmer days..........

(IIRC I believe it was warmer when Heather disappeared)

Thank you for this! The thanks button wasn't enough! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

'Yes hockeymom4, every case is different, but with few exceptions; in virtually every missing person case that I have researched. The one common denominator where the antiquated silence & mis-info investigative strategy is adhered too. The proverbial ball is dropped on the innocent victim/s and their families.

The point of my comment was in continuation of the discussion of why LE would not have cleared SM even with all the "drama." My point was they may not be able to be because he may not be able to be cleared and that doesn't mean he is guilty, as that is exactly what happened in SK's case. James was subject of similar "drama" and was in MSM and LE didn't clear him or stop it for a time. So, my point in that comment was, LE may not be able to clear SM.

That doesn't mean I don't think the ball isn't dropped on innocent families, doesn't think SM is a saint etc. it just means exactly that, LE may not have cleared SM because they may not be able to do so.
not sure if she lived with ex,I do remember an MSM mention early on which has since been revised-someone else made a passing mention as to being in a twitter msg but a bunch of them were erased as well..maybe someone can dig it up like the 1st exojane article? allso remember an "If you hide I will find you" quote somewhere-maybe attributed to roomie?

Police are also reviewing reports about another man who may have been a coworker of Elvis.

A police report describes the possible coworker as “possibly being abusive” and “possibly violent.”

Horry County police spokesman Lt. Robert Kegler said both men identified in the report as being connected to Elvis have been interviewed.

I don't think it is something that has ever been verified in MSM, so it is considered rumor.

'Yes hockeymom4, every case is different, but with few exceptions; in virtually every missing person case that I have researched. The one common denominator where the antiquated silence & mis-info investigative strategy is adhered too. The proverbial ball is dropped on the innocent victim/s and their families.

The point of my comment was in continuation of the discussion of why LE would not have cleared SM even with all the "drama." My point was they may not be able to be because he may not be able to be cleared and that doesn't mean he is guilty, as that is exactly what happened in SK's case. James was subject of similar "drama" and was in MSM and LE didn't clear him or stop it for a time. So, my point in that comment was, LE may not be able to clear SM.

That doesn't mean I don't think the ball isn't dropped on innocent families, doesn't think SM is a saint etc. it just means exactly that, LE may not have cleared SM because they may not be able to do so.

<respectfully sniped for focus>
RE: " My point was they may not be able to be because he may not be able to be cleared and that doesn't mean he is guilty, as that is exactly what happened in SK's case.
My point was to show that although APD knew that James was not a POI/Suspect from day one, after viewing the security cam. Due to their antiquated 'close to the vest silent investigative strategy', this info was intentionally withheld from the community, risking other innocent lives.
I've been doing some brainstorming lately, trying to think of new areas to explore/think about, etc... basically trying to add something helpful to the case.

MY THOTS[/color]

I finally heard back from my best friend's husband today (who worked as a Game Warden a few years back) about alligators in this area. He said that snip..alligators

snip..very first/earliest news reports of Heather's disappearance. ........ I obviously have no idea if this is remotely true but it could be right?

snip specify CALL at 3 am

maybe they were texts?

Other things I've been thinking about... I thought I remember reading about a lot of fires (brush fires, home fires, etc.) in Myrtle Beach in the days shortly after she went missing. I remember this not because I was wise enough to think to myself... hey, they might want to look into that a bit more... but because it felt like everyday when I went to search for anything new online regarding Heather, I kept reading articles about another fire happening somewhere. I wonder if the cause has been determined for all of those fires?

I wonder if there were dry conditions/drought??Don't know.
Funny thing around here when they do controlled burns they search b4 and sometimes come up w/bodies?? Maybe there should be regular searches of areas since so many missing?

I also though I read/heard something about a golf course being the area where her phone last pinged in the beginning? I don't know if that is something I read/heard in the news or online so I don't know if it was a rumor or not but I immediately thought of Legends because it's close to her apartment (ps--I read/heard this was way before anyone in the public was aware of SM or at least way before I was aware). But looking at its location now and the amount of forest around it, it might be somewhere to think about looking? If there was a ping on a golf course, it could also have been Arrowhead too. There was an organized search (one of the last ones done by CUE I think) behind the Arrowhead area too.

I belive Heathers new place was across from a golf course?? Do gators frequent golf courses??

And finally, I started thinking about where someone might hide any evidence if foul play was involved. I think they would probably hide it some distance away from the car's location but not far enough away that they'd be taking a huge chance---surely, chances are that someone wouldn't be risky enough to travel hundreds of miles with a dead body in the car. I thought the most logical place would be somewhere 10 to 20 miles north, west, or south of the car's location. The two most logical places for me are Georgetown and like the HWY 22 area and/or Loris area. There's tons of forests, swamps, creeks, etc. in both of those areas. I know the possibilities are virtually endless but I hope LE has considered searching in some of these areas.

with all the construction going on it could be under cement,in a rubble pile,under a dirt pile,etc. On a recent case in WA wifey killed hubby & her new hubby & 2 tenants first buried him under a dirt pile & then had to move the body when foreclosure. They researched it on net & buried under a building.
The sad part was this person was never reported missing cuz wifey said he ran away!



I think that where a victim is placed depends on the type of killer. Mass murderers,spree killers,serial killers,profit killers,sexual predators,revenge killers,ect,ect. There are killers who will drive for hours to hide their victim in order to put as much distance between themselves and the crime scene as possible.There are killers who will leave the victim at the crime scene. There are killers who will put their victim on display in a very public area. Some killers will hide their victim in the walls of their own home.Yet some will seek a place that isn't in their own back yard but close enough to keep an eye on the situation. The narcissist in them needs to control things and keep an eye on the aftermath of their actions. I think the "who" and the "why" play a huge part in determining the "where"......JMO
<respectfully sniped for focus>

My point was to show that although APD knew that James was not a POI/Suspect from day one, after viewing the security cam. Due to their antiquated 'close to the vest silent investigative strategy', this info was intentionally withheld from the community, risking other innocent lives.

That case was very sad. I certainly hope that if SM is innocent it is not determined that they knew. I don't think that will be the case though.
I wonder if MSM had info about the alleged shooting incident anytime close to 2/6 when it happened? If so, why wait to print it? The article was published 12 days after it happened. I just find this curious because if all events occurred as reported public safety is at risk.

I think that is a question the newspaper should answer. I'm sure it was with all the other police reports.
I'm not sure why the "shooting incident" was just reported yesterday, however I wonder if it has anything to do with the prayer vigil that was held last's almost like someone is jealous of HE being a victim and they want to say, see we're a victim too. I think one day this case will make an interesting study of human psychology!
I'm not sure why the "shooting incident" was just reported yesterday, however I wonder if it has anything to do with the prayer vigil that was held last's almost like someone is jealous of HE being a victim and they want to say, see we're a victim too. I think one day this case will make an interesting study of human psychology!

I agree!!!!
I'm not sure why the "shooting incident" was just reported yesterday, however I wonder if it has anything to do with the prayer vigil that was held last's almost like someone is jealous of HE being a victim and they want to say, see we're a victim too. I think one day this case will make an interesting study of human psychology!

I think it already is an interesting study of human behavior/psychology, for me anyway.

Speaking of HE's social media accounts, I see a young woman who might write things that she feels at the moment"emotional outbursts" you might say. I think she was hurt psychologically (maybe physically) in her relationships. She might be a romantic and the dream wasn't working out as planned in her head. Who really knows? What we do know is she was involved with a married man who purportedly told her after a break up that he was leaving his wife and kids for her. The sincerity of that statement we may never find out. It's so sad if Heather was chasing that dream of happiness that she imagined for herself(and we all had that dream) and having it turn into a nightmare costing her life.
I'm not sure why the "shooting incident" was just reported yesterday, however I wonder if it has anything to do with the prayer vigil that was held last's almost like someone is jealous of HE being a victim and they want to say, see we're a victim too. I think one day this case will make an interesting study of human psychology!

Why would the reporter /newspaper be jealous? : )
The best thing for to do (from their perspective) is to delete their social media, and stop making any noise. Don't say a word. No more police reports. No more posting on social media. No more interviews. They go away, and the public interest in this case will fade. If people cannot log onto their computers, and answer the question, "Okay what did the .snipped. do/say today?" eventually they will lose interest, lessen their rage against them, maybe look at other options, etc. They are contributing to the sensational "developments" in this case. Everything "new" that happens in this case is the direct result of the .snipped. actions. If they went away, all that would be happening would be prayer vigils and fundraisers.

I totally agree.

If things were handled differently by some people, it would have helped to not have sidetracking on a lot of things. It continues and it really is incredible and it gives some insight into types of people.

We have talked before how you can somewhat build a picture of how some people are just by the few things they say and do. If that was not available then it would be tough to build that picture.

In cases as LE and people try to list who may have had the opportunity and motive to do such a horrible thing there becomes a list of candidates. As people try to dwindle down the lists to the most likely then they begin to ask themselves could they even do such a horrible thing. The peronsality of individuals is sometimes used to decide if they may be the type of person that could even do that. Someone that is filled with rage enough and openly communicates that rage is one red flag that can jump out to even the most rookie LE.

It is so critical that LE can solve this. I hope they solicit the help they need if they could use some help.
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