SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #22 **ARREST**

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I wonder if the IE charges have anything to do with SM's FB post about family bathrooms and dressing rooms having a whole new meaning about a month ago.

Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

It's been discussed, but it's so easy to miss things as the threads are moving so fast! Anyway, I doubt that's where the IE charges stem from. That post on FB was made on Dec. 15th and the IE warrants say the IE activities happened on the 17th and 18th of December. So, they did the dirty all over the place, but got caught, I'm assuming on camera, on those dates.
I cannot stop looking at the pictures...Sidney, Tammy, and Heather.

Sidney is a small height and stature...the men in the courtroom are all taller than he is. His wife is as tall or taller than he is as well. But Heather was a tiny little thing...he must have felt like a Big Man when he was with her.

Sidney also looks young for his age. It is very possible that Heather thought he was much nearer to her age...and therefore did not think of him being married with children in the beginning.

Heather was young, beautiful, tiny, slim. She radiated youth. Tammy is none of those things. Yet she still seems to want to project this image that she could leave if she wanted to travel with these adoring rock bands. She seems to have such a NEED for strangers to see everything about her life as perfect.

Had they just gotten back from a vacation just before this? That would be Tammy's way of trying to remind him what SHE had to offer? Then they get home...and he's calling Heather again. I can imagine her rage.

I wonder if Tammy suddenly lunged at Heather...if Sidney would have been strong enough to pull her off. This may have gone down very quickly.
Are we certain that TM assaulted Heather a few months prior to her disappearance? What if Heather said something about TM's looks, weight, personality, etc. (before or after the assault) that made TM so mad she had to act out and get the last word, permanently. She had the whole vacation to California to plot. Maybe she dared SM to prove he didn't love Heather by going along with her.

It's possible that SM is abused by TM. She's taller and outweighs him by 50 lbs. I think she's very intimidating. Even her FB posts were often very aggressive. She certainly loves to insult people with her words and as we know now, her actions.

SM smiles in all the pictures like a trick pony. I think TM even photoshops his teeth.

I blame SM equally. He knew he was married to someone with a loose hold on her sanity. He knew what she was planning to do.He could have been a man and called the police. I hope these two never see freedom again. I pray they aren't released on bond pending trial.
The picture of the black jeep on their FB page looks somewhat similar to the black jeep that TE saw. I'm not saying it was the same car. The top of the photo is chopped off, or at least I can't see it.

Excellent find.

It looks very much like the vehicle described. I actually was hunting "car for sale" sites looking for a vehicle like that when that news broke about the people harassing TE.

I wonder where that vehicle is today and who owns it. Hmmmmm. Maybe somebody who happens to know the Ms.

LE could find out who owns it by going to the dealership and find out who it was sold to.

If it is still on the lot then perhaps SM or one of his friends took it out for a test drive that day.
IMO and based on specific info contained in the original PR(12/19/13) and locations from the latest arrest warrant reports(listed below), it is my opinion that Heather was being followed all day and night on the 17th of December, 2013 by the M's.

Without getting into too may specifics, I firmly believe that this was the case.

Arrest Warrants:
2014A2610200461 (2/18/14) - TM/Kinapping
2014A2610200462 (2/18/14) - SM/Kinapping
2014A2610200463 (2/18/14) - SM/Murder
2014A2610200464 (2/18/14) - TM/Murder
2014A2611000021 (2/17/14) - TM/IE (Atlantic Avenue and Century Circle in Conway)
2014A2611000022 (2/20/14) - SM/Obstruction
2014A2611000024 (2/17/14) - SM/IE (1325 Celebrity Circle in Myrtle Beach)
2014A2611000025 (2/17/14) - SM/IE (Atlantic Avenue and Century Circle in Conway)
2014A2611000026 (2/20/14) - TM/Obstruction
2014A2611000027 (2/17/14) - TM/IE (1325 Celebrity Circle in Myrtle Beach)

I looked back at the warrants and both IE charges are listed as occurring "between the dates of December 17 and 18" I just wanted to be sure on this.
Did you see something else that said 17th for sure on both?

I think the time of the second IE at Broadway at the Beach (am I allowed to write that out mods?) is really revealing on the timeline.

Was it December 17th, meaning before midnight, definitely making both IE incidents before contact with HE?
I looked back at the warrants and both IE charges are listed as occurring "between the dates of December 17 and 18" I just wanted to be sure on this.
Did you see something else that said 17th for sure on both?

I think the time of the second IE at Broadway at the Beach (am I allowed to write that out mods?) is really revealing on the timeline.

Was it December 17th, meaning before midnight, definitely making both IE incidents before contact with HE?

I think they were following HE n doing 'graphic stuff' to annoy her.

N got caught on tape via security cameras while doing it.


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If I ever need anything investigated, forget the PI, Im coming here to WS first.

You guys+gals are amazing!!!

And you even reminded me to get a drink. I need one. LOL

That's a great idea Hatfield! I may have to use that one day.

Now, where did I set my beer? :needdrink:


I think they were following HE n doing 'graphic stuff' to annoy her.

N got caught on tape via security cameras while doing it.


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on her date? ugh. what if... they were out... randomly saw her.... pizzed him off....

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Thinking about where Heather could be. Based on what we know the M's had from early morning on the 18th until the evening of the 19th to do something with Heather. They had very little time on the 18th before daylight, so do you think that Wednesday night was the most likely time they handled it? That would leave all of Wednesday with her body, what do you think they did during that time? Maybe secured her in the truck storage?
also from the same link I posted above:

According to the report, the last phone calls were at about 6 a.m. Dec. 18, about four hours after Elvis and Shiraldi ended their date.

The calls were back and forth between the victim and the older man, the report said.

The older man told police he hasn’t seen the victim since October, and then admitted to speaking with Heather Elvis the previous night, the report continued.

He further told police, the report said, that he “called her to tell her to quit calling him and that was it.”

The victim’s father also expressed concern to police about another man and possible coworker of Elvis “due to him possibly being abusive,” the report said.

According to the report, the victim’s father reported that the second man who was a possible coworker stated, “if she hides, he will find her

Ten posts were also made to Heather Elvis’ Tumblr page on Dec. 18, the night she disappeared, but the identity of who made the posts was unclear.

Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking website that allows users to post multimedia and other content in a blog format.

The 10 posts were time stamped between 1:53 a.m. and 2:09 a.m. Dec. 18, according to information on the site. Entries mainly consisted of various works of art and poetry.

The last visible activity to her Facebook page was on Dec. 13 when the site said her Facebook profile picture was changed. The last tweet that’s viewable on Twitter was dated Nov. 29.

I'd be interested to see exactly what posted to Tumblr. Is that around anywhere? Has anyone seen those posts?
Originally Posted by NewYork625 View Post
The picture of the black jeep on their FB page looks somewhat similar to the black jeep that TE saw. I'm not saying it was the same car. The top of the photo is chopped off, or at least I can't see it.

Imo, NewYork625, this jeep may not have shown up in a DMV registration if purchased at auction by the dealer. Couldn't hurt giving HCPD a heads up, imo..
Could be that SM thought TM was sleeping and went to meet HE. Tammy followed him, caught him and went totally off her rocker.SM could be an accessory after the fact by helping dispose and cover.
Could be that SM thought TM was sleeping and went to meet HE. Tammy followed him, caught him and went totally off her rocker.

I wonder about that too, but wouldn't he have tried to stop TM, called 911, something? Wouldn't he have sung like a canary sooner?
Are we certain that TM assaulted Heather a few months prior to her disappearance? What if Heather said something about TM's looks, weight, personality, etc. (before or after the assault) that made TM so mad she had to act out and get the last word, permanently.

But it still didn't work. Even after Heather was deceased, TM was still very angry. Makes we wonder what she would have done next to get the last word. I'm glad she is locked away.
Bringing forward my own embarrassingly tedious experiment re: post scheduling. SC SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #10 - Page 26 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

A few more questions that I have after reading most recent phone scenario discussions.

1) If a portion of the back and forth phone calls were only made to establish an alibi/distance between the M's and Heather... why would Sidney lie about speaking with Heather that night? The former implies knowledge of pings/tracking, and the latter implies complete ignorance of it, as well as of the fact that her phone activity was bound to be one of the first things investigated.


Would appreciate thoughts/corrections on any of the above! Sorry if it's been addressed already.

I think they felt comfortable talking with Heather in the wee hours of the morning because they never thought, not once, that Heather would call a friend at 2am and tell that friend what was going on.

I don't think we know the full of what Heather told her friend that night, but I do think it was critical to the investigation and if this goes to trial, a conviction may very well hang on her testimony.

BW - wherever you are, Thank you for being such a good friend to Heather. Thank you for being the type of friend someone could call at 2am and pour out their hearts. If it wasn't for you, the Moorer's would be claiming that Sidney tried to break up with Heather, but she couldn't let it go. They would be saying that she killed herself. You will likely be her voice...stay heartfelt prayers are with you.
I just remembered another TM facebook post. She posted that she was out of town up until the day after Heather went missing in one of her "explanations" to her friends. Obviously that's not true because she was arrested for IE on the 17th and 18th. If she told this to LE then that's one example obstruction of justice. Maybe the OJ and IE are all connected?

Respectfully disagree. I doubt that TM or SM would even know how to post on Tumblr IMOO. And, those 10 posts were pretty typical in nature to Heather's other postings.

I agreed. I think the time and content of the Tumblr posts fit well with the timeline emotionally.

- HE gets call from SM while still on date (maybe takes the call in bathroom?)
*Date said HE spoke to no one but her father
*Father said he never spoke to HE
*HE cell records show call received from SM
*Date said she made no posted nothing and he dropped her off 2-2:30am

- HE tells date it was her Dad on the phone

- HE returns to condo before 1:44am (Date was off on 2-2:30 return time)

- HE talks to roommate - upset about SM's call

- HE, feeling emotional, posts 10 ethereal items on Tumblr beginning 1:53am

- HE calls SM back or he calls her and lures her to PTL 2:30am-ish

- 3:00am last ping from HE's phone at PTL location
I wonder about that too, but wouldn't he have tried to stop TM, called 911, something? Wouldn't he have sung like a canary sooner?

No because I think he is a wuss and he will protect his wife. He didnt want to leave her. He just wanted to fool around. Found it flattering that he could get a beautiful young girl interested in him. These guys dont leave their wives. They just want to play around. All jmo of course.
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