SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #22 **ARREST**

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I think HE was crying because a part of her was afraid of the reality of the consequences of SM leaving his wife and family to be with her....she maybe felt conflicted as to what to do, what she felt, maybe she was upset because she came home from a nice first date but didn't feel the same for SS as she did for SM or maybe she had feelings for SS and realized she was done with SM only to then learn SM was leaving wife and kids for her?.....all my own speculation and opinions, being a 25 year old girl, I vividly recall my 20's and can relate to what I have learned of Heather

Hmmmmm.....but if sm had not seen heather since October, like he stated, I dunno why she would be upset.
Except TM herself said, in her despicable rant, that they only had sex three times in the backseat of HEATHER's car.

Except the "only" person who'd tell her would be SM..doya think he'd tell her it was in TM vehicle? Somehow I think not.
Also I believe msm referred to Heathers car as "messy"-if this was standard for her I couldn't imagine doing it in her car. Then again,as has been shown, anything is possible.

Maybe Heather made those tumbler posts from the car while waiting at PTL for them??That would make sense cuz tumblers is kind of a pass the time while waiting..maybe they got delayed due to TM/SM first IE encounter??
I thought the crying was odd too. Talking about a great date and crying at the same time...

It makes sense to me if she was crying when she called. BW would ask what's wrong, did the date go wrong, and HE would say something along the lines of "No, no, the date was great, he's always fun, but SM..." Et cetera.

BW did say she was asked not to talk about the entire conversation, so there could have been even more to it than that.
Halfway thru her tumblr page I was sent to a *advertiser censored* site called "badoink?" Anyone else??

When I went to her Tumblr early on there were lots of pornographic images posted a onto or so before she disappeared. Many of these images when you scroll across them they come to life and start playing a 3 second video so to speak over and over. LOTS of sexual acts being done in the videos!!! I have not been to her page lately but I will check them out again.

I do want to link a profile picture change that TM made on Dec. 17th. I had done a screen shot of it awhile back before the page got deleted. Kind of a strange pic especially since she changed it on Dec. 17th

Sorry its sideways:)


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Hmmmmm.....but if sm had not seen heather since October, like he stated, I dunno why she would be upset.

but one of the msm articles stated they had recently been back together. I'm assuming that roomie might have told them that???she should know but I doubt that would be released until trial
I don't have a theory per se -- it seems like there are quite a few plausible scenarios.

I can imagine a scene where TM fakes texts from SM to lure HE to Peachtree Landing, grabs her and kills her on the spot, then drives back to the house and presents SM with the body. "Here's your girlfriend. Help me bury her."

I can also imagine nearly the exact opposite. SM and HE meet, for whatever reason, tempers escalate, and he causes her death, then takes the body home to TM and says, "You have to help me."

And most anything in between.

I don't know what the precipitating incident might have been. I alternate between thinking it was a crime of passion and thinking it had been planned for weeks.

I think she's somewhere very near. I don't see any reason for anybody to transport a body very far when there's all that nice water and woodland right to hand. I think it's very likely they threw her in the water and the body just hasn't been found; if that's the case, it'll probably surface when the weather turns warm. :)sick:)

Mostly, I'm willing to wait for evidence and pray they find her.

Yes, I think either could be plausible myself. What if the SM and HE were texting/calling back and forth that night. Maybe SM went to HE's apartment and she decided to follow him to PTL, not necessarily a place she had been to before but some place she was lead too. Maybe there is video at that gas station or someplace showing HE's car following SM's car. And TM is there but HE does not know that.

As for her body. Idk, they must have something they found that belongs to HE at their house, some evidence that shows HE is gone. Is it miniscule DNA or clothing or what? Once the evidence comes out I think we will have a clearer picture on how HE got to PTL and why.

Working on a new thread, this one is getting pretty long, will close this one shortly...
When I went to her Tumblr early on there were lots of pornographic images posted a onto or so before she disappeared. Many of these images when you scroll across them they come to life and start playing a 3 second video so to speak over and over. LOTS of sexual acts being done in the videos!!! I have not been to her page lately but I will check them out again.

I do want to link a profile picture change that TM made on Dec. 17th. I had done a screen shot of it awhile back before the page got deleted. Kind of a strange pic especially since she changed it on Dec. 17th

Sorry its sideways:)

That's from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". How appropriate. So creepy!!!
Both TM and SM were charged with murder/ "malice aforethought". Meaning Heather's murder was premeditated by both TM and SM. The idea that TM jumped out of the trees and murdered Heather at the landing while SM stood by crying or that TM forced SM to help murder Heather is not skewing with the charges. They both premeditated her murder. SM may have cared for Heather on some level. TM hated her. But let's not pretend that SM had no true hand in this.

Yes. Heather was beautiful, young and full of life. All the things TM was not. We all know about their open marriage and TM's hateful bizarre facebook postings about Heather. But is it so hard to imagine that SM is equally awful? I think not. I am very sure SM told his wife that Heather got his number. (Yeah, no way he hit on her and everyone else in the TK. Sure. Lies). Heather wouldn't leave him alone. (Yeah...sure...he wasn't chasing younger women...just them chasing a 5'8" out of work married father of three...). Heather was crazy and awful. (SM surely knows his wife TM and his own behavior). SM only had intercourse with Heather 3 times in a car. (Yeah...right. SM is cheating with a younger girl with tons of energy and tons of life and manages only three times to sleep with her over a several month period).

I can't stand them both. But both are responsible for Heather's death. Neither one of them is a good and wonderful person. There are both horrible. I hope at least one of them will tell LE where Heather's remains are so she can be buried by her family. But I jsut don't trust either of these classless people.

A simple "thank you" wasn't enough!

I don't believe SM loved HE at all. He was USING her! He didn't care about her well being, only his own selfish needs. He knew TM could be volatile. So every time he snuck off with HE, he was putting her at risk. And when push came to shove HE was disposable to him.

I think I see a lot of learned helplessness with him. Tammy controlled everything, but he stayed with her for 14 years. He had to be getting something out of their dynamic. . .and I think it was that her controlling ways allowed him to shirk any personal responsibility for anything.
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