SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #24 **ARREST**

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So the M family was in California and returned in December around the 16th or 17th and then SM got in touch with HE the night/morning of the 17th/18th?
Is that correct?

OT ~ I was out yesterday, saw someone in a crowd that looked liked your avatar photo and thought to myself she looks like OkieGranny! lol

It wasn't me! We've been slammed with arctic temps again so I've been hibernating on my couch all weekend, lol.

What a grueling trip it would be to drive across the country and back with three kids, and still have the energy to go out and commit a murder and do whatever those IE episodes were about? Who are these people, that their butts weren't draggin' for days after they got home?

Just another thing in a long list of things that boggle my mind about this case.
Hey all, I'm a newbie so please be patient with me :) I've been lurking for a while to get caught up and see how this works. If I'm breaking any rules it's not intentional.

I lived and went to college in MB ( I don't know anyone involved in the case).

Her being out that late and her perceived "lifestyle" that some outside of WS are commenting on is not out of the ordinary for people that age in MB. There are thousands who are just like HE, so I don't give it that much thought.

Also, I don't think the IE charges are as related as some might think. I don't think they are of them in wet clothes changing, why would they drive that far to do it in a public place when their house is closer, safer, and far more convenient. I have a feeling that because no one called the police on them at the time ( I can't find any incident reports from the time, aside from the arrest records) that they were based on phone or surveillance evidence. While I haven't ruled out in my head that they were somehow sick and perverted, the more logical aspect of my thought process leads me to believe that they were more of a way to arrest and hold the Ms (to get them nervous/talking, to eliminate flight risk, tampering of evidence, etc) rather than because they are directly related. It's not uncommon for police to dig up dirt on suspects to charge them with something technically unrelated in order to move forward with things without having to officially charge them with their suspicions until they're ready.

Because murder charges without remains are rare, it leads me to believe that the Ms messed up bigtime somewhere, even if they thought they were being smart. The police wouldn't have charged them unless they found evidence that proved beyond reasonable doubt that HE was in fact deceased.

Because the Kidnapping charges came first, I have a feeling that they found a lot of circumstantial evidence (probably more than we realize) like her phone, clothing, keys etc. and when they searched the house and cars found the evidence that can prove murder. Part of me feels like she's in the PTL area, but another part of me thinks that the Ms know the area really well and know that while it does seem out in nowhere land, it does get a lot of boating traffic and such. While they know it would be possible for her to never be found, I think they would have also thought about the fact that with all the people in the river and nearby waterways, she could also easily be spotted, depending on currents, storms, debris, etc. The only thing I've seen is that police believe that she was kidnapped and killed there, not disposed of.

I wonder if SM and HE had met at PTL before. It's a relatively private place nearby both of their residences, so if they had, HE might not have thought twice about meeting him there.

No matter what, I have a feeling that when all is said and done things will be revealed that will make sense of it all and blow is all away at the same time. Sorry that got long, but that's my two cents.
I've done some searching. 99% of the time, the wife kills the mistress and the husband isn't usually involved. I could only find one case where a wife killed a mistress & the hubby helped dismember & hide the remains. Also, there was one or two cases where a husband killed a mistress because she was HIV positive. To me, this means it is more than likely that TM did the actual deed, and SM was an accomplice either by planned choice, or after the fact.

I'm still going with the presumption that SM honestly wanted to see HE and that TM followed and confronted them & things went south from there. TM was much bigger than HE, and if she over-powered her & killed her, I think SM helped clean up the scene, dispose of her, etc., because after all, that's still his wife and he has no one else - he's cut off contact with his family.

Depending on the cell carrier, you can immediately see any calls, etc that someone on your plan is making. I had a lady at work who was going through divorce. Her hubby's phone was on her plan & she knew immediately when he was talking to his g/f again by looking at the online account. (I'm not sure about texts). I think that's why SM may have used a payphone first. Once HE started communicating through his cell, TM knew what was going on.

If PTL was "their place" to meet/have sex/whatever, and SM had told TM where those "3 times" had taken place when he admitted to them, then TM may have just went there to see if that's where they were again.
It wasn't me! We've been slammed with arctic temps again so I've been hibernating on my couch all weekend, lol.

What a grueling trip it would be to drive across the country and back with three kids, and still have the energy to go out and commit a murder and do whatever those IE episodes were about? Who are these people, that their butts weren't draggin' for days after they got home?

Just another thing in a long list of things that boggle my mind about this case.

I wonder if Heather & Sidney were in touch during the trip... TM finds out.... it would certainly explain a burst of energy. bc you're so right, heck, a trip to the grocery with one kid wears me out.

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I agree that many of us (myself included) are guilty of trying to humanize SM. I've thought out so many scenarios in my head and fought the urge to drive over to PTL and every other place marked on (I believe) Okie Granny's map. And I know the answers we truly want, will probably never be revealed to us. I'm grasping at straws, because like you said, "we all love HE so much." I don't know the Elvis family, personally, but we have mutual friends and acquaintances. I went to school with one of HE's cousins. I know all of the places mentioned in her case, without using a map. I can even relate to her, because I wasn't so different at 20. I guess it all just hits so close to home and that makes me love her more. My heart aches for that family. I don't know why I feel like I can solve this or bring her home, but I would love nothing more.

JMO-my opinions only.
I agree about SM. After considering many possibilities It took me a long time to conclude that no matter how things went down he is equally if not more at fault in all of this. And here is why I think that.

-At any point from day 1 he could have shared honest information with LE and help LE with this case. Everything we have seen so far indicates he was and is not cooperating still. In fact, it appears he has done the opposite. Possible lying to LE in original police report, possible fake stories about getting shot at to distract LE, etc.

-If SM was not involved in any pre-planning and was just caught by someone at the landing being involved with Heather, then he obviously did not do anything to help protect her. A real great guy if that is the case.

-The bottom line...It appears that one if not both of the SMs had to have been at the landing area at some point. HE would not drive there to meet nobody. Heather is never seen again. One, if not both MUST know what happened to her and they are not sharing information with LE as we know so far. So after the fact, SM would most likely know all the information and he is not sharing with LE. Someone that knows and is not helping LE is culpable in my opinion.
Just posting this in case anyone was wondering.

The warrants for the Moorers claim the coupled murdered Heather Elvis with "malice forethought." Those two words have big meaning for the Moorers. Under the South Carolina penal code: "The killing of any person with malice aforethought" has a minimum punishment of 30 years, and a maximum of life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Solicitor Jimmy Richardson says he probably won't seek the death penalty in this case.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one shortly...
Just posting this in case anyone was wondering.

The warrants for the Moorers claim the coupled murdered Heather Elvis with "malice forethought." Those two words have big meaning for the Moorers. Under the South Carolina penal code: "The killing of any person with malice aforethought" has a minimum punishment of 30 years, and a maximum of life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Solicitor Jimmy Richardson says he probably won't seek the death penalty in this case.

"probably". I wonder if he will change his mind if they find HE and they learn the details of what happened.
Hey all, I'm a newbie so please be patient with me :) I've been lurking for a while to get caught up and see how this works. If I'm breaking any rules it's not intentional.

I lived and went to college in MB ( I don't know anyone involved in the case).

Her being out that late and her perceived "lifestyle" that some outside of WS are commenting on is not out of the ordinary for people that age in MB. There are thousands who are just like HE, so I don't give it that much thought.

Also, I don't think the IE charges are as related as some might think. I don't think they are of them in wet clothes changing, why would they drive that far to do it in a public place when their house is closer, safer, and far more convenient. I have a feeling that because no one called the police on them at the time ( I can't find any incident reports from the time, aside from the arrest records) that they were based on phone or surveillance evidence. While I haven't ruled out in my head that they were somehow sick and perverted, the more logical aspect of my thought process leads me to believe that they were more of a way to arrest and hold the Ms (to get them nervous/talking, to eliminate flight risk, tampering of evidence, etc) rather than because they are directly related. It's not uncommon for police to dig up dirt on suspects to charge them with something technically unrelated in order to move forward with things without having to officially charge them with their suspicions until they're ready.

Because murder charges without remains are rare, it leads me to believe that the Ms messed up bigtime somewhere, even if they thought they were being smart. The police wouldn't have charged them unless they found evidence that proved beyond reasonable doubt that HE was in fact deceased.

Because the Kidnapping charges came first, I have a feeling that they found a lot of circumstantial evidence (probably more than we realize) like her phone, clothing, keys etc. and when they searched the house and cars found the evidence that can prove murder. Part of me feels like she's in the PTL area, but another part of me thinks that the Ms know the area really well and know that while it does seem out in nowhere land, it does get a lot of boating traffic and such. While they know it would be possible for her to never be found, I think they would have also thought about the fact that with all the people in the river and nearby waterways, she could also easily be spotted, depending on currents, storms, debris, etc. The only thing I've seen is that police believe that she was kidnapped and killed there, not disposed of.

I wonder if SM and HE had met at PTL before. It's a relatively private place nearby both of their residences, so if they had, HE might not have thought twice about meeting him there.

No matter what, I have a feeling that when all is said and done things will be revealed that will make sense of it all and blow is all away at the same time. Sorry that got long, but that's my two cents.

Great First Post !!! and.....

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