SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #28***ARREST**

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I think the thing that caught my attention the most was the solicitor talking about how SM had stated that he and TM were in an agreement that (during a SIX MONTH period):

She would go to work with SM.
She had control of all his social media.
She had control of his cell phone - and had passcoded it to he couldn't get into it.
That he was handcuffed to the bed at night (willingly) so he wouldn't leave the home.

That seemed just CRAZY!
Wait....WHAT?! :eek: I bet his attorney is loving that part. He can sure use it to their advantage I would say. Wicked woman and mental abuse. Time for SM to distance himself from TM.
When was the six month period? Or when did it begin?

I don't believe she specifically stated the dates - but it's from an interview he did with LE. They brought this up when they were talking about how both TM and SM were not up front with LE from the beginning and then SM attorney stating that SM had attempted to be upfront with LE (by providing that and the info below)

Also - SM told LE that TM had sent text to Heather of TM and SM having sex. That's part of where the IE charges came from.
What I am saying is, LE says she was killed at PTL. Now posters are speculating that they grabbed Heather into their vehicle, and drove off.

As more and more information is trickled out, we're all bound to formulate theories, posit differing scenarios, and brainstorm.

Bounce 'em off each other, and whatnot..:twocents:

I couldn't open the link so I went to myrtlebeachonline and could not find a pic or mention of Tzm rearing a Mickey tie. I also cannot find any mention anywhere of this six month alleged control of SM including handcuffing him to bed. Can someone please post links to where this information is coming from so we do not have misinformation on here.

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I misunderstood the date of texts and thought that TM was texting HE on 12/18 prior to the murder and phone calls. So TM was harassing Heather way before 12/18. November was also when TM started the crazy posting on SM's page.

Nov. 1, 2013

To Heather.. someone's about to get their a-- beat down.. your b--- is about to take his last breath... You can tell me where you are right now or I will find out another way... that way wont have a great turn out for you... I am giving you one last chance to answer before we meet in person.. only one.

To Heather.. I've been having Sidney followed since Jan. 2012.. it's best you call back and speak to me, save yourself. Hey ...... you ready to meet the MRS?

Heather responds...
I think you are a little obsessed with me. I'm nobody you need to worry about anymore.

Nov. 3, 2013

To Heather.. by the way dad no longer owns a phone.

The prosecutor also presented timeline of several phone calls and video that was captured the night/morning that Heather Elvis disappeared from Peachtree Boat Landing.

Here is the timeline that the prosecution presented of Dec. 18:

1:35 am.. phone call from pay phone by Sidney to Heather.. call is 4:53 minutes

1:44 Heather calls (person unidentified) who is in Florida at the time. And says Sidney just called and is leaving Tammy. Heather appears upset because she had been trying to get her life back on track after the affair and the harassment by Tammy. Heather is still at her home when she makes this call. The call lasts 2:20 minutes.

2:29 Heather attempts to call the number Sidney called from which is a pay phone. Several times it does not appear anyone answered.

3:16 am Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone with no response.

3:17 am .. Heather calls Sidney's phone and has a 4:15 minutes conversation with Sidney. Heather is at her home at this point. Sidney is at his home which is approx. 3 miles from the boat landing. After this conversation, Heather gets into her car and drives directly to Peachtree Boat Landing. Sidney also denies this conversation until police confront him with Heather's phone record and then he says he did talk to her but it was just to tell her to quit calling and leave them alone.

3:38 am.. Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone. She has arrived at the boat landing at the time of this call. She attempts to call at 3:39, 3:39:46 and 3:41..

Her phone data ends at that point. 3:41 am.

3:36 am.. A private residence video surveillance captures a vehicle coming from the direction of Sidney's headed towards the boat landing. This camera is 1.7 miles from the Moorer's residence.

3:39 am ... a business video surveillance a mile from the first camera closer to the landing captures this vehicle still proceeding in the direction of the boat landing.

3:45 am.. same business video surveillance captures the vehicle coming from the boat landing headed towards the Moorer residence. The camera is approximately 1.2 miles from the landing.

3:46 am the private residence video surveillance captures the vehicle headed from the boat landing to the Moorer residence.

I've been confused about the first text on Nov. 1, who is she saying is going to take his last breath, SM?
I wonder if that awful pic was sent to Heather before the 18th, but posted on social media later? delta dawn, did you ever see it, being a Facebook friend? (notice I include "Facebook" haha)

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I have never seen that photo. It's one I would definitely remember. :(

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I think the thing that caught my attention the most was the solicitor talking about how SM had stated that he and TM were in an agreement that (during a SIX MONTH period):

She would go to work with SM.
She had control of all his social media.
She had control of his cell phone - and had passcoded it to he couldn't get into it.
That he was handcuffed to the bed at night (willingly) so he wouldn't leave the home.

That seemed just CRAZY!
Whaaaaat??? I mean...I just...
So this was the solicitor stating this, the M's didn't actually speak today did they?

The M's did not speak.

Yes - this came from attorneys. They were talking about SM interview with LE.
Okay, the green markers are 1.7 miles from the M house and 1.2 miles from Peachtree Landing. It's almost exactly one mile between the two markers:


There's a recycling business on the west side of Mill Pond Rd and an automotive business on the east side at the "1.2 miles from PTL" marker.

nicely done! here i was thinking they took 544, because what businesses would be on mill pond rd? i thought mill pond rd would have been mostly residential. thanks for clearing this up for me at least. makes sense they took this way thinking they would be discrete.
The prosecution said the murder happened at PTL. I believe it may have been in the report detailing the murder charges.

They also made another comment about how the search at their home didn't turn out anything significant.

BBM-- The statement was in the arrest warrants.

According to newly-obtained arrest warrants for Tammy and Sidney Moorer, the HCPD states there is probable cause to believe that they kidnapped Heather Elvis and murdered her at Peachtree Boat Landing on December 18, 2013.
I couldn't open the link so I went to myrtlebeachonline and could not find a pic or mention of Tzm rearing a Mickey tie. I also cannot find any mention anywhere of this six month alleged control of SM including handcuffing him to bed. Can someone please post links to where this information is coming from so we do not have misinformation on here.

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I don't have a link. I was there. Have 8 pages of notes. You can't make this stuff up!

EDIT: They were both in street clothes. But...

Re: Tammy - Although she shows up in VINELINK as @ J Reuben Long detention center, she's supposedly NOT - but rather, in the Georgetown jail -because she fears for her safety. (see link below)

Then today, her atty had qualms about her and Sidney being referenced as "they" - hmmm..

Anyone else thinking that she's gonna try the abused woman route? That Sidney took it too far? That she's frightened enough of him to be put into a different facility?



Haven't caught up yet, but I just saw the picture of SM wearing a Mickey Mouse tie to court today. I wonder if he's going to plead insanity? I mean, seriously, who wears a Mickey Mouse tie to their own bond hearing for murder charges??
I couldn't open the link so I went to myrtlebeachonline and could not find a pic or mention of Tzm rearing a Mickey tie. I also cannot find any mention anywhere of this six month alleged control of SM including handcuffing him to bed. Can someone please post links to where this information is coming from so we do not have misinformation on here.

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You can see the tie in his photo and hoppy was at the hearing.
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