Found Deceased SC - Jayden Morrison, 4, Little River, 24 Dec 2014

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I am right there with you!

All I can add is that the task force of LE and search crews really went above and beyond for Little Jayden and his family. They handled this in the manner I could only hope for, God forbid this ever happens to me or someone I love. They searched around the clock, throughout the holiday season, on shift work, without fail. It was a testament to their dedication to find him.

They left NO stone unturned. I believe as more details come to lights we will hear the SAR K-9 units played a major role in finding him. The waterways, and their currents, can make any SAR (and recovery) a challenge.
:( :moo:

My hat is off to these men and women, including the volunteers, who brought Little Jayden home. He became one of their own, even though he was only there on a visit :heartluv: Every single searcher, every firefighter, every officer, Red Cross Worker, volunteer, the folks at CUE, people who donated food and water, anyone who helped #FindJayden - even though it didn't turn out the way we had hoped for - each one of you have restored my faith in humanity.

I am also going to join CarolinaAsh, and SBHack, in a good long cry. I will forever identify the holidays with the search for Jayden (and the loss of Kenneth, and Tristan). I find some solace that this was announced today, and I hope the coroner did not notify the family until after Christmas.

Rest in Peace, Jayden. You will be missed.


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I can't even read your words through my tears. I'm so desvasted and heart broken.
I felt he might be found in a pond, but darnit was sooooo hoping I was wrong....RIP little man and praying the family finds strength in each other, things like this can tear a family apart or bring them closer, hope its the latter....I really am very sad...:(
But, was it an accident he was found in the pond? I'm in no way accusing the family, I'm sure THEY are innocent, and their hearts are broken - but water usually erases all vestiges of a crime. I may be wrong, hope I am, but why would a little boy drown in a pond? They are so drawn to it, they wade out until they are over their head, look so far into it, until they fall? Slip down the bank? I believe we hear drownings much too often, in many cases, and I wonder, I really do wonder.

So sad for the family, especially at this time of year so filled with hopes and expectations.
But, was it an accident he was found in the pond? I'm in no way accusing the family, I'm sure THEY are innocent, and their hearts are broken - but water usually erases all vestiges of a crime. I may be wrong, hope I am, but why would a little boy drown in a pond? They are so drawn to it, they wade out until they are over their head, look so far into it, until they fall? Slip down the bank? I believe we hear drownings much too often, in many cases, and I wonder, I really do wonder.

So sad for the family, especially at this time of year so filled with hopes and expectations.

So far it does look like an accidental drowning. He was in the care of his grandma at the time. Anything's possible but I really can't see a motive for anyone intentionally harming Jayden.

The pond where police found the body is located behind a home off Vermillion Drive. Jayden's family is at a home off Sultana Drive, the pond sits in between the houses. The pond is located 10 homes down from where he was staying, police say the 4-year-old was wearing the pajamas he went missing in.

Police said his body surfaced after coming across some type of mound underwater.
During a news conference Friday, Horry County Lieutenant Raul Denis said it appears Jayden died due to drowning.

Investigators said Jayden's body was found while the water levels in the pond were lowered. A medic volunteer found the child's body.
But, was it an accident he was found in the pond? I'm in no way accusing the family, I'm sure THEY are innocent, and their hearts are broken - but water usually erases all vestiges of a crime. I may be wrong, hope I am, but why would a little boy drown in a pond? They are so drawn to it, they wade out until they are over their head, look so far into it, until they fall? Slip down the bank? I believe we hear drownings much too often, in many cases, and I wonder, I really do wonder.

So sad for the family, especially at this time of year so filled with hopes and expectations.

Young kids with autism will often have low muscle tone. Judging by the pictures and description of Jayden, he seems to have core or classic autism, so probably low muscle tone, little to no understanding of danger. He may have walked or fell in and simply had no way to even pull himself up.

I am so crushed by this. His family must be devastated. If anyone hears of an address to send cards, I would like to send my condolences to the family.

Thank you all for sticking by this little guy and following the scanners and reports.
Well my day is ruined. This is not what I wanted to see. With Tristan Blue still missing and assumed deceased, having this youngster no longer with's just too much. I would take either of their places. Such a long life ahead of them. Though I'm not surprised, this never gets any easier. Godspeed little ones.
So sad. Christmas will never be the same for this family.

Fly high little man and watch over your brother. He's going to need you
My son is 7 and has autism. It took a lot of therapy to get him to stop eloping,but I never know what might make him bolt. He also has no fear of strangers. He'll go with anyone.
The National Autism Association has Big Red Safety Toolkits.
It's filled with door and window alarms,stop signs and safety alert tags that can be customized.Sometimes they are free. Sometimes they cost money.
Sometimes they ask for donations for families that can't afford them.
Just wanted to get the info out there.


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My son is 7 and has autism. It took a lot of therapy to get him to stop eloping,but I never know what might make him bolt. He also has no fear of strangers. He'll go with anyone.
The National Autism Association has Big Red Safety Toolkits.
It's filled with door and window alarms,stop signs and safety alert tags that can be customized.Sometimes they are free. Sometimes they cost money.
Sometimes they ask for donations for families that can't afford them.
Just wanted to get the info out there.

Thank you! Making a donation in Jayden's honor seems fitting. Hopefully it will keep another little boy safe.

ETA: If there is a WSer that could use a kit send me a message please.

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My son is 7 and has autism. It took a lot of therapy to get him to stop eloping,but I never know what might make him bolt. He also has no fear of strangers. He'll go with anyone.
The National Autism Association has Big Red Safety Toolkits.
It's filled with door and window alarms,stop signs and safety alert tags that can be customized.Sometimes they are free. Sometimes they cost money.
Sometimes they ask for donations for families that can't afford them.
Just wanted to get the info out there.

Thank you for sharing this. Jayden's legacy will be awareness, I hope. I remember when Avonte eloped from his school :( His case broke by heart too...

The more people are aware, the better the world will be for all children. My nephew is on the spectrum as well. He has improved greatly over the years, thankfully. At the age of 4 my sister struggled greatly with eloping and verbal issues with him. At 13, with a LOT of therapy, it is night and day.

This truly could have happened in any household across the country. It's a cautionary tale, and I can only offer true empathy, and encourage others to lend their support to Jayden's family.

No doubt, they are suffering in a personal hell of blame, loss and grief that we can only begin to imagine. :cry: I hope and pray that one day, they will find a way to forgive - each other and themselves. Life just isn't fair sometimes.


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I found the grandmother's name. According to this article she is Carolyn Sumpter.

Carolyn Sumpter, Jayden’s grandmother, said it was only a few minutes and the boy was gone from the house.

“He was lying on the couch watching cartoons. His mother had gone to the store. I didn’t know she had gone out the front door and the door wasn’t close properly,” Sumpter said. “After a telephone call, I saw two kids and I said ‘where’s the third one?’ I looked around because I couldn’t find Jayden.”

The article is long and is worth a read.
But, was it an accident he was found in the pond? I'm in no way accusing the family, I'm sure THEY are innocent, and their hearts are broken - but water usually erases all vestiges of a crime. I may be wrong, hope I am, but why would a little boy drown in a pond? They are so drawn to it, they wade out until they are over their head, look so far into it, until they fall? Slip down the bank? I believe we hear drownings much too often, in many cases, and I wonder, I really do wonder.

So sad for the family, especially at this time of year so filled with hopes and expectations.

I'm just getting to this thread, but wanted to respond to this as we see many autistic children missing then found dead, many times in water.

Children with autism seek out sensory input in order to compensate for the sensory overload that they constantly experience. The pressure of the water on their bodies is very soothing. My son (with autism) will typically go into the water until only his mouth and up is out of the water. He'll just stand there, but if he lost his footing, he'd be underwater w/no one to save him. He absolutely loves the water in any form, swimming, bath time, sprinklers, splash parks, etc. He, like many children with autism, have no fear nor awareness of danger.

This past weekend we took the kiddos swimming in a rec center with an indoor pool, but when we told my son we were going swimming, he put on his swimming suit and headed out the back door despite it being 10 degrees. He doesn't care how cold it is, he loves swimming, the fact that it was cold out would not have discouraged him from climbing into an outdoor pool.

These cases terrify me.
I found the grandmother's name. According to this article she is Carolyn Sumpter.

The article is long and is worth a read.

Thank you for sharing this. It is a must read. By all accounts Jayden's family is well known and loved in this community.

From your link, Skittles:


Everybody knows [Sumpter] here and she’s one of the best people you can meet.”

I hope the neighbors continue to show them their support. They certainly did in the search effort (with folks showing up all the way from NC!). If this community continues to show the family their love, it will make a huge difference. I hope they do!


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So sad to hear this news. Rest in peace Jayden
Omgosh just heard the news :(

RIP little man
Rip Jayden. It hurts so much to type those words again and again. My condolences to the family especially the grandma, such a difficult accident to accept at any time but especially hard at Christmas. Thank goodness he was a well loved little boy and had a good life not like many of the other children that are hurt or murdered by their parents.
RIP Sweet Boy. :rose:

My heart goes out to Grandma during these bittersweet holidays. She must be so devastated, so heartbroken, and so burdened by guilt. It was an accident, but a grandmother would take it to heart like a knife. I really hope she can find some help and support to help her grieve and heal. :rose:

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