SC SC - Johnny Lamar Brown, 44, Myrtle Beach, 3 Aug 2012 - #1

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Sorry Nonni.... 1 more question: What information does the family have about how/why Johnny was picked up by the Georgetown police? When did this happen exactly, and where did they let him go? How did the Georgetown police know it was Johnny? Where did they last see him, and where did they assume he was going after being released? Thanks!
We have been told that Johnny is a "special needs" person; that he is developmentally delayed and has a severe speech impediment. I think many of us here at WS relate to Johnny because we have people with special needs in our own lives. When we hear "special needs," we think of Johnny as being like our loved ones. But do we really know that for certain? I don't think we do.

More of my thoughts and concerns after reading posts this evening:

Johnny decided he wanted to go down to the amusement park after being in Myrtle Beach for approximately a day. Johnny had never been to Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach is a rather confusing place to navigate, at least for me. The family apparently didn't hesitate to give Johnny a key to the hotel room. Johnny had $60 in his wallet, took $20 with him, and left the hotel unaccompanied. Johnny's family had to have reason to believe that not only could Johnny find the amusement park, but that he could also find his way back to the correct hotel, and then find the correct room. That's a good skill for someone in a place they have never been.

Johnny has held down jobs. Johnny went to the local bank and opened his own bank account. He deposits his own checks. That's another well-functioning skill.

Johnny makes his own grocery list. Then, he buys his own groceries. Another great skill that requires reasoning ability and planning. Johnny has to realize that he is out or nearly out of certain items and will need them soon. He has to remember the items he needs and write them down on the list. He has to remember to take his list and his money to the grocery store and then locate each item on the list. Another excellent skill to have. By the way, why is Johnny making his own grocery list and purchasing his own groceries if he lives at home with his parents? Does Johnny keep his food separately from his Mom and Dad?

Johnny can count out money and make change at the store. Counting out money and making correct change is a higher level skill. There are people without disabilities who have difficulty making correct change.

Johnny has a beer now and then. I don't think that's a big deal, but what if Johnny has more than "a" beer? Remember the manager at Denny's (?) who thought Johnny was drunk and wouldn't let him use the phone? Perhaps, there is a possibility that Johnny was drunk; perhaps, he has a drinking problem that the family doesn't want publicized. Isn't Johnny's father a Baptist preacher? I grew up in a Baptist church and drinking was a big "no-no." Could Johnny be a binge drinker? Could his speech become slurred when he's driinking?

We've been told about Johnny's speech impairment, but no one here has ever heard him speak. I'm wondering how bad this speech impairment really is. Let's say that Johnny does say "Allanna" for "Atlanta." I have family in southern Georgia and just south of Atlanta. I lived for a few years in Augusta. There are people in parts of Georgia with a very distinctive southern drawl. Hearing Atlanta pronounced "Allanna" was not out of the ordinary for some people. I don't know about Johnny's articulation patterns. I wouldn't know what his problem is without listening and analyzing it. What I'm suggesting is that we really don't know how severe his speech impairment is or even if it is severe.

I would proceed with caution in any description of Johnny at this time.

Considering, you bring up some very good points. I have family members I have a hard time understanding myself LOL. And it is very true, different cultures have very different accents, even in the same city. I believe some of the people what saw Johnny in MB said he was hard to understand, but I can't remember all of that, will have to go back and re-read. UGH.
As far as the drinking , I have wanted to ask Julie b4 about the severity of Johnny's drinking, but didn't know quite how to approach that without offending her. And needing her not by be offended is very important when we need her to trust us and give us the info we need. I will try tomorrow to approach that very tactfully.
I hate to bring up that "bus story" again, by the best I could understand Julie's last word on that is that the bus driver was actually talking to the homeless man, and the homeless man told the bus driver that Johnny couldn't speak clearly, and the homeless man is the one that said Johnny said "allanna". I am still very confused on that issue, but decided to drop it at our last conversation. who really knows at this point?
As far as Johnny's special needs status, my feeling is that Johnny would be a good candidate for an assisted living/group home. I'm not sure why I feel that way, I'll have to try to figure that out later. Maybe I'm wrong...
As far as the groceries, you bring up a very good point. Why would Johnny buy his groceries seperately? I'm sure they probably have their meals together. I'll ask about that too. I'm trying to think if I had an adult special needs child living in my home, I would cook for the entire household. It could be that Johnny is so proud to have his own money, and wants to feel independant. His mom may want to allow him to learn to be self sufficient in case he may have to be on his own some day. I don't know, but I will ask.
Sorry Nonni.... 1 more question: What information does the family have about how/why Johnny was picked up by the Georgetown police? When did this happen exactly, and where did they let him go? How did the Georgetown police know it was Johnny? Where did they last see him, and where did they assume he was going after being released? Thanks!

Great questions Reannan. I have added them to the list. I don't mind you adding more if you need to.:woohoo:
Great questions Reannan. I have added them to the list. I don't mind you adding more if you need to.:woohoo:

Well, off to bed. Gonna pray Johnny is found while we sleep tonight and I won't have to ask Julie the questions. LOL. Wish me luck on understanding her answers. This could take 2 days if I take time to clarify each one. I'll check again in the morning for more questions. Please add any you think will be important in finding Johnny... Thanks everyone. You're the greatest!:eek:fftobed:
Well, off to bed. Gonna pray Johnny is found while we sleep tonight and I won't have to ask Julie the questions. LOL. Wish me luck on understanding her answers. This could take 2 days if I take time to clarify each one. I'll check again in the morning for more questions. Please add any you think will be important in finding Johnny... Thanks everyone. You're the greatest!:eek:fftobed:

I think YOU are the greatest....along with Peekerfoo, Miss James, Fabgod, and ALL of the others who have posted, and the MANY who are just reading along with us. Johnny Brown matters, and deserves to be found - hopefully safe and sound, stretching his wings with a new life and a girlfriend somewhere. (That is what I hope is happening). At the same time..... he better call home because his Momma and a lot of US are worried SICK about him! Keeping the faith..... and wathcing.....
Last call tonight...Does anyone have any questions for Julie and the family if I see her tomorrow. I'm gonna ask:
For permission to take a pic of Blackie, and maybe Rubypop, to send for the posters/billboard, if needed.

Where is the focus of the search now? still in same county/state? Where is CUE looking today?

Does CUE think he is still in the same county? If so, why do they think that? Do they think he may have been trying to get back to Ga? Why do they think there has been no more sightings?

Does LE or CUE have anymore clues in the past 2 weeks?

Have you compiled info for your new FB page we discussed last week? What do you have for it? If not, why?

Do you have a computer? Who in your family has one you can use anytime you need it?

Did you call the other "public figures" on your list? How are they going to help find Johnny? How can they publicize that he is missing?

Did you call New Frontier? Are they going to be able to help publicize that Johnny is missing? How can they help?

Have you mobilized all your local friend in the neighborhood to help with the search, at truck stops, restaurants, etc? What are they gonna do?

Did you put out more fliers at the other truck stop here? Talk to the truckers? Did any of the truckers mention a website that they all use, like they used to use the CB? If so, what is the name of the website?

Ask, and get signed consent form to take pics of Blackie, and family members, and post these pics on signs, billboards, posters, in any area where we think it will help to find Johnny.

Can anyone think of anything else? If not tonight, post in the morning. I will say good night in about 15 min to you all. Get some good questions for me. Thanks.
:banghead: My prediction of Julie's answers - and no!:banghead:
Also, a nurse who can't remember what her own brother was diagnosed with?
Hi all
Can I just mention something here, if we are talking about keeping or gaining trust from the family members, we need to remember that the forum is open to anyone to view,
We have all expressed our frustration at times (me as much as anyone) but, Its NonniBrenda who is going face to face with the family and we don't want to make her situation any more awkward than it already is.

I know we are all on the same team and are doing our best but we need to think of peoples safety here and
"its gonna take me hours to swim across the atlantic to come and save the day"
just saying!
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!...Michael Corleone! I have a few more thoughts - assuming he has left the area, trying to get to Atlanta, does anyone know a website that truckers use to communicate with each other, like the old CB radios they used to use? That might be a good way to get the info out. I don't know if JB knows Geography well enough to know, for example, if he's in FL, he needs to head back north, don't keep going south. I think it was Nonni who said the family was coming over Friday to figure out what to do and then she met with Julie on Saturday. Let me sit down and brace myself before I ask ...So, what did they decide to do? The comment about why would a white guy buy Johnny a beer kind of confirmed for me something I was thinking. If they don't trust white people and some of you, Nonni? Peek? are white, they might not really believe you want to help them. Also, don't put too much stock in Julie calling herself a nurse, a lot of people say that when they are really home health aides, like baby sitters for the elderly, cook, clean, do a load of wash, that sort of thing. Praying for Johnny!
I was thinking about what you said regarding the trust issue between Julie and those who have spoken with her. I can see how that could happen regardless of race. Frankly, I always thought it was scary for her that she put her personal phone numbers out there. Even though she's been on vacation here before (this was not her first time here--just her parents') this is still a strange place for her. I imagine that she really might want to accept help from people she doesn't know, but maybe it is others who are keeping her from doing that. Who knows what kinds of things people are putting into her head back home? Cartersville and Myrtle Beach are worlds apart in terms of lifestyles, so I can see why strangers with good intentions might scare her a bit. When I've talked with Julie she has always been willing to share certain things about their lives and I thought that she understood my reason for being so concerned about her brother. I've tried to figure out why there was a lack of "follow up" and I'm still not sure of the answer. I do see how she might be influenced by those around her.
I am still kind of concerned that the Georgetown Times did not do a story about Johnny or even put it up on their website. The reporter I spoke with seemed very interested in it and said he would contact their affiliate (TV13) in Myrtle Beach for more information.

I wonder if the fact that the Georgetown Police dropped Johnny off has anything to do with that? It doesn't look good for Gtown to have had Johnny and then drop him off to fend for himself (if that's what happened) so maybe they don't want to do the story because of that? CUE was in Georgetown, so they must have thought it was a good place to look, but have they gotten information that tells them otherwise? I wish we knew more.
Drop us a crumb, Johnny---anything!
I was thinking about what you said regarding the trust issue between Julie and those who have spoken with her. I can see how that could happen regardless of race. Frankly, I always thought it was scary for her that she put her personal phone numbers out there. Even though she's been on vacation here before (this was not her first time here--just her parents') this is still a strange place for her. I imagine that she really might want to accept help from people she doesn't know, but maybe it is others who are keeping her from doing that. Who knows what kinds of things people are putting into her head back home? Cartersville and Myrtle Beach are worlds apart in terms of lifestyles, so I can see why strangers with good intentions might scare her a bit. When I've talked with Julie she has always been willing to share certain things about their lives and I thought that she understood my reason for being so concerned about her brother. I've tried to figure out why there was a lack of "follow up" and I'm still not sure of the answer. I do see how she might be influenced by those around her.

When I read your post, something clicked in my head.

Why are the personal phone numbers being put out there anyway? It makes it sound like it's more of a runaway situation with problems between family members and people just don't want to get involved.

Why isn't 911 or "contact police" put on the posters to say that this is a serious situation?
When I read your post, something clicked in my head.

Why are the personal phone numbers being put out there anyway? It makes it sound like it's more of a runaway situation with problems between family members and people just don't want to get involved.

Why isn't 911 or "contact police" put on the posters to say that this is a serious situation?

I'm not sure, but we've heard he's fearful of the police. Maybe that's the reason?
I'm not sure, but we've heard he's fearful of the police. Maybe that's the reason?

Yes but, Johnny is supposed to know his home number so Watcher9 makes a good point, it looks amateurish and not that serious (a bit like a missing cat or something)

imagine the crazy phone calls they may get.

Its 5 weeks and 4 days today since he left the apartment, this is getting ridiculous that a Man that has no shelter no money and no food can somehow not be found by LE, CUE or simply by passers by

What is going on? I mean, its not like he is trying to evade the Police is he?
Yes but, Johnny is supposed to know his home number so Watcher9 makes a good point, it looks amateurish and not that serious (a bit like a missing cat or something)

imagine the crazy phone calls they may get.

Its 5 weeks and 4 days today since he left the apartment, this is getting ridiculous that a Man that has no shelter no money and no food can somehow not be found by LE, CUE or simply by passers by

What is going on? I mean, its not like he is trying to evade the Police is he?

The fliers don't have the family's phone number,only the MBPD.

I'm not sure where the picture with family numbers was distributed .I copied it here.
I am still kind of concerned that the Georgetown Times did not do a story about Johnny or even put it up on their website. The reporter I spoke with seemed very interested in it and said he would contact their affiliate (TV13) in Myrtle Beach for more information.

I wonder if the fact that the Georgetown Police dropped Johnny off has anything to do with that? It doesn't look good for Gtown to have had Johnny and then drop him off to fend for himself (if that's what happened) so maybe they don't want to do the story because of that? CUE was in Georgetown, so they must have thought it was a good place to look, but have they gotten information that tells them otherwise? I wish we knew more.
Drop us a crumb, Johnny---anything!

Many more questions than answers. It is odd,though. I mean,isn't that what our free media is for? Letting the public know what's happening?
Yes, Peeker. That is a good question. If anyone else wants me to ask other questions, give me a list. Thanks.

Please get the complete scoop on Johnny calling home.

Ask her IF Johnny has called home.What happened when called and is he still calling ?

IIRC Julie said he called while they were still in MB and a younger relative answered.

Also, do they have any concerns that he may still be hanging around Roger from the motel?

Roger has since been kicked out and is now staying at "the Hill".
We have been told that Johnny is a "special needs" person; that he is developmentally delayed and has a severe speech impediment. I think many of us here at WS relate to Johnny because we have people with special needs in our own lives. When we hear "special needs," we think of Johnny as being like our loved ones. But do we really know that for certain? I don't think we do.

More of my thoughts and concerns after reading posts this evening:

Johnny decided he wanted to go down to the amusement park after being in Myrtle Beach for approximately a day. Johnny had never been to Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach is a rather confusing place to navigate, at least for me. The family apparently didn't hesitate to give Johnny a key to the hotel room. Johnny had $60 in his wallet, took $20 with him, and left the hotel unaccompanied. Johnny's family had to have reason to believe that not only could Johnny find the amusement park, but that he could also find his way back to the correct hotel, and then find the correct room. That's a good skill for someone in a place they have never been.

Johnny has held down jobs. Johnny went to the local bank and opened his own bank account. He deposits his own checks. That's another well-functioning skill.

Johnny makes his own grocery list. Then, he buys his own groceries. Another great skill that requires reasoning ability and planning. Johnny has to realize that he is out or nearly out of certain items and will need them soon. He has to remember the items he needs and write them down on the list. He has to remember to take his list and his money to the grocery store and then locate each item on the list. Another excellent skill to have. By the way, why is Johnny making his own grocery list and purchasing his own groceries if he lives at home with his parents? Does Johnny keep his food separately from his Mom and Dad?

Johnny can count out money and make change at the store. Counting out money and making correct change is a higher level skill. There are people without disabilities who have difficulty making correct change.

Johnny has a beer now and then. I don't think that's a big deal, but what if Johnny has more than "a" beer? Remember the manager at Denny's (?) who thought Johnny was drunk and wouldn't let him use the phone? Perhaps, there is a possibility that Johnny was drunk; perhaps, he has a drinking problem that the family doesn't want publicized. Isn't Johnny's father a Baptist preacher? I grew up in a Baptist church and drinking was a big "no-no." Could Johnny be a binge drinker? Could his speech become slurred when he's driinking?

We've been told about Johnny's speech impairment, but no one here has ever heard him speak. I'm wondering how bad this speech impairment really is. Let's say that Johnny does say "Allanna" for "Atlanta." I have family in southern Georgia and just south of Atlanta. I lived for a few years in Augusta. There are people in parts of Georgia with a very distinctive southern drawl. Hearing Atlanta pronounced "Allanna" was not out of the ordinary for some people. I don't know about Johnny's articulation patterns. I wouldn't know what his problem is without listening and analyzing it. What I'm suggesting is that we really don't know how severe his speech impairment is or even if it is severe.

I would proceed with caution in any description of Johnny at this time.

There is a video on the first page that has an interview with a waitress from the BBO House Restaurant in Surfside. She said they wanted to help him but couldn't understand him.

FWIW ,in some of our first conversations I was trying to get info from Julie to gauge how disabled Johnny was.
I asked if he would be considered "special needs" and she said yes,so I asked if she thought that should be on the flier and she said yes,again.

I was the first one to use the term ,it wasn't her suggestion ,but the way she agreed ,there was no hesitation or reluctance.

As we continued I asked if he could use the phone -he knew his home phone number .
Could he read or write -He could read some and he could write his name and Cartersville .
It went from there.Looking back ,maybe I should have pursued more information. Some families are very uncomfortable with labels and I was trying to be respectful.
Learning that Johnny HAD called home ,that he went to Family Kingdom by himself,shocked me based on my understanding of his abilities (and given I had ASKED about the phone) but maybe she assumed I knew or that she had given me enough info to figure out Johnny's skill level.
Talking about the family and what questions to ask, etc. How do we know they aren't reading here? Or one or more of their friends are and telling them what is being said?
We have been told that Johnny is a "special needs" person; that he is developmentally delayed and has a severe speech impediment. I think many of us here at WS relate to Johnny because we have people with special needs in our own lives. When we hear "special needs," we think of Johnny as being like our loved ones. But do we really know that for certain? I don't think we do.

Hi, I am partially quoting you, I hope that's ok.. you bring up so many good points. Caution is always a good thing. I want to give a possible explanation. I have to say - this is exactly like my brother. He is 40 years old, but mentally only maybe 18 at his best. 10 at his worst, and when he's drinking, I don't even like to think about it. IF Johnny is anything like my brother - I think of the line from Finding Nemo: "You think you can, but you just Can't!". My brother always felt he was normal. He didn't always make the best choices, and he was smart in his own way - getting things. He was able to figure out that certain party stores would sell him beer for his food assistance card - ripping him off, but still, he felt "grown". He also held jobs. Until they got tires of accommodating his 'disability. Or he got bored with it and stopped going. I could go own... My brother goes places by himself.. can use public transport, impressionable, likeable. The more that I think about it, if Johnny if like my brother, I'm so sad for them. Johnny thinks he can... and probably usually does... but sometimes he just can't. I can almost see in his posture in the picture by the red van.. he stands like my brother. My brother was never diagnosed with anything... I'm starting to wonder if I've found what his situation is?

I also wanted to say... for all those parents that have missing children that never make a plea to find them.. what a difference in Tricia's interview with his sister. Wow. She threw out everything to really make us 'know' her brother. THAT is what a family member of a missing person does. Not dodge questions. This family - if my quess is correct - has had past heartache with Johnny - but he most likely has never been gone more than a day. I don't know how to end this, I'm sad and yet hopeful, but I can't put 'why' into words.
Here is the flyer to Johnny that I have mounted on BRIGHT yellow poster board. At the top of the poster I have his name in bold black letters and CALL HOME the same way on the bottom. I'm going to take some out around here today and see how far I get. I don't have an entire day to devote to this this week because of other obligations, but I will get as much done as possible. I will save G-town for last in case Miss James wants to meet up with me there, possibly Thursday.





Then at the bottom I wrote--
If anyone else has seen Johnny please call. He is 5'6" tall and weighs about 140 lbs. He is a black male who has trouble speaking. He got lost while on vacation in Myrtle Beach. (all in caps)

Please remember that this particular flyer is aimed at Johnnyand not a regular missing perons flyer. I tried to keep it simple, bright and to the point.I hope it's ok because I'm on my way out now! Keep the faith everyone!!

It looks much better in real life--just typing fast in the interest of time!
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