SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #3

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One thing I find odd about this case is how LE could so quickly state they “secured the crime scene” or how AM could be sure his brothers would be safe coming there?

The place is huge with the main house a few football fields away and vast stretches of woods, etc. How could AM a know there wouldn’t be snipers watching from some hidden vantage point?

As for LE, I think it would take a small army fanning out when they first arrived, to feel the place was “secured.” Anyone remember when in the time in the released LE statements that they made that statement?

I realize AM was in shock…but calling his brothers to come right away to that isolated huge expanse…reminds me a bit of the Ramseys reading the ransom note. It said “we are watching…if you call LE, your child dies.”

So they called their best friends and told them all to hurry over at 6am in the morning.

I see some similarities with that case too. RM walking around the crime scene is reminiscent of John compromising the crime scene in that case. Now I'm not accusing RM of anything but why is the uncle and brother in law of the victims allowed to walk around the crime scene? Shouldn't he be on the other side of the tape?
Thank you for this info. I didn't know that.

My apologies to others, as I didn't want to start a political discussion, it was actually to simply suggest that in other locales you don't see 'elected' law enforcement officials, but rather officials that are promoted into the position after working their way up through the organization, just like hospitals. That reduces the influence of local, powerful people on law enforcement.
In my experience it can reduce the influence BUT in other instances it's just as open to things like nepotism or the good ole boy's club type hiring and corruption.
I will ask you a simple question - would you as PM's father not have bailed him out, made him wear a SCRAM ankle monitor, restricted him to house arrest for possibly years, and not hired him the best lawyer you knew ? Remember he is your son ...

The opposite would be enabling. Highly likely that his issues would be unending in a situation with no consequences. When someone is a threat to others that has to be dealt with simply from an ethical and moral standpoint.
I don’t understand anybody, let alone a lawyer, finding victims like this and calling someone beside emergency services/LE. Even if it’s obvious that no life saving measures can help. I would think getting the cops and looking for a murderer would be top priority.
I don’t understand anybody, let alone a lawyer, finding victims like this and calling someone beside emergency services/LE. Even if it’s obvious that no life saving measures can help. I would think getting the cops and looking for a murderer would be top priority.

Years ago, we lived on a 15 acre property which is a speck of dust compared to AM’s place. But it was very secluded with larger acreages all around it. If I had every seen the slightest indication of anything out of the ordinary, much less two bodies…I would have shot out of there…and certainly never called anyone I loved to join me there.
Years ago, we lived on a 15 acre property which is a speck of dust compared to AM’s place. But it was very secluded with larger acreages all around it. If I had every seen the slightest indication of anything out of the ordinary, much less two bodies…I would have shot out of there…and certainly never called anyone I loved to join me there.
I agree wholeheartedly. AM allegedly and within minutes,, comes upon the scene of his recently slain son and wife. Wouldn't he be on high alert that someone was still out there and that he would be next to get a bullet in the head? I'd have been out of there like a shot too. I don't know that I would have been distraught as much as I would have been paralyzed with fear. Calling anyone would have been next to impossible. Except for maybe 911 and that would be while I'm safely locked in my car and away from the scene.
I can understand wanting someone close and trusted there with something like this but reporting it would be first after getting out of the scene for fear. I’m not sure what exactly AM did as far as leaving/running away due to the possibility of the perp still being around and they had no business staying around the crime scene once the investigation started.
Snipped by me

No control because he had disposable cash, cars, boats and time on his hands. No control b/c his father was extremely busy with his law practice and his mother didn't feel the need to babysit an almost 20-year-old as he had an older brother.

None of us know what AM/MM tried with PM to get him under control. With some kids, it doesn't matter how hard you try - the kids are destined to screw up. PM might have been a convincing, pathological liar. Easy to say tough love when it's not your kid.

Edit - I will add we also don't know the dynamics of the relationship between AM/PM. Quite possibly, AM favored BM and PM was the ne'er do well. PM might have resented that and as a result became the rebel.

True. But whatever tactics they tried apparently didn’t include taking away the family boat. IMO a boat you can take your friends out on is a luxury not a necessity. If my kid had a history of operating vehicles while inebriated they would not have access to my boat. And they would have to pay for their own car and auto insurance. But that’s just me.
True. But whatever tactics they tried apparently didn’t include taking away the family boat. IMO a boat you can take your friends out on is a luxury not a necessity. If my kid had a history of operating vehicles while inebriated they would not have access to my boat. And they would have to pay for their own car and auto insurance. But that’s just me.

And me.
I will ask you a simple question - would you as PM's father not have bailed him out, made him wear a SCRAM ankle monitor, restricted him to house arrest for possibly years, and not hired him the best lawyer you knew ? Remember he is your son ...
I don’t understand why the Alcohol monitoring/SCRAM would have been a bad idea in this case.
I don’t understand why the Alcohol monitoring/SCRAM would have been a bad idea in this case.
My guess…just a guess…is that they did not want him monitored because they feared that PM would be caught drinking again and cause more legal problems for himself.

From Google..

In many cases, the judge orders a SCRAM bracelet in lieu of jail time. With the SCRAM bracelet, the judge can ensure the defendant isn't drinking alcohol, and if the defendant does drink, the device will report a violation. A violation could result in revocation of probation or release on bail.
Building on your theory, what if, with his own trial somewhere on the horizon, PM decided to bargain for a better deal. Maybe he was willing to give evidence about SS’s death…reveal what happened and who was involved?

Had he already started talking? If so, AM would know this and relay to LE. Perhaps AM was the source of “new information” that caused the SS case to be reopened.

Just guessing here…
Entirely plausible.
Thank you for this info. I didn't know that.

My apologies to others, as I didn't want to start a political discussion, it was actually to simply suggest that in other locales you don't see 'elected' law enforcement officials, but rather officials that are promoted into the position after working their way up through the organization, just like hospitals. That reduces the influence of local, powerful people on law enforcement.
Here we elect Sheriffs, DAs and judges but police commissioners and chiefs are appointed by other elected city officials.

ETA- in other words, politics directly or indirectly drive the employment of every single LE and justice job except for private defense attorneys.
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My guess…just a guess…is that they did not want him monitored because they feared that PM would be caught drinking again and cause more legal problems for himself.

From Google..

In many cases, the judge orders a SCRAM bracelet in lieu of jail time. With the SCRAM bracelet, the judge can ensure the defendant isn't drinking alcohol, and if the defendant does drink, the device will report a violation. A violation could result in revocation of probation or release on bail.

I know far too many people who have had similar situations (yes, some with horrible outcomes). None of them had high profile lawyers and all came out with varying degrees of punishment. Very few have had SCRAM. It surprises me zero that PM wasn't required. I guess I'm confused as to why people think it's some mandatory thing or that anyone with or without is privileged or didn't have the last name as others.
My sibling was ordered to wear a SCRAM for 2 years. Didn't charge it, didn’t report malfunctions, didn’t pay the bill,, etc...had half dozen violations and they simply took it off. Unreal. It was like, well they win.
Years ago, we lived on a 15 acre property which is a speck of dust compared to AM’s place. But it was very secluded with larger acreages all around it. If I had every seen the slightest indication of anything out of the ordinary, much less two bodies…I would have shot out of there…and certainly never called anyone I loved to join me there.

And maybe AM did leave and go back up the road a bit until he saw LE's/ambulance lights approaching to be safer. We have no idea.
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True. But whatever tactics they tried apparently didn’t include taking away the family boat. IMO a boat you can take your friends out on is a luxury not a necessity. If my kid had a history of operating vehicles while inebriated they would not have access to my boat. And they would have to pay for their own car and auto insurance. But that’s just me.

Where is the proof he had a history of using vehicles while drunk ? No previous DUI/BUI charges or convictions. He was charged at 17 IIRC with underage possession of alcohol, completed an alcohol diversion program, and the charges were dropped.

Rich kids don't normally pay for their own car insurance.
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