SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #22

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The lie about not being there at the kennels at 8:44, when he obviously was, does not contradict the alibi.
I'm not sure I follow this line of reasoning. AM claimed he was at his mothers home, 20 miles away from the kennels, at the time the murders were committed. But cell phone video shows he was actually on-site and not at his mom's place. The evidence generally points to Paul and Maggie being killed within a few minutes of the video being shot (although the defense may try to argue that point).

Nothing proves that he was there at the time of the murder, which could have been later than 8:50. An exact time of death has never been established. Yes, it looks bad for him, but it only takes one juror.
Sure, now the defense could come up with a brand-new alibi and say that for whatever reason AM lied originally. Maybe the jury will buy their explanation, I don't know. We'll see what happens when the defense team puts on its case.

But his original alibi, and the only one that's been offered to date as far as I know, was broken by Paul's video.

The defense will say (and trust me, I am 100% Team Alex did it) that just because Maggie and Paul's phones "went dark" before 9 and Maggie's phone didn't register any footsteps after 9, it doesn't mean that they were shot and dead before Alex left. The defense will say that it is just as likely, nay more likely, that Maggie and Paul were just sitting down there having a nice long mother-son chat and ignoring their phones. While I remember in the opening that the defense said that at the same moment Alex's car was firing up (9:06) that Maggie's phone was at the spot it was finally found, I don't recall any evidence being shown since the opening that provides location info and a time claiming the phone was there at 9:06--which actually can help the defense because they could say that means the phone wasn't tossed until after Alex left.

In an unattended death, there's no such thing as an exact time of death, only a presumed time of death (TOD).

I recall seeing PM's death certificate which cites his presumed TOD at 2100 or 9 PM.

Eventually, I believe we will hear from the coroner/ME who will testify about a time range the murders likely occurred, not based on mobile phone data but based on scientific, and medical evidence.

More importantly, in the end, I trust the collective evidence will support that it's not likely the victims died during the time Ms. Libby's game show was broadcast, and AM holding her hand, and therefore no opportunity for the SODDI defense. MOO
Most on this Website are Watching the Trial as we Post, and we also are trying to gather Facts as well, from Many reliable sources, to put it all together. There are so many facets to AM and his crimes, as well as his children's crimes(Falsifying DL to gain access to Alcohol, Plagarism, Driving Boat while Drunk and young woman Killed...) I know nothing about Snapchat, but Cellphone Testimony from ALL Phones collected prove the Best timeline. MOO
Maybe I'm misunderstanding but Snapchat was on his cellphone. It was recorded by Paul on his phone but it was never sent. It was only uploaded (and published?) But it provided metadata and a timeline.
The problem for Alex is...he never knew it existed!!
IDK, I was going to post that the fraud charges would probably not result in a lengthy sentence because he primarily cheated his own firm. And although he deprived the Satterfield's of their rightful settlement, he didn't directly steal money from their pockets, I think he used them as pawns.

In comparison, Madoff got life in prison for stealing directly from almost 30,000 people.

There are 99+ financial charges against him including bank fraud, money laundering, income tax evasion, and on and on.
You're right that AM didn't steal directly from the Satterfield boys pockets...he stole it before it ever got into their pockets. IMO, taking anything that doesn't belong to you is stealing and the minute those boys were awarded the settlement, it was theirs by law.
I'm still enjoying catching up. I understand that the jury is not to take the "white collar crimes" as evidence of character, but, far out, the evidence paints him as a complete con man. Who didn't he lie, steal, and cheat? Relatives, best friends, disadvantaged clients, his own law firm-didn't matter, he would con anyone. His whole life was a series of pathologies. He was/is a monster.

His paralegal compared Alex to a Tasmanian Devils. I live in Tasmania, and the Devils are not cute and you would not cuddle one. They are fierce, especially about food, and make the most awful high pitched sound.
Just watched the Murdaugh brothers video again. Did the brothers tell ABC News that AM was the one who drove Daddy M to the hospital? Where did that wrong alibi-enhancing info come from…if not the brothers…prior to the interview?

They are just ‘regular people’, say these two… that the local police let swan through crime tape….while desparate parents awaiting the recovery of their dead child, are held back.

Just watched the Murdaugh brothers video again. Did the brothers tell ABC News that AM was the one who drove Daddy M to the hospital? Where did that wrong alibi-enhancing info come from…if not the brothers…prior to the interview?

They are just ‘regular people’, say these two… that the local police let swan through crime tape….while desparate parents awaiting the recovery of their dead child, are held back.

This interview was my first clue that AM was guilty.
Mark Tinsley, Esquire. The attorney bringing the wrongful death suit.

It's my understanding that the trail cams have always been at Moselle and were not put up by the PI.

AM is looking at many many years in prison if convicted of all or a good majority of the financial crimes. If he's convicted on the murder charges, it's life but he will have many years of appeals and the conviction could possibly be overturned. If he skates on the murders, he'll at least have a chance at bail so he may pull some razzledazzle and be breathing fresh air while the years and years of financial trials wend their way through the justice system.

True, and Sickens me that he might once again, skate by...BUT, he will definitely serve Time(probably Federal Cake Walk)for the Many Financial Crimes he committed over the years. He is SCUM! I am just happy that the children of the the woman who served them/helped raise their children finally have the monies they need to live. NOT WHOLE, as the Defense tried to elicit from one son, as they did not/do not have their Mother.
I'm not sure I follow this line of reasoning. AM claimed he was at his mothers home, 20 miles away from the kennels, at the time the murders were committed. But cell phone video shows he was actually on-site and not at his mom's place. The evidence generally points to Paul and Maggie being killed within a few minutes of the video being shot (although the defense may try to argue that point).

Sure, now the defense could come up with a brand-new alibi and say that for whatever reason AM lied originally. Maybe the jury will buy their explanation, I don't know. We'll see what happens when the defense team puts on its case.

But his original alibi, and the only one that's been offered to date as far as I know, was broken by Paul's video.
Also the testimony of Blanca about time AM visited his Mama. + phone calls, etc.
Why did AM take MMs phone??? I guess he thought something incriminating was on it?
Where was Bubba the dog when LE got there? Cuz if Bubba was in the did he get there?

And the worst thing to asked PM and MM to be there. I always thought maybe Paul was just in the way and was not supposed to be there...but he request. That's awful.
There are 99+ financial charges against him including bank fraud, money laundering, income tax evasion, and on and on.
You're right that AM didn't steal directly from the Satterfield boys pockets...he stole it before it ever got into their pockets. IMO, taking anything that doesn't belong to you is stealing and the minute those boys were awarded the settlement, it was theirs by law.
Yes, the public disapproval, the loss of face and status if he were exposed, probably mattered more to him than any legal penalty.

But, in my experience, the law comes down very hard on violence, and not that hard on financial crime. White collar criminals spend a few years in low security prisons with lots of amenities and only serve a small portion of their sentence (because it's taxpayer's footing the bill), compared with what's waiting for someone convicted of double 1st degree murder.

Yes, where was Bubba when LE showed up at the murder scene? (I’ve read he was in a kennel, but I think that was someone here assuming that.) Has there been any testimony about where Bubba was found after the 911 call?
i thought the CFO of the law firm testified that all the attorneys received a set salary. All other earnings were held until the end of the year and then divided equslly. Did I misunderstand?

Then how was AM taking a few hundred thou here and there…a check that belonged to his brother…then a scam check…etc? And why were those checks issued if this should have been in the common pool shared by all?

When was the wedding band found? I would love to know if he sold her diamond, just lost track of the band. Ole sentimental AM…
Yes, where was Bubba when LE showed up at the murder scene? (I’ve read he was in a kennel, but I think that was someone here assuming that.) Has there been any testimony about where Bubba was found after the 911 call?
I only recall testimony that if Bubba had a bird in his mouth he was difficult to catch and once finally caught he would not want to drop the bird. So, how did the bird finally get out of his mouth and when? If AM was trying to grab long did that take? At least another couple of AM had to be there when PM and MM were killed based on the snapchat time.
Just confirms MHO.
i thought the CFO of the law firm testified that all the attorneys received a set salary. All other earnings were held until the end of the year and then divided equslly. Did I misunderstand?

Then how was AM taking a few hundred thou here and there…a check that belonged to his brother…then a scam check…etc? And why were those checks issued if this should have been in the common pool shared by all?

When was the wedding band found? I would love to know if he sold her diamond, just lost track of the band. Ole sentimental AM…
Not equally divided...divided based on the % of funds brought in for the year.
AM was skimming off the top. Acting like he was depositing to the firm, but really taking it in cash. The checks never should have been issued,,,he waiting til his paralegal was off work.
I thought the wedding band comment was interesting also.
IDK, I was going to post that the fraud charges would probably not result in a lengthy sentence because he primarily cheated his own firm. And although he deprived the Satterfield's of their rightful settlement, he didn't directly steal money from their pockets, I think he used them as pawns.

In comparison, Madoff got life in prison for stealing directly from almost 30,000 people.

^^bbm... Huh?

By living as a con man, and master Ponzi scheme artist, the Attorney General delivered 19 Indictments for AM resulting in 99 charges including tax evasion, money laundering, and forgery, to fraud and beyond — all related to alleged financial crimes dating back years. The crimes amount to more than $8.7 million swindled from AM's victims.

Respectfully, whether convicted of stealing from your law partners (as charged), your brother (as charged), or your housekeeper's estate (as charged), the penalty imposed by the court is NOT determined by the name or personality of the victim! That's a silly thought. MOO

To be clear, murder aside, if AM is convicted of these financial crimes alone, he will be in jail for the rest of his life.

“His financial crimes were going to be exposed and you say, ‘That’s not enough reason to kill somebody,’ but maybe it is. People do kill for money.

But the prime directive is always survival and self-preservation,” Richter says. “Had his crimes been revealed, it doesn’t just mean that he’s in trouble. His lineage, his legacy, his name, the entire Murdaugh dynasty crumbles and he knows it.”


“[He would serve] over 900 years, close to 1,000 years,” Bland says.
I wonder just how knowledgeable a Personal Injury Attorney is about data stored in a cellphone and data stored in a vehicle's black box. I would imagine covering cases involving car accidents a Personal Injury attorney would become quite familiar with that type of data storage.

IMO Alex planned down to the minute for his truck to start at 9:06 and the last change in Maggie's phone orientation to be 9:06. It would really be quite simple for both to happen at the same time.. just keep the phone from motion similar to taking a step and keep the phone orientation the same.

Also if the vehicle's black box only records the vehicle being put in or out of park..can't you stop a vehicle, put the parking brake on, put the car in neutral then get out of the vehicle, carry the phone to a spot off the side of the road and set it on the ground ? Then you get back in the vehicle, release the parking brake put the car in drive and go ?
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