SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #26

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I have been wondering about coke ever since I saw that first interview in car with Agent Owen on June 7. All throughall his conversations with with LE he is snorting and sniffing and dealing with a runny nose. OMO.
I thought about that, too. But outside in SC in summer could be allergies. And it could also be a nervous/stress reaction. Or coke! Or whatever else might be snorted.
When Blanca was testifying, she said she and her husband were living in the main Moselle house after the murders, and Alex was living in the “cabin” on the property - because he was too sad (or something) to stay in the main house. This just doesn’t make sense to me. First, didn’t she and her husband already have a house? But, the bigger question is why Alex would want to stay at the place that, I think, was even closer to the murders on the property. I think he cleaned himself up there, and by staying there (afterward), he just kept adding his own DNA there, should LE ever try and look at that facility. I still think he had a bunker of some kind on the property where he hid the guns or even in paneling on one of the sheds. He keeps walking towards one of them in the police cam video. He circles that area and stays close the whole time. There is just so much that has not been investigated. I have so many questions.
Marian Proctor’s testimony, in my opinion, was the turning point of the trial. It shifted it from mind-numbing technical testimony to very personal, very intimate testimony.
She was careful with her words but conveyed all her suspicions well.
Her line about everybody being afraid…pause…long pause…longer pause…”but Alex didn’t seem to be afraid” couldn’t have been scripted and delivered any better.
I hope she finds justice and peace soon.
Yes, absolute gold!!

In the CNN Low Country special today, their last jailhouse call with Buster was also classic AM: Dad asks Buster if he wants to hunt deer at Moselle over the weekend. Silence, shock, before Buster musters up no! And without skipping a beat, AM, unphased, continues with 'doves are ready at Moselle too'... and after not hearing the enthusiasm AM was expecting -- tells Buster if he's not interested, he will offer the opportunity to Jim (Griffin) but wanted to get Buster's approval.

AM comes off so tone-deaf and really put out that Buster had no interest in returning to Moselle to carry a gun around to shoot deer and doves. o_O MOO
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When Blanca was testifying, she said she and her husband were living in the main Moselle house after the murders, and Alex was living in the “cabin” on the property - because he was too sad (or something) to stay in the main house. This just doesn’t make sense to me. First, didn’t she and her husband already have a house? But, the bigger question is why Alex would want to stay at the place that, I think, was even closer to the murders on the property. I think he cleaned himself up there, and by staying there (afterward), he just kept adding his own DNA there, should LE ever try and look at that facility. I still think he had a bunker of some kind on the property where he hid the guns or even in paneling on one of the sheds. He keeps walking towards one of them in the police cam video. He circles that area and stays close the whole time. There is just so much that has not been investigated. I have so many questions.
Blanca and her husband were staying at the Moselle house to mow the lawn and maintain the property because Alec did not want to live there after the murders. He was alternatively circulating between his brothers' homes, Maggie's family, and a night or two at his mother's in Almeada.

The "cabin" that Alec had was either at his brother's or mother's place but he only changed/bathed and ate there, and that's where Blanca left him stuff (I assume clean clothes, groceries, mail, etc). He slept at the places I mentioned above. Alec never stayed on the Moselle property another night after June 7.

[Only what I remember from previous WS posts and trial testimony.]
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Yes, absolute gold!!

In the CNN Low Country special today, their last jailhouse call with Buster was also classic AM: Dad asks Buster if he wants to hunt deer at Moselle over the weekend. Silence, shock, before Buster musters up no! And without skipping a beat, AM, unphased, continues with 'doves are ready at Moselle too'... and after not hearing the enthusiasm AM was expecting -- tells Buster if he's not interested, he will offer the opportunity to Jim (Griffen) but wanted to get Buster's approval.

AM comes off so tone-deaf and really put out that Buster had no interest in returning to Moselle to carry a gun around to shoot deer and doves. o_O MOO
Yes, I remember this call. I was stunned. :eek:
When Blanca was testifying, she said she and her husband were living in the main Moselle house after the murders, and Alex was living in the “cabin” on the property - because he was too sad (or something) to stay in the main house. This just doesn’t make sense to me. First, didn’t she and her husband already have a house? But, the bigger question is why Alex would want to stay at the place that, I think, was even closer to the murders on the property. I think he cleaned himself up there, and by staying there (afterward), he just kept adding his own DNA there, should LE ever try and look at that facility. I still think he had a bunker of some kind on the property where he hid the guns or even in paneling on one of the sheds. He keeps walking towards one of them in the police cam video. He circles that area and stays close the whole time. There is just so much that has not been investigated. I have so many questions.

From Blanca's testimony, I understood AM was staying at a location away from Moselle that was located on the property of a party that Blanca was careful not to disclose. She referred to delivering his clothes/toiletries at the cabin as she was accustomed to. Don't forget Blanca was even tasked with picking up his boxes of Sunkist or juice box, whatever! I'm fairly certain it was not the cabin at Moselle. MOO
Unfortunately, that comment,as reported by the media, is unconfirmed and was never put into evidence by the Prosecution. They gave us testimony that MM was worried about AM’s health, that she ordered juice for him, that her sister encouraged her to go to Moselle. But not that.

So either the media had sources that regulariy played them for fools, or the media played us. Or some entity wanted false information to become part of the ‘history’ of this case.

So much media garbage is imbedded in our minds. If the prosecution had this statement, it would have certainly been offered as part of the case. I certainly quoted it and believed it…until trial.

Otherwise, your point is well taken.
I tend to believe this information to be true, especially after hearing her sisters testimony, Maggie didn't want to go to Moselle that night she planned to stay at the beach house. Think the Prosecution just didn't use it...yet...
That whole arrival thing is odd. Wasn’t MM last to arrive? AM and Pm already there, having been out to the sunflower fields?

Her purpose is supposedly the visit to the hospital, but they all arrive late, then eat dinner….go down to the kennels…no rush to get on with the visit.

Ive been thinking about all the turmoil in that family at that moment in time. Proud family has one son kicked out of law school for cheating. More frightening, the other son faces trial and may go to jail.

The patriarch is dying.

The wife discovers bags of pills in husbands stuff…and at least one check bounces. She is terrified her son may go to jail. She feels shunned in her hometown.

The husband is caught embezzling at the family law firm, is caught by son and wife with drugs, is facing having to disclose his financials in the civil trial

Everyone in that family must have been in crisis mode.

And don't forget his affair.
That whole arrival thing is odd. Wasn’t MM last to arrive? AM and Pm already there, having been out to the sunflower fields?

Her purpose is supposedly the visit to the hospital, but they all arrive late, then eat dinner….go down to the kennels…no rush to get on with the visit.

Ive been thinking about all the turmoil in that family at that moment in time. Proud family has one son kicked out of law school for cheating. More frightening, the other son faces trial and may go to jail.

The patriarch is dying.

The wife discovers bags of pills in husbands stuff…and at least one check bounces. She is terrified her son may go to jail. She feels shunned in her hometown.

The husband is caught embezzling at the family law firm, is caught by son and wife with drugs, is facing having to disclose his financials in the civil trial

Everyone in that family must have been in crisis mode.
He owes his best friend $$$$$, he's being sued for $10M for the boat crash and being told if he tampers with the jury in the boat case they'll take Maggie and Paul to court! ETC, ETC, etc...people have killed for WAY less.
I don’t think, as of Friday, they have decided whether to agree that Alex was at the kennel, or whether to dispute it. It was something Harpootlian said when examining a witness where he said (paraphrasing) “Alex being at the kennel…OR if you believe he wasn’t at the kennel…” That made me think they’re still deciding which story to spin and whether Alex testifies that he was at the kennel (or “I must have been”) but the shock and trauma affected my memory “badly.”

I think they’re prepping him to testify, but waiting until they see how things go with their defense witnesses and the State’s effectiveness at cross examination to decide.

Suicide with shotgun, not impossible but talk about awkward positioning to pull it off. If PM was really thinking of that route out there were pistols available for him to obtain one. More often then not those who plan on going through with suicide seek a place away from family and others IMO.
I believe they said the shot was from 3-4 feet away so suicide in this case is not possible.
So many articles mention that the case remains circumstantial, but aren't must murder cases circumstantial?

Anyway, here is an interesting (recap of events) read:

Yes - almost always guilt is inferred from facts established, like DNA, forensics, digital etc

Especially in SODDI cases typically there won't be a witness or other direct evidence of the actual murder.

In this case we actually have direct evidence (video) of the killer being at the crime scene. No inference needed. But we still have to infer the next step. e.g because of various other pieces of evidence (e.g. digital) that is when they died, so therefore AM is the killer.
Had similar thoughts
I just re-listened to MP’s testimony. She testified that the Lityle Detective was on the lookout for AM’s pills.

Just a month before PM confronts his Father about finding the pills. I wonder if he found some that night and took them from AM. After all he’d bern through that day, I imagine AM needed his fix. Did PM take them and pocket them?

Was AM looking for PM’s phone when he shot his son and rolled him over…or looking for his pills?
Oh shiiiiit!?????? Hadn't thought of that possibility. But he had to have planned "something" for that night because we know he really wanted Paul and Maggie home that night, so maybe not looking for pills??? My first thought when he said Paul's phone fell out of his pocket was "he needs to get some *advertiser censored* deleted off that phone. But I like your idea better!
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