SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #31

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Is it another case of power and $ talking. I notice that many of the pundits are from South Carolina. Are they covering their butts? Seems like they’re all afraid. Sad state of affairs in South Carolina.
Agree - Dick Harpootlian is one of the most powerful people in South Carolina. If you live in SC, you have to be very very careful about crossing him. That's where I think some of the positive commentary is coming from.

People thought that Russell Lafitte might be found not guilty, but jurors are usually smarter than people give them credit for.

Exactly, also because the blood would not be out of place there. Found in the traps at home would be harder to explain.

When AM said "I would never hurt Maggie." and "I would never hurt Paul." AM never said 'kill'.
There are dozens of moment like this in the testimony I saw today. Anyone who had done any study of statement analysis knows he's lying, still lying, always lying. "I would never..." is a big tell.
People should never underestimate the desperation of a narcissist, pathological liar, who is about to be exposed by those closest to him. It reminds me of Mark Hacking, who killed his wife Lori when she discovered he had been lying about being enrolled in medical school. She was 5 months pregnant. No signs of domestic violence, they were a loving Mormon couple by all accounts.

Rather than admit to the deception, he shot her. The Murder of Lori Hacking: Killed by Her Husband's Lies

I definitely believe AM has got a lot of people still fooled despite the fact that there is a ton of evidence that he's a horrible person, even admitted all his financial crimes and yet people still feel sorry for him - that is quite a talent or a Machiavellian display of evil, depending on your perspective. He's very smooth a lot of times, I'll give him that. There's a reason he's gotten away with everything he has for so long, he's a great manipulator and bamboozler.
Yes! Christian Longo is another one. By all accounts a very loving father and husband. When his lies about his fake jobs and money troubles were about to be exposed he killed his wife and 3 small children

Did you notice him tap Alex on the arm when the judge left the room when court ended? He was trying to get him to hurry up. He even asked the lady in white to pass Alex's files. The sheriffs moved in quickly and gathered Alex's files, then the security guy tapped him to go. That seemed different from the beginning of the trial (long ago) when they used to let him stand around and talk to his attorneys for a bit.

Maybe it's because it's Friday and they want to get going or maybe they are just done with being deferential to Alex. Just something that stood out to me.

Start watching about 8:34:33

His lawyers don't even look at him when they shake his hand.
That's why I think one of the boat victims might be a rebuttal witness - perhaps the young man that Alex tried to frame? Alex testified today that he, at no time, attempted to coerce any of the boat accident victims. Netflix just released (two days ago) footage of Alex doing exactly that.

At the end of the day, the Judge asked about remaining witnesses and whether any new charges would be brought. No decision today. An additional charge of perjury would help secure a conviction.
That Netflix show is an eye opener, especially in terms of the utter disrespect toward Mallory's family and Connor Cook.
I too had the same thought.
Iirc it was said that Alex could communicate with people on their level. He knows the area he is speaking to the jury the way they would understand what he is saying and how they will interpret it. I feel like he could hit a cord with one or 2. Deliberation’s will be probably be long and tedious and could come back hung.

Hoping for Waters to pull it all together.
Is he ever! Paul became Pawpaw, Rogan became Rowrow, Maggie became Mags. It's as though he's baby-talking compared to how he referred to them in June 2021.
he testified she would sign papers without question. IMO he would not have been able to do anything with something in her name only. her living arrangements are more than meets the eye IMO. FACT: her housekeeper testified she was upset about the upcoming boat settlement, some $30mil which she said even if she liquidated everything it wouldnt cover it. she had no idea of his thefts at that point. Her reputation and community view of them had shifted significantly and maybe she was going to try to salvage what was left of her life...without him. possibly made up her mind to dump him. just the mere fact her housekeeper said she revealed info she was concerned he was keeping financial info from her, if she was smart, she would have started the digging process. hey, in a divorce, he was in financial ruin which she really didnt know the extent yet. and sadly, never would.
I don't believe him. She can't have been that naive, especially having been married to Alex for that long. JMO.
I didn't catch this on prior watches.

When Maggie and Paul's bodies are covered, Alec makes a statement. About them being covered.

I think Alec wanted his posse (all the folks he called who descended upon Moselle) to see the carnage. IMO he was banking on the brutality of the murders pointing away from him.

He was creating his narrative right out of the gate.

Or he had put them by the kennel at an earlier time. They did not need to be hidden from Maggie and Paul

agree, makes me think of other cases where the husband is a prominent figure, instead of just getting a divorce which would damage their reputation they try to get away with murder

the defense did’t even argue against the timeline/cell phone data. You also have the car data that helps confirm his movements

He said he walked through an extremely blood scene to check pulses, turned Paul over, zero blood on even the bottom of his shoes, no blood transfer of any kind in his vehicle. He had time to use the hose to clean and change clothes 10 -12 minutes

Correct they did not ask for clothing but if I had clothing that would exonerate me I would not have to be asked, I would provide them. In addition, his conversation with Blanca was very damning in which he tried to convince her that he was wearing a different shirt.

As to the time of death, I think the phone records do indicate they were killed before 9 o’clock, why would Alec lie about that specific time frame? Where is the need, only the killer would know that’s when they were killed? He maintained that lie for a year and a half until the kennel video was extracted from PMs phone. Why lie at all?

His financial gain was making the boat lawsuit go away, buying time to try and put out the financial fire he was in. All assets were in Maggie’s name, 2 dependents gone. Many family annihilators have killed for a lot less.

That’s one lucky killer to be able to find the two victims he wanted to kill alone at the kennels when neither had planned on being at Moselle that day, kill them in a very small time window and find two guns available to shoot them. Dogs never alerted to any stranger lurking or hiding.

As an old coach once told me: Luck is the residue of design.

AM had a design. Luring his victims, PM and MM, banking on their good intentions, faith, and loving nature (as he did with so many) he simply executed them.

If there is any Justice left in this world, I pray that jurors will be inspired and not let power, money, and fear deflect their mission.
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the jurors have the video of him when LE first arrived. his clothing: supposedly he knelt down to check on them and there is no significant blood transfer??? nothing on his clothes or shoes/sneakers. the 911 call indicates he checked their bodies for a pulse and actually tried to move paul. he was pristine. when Det Rutland was asked if he could have changed clothes, she said yes because his clothes were dry, but he was sweating. (clothes taken by Sled) she also noted there were no bloody footprints anywhere near the bodies but alot of water but it had not rained. HOSE ANYONE?
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