SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #31

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I just don't see this at all. I don't think either would *sandbag* the head of the house..knowing what his reaction might be. He set them up for the kennel massacre.
I thought it was a set up too based on Maggie's sisters testimony. I now think it may have been a spur of the moment action only because he's the one setting the narrative to her sister.
I just have to wonder how AM got into SC law Daddy had lots to do with that too
I don't know about his initial admission, but if you've listened to the jailhouse phone calls, his father/grandfather/uncle paid a political operative $60k to get him back into law school after he was expelled.
I believe this is within TOS. I Apologize if not.

Alex may be charged with contraband.

Add Another Charge To Alex Murdaugh's Rap Sheet - FITSNews

Disbarred South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh is currently on trial for two homicide charges and accompanying weapons charges. Beyond that, he is staring down nearly a hundred financial charges, drug charges and fraud charges (the latter of which are tied to a bizarre roadside shooting incident from Labor Day 2021).
You can now add a jailhouse contraband charge to the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ crime and corruption saga …
Colleton County authorities have yet to comment on the specifics of the allegation, but Murdaugh is believed by some to be staring down this misdemeanor charge in the aftermath of allegedly receiving contraband material from a family member earlier during the trial. Others are pointing the finger at his attorneys in the aftermath of a jailhouse lunch meeting earlier this week.
News of the Murdaugh misdemeanor was first reported by Avery Wilks of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier.

Below, tweets that discuss this and surrounding events - some comments are speculation.

Did anyone see the bailiff approach the Judge at the end of the day yesterday.
Alex was escorted out thru a different door into a room behind the Courtroom. Many theorize he was to be searched or a drug test.
I wish we could do a poll.
1. How long will the jury deliberate.
2. Guilty or Not Guilty.

It is a toss up to me. Sure, AM is a and a pathological liar. Does that mean he killed his wife and son? I don't see the evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt.

No forensics
No weapon
No motive (?)
No witnesses

CW will pull a rabbit out of a hat if AM is convicted. Personally, I think he did it. But what will the jury do...the key point is the "236 steps" AM made at 9:04, what was he doing? He has no answer.

They were literally shot with family weapons according to SLED's analysis of the ballistics.
Someone remind me why AM was staying in a hotel before returning to the home. Also was he alone at the motel? How far is that hotel from the home. Was this the night before? Did he mention or is it rumor he was detoxing there? Where did that baseball (?) game fit into this and who all went? My facts are getting twisted. Thx
I wish we could do a poll.
1. How long will the jury deliberate.
2. Guilty or Not Guilty.

It is a toss up to me. Sure, AM is a and a pathological liar. Does that mean he killed his wife and son? I don't see the evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt.

No forensics
No weapon
No motive (?)
No witnesses

CW will pull a rabbit out of a hat if AM is convicted. Personally, I think he did it. But what will the jury do...the key point is the "236 steps" AM made at 9:04, what was he doing? He has no answer.

Well, I can tell you what he wasn't doing --

"Well, I can tell you what I wasn't doing -- I wasn't washing weapons and wrapping them in a blue tarp."

Say what?
HIs obviously Fake blubbering and angry side glances, along with all his condescending lies showed obvious Guilt to me. We all have watched this closely and been discussing along the way, and I think We have a better idea of the Truth. I am thankful for Members who have been inside the Courtroom, as they had great perspective as well.
Prediction: If the Jury deliberates long, it may be Hung. If shorter, I feel Guilty. No way will All say Not Guilty. MOO
And the beat goes on...
Just the timeline takes time to compare & break down. For me, it would take time to analyze.
Someone remind me why AM was staying in a hotel before returning to the home. Also was he alone at the motel? How far is that hotel from the home. Was this the night before? Did he mention or is it rumor he was detoxing there? Where did that baseball (?) game fit into this and who all went? My facts are getting twisted. Thx

Understandable. Alec twisted them.

I was so frustrated with the legal analysts and their perpetual song of “reasonable doubt,” I had to seek my husband’s opinion since he has no clue about anything related to this case. Hubby is a criminal defense attorney. The only evidence I told him about was the timing of the kennel video in relation to the murders and the fact that until yesterday, the defendant repeatedly lied and said he was not at the kennels. He agreed, hands down he’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Then I told him about the murder weapons belonging to the family and never found. He literally laughed and said only idiots would find there to be any doubt, much less reasonable doubt. We then had a chuckle together, and I felt relieved. We agree that juries usually do the right thing.

Interesting and sensible take IMO.

I think this is why it is important to examine what has been established, then zoom out to helicopter view to make obvious and natural inferences. If you get down in the weeds worrying about every little angle, it becomes easy to lose sight of the logical conclusions.

Especially each inference does not need to be proven beyond reasonable doubt - that is the overall standard. The only logical inference is he lied about the kennels because he is the killer. There is no other available conclusion.
Does anyone know what AM's relationship with his mom was when he was young? Not asking anyone to sleuth her, just curious about the narcissistic behavior and how it is formed in early childhood. Birth order of AM? Family dynamics when he was growing up? Just curious to compare with my personal experience with a narcissist ex
It’s because it would look bad…
I agree. And because the whole family system was so dysfunctional. AM’s family didn’t model accountability/ownership of behavior/taking responsibility, and he certainly didn’t model those things for his children; the 911 call when Paul drove his truck into the ditch is so telling in that way. IMO the family didn’t see Paul’s behavior as indicative of a problem; they saw the reactions of other people as the problem. If they would just quit picking on Paul and trying to hold him accountable for his behavior—and by extension, holding Alec and Maggie responsible for theirs—everything would be fine. Mindblowingly, incredibly sad for so many people. I hope Buster has professional help getting through this; I think he’s behaved as an entitled jerk, but I also think he’s got what may have been his only real chance of developing an awareness of how his family also sh— him up, and choosing whether to lean into that or become a functioning human. MOO.
Someone remind me why AM was staying in a hotel before returning to the home. Also was he alone at the motel? How far is that hotel from the home. Was this the night before? Did he mention or is it rumor he was detoxing there? Where did that baseball (?) game fit into this and who all went? My facts are getting twisted. Thx


You testified you went to the Carolina baseball game the weekend before June 7. Alex is asked to identify a document. Alex says it is a printout texts between Maggie and Alex on June 6, 2021. Alex said he was in a hotel room in Columbia, not sure where Maggie was. Probably between hotel, restaurant or ballfield.
Maggie is in ballfield and asks when Alex is checking out of the hotel. Maggie asks Alex to bring a phone charger; Alex said he wasn’t looking forward to the humidity; Maggie says don’t come but asks about the charger; Maggie says she’s at bar in air conditioning; Alex says hotel making him leave and he’d see them soon.
Alex says he was in withdrawals that day.
Waters asks if Maggie was on him because of the pills? Alex said no

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