SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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I'm curious how Creighton knew Alex was going through withdrawals in Columbia the day before the murders. The texts between he and Maggie were not that specific.

I think it's because he was sitting in the hotel room for over 2 hours while everyone else is at the game, and that he even stayed there past an already extended checkout time, until the hotel kicked him out.
Will the prosecution bring in an expert to discuss his claims of how much he was taking?

They should, I wish they would. Why not, he has been more than willing to talk about his drug use. They have done such a great job on making his drug use the problem and reason, but maybe they’ve done too good of a job! Coming full circle…

There is a much larger story here. I’m convinced of it now. And I didn’t think about the others who have died on his watch for supplying and dealing.
There's no one left to corroborate his withdrawal stories except Buster. How convenient. Withdrawal isn't easy. There's a tissue tolerance and every cell in the body is screaming for more. Detox is also dangerous and there have been many heart attacks during hospital rehab. AM would be climbing the walls and doing all he could to get his hands on the substance. That also tells me that his 'addiction' wasn't as described.
Especially if he tried to detox at home all the time. Come on.. that many pills and you are going to detox at home? That is what I don't believe. I think the reality is he had to go to in patient detox and after the roadside shooting he HAD to likely go because he couldn't hide the withdrawal and he couldn't get pills in the hospital if nobody knew (maybe this is why he was calling Eddie from the hospital.. either getting the story straight with him or trying to get him to bring pills).. it had to be VERY clear to those at the hospital that he was going through withdrawal and so I do believe he checked in to detox, but it was also very convenient for him to have time to get his story together before he talked to investigators.

I think Alex himself said it on the stand.. "what a tangled web we weave"
Possibly delivery of drugs, a jail house trick. Some drugs can be infused onto paper, as in books, and it is a way to deliver without suspicion until it is discovered.
The book itself sounds too innocent. MO - a drug delivery.
The John GRISHAM book of all things? Didn't we see that being handed to him in court a bit back? Outrageous as that was then to me.
It’s highly likely that he is doing something to bring on the tears and snorts. Salts or white pepper?

He didn’t snort snot when Bus Bus or MP testified. That should have brought the anguish on. He hasn’t snorted while he is at the table with counsel. It’s hard to pull that phony off when you are sandwiched between 2 people who know you are guilty.

Can defendants be frisked before testifying?
This is why "most" prisoners being tried for murder (in my state anyway) are shackled at the ankles and in prison garb. AM certainly seems to get a great deal of preferential treatment IMO.
Ah, that is why Buster doesn't care about finishing law school, and shows up to court each day with a driver who opens his door. He has income from the trust. Which, he doesn't have to share with his brother.

I personally don't buy that AM tried to get killed so Buster would have the $10 million in insurance. I think it was a plan to show people were out to kill him. AM doesn't think of anyone but himself.
Oh you're totally right it was purely a sympathy, see they almost got ME too, move. Have to laugh at how trusting he was of another criminal minded chum. Ha.
At the end of Day 24 in a trial that was supposed to last three weeks, Murdaugh probably convinced at least some of the jurors who teared up during his emotional testimony that he couldn’t be the killer. His tears and sniffles were real. But so are the tears of sociopaths, who can cry while feeling no emotion if it serves their interests. I wonder if anyone else noticed how swiftly Murdaugh could switch from emotional devastation to focused, factual recitation. At times it seemed as if two different people were on the stand.

Either Alex Murdaugh is one of the world’s most talented unrecognized actors — and, therefore, one of the most highly functional sociopaths in criminal history — or he’s just a conniving drug addict who bilked vulnerable clients of millions to feed his habit and underwrite a high life, and whose wife and son were brutally murdered by precision-trained assassins using two guns exactly like those owned by the Murdaughs.
It was a high-risk gamble, indeed.
I am trusting that the jurors aren't buying his load of crap. I might cry too listening to him recount seeing his wife and son like that. Maybe the jurors teared up/cried at other times when the bodies were described and mentioned. It's good news to say oh the jurors were crying when he was on the stand. I personally think so what. What he did to them is horrific and I'd cry too. I wouldn't be crying FOR Alex that's for sure. They are smart. They have sat in the court room and watched Alex while other witnesses were on the stand. They have seen every reaction or non reaction he has had. I think they can see through his line of crap, especailly when the reason he lied to LE was 100% debunked. He has no reason why he lied and he lied so he wasn't at the kennel at the time they were killed. He lied before he knew there was a video putting him there. He tried desperately to get a hold of the one person he could get information from before he talked to LE.. Rogan. Wonder why? He knew Rogan was the only person on the planet earth that could put him at the kennels (maybe he just didn't know so he was trying to find out what Rogan knew).. he couldn't get his story straight before talking to LE so he told the one that made him look the best. When that failed because the video comes to light and surprise his voice is on it.. now he has to concoct a reason.. he's had a year and a half to do that. Didn't tell anyone prior to getting on the stand.. just comes out with I had drugs in my pocket that made me paranoid of LE. :D But he had not a single reason to be paranoid of LE because he basically considered himself LE and above the law.
There's no one left to corroborate his withdrawal stories except Buster. How convenient. Withdrawal isn't easy. There's a tissue tolerance and every cell in the body is screaming for more. Detox is also dangerous and there have been many heart attacks during hospital rehab. AM would be climbing the walls and doing all he could to get his hands on the substance. That also tells me that his 'addiction' wasn't as described.

It bothers me that criminals get to write their own story regarding the victims who aren’t living. They get to assign blame and fault to them. It should be Hearsay.
Good point! I also think it'd be obvious if suddenly he started ordering it from the commisary. I do think menthol is in other products like chapstick that might have an additional fragrance.

I've conducted a thought experiment about what alternatives I might find in prison for this project...

Maybe jalapenos or some other type of pepper? Black pepper in a pinch? Aftershave? Hair products like hairspray?

I did read that one actor yanks out a nose hair for this purpose. That makes my eyes water just thinking about that. I think that would be difficult to accomplish undetected.

I just don't know what is possible after this trial, and it has started to make me entertain some odd ideas about what AM is capable of doing. Once you've seen the human mask slip and expose the lizard man, you just can't rule anything out.

Love the term 'lizard man'. :)
:) :)
Hope it is used by others and sticks.
This would really upset AM, who thinks he is so smooth.
At the end of Day 24 in a trial that was supposed to last three weeks, Murdaugh probably convinced at least some of the jurors who teared up during his emotional testimony that he couldn’t be the killer. His tears and sniffles were real. But so are the tears of sociopaths, who can cry while feeling no emotion if it serves their interests. I wonder if anyone else noticed how swiftly Murdaugh could switch from emotional devastation to focused, factual recitation. At times it seemed as if two different people were on the stand.

Either Alex Murdaugh is one of the world’s most talented unrecognized actors — and, therefore, one of the most highly functional sociopaths in criminal history — or he’s just a conniving drug addict who bilked vulnerable clients of millions to feed his habit and underwrite a high life, and whose wife and son were brutally murdered by precision-trained assassins using two guns exactly like those owned by the Murdaughs.
It was a high-risk gamble, indeed.

That's by the same writer that wrote the article Jim Griffin retweeted that was criticizing the prosecution. She has not followed the case very well, she has misstated what has been presented.

Of course you never know with any juror, but even if they are weeping that doesn't mean they wouldn't convict him. I myself felt sorry for Alex most of the time while he was up there, he looked pathetic and scared, and it's very tragic what he did to his entire family, even before the murders. I'm sure he is truly distraught that his wife and son are dead. But I would not hesitate to vote guilty.

It's a fallacy that a murderer can't be truly sad that their victims are dead. I think he likely is very sad about what he did, he didn't hate Maggie and Paul. He didn't kill them out of hate; he killed them because he cared more about himself than them. I don't doubt he is very sorry he felt it had to come to that. I think most people can understand that kind of dynamic.

I think he is obviously guilty, it is easily proven by the physical evidence. I wouldn't need the financial evidence or any motive established to vote him guilty. The physical evidence alone is damning enough.

But I've seen enough trials to know you can't trust every juror to see the obvious. So I am worried about the verdict, but not more so just because he cried.
If I was the prosecutor, I would consider presenting the timeline according to AM and team. I would start with statements that AM offered or made without being asked, followed by when he was replying to questions asked.
He had a moderately good plan to make it look like he wasn't there, except that 1) he opened his mouth and 2) he didn't realize that PM had hit record.
If it wasn't for that recording, the prosecution's case would need more help. With it, AM had to readjust and squirm.
yes. when watching him, reminds me of Jodie Arias in male form. difference: she had no drug use history. and it was a brutal hateful crime, personal rage...alleged motive: woman scorned.

similar to AM she had to adjust her story as evidence was being discovered 3 times: wasnt there, (evidence she was) was there and 2 individuals killed him and let her go (no evidence) and finally self-defense---------->pesky camera she tried to machine wash was recovered and apparently was on auto mode snapping pictures of his murder and there she was.

the point Im trying to make and hope that the state hammers it home: he lied about being there at all until evidence pops up. IMO, AM had motive, means and opportunity.
In court Wednesday, Alex Murdaugh's sister Lynn Murdaugh Goettee passed him a book through a member of his defense team. It was not shared with the victim's advocate, and Goettee had been admonished just five minutes before that, a source with knowledge of the incident told CNN.

The book was considered contraband because it was not clear what was in it, the source said, adding Murdaugh was already back in his jail cell with it before anybody could check it. The book -- John Grisham's "The Judge's List" -- was later confiscated.

Feb 10, 2023

The incident where Alex's sister tried to give him a Grisham book happened a couple of weeks ago. Are these new charges related to her actions weeks ago, or is this something new and different?

"Online jail records from the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office reveal the following: “Warrant: Misdemeanor Arrest warrant 2023a1510100048 issued by Colleton, SC; Arrest Date 02/24/2023; Additional Hold for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division; Arrest Date 02/24/2023.”

Citing unnamed sources, the Post & Courier reports that the charge involves contraband related to a book.

Murdaugh may have received some sort of contraband material from a loved one this week in the course of the trial, according to FITSNews. The news outlet also noted that Murdaugh’s lawyers met with their client on Thursday in a lunch meeting."​

I think it's because he was sitting in the hotel room for over 2 hours while everyone else is at the game, and that he even stayed there past an already extended checkout time, until the hotel kicked him out.

But, according to the texts, he got the extended checkout but didn't stay. Which was strange
I think he said “shop,” which I gather is what he called the large building opposite the kennels. I think he was saying that when he goes to the kennels, he tends to get busy at the shop and so, gets sweaty and, since he claims he had just taken a shower, he didn’t want that.

Whether that is true or fabrication on the fly is anyone’s guess.
I think he intended to say "hot", but his mind went to "shot". Oops!
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