VERDICT WATCH SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #35

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Did Barrett owe money to Alex for defending him around 2010-11?

Alex started stealing from his partners in 2011, same year he acquired Moselle acreage. Did Alex convince Barrett's wife that he got it all when Barrett died in 2018? What happened in 2011 between Barrett and Alex ?

Gloria accidentally died in 2018 with a $4 million payout to Alex Murdaugh.

FITSNews has a timeline of Barrett Boulware and AM - BB bought Moselle in March 2000, he transferred it to his wife in March 2009, he then transferred it to AM in April 2013. Here is the July 2018 entry (hold onto your eyebrows):

July 2018: On July 6, 2018, Boulware granted power of attorney to Alex Murdaugh – authorizing his attorney and business partner to “lease, let, take possession, bargain, sell, assign, convey, pledge, mortgage and encumber, repair, insure and generally manage any and all property, both real and personal, which I own, or may hereafter acquire from any source.”

The instrument Boulware signed just prior to his death also authorized Murdaugh to “sign, execute and deliver any and all legal documents” in his name, and to “deposit any monies received from any source whatever for me, and in my name with any bank, and to draw and deliver checks in my name against said monies and other monies to be deposited in my name or to my credit.”

Boulware further authorized Murdaugh to “do all things necessary concerning any insurance policies, including the right to change beneficiary,” and was even granted control over “decisions regarding my health and healthcare.”

Finally, the document made clear any decisions made by Murdaugh regarding Boulware’s assets would be “binding on myself and my heirs.”

Full article/timeline:

I believe Judge Newman told DH it was unprecedented in SC. IMO, just more Dick thinking a senate trick might work here! Not gonna happen in Judge Newman's court. :)

There will be no time limits on final arguments, Newman confirmed. Harpootlian requested that he and fellow defense attorney Jim Griffin split the final argument.

“I’m not inclined to allow the defense to split closing arguments,” Newman responded to the request. He indicated he would consider it.

“We’ll look at it, I’m not inclined to do it,” Newman said. “It’s unprecedented, perhaps in the history of the state of South Carolina. ... We have some days to think about that.”

Read more at:
Splitting it?? Dick can't take the heat??
Maybe he could take some lessons from Nancy Livesay. When nailing Tammy Moore, Nancy carried her own. Bam! She didn't need to split her time with anyone.
FITSNews has a timeline of Barrett Boulware and AM - BB bought Moselle in March 2000, he transferred it to his wife in March 2009, he then transferred it to AM in April 2013. Here is the July 2018 entry (hold onto your eyebrows):

July 2018: On July 6, 2018, Boulware granted power of attorney to Alex Murdaugh – authorizing his attorney and business partner to “lease, let, take possession, bargain, sell, assign, convey, pledge, mortgage and encumber, repair, insure and generally manage any and all property, both real and personal, which I own, or may hereafter acquire from any source.”

The instrument Boulware signed just prior to his death also authorized Murdaugh to “sign, execute and deliver any and all legal documents” in his name, and to “deposit any monies received from any source whatever for me, and in my name with any bank, and to draw and deliver checks in my name against said monies and other monies to be deposited in my name or to my credit.”

Boulware further authorized Murdaugh to “do all things necessary concerning any insurance policies, including the right to change beneficiary,” and was even granted control over “decisions regarding my health and healthcare.”

Finally, the document made clear any decisions made by Murdaugh regarding Boulware’s assets would be “binding on myself and my heirs.”

Full article/timeline:

Alex got into drug business with Barrett and then tricked him when he was diagnosed with cancer ? - told him to sign without reading because Alex is a lawyer who cares about him and would not steer him wrong?

There's still the question of how lawyer/ solicitor Alex first met drug-dealer Barrett ... real estate and money laundering together from 2011 until 2018. After Barrett died in 2018, what did Alex do to cover their shared money-laundering real estate debt?

There has to be some instance that triggered Murdaugh to take ownership of Moselle. How did he do that?
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First, AM should be in jail for a long time just based on the fraud alone.

The following isn't a defense of this guy. Just thoughts....

How could a guy simultaneously pre plan this to the extent that its been alleged that he premeditated this by "luring" Maggie to the property, to kill her. Then thought ahead to use 2 weapons to give the impression there were 2 shooters.
Along with pondering a way out of the pickle he was in with the firm for months. And coming up with a plan to kill his wife and son. But not consider the technology. Seriously, he is cunning. He knows how law enforcement works. He knows what cell phones are capable of data logging, he knows on star is tracking him.

How are we supposed to square this?

That said, I think he knows exactly what happened that night. I think these people were into some really bad things. And something went very wrong. Possibly something Paul had gotten himself into. And there is still some type of threat hanging over the heads of the rest of the family.

There's more to this story.
I agree on every point made.
We could’ve gotten through this painfully drawn-out trial in about 2 hours.

Prosecution: Alex did it, due to his precise placement at the crime scene from the phone/car data and videos. Nobody else was present and Alex knows it. And he is a compulsive liar so nobody can believe anything he says anyways.

Defense: Hmm you might be right. But you can’t prove he pulled the triggers.

Jury: [please make your decision thanks]
Alex got into drug business with Barrett and then tricked him when he was diagnosed with cancer ? - told him to sign without reading because Alex is a lawyer who cares about him and would not steer him wrong?

There's still the question of how lawyer/ solicitor Alex first met drug-dealer Barrett ... real estate and money laundering together from 2011 until 2018. After Barrett died in 2018, what did Alex do to cover their shared money-laundering real estate debt?

There has to be some instance that triggered Murdaugh to take ownership of Moselle. How did he do that?

My understanding is that AM represented BB in some legal matters and BB signed over Moselle as payment, I never did a deep dive into their connection, all of it seemed quite illicit and tangled. FITS also did a podcast on them and a 'bonus video':

its interesting, so much self serving commentary by him about his addiction. he could disclose any and all records regarding his inpatient detox treatment. only he was permitted to release those records. he didnt, because it would not have supported his poopy pants story and the level of his addiction he was using as his defense. *opie made me lie*
Exactly. Listen to his testimony on that. Asked how many pills he took a day.. not a straight answer. Well how many did you take at a time and when, what's a normal day like.. 60 pills.. he said some days more than that, some days not that many. He was doing pill math.. well 30mg and if you have 100 it's 3000mg blah blah blah.

A true remorseful addict would say, I woke up and needed pills right away. I took 5 or 6 or insert whatever here.. then by lunch I needed more or I did xyz.. it's not difficult to explain what your habit looked like.

He didn't/couldn't/wouldn't. I can't believe a functioning addict that supposedly no law partners or family new except Maggie and Paul.. would sometimes not take as many.. wouldn't you have withdrawal at work? It's all just fishy.

First, AM should be in jail for a long time just based on the fraud alone.

The following isn't a defense of this guy. Just thoughts....

How could a guy simultaneously pre plan this to the extent that its been alleged that he premeditated this by "luring" Maggie to the property, to kill her. Then thought ahead to use 2 weapons to give the impression there were 2 shooters.
Along with pondering a way out of the pickle he was in with the firm for months. And coming up with a plan to kill his wife and son. But not consider the technology. Seriously, he is cunning. He knows how law enforcement works. He knows what cell phones are capable of data logging, he knows on star is tracking him.

How are we supposed to square this?

That said, I think he knows exactly what happened that night. I think these people were into some really bad things. And something went very wrong. Possibly something Paul had gotten himself into. And there is still some type of threat hanging over the heads of the rest of the family.

There's more to this story.
I think he was thinking about it for a long time. I don't think he was actively planning it that long, but every time he had to look at financials or read something from the boat case, he was thinking if Paul was gone or even if some accident happened to Paul the sympathy would swing his way vs this lawsuit being on them. I really think as time went on and he realized the criminal charges were not going away and Maggie just wanted to settle about the boat case, but she didn't know about his dirty deeds stealing from others so he can't just settle.. he had to much money out and stolen and he was not having it. Not going to have to open his financials to be exposing all his bad deeds. He still thought he could get out of those financial bad deeds if he could get the boat case to go away. I think as it go closer to judgement day for Alex his wild ideas became more reality for him. Drugs played a part, but I think the main concern for him was exposing his financials and he saw the boat case as the reason for this problem. He wasn't lying when he said the reason they were dead was the boat case only it was HIM who caused that, not some random vigilante.
Interesting thing I picked up from the #churchwellchart. Alex took 135 more steps when he arrived at Almeda than when he left.

9:22:39 PM – 9:32:14 PM – Alex Murdaugh’s iPhone shows 195 steps taken (AM Extraction)

9:35:55 PM – 9:45:37 PM – Alex Murdaugh’ s iPhone shows 60 steps traveled (AM Extraction)

Hm, I wonder why....
There is no way that court is going to start at 11 am, IMO. The judge told the jurors to come by 9:30 so they could leave then on the field trip. Judge said it takes 25 minutes to get to Moselle. So that is an hour at least for round trip.

If they leave at 9:30 they won't be back until 10:30, NOT counting the time to see the crime scene area. So does the judge think they will be done at Moselle after 30 minutes of viewing? That doesn't seem like enough time to me.

I think the is trying to cram way too much into the day tomorrow. They rush back from the trip, have lunch break, hear both side's Closing Arguments, followed by Sur-rebuttal for prosecution, then judge goes over the jury instructions, and then he thinks they will start deliberations? Sounds unrealistic. lol
I'm interested how the prosecution will hang all this together in closing.
I don't think they are being given very much time, considering all of the things the judge expects to happen in one day.

They don't start the closing arguments until after the field trip, and probably after lunch break, and then when closings are done judge plans to give juror instructions and send them to deliberations.

How much time is he giving them for each side? Is there even time for rebuttal?
I don't think he was actively planning it that long, but every time he had to look at financials or read something from the boat case, he was thinking if Paul was gone or even if some accident happened to Paul the sympathy would swing his way vs this lawsuit being on them. I really think as time went on and he realized the criminal charges were not going away and Maggie just wanted to settle about the boat case, but she didn't know about his dirty deeds stealing from others so he can't just settle....
Snipped from above....As preamble to:

All of what is sworn to or published as evidence in a court trial is allowed as evidence in subsequent trials...and the record of a Criminal Case can be introduced as evidence in a Civil case. Raises a number of questions and maybe answers a few when it comes to both motive in this case and the future of AM in terms of the theft and malfeasance charges he has yet to face...As example and strictly MOO:
PM facing trial for criminal charges in the boat disaster, the evidence and testimony from that opens a Pandora's box of evidence for the plaintiffs in the civil case against PM, AM and BM. Were there no criminal trial, the plaintiffs would have to develop considerably more evidence on their own to pursue the civil suits....Motive, possibly?
AM, already charged for the financial crimes, has effectively admitted them under oath at this trial. Could that explain why the prosecution have spent so much of their cross exam of AM on forcing him to admit the financials? It is the State AG office that will be prosecuting the financial trial and it is almost a sealed deal for at least a considerable portion of those charges, at this point. DH and Co. might as well start drafting stipulations now....

I also believe there is more to come. SLED has re-opened the Smith investigation which means they have chosen to ignore the COD/MOD documents that indicate it was vehicular hit and run...the various articles from MSM would indicate SLED has reason to believe that the M's could be involved in some way. That had been published information in Mid June 2021 only a couple weeks after the PM & MM murders.

This trial is absolutely critical to the Murdaugh family not just in terms of their power and prestige locally but also to their shared legacy. At this stage the only available progenitor of the dynasty is...BM.

Did you all notice that AM was more flat yesterday and today not as much emotion? He also didn't seem to have his mouth full of mints or tobacco or whatever it was he was previously manipulating orally all during the trial. I noticed he did "cry" a few times but not as much and he seems worn out, maybe feeling defeated? OMO

Did anyone else notice a change since he testified?
Yes, he's looked pale, drawn and nervous to me.
That is why, a simple graphic timeline of the date of the murders, and the items that are missing, guns, clothing, is going to be a key element here. KISS is right.

Very easy to understand graphic, black and white, timeline, and items missing, clothing, guns. I think that is needed for the jury. Not anything over complicated. The average reading level of citizens in the United States is 8th grade.

Attorneys miss that, and lose.

I agree. There is so much circumstantial evidence it just needs to be tied together on a whiteboard for the jury to see it collectively. Its impossible to recall it uniformly because everything didn’t go in linear order. That’s not always an issue but in this case it’s crucial because of the vast amount of circumstantial evidence.
He’s digging his own grave. Why are we resorting to talking hours about shooting angles JM’s rambling or whatever else?

Yes, I’m not sure why that hasn’t been paramount out of everything. They are throwing the baby out with the bath water by going over other stuff.

Angles, water, foot prints etc need to follow the main point versus getting lost in those details. If AM was the only one there why waste time and energy on the surrounding activities. Him being there is the main point.
Exactly. Listen to his testimony on that. Asked how many pills he took a day.. not a straight answer. Well how many did you take at a time and when, what's a normal day like.. 60 pills.. he said some days more than that, some days not that many. He was doing pill math.. well 30mg and if you have 100 it's 3000mg blah blah blah.

A true remorseful addict would say, I woke up and needed pills right away. I took 5 or 6 or insert whatever here.. then by lunch I needed more or I did xyz.. it's not difficult to explain what your habit looked like.

He didn't/couldn't/wouldn't. I can't believe a functioning addict that supposedly no law partners or family new except Maggie and Paul.. would sometimes not take as many.. wouldn't you have withdrawal at work? It's all just fishy.

I think he was thinking about it for a long time. I don't think he was actively planning it that long, but every time he had to look at financials or read something from the boat case, he was thinking if Paul was gone or even if some accident happened to Paul the sympathy would swing his way vs this lawsuit being on them. I really think as time went on and he realized the criminal charges were not going away and Maggie just wanted to settle about the boat case, but she didn't know about his dirty deeds stealing from others so he can't just settle.. he had to much money out and stolen and he was not having it. Not going to have to open his financials to be exposing all his bad deeds. He still thought he could get out of those financial bad deeds if he could get the boat case to go away. I think as it go closer to judgement day for Alex his wild ideas became more reality for him. Drugs played a part, but I think the main concern for him was exposing his financials and he saw the boat case as the reason for this problem. He wasn't lying when he said the reason they were dead was the boat case only it was HIM who caused that, not some random vigilante.

He’s too fourth coming on the drugs in a grand effort to make that the focus. Offering all of the details without documentation doesn’t mean anything.
Why should anyone think the jury will believe he is not lying to them about murdering his wife and son?? Isn't a jury charge that if the jury knows/thinks he lied about something they can assume he lied about one or more things... or words similar???
Juries are strange creatures. I've tried to serve on one numerous times but have never been selected. In interviewing jurors after mistrials I've walked away shaking my head; what they take away from testimony is sometimes very different than wht was intended. It's obvious to the viewing public that AM is the only person who had the motive, means and opportunity to kill his wife and child. I hope you're right about this jury.
I thought they already got $2.2M from AM's 401(k)??
I thought they already got $2.2M from AM's 401(k
The total value of Murdaugh’s 401(k) came to an estimated $1.7 million, according to attorney Amy L.B. Hill – one of the “receivers” appointed by the court to manage his finances. After fees and taxes, approximately $900,000 was available to him.
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