Found Deceased SC - Samantha Josephson, 21, Columbia, 29 March 2019 *Arrest*

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I wanna know how long NR has been in Columbia. And where.

He graduated local school when he was 18, then maybe a year in a smaller college where he just didn't make it.

So let's say at age 20 he is not working, not in school. New Zion isn't the place he wants to be. When does he go to Columbia. What is he doing for the 4 years between age 20 and now, age 24?

The car he was driving was not his, but seems to have been titled by someone else in his family - Uncle? Parents? Unclear at this point.

His parents seem to be proud he worked for FedEx. I can sorta see now how boosting packages can be profitable at the distribution center - a couple of packages fall off the track? pick them up and check them out for something valuable. Easy to pawn new stuff at some more distant pawn shop. I'm getting the idea that he may have been involved in some simple theft. Once you cross the line...... you're not the good kid your parents thought you were.

Did he get fired from Fed Ex and now had to look to ride-sharing for money?

Was he really trying to be a legit ride-share driver, as others have suggested? If I were a ride-share driver, a place like Harden St in Five Points about 2 am would be a reliable source of rides. Even if they were short- like back to USC. I assume the real good rideshare drives would be at the airport, at the sports stadium, maybe in a tony shopping district on Saturdays, but controlled by the pros. He's got a vehicle that looks nice - maybe he did aspire to make some extra easy money from "rich" drunk college students in Five Points.

He certainly was in the right place, the right car, knew who to watch for..... if he was legitimately going to be quick cash taxi vehicle.

But what happened to Samantha was not a wrong signal. He lost it. He lost control. He made the wrong choice.
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Didn't people initially think the same of Jesse Matthews? imo, speculation.
From link..
"This doesn’t sound like the person we know and love," Waiters said.


Picture of Nathaniel Rowland. (Photo: submitted/courtesy of Monique Pearson)

Waiters, who last saw Rowland about a year ago in passing, said he was a "great kid" from a "very involved" family who would always help with summer fundraisers for basketball teams.

Rowland was a hardworking and smart student and player, Waiters said. When Waiters started as the East Clarendon varsity basketball coach in 2011, he picked Rowland as the team captain, having seen his leadership skills with the AAU team.

Waiters described Rowland as a "yes sir, yes ma’am" kid who was always respectful and pushed his peers to do their best. "
Being a respectful, “yes sir, yes ma’am” type of kid doesn’t negate his capacity to kill. There have been more than a few cold blooded killers throughout history—men who have been found guilty of the most egregious of crimes—who have also proven to be masters of minding their p’s and q’s in their day-to-day life, Mr. Waiters.
I did not see it on the first link and nothing close to it but I did on this link. If he immediately knew something was wrong, it begs the question why was no one called? Until much later the next day? It just does not add up. Is anyone familiar with this news source? When I first saw it I thought it stood for Wisconsin TV and clearly it does not. I have never seen it until this case.

If you watch the vigil, he says he was 2 hours away in Charleston.
Idk how any parent can even consider their child capable of murder.
I’m different than many on WS, I don’t blame parent for the actions of their adult children.
No parent is perfect, most of us do the best we can, we all parent differently. I firmly believe most of us don’t raise our children to be murderers.

My feeling is that his family is solid, kind, loving, reverent, and honest. there's a little sad tinge of pride in their voices. And he was a good kid.... He was never a problem kid. OK, so he said he was passed out..... kids in that area drank a lot and passed out, so they are not astonished at this alibi.

Until....... something.
I haven't seen much from them in the cases I've followed, but they are apparently based in Columbia, SC. I had to Google their phone number to find that out, though.


Me either and I have followed a few SC cases. I have seen them referenced on here a few times in this case and it always seems to be something heard nowhere else. Although, I did hear the bf saying himself he was tracking her and knew immediately so in his own words he said that...
If you watch the vigil, he says he was 2 hours away in Charleston.

I meant as for calling 911, her friends, etc. if he knew something was immediately wrong the minute she was in the car and then likely could not reach her. I mean nothing by it because in no way would I mean it that way, but I can imagine what people on FB and other sites will do with this remark.
I've never personally used a tracking app. If her phone was turned off at some point, would the tracking app still work ?
I send my location all the time via my iPhone (share my location) to my boyfriend when traveling out of state for work. So he knows where I am since I travel alone. When my battery dies it will just show on his phone that I am in the same location even if I am not. Then I when turns back it shows the location where I am currently. The find my friends app is not as accurate.
Being a respectful, “yes sir, yes ma’am” type of kid doesn’t negate his capacity to kill. There have been more than a few cold blooded killers throughout history—men who have been found guilty of the most egregious of crimes—who have also proven to be masters of minding their p’s and q’s in their day-to-day life, Mr. Waiters.
Remember John Wayne Gacy in Chicago?
The clown guy who killed dozens of young men and buried them in his crawlspace.

All the people he knew spoke of him as the kindest, give-the-shirt-off-his-back guy they knew!
I send my location all the time via my iPhone (share my location) to my boyfriend when traveling out of state for work. So he knows where I am since I travel alone. When my battery dies it will just show on his phone that I am in the same location even if I am not. Then I when turns back it shows the location where I am currently. The find my friends app is not as accurate.
Same here! I even do this THRU MY UBER APP. You can actually share your ride info with a friend—you choose the person you want to share your ride info with and that person can track your ride. They can see the driver and car info, track when you’ve entered the car, follow along the route while you are traveling in the Uber, and see you’ve arrived at your destination and exited the vehicle. I hope her BF didn’t mean that he was tracking her ride thru his Uber app and saw that her Uber had been canceled.

ETA: I’m not saying that he’d have ANY blame whatsoever—even if that IS what he meant (because we all know that hindsight is 20/20 & I doubt many people her age would have immediately thought to contact the police)—but that would be especially heartbreaking and the “what if’s?” would likely weigh heavily on his mind for the rest of his life.
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He was phone tracking her.

So does Greg Corbishely know if the car stopped in Rosewood? Did he track her phone to New Zion and back?

So NR knowingly had her phone after her murder and kept it in the glove box?

I listened to vigil and boyfriend speak. He did not comment if and/or where the car stopped, or if he tracked SJ phone to New Zion and back.

Also, I don't recall phone in glove box. I believe reports were that SJ phone located in passenger compartment which I believed to be the compartment on passenger side door. MOO
Remember John Wayne Gacy in Chicago?
The clown guy who killed dozens of young men and buried them in his crawlspace.

All the people he knew spoke of him as the kindest, give-the-shirt-off-his-back guy they knew!

Yes! The BTK killer also comes to mind. He was married, an active member at his church, and a Cub Scout leader.
COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - Angela Orth says the death of 21-year-old Samantha Josephson has been a rude awakening.

“All of us were really keeping up with it, and talking about it. You always put yourself in that situation. You think about your friends in that situation,” Orth said.

Police believe Josephson got into a vehicle early Friday morning in Five Points believing it was her Uber ride. It wasn’t.

Investigators say the vehicle belonged to 24-year-old Nathaniel Rowland. Police are charging him with kidnapping and murder after Josephson’s body was found in Clarendon County Friday afternoon.

Leaving many in shock, including lawmakers. Representative Seth Rose (D-Richland) said, “We can’t stop a psychopath from doing something hideous, but as lawmakers, policymakers, we need to take precautions to make the likelihood that something like this happen less.”

Rep. Rose along with Representative Micah Caskey (R-Lexington) filed the Samantha L. Josephson Ridesharing Safety Act.

The legislation would require all drivers for companies like Lyft and Uber to illuminated signage on their cars while they are working. Rep. Rose said, “It will be a light that would have to be given by the company. It’s not something you can go to a store and buy.”

Lawmakers file ridesharing safety legislation in honor of Samantha Josephson
I listened to vigil and boyfriend speak. He did not comment if and/or where the car stopped, or if he tracked SJ phone to New Zion and back.

Also, I don't recall phone in glove box. I believe reports were that SJ phone located in passenger compartment which I believed to be the compartment on passenger side door. MOO

I believe "passenger compartment" is anywhere inside the vehicle doors, as `opposed to "Under the Hood" or "In the Trunk".

It's a broad description that would include the c0mpartment on the passenger side door, as well as the compartments on the driver door, or the backseat doors, or the glove compartment, or on the dashboard, or under any of the seats, or on the back window shelf.

I think it's just a general term and we should not apply a specific location to it until LE confirms it
Updated 12:12 a.m. ET April 3, 2019

ROBBINSVILLE - Many young people hope to leave their hometown behind when they go away to college, but not Samantha “Sammy” Josephson.

Josephson, 21, a senior at the University of South Carolina, told her boyfriend Greg Corbishley nearly every weekend they spent together on campus how much she missed her family, her friends and her home in New Jersey. On Tuesday, days after she was murdered near her university, her hometown of Robbinsville said farewell.

A few hundred mourners gathered beneath a lakeside gazebo to grieve, show support and mostly share stories about the quirky, adventurous and loving girl from their hometown.

“I see why she loved you guys so much,” Corbishley told those in attendance.

Samantha’s father Seymour Josephson spoke to mourners, his voice often breaking with emotion, calling his daughter “kooky, laughable and kindhearted.”

“We just got home from South Carolina yesterday afternoon and before we even got out of the car people were pulling up to give us our condolences,” he said. “It was just totally amazing the support and the friendship.”

In the days since, Seymour Josephson has spoken out about the need for young people to travel with a friend and for ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft to take more responsibility for the safety of their customers. He referred to Samantha Josephson’s accused killer as a “monster.”

“What he did, I don’t want anyone else to go through it as a parent,” he said Tuesday. “We want something to change.”

Attendees alternated between tears and laughter as friend after friend of Samantha’s stepped up to the microphone to pay tribute to her and share childhood and high school stories they called “Sammyisms.”

Her friends remembered how she would always enthusiastically sing songs even though she rarely knew the words, she once wore face paint to a Justin Bieber concert, hoping to attract the pop star's attention and once after a childhood argument with a friend, Josephson called the friend four times in rapid successioin to make sure there were no hurt feelings.

“She loved life and took advantage of every moment that God gave her. If my family and I learned anything from Sammy it was how to laugh often, love much and to be yourself no matter who was watching," neighbor Barb Samel said. “She would want us to toast her, not cry for her.”

Samantha Josephson murder: NJ hometown mourns 'quirky, kindhearted' girl
For 6 months while working a job in another state. I took Lyft almost every day unless I knew where I was going, then I would drive rental. I have been a passenger in Lyft so much that there are certain things you almost know as soon as you get into the car. The driver has the phone on-gps started so you can see the location. Etc... usually right where you can see. I would speculate SJ was on the phone for a while, and it wasn’t until she got off the phone she realized the NR wasn’t going in the direction she should be going. (If she did in fact mistake him for an Uber and didn’t know him at all). If she was on the phone and anything was suspicious she would have most likely said something and the person on the other end of the line would have heard and done something. And that information hasn’t been stated from family, friends or police.

So perhaps she finally got off the phone while in car, and he had Chloroform which is easily made with bleach, acetone and ice. Put that on her face she passed out..became unconscious and anything happened between 2 am until the time she was found dead. But he would still have to be strong enough to apply pressure on her mouth/nose area to hold the chloroform long enough for her to breath it in. I just cannot wrap my head around how scrawny and whimpy he is. He would not be able to over power her without at first knocking her out, even choking her until she lost consciousness, or he wouldn’t even be able to tied her up/her arms up without her resisting some. He is 155 pounds. Scrawny.

In my opinion, I don’t believe he plan to killed her at first, or that wasn’t his original intention. I think it was most likely going to be a sexual assault, and then she woke up or became conscious and she started to fight back some. Thus starting the fight of her life

There has got to be DNA on her which I am sure they have, and that DNA will at least be able to verify he was the actual killer or if there was more than one killer if there is more than justvhis DNA.

For me, there is something missing from this, something we may never know. But from the facts I have read thus far, he couldn’t have done this without either something to “knock her out” or with an extra set of hands.
Same here! I even do this THRU MY UBER APP. You can actually share your ride info with a friend—you choose the person you want to share your ride info with and that person can track your ride. They can see the driver and car info, track when you’ve entered the car, follow along the route while you are traveling in the Uber, and see you’ve arrived at your destination and exited the vehicle. I hope her BF didn’t mean that he was tracking her ride thru his Uber app and saw that her Uber had been canceled.

ETA: I’m not saying that he’d have ANY blame whatsoever—even if that IS what he meant (because we all know that hindsight is 20/20 & I doubt many people her age would have immediately thought to contact the police)—but that would be especially heartbreaking and the “what if’s?” would likely weigh heavily on his mind for the rest of his life.

Lyft doesn’t have that option yet you can share ETA. I never take Uber. Just had one bad experience. But I like that Uber does that. And I hope the boyfriend wasn’t watch the ride. That just breaks my heart thinking that.
I believe "passenger compartment" is anywhere inside the vehicle doors, as `opposed to "Under the Hood" or "In the Trunk".

It's a broad description that would include the c0mpartment on the passenger side door, as well as the compartments on the driver door, or the backseat doors, or the glove compartment, or on the dashboard, or under any of the seats, or on the back window shelf.

I think it's just a general term and we should not apply a specific location to it until LE confirms it

So NR knowingly had her phone after her murder and kept it in the glove box?

I watched the entire hour long vigil for SJ this evening-- including boyfriends comments, and I replied to your post mainly to answer your questions about the boyfriend tracking SJ's phone.

In passing, I also made a comment regarding your own statement which cited a "specific location" or that NR kept it [SJ phone] in the glove box (i.e., suggesting passenger compartment). bbm

I'm not sure why you responded to me to tell me about not applying a specific location until confirmed by LE. I didn't say glove box, you did!

The Arrest Affidavit states "a cellular telephone belonging to the victim was found inside the passenger compartment of the subject vehicle." bbm

In most states including South Carolina, a "glove box" is defined as an area that's distinct from that area designed and intended for drivers and passengers to occupy. I'm quite certain that law enforcement does not consider the "glove box" the passenger compartment, in broad or general terms.

Nonetheless -- I agree with you we should not apply a specific location to where the phone was located until LE confirms. :)
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