Found Deceased SC - Samantha Josephson, 21, Columbia, 29 March 2019 *Arrest*

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Listening to the vigil this evening for Samantha (Sammy) Josephson, held in her own hometown, I was taken back how two brutally murdered women, Shanann Watts and Sammy, seemed to share so many endearing qualities, and had so many close, friends.

I was fortunate enough to attend Shanann Watts' Celebration of Life held near her home in Frederick, Co. While I didn't intend to watch the entire hour long vigil for Sammy this evening, I couldn't walk away. As with SW, I was captured by the energy present in Robbinsville, NJ for Sammy. She was indeed a bright light, and truly explains why her family and friends would rather celebrate her than mourn her! Clearly, I don't think Sammy would want anything less.

You won't regret watching the vigil -- I highly recommend it.
Several links upthread.
I have watched the video of SJ getting in the car what feels like a 100 times and I really believe NR knew what he was doing. He is first seen on the side street, then pulls around to the parking spot. IMOO he saw her waiting. She is standing away from the crowd and on her phone. To me, it is not far fetched to think she is waiting for a ride. I think he pretended to be that ride. Again MOO
I have watched the video of SJ getting in the car what feels like a 100 times and I really believe NR knew what he was doing. He is first seen on the side street, then pulls around to the parking spot. IMOO he saw her waiting. She is standing away from the crowd and on her phone. To me, it is not far fetched to think she is waiting for a ride. I think he pretended to be that ride. Again MOO

Do you think he might have portrayed his car as an Uber in the past, offering rides for fast money? This time, things obviously went wrong? Perhaps he did frequent the area hoping to drive bar patrons home. Idk

ETA: we know SLED found info that must be unfavorable to NR.
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Ugh, I watched that interview with his parents and I feel so bad for them. His dad seems especially shook up. His mother less than I would expect. It seems like they need and want to believe. That they didn't initially but choose to believe that he'd tell them the truth or not. I hate to think of him losing everything because he decides to mortgage his home and property to get his son a good lawyer.

As a parent I could "almost" buy the idea that maybe someone stole his car when he was passed out and randomly kidnapped and killed a woman with it. And then just brought the car back to the party like nothing happened. But stretch it out to the body was dumped out in his old neighborhood where his family is rather than somewhere near the area of abduction? That he found the car full of blood and never called the police? That he'd rather hide another killer than immediately call the police? He didn't notice the bloody cell phone though? He just happened to drive his bloodied car back to the place of abduction and didn't realize it?

No. I'd think my kid was a killer I'm pretty sure. But I'm sort of a suspicious person I guess. If my kid's car was found with the blood and cell phone of a murdered woman I'd probably flip out on them. And it sounded like dad didn't believe him at first. But now he does. His son said he didn't do it.

So I guess there are just loads of people who can confirm his presence at a party? Confirm his being passed out etc? Which one of them wants to take the fall as the killer?

I share a lot of the same thoughts and you summed it up well.

Things are not adding up to the story of someone taking his vehicle while he was passed out because like you said then why not call LE when you notice the car is full of blood the next day. And the coincidence of the body being found near his house. Coincidences like that are too tough to believe when crimes like this occur.

I feel the parents pain in the interview. When they get to why they believe his story there is really nothing provided as to why they chose to believe the story he told.

When they say all their kids are good kids it seemed like there was no possibility or belief that one could ever be a bad apple in the bunch.

Criminals never think through what they will put their own poor relatives through when they commit crimes. They are victims too now.
Do you think he might have portrayed his car as an Uber in the past, offering rides for fast money? This time, things obviously went wrong? Perhaps he did frequent the area hoping to drive bar patrons home. Idk

ETA: we know SLED found info that must be unfavorable to NR.

I am not sure about him posing as an Uber driver in the past. I sort of think if he did, we would hear from those people. His car and picture are all over MSM. If he pretended to be an Uber driver for me I think I would say, "hey wait a minute, that guy picked me up once."

I was also just wondering, we do not see the video prior to him pulling around and SJ getting in the car. Could he have seen her try to get in another car (if it is true she thought another car was also her UBER driver)?

It is a big question to me, "what was he doing there?"
Policies do not need to change or have new ones in place. Uber already has policies in place, whatever new policies they implement, if app malfunctions or people are not careful no policy will prevent these things from happening.

Their app is far from perfect and has multiple problems with different cell phone providers. In today's age they are a million miles behind where they need to be. Why in the world have they not figured out that their app should respond to voice commands? Say yes to accept, no to ignore. Having drivers use their app while driving is the equivalent of texting while driving.

I understand the dad wants new policies in place with rideshare but that has nothing to do with his daughter getting into a vehicle that was clearly not her Uber. Unfortunately people do get inebriated and let their guards down and their are people that troll the streets looking for victims at bar closing etc
I share a lot of the same thoughts and you summed it up well.

Things are not adding up to the story of someone taking his vehicle while he was passed out because like you said then why not call LE when you notice the car is full of blood the next day. And the coincidence of the body being found near his house. Coincidences like that are too tough to believe when crimes like this occur.

I feel the parents pain in the interview. When they get to why they believe his story there is really nothing provided as to why they chose to believe the story he told.

When they say all their kids are good kids it seemed like there was no possibility or belief that one could ever be a bad apple in the bunch.

Criminals never think through what they will put their own poor relatives through when they commit crimes. They are victims too now.
I completely agree.

What are the odds he had his phone with him and that it can place him in at the place and times in question? I suppose he can say the phantom one armed man took it as well? I’d guess his dna will be found on her and that will also be met with explanations.

And I think this case will come down to reasonable doubt. His alibi, unless some airtight eyewitness video proves he was passed out at a party, (to me) is far removed from reasonable.
Policies do not need to change or have new ones in place. Uber already has policies in place, whatever new policies they implement, if app malfunctions or people are not careful no policy will prevent these things from happening.

Their app is far from perfect and has multiple problems with different cell phone providers. In today's age they are a million miles behind where they need to be. Why in the world have they not figured out that their app should respond to voice commands? Say yes to accept, no to ignore. Having drivers use their app while driving is the equivalent of texting while driving.

I understand the dad wants new policies in place with rideshare but that has nothing to do with his daughter getting into a vehicle that was clearly not her Uber. Unfortunately people do get inebriated and let their guards down and their are people that troll the streets looking for victims at bar closing etc

I tend to agree. I have used Uber and it was very clear, the car, license plate and driver name. I am sure there are mistakes with apps but it MOO NR is to blame for what happened to SJ. This is such a tragic situation. I want to scream every time I watch the video, "do not get in that car!" like I am watching a horror film and trying to warn the characters. It is so so sad that people, particularly young women, cannot go out and enjoy their lives.

I am also going to promote the emergency signal that is available on most iPhones and Androids. Set up your emergency signal and emergency contacts so an alert can be sent when you are in trouble. Although this may not prevent harm in all situations, it will at least let others know you are in trouble and your location.

I have been bombarding my friends and family with messages on never going out alone, taking ride shares alone and making sure their emergency SOS is set up. I am sure some will block me soon!! :p
In my opinion, I don’t believe he plan to killed her at first, or that wasn’t his original intention. I think it was most likely going to be a sexual assault, and then she woke up or became conscious and she started to fight back some. Thus starting the fight of her life

There has got to be DNA on her which I am sure they have, and that DNA will at least be able to verify he was the actual killer or if there was more than one killer if there is more than justvhis DNA.

For me, there is something missing from this, something we may never know. But from the facts I have read thus far, he couldn’t have done this without either something to “knock her out” or with an extra set of hands.

This is my theory as well. The sloppiness of his actions (not cleaning the car, still having her phone, being back in 5 points the next night, etc etc etc) makes me think a) this was his first kill and b) this was not planned. I do think he saw her waiting there and that's when he decided to move in, but I don't think he thought this through. That's not to take anything away from what happened next.

For those asking- WISTV is our local NBC affiliate station, nothing sketchy or odd about the site. Other than that's where I get all my Cola news
The other local news stations are wltx and abccolumbia

Another thing I wanted to point out- I've always thought Columbia neighborhoods were very odd. You can have a gorgeous wonderful family house two doors down from an ugly decrepid rundown house (I'm being a bit hyperbolic but it's not far off). It's sort of hard to judge/put a label on an entire area (Rosewood, Shandon, Heathwood, Five Points- all right there together). There really are houses, condos, apartments, multifamily homes everywhere in Columbia. Her phone was tracked to Ott Road off Rosewood Dr which is where Rosewood Elementary is, not the worst part of town but not the best.

Oh ah sorry, just catching up this morning, yeah this case is drawing some parallels to the Hannah Graham case. Jesse Matthew, the man who brutally murdered Hannah Graham, was described as a "gentle giant" and was a popular athlete in high school. So I really don't care how people/his family describe this guy that is accused of murdering Samantha. Things change. Clearly.
Great point about where he is charged with the murder.

To me, IF there is no second person in the car, he had to stop somewhere (home, on a street, at a friend's, in a driveway, etc.) to even incapacitate her. Sure, he could reach back and hit at her while driving or even stab at her, etc. but while that may put one in fear, it also will bring fight or flight into play (all are different but just guessing). She likely tried to open the door, the window, etc. or even started trying to hit at him with something while still on a main drag and in the city. Pulling off may have been planned or as a result of what was going on in the car and his need to stop her.

Perhaps she tried to kick out a window. That could explain the injuries to her leg and foot.
Policies do not need to change or have new ones in place. Uber already has policies in place, whatever new policies they implement, if app malfunctions or people are not careful no policy will prevent these things from happening.

Their app is far from perfect and has multiple problems with different cell phone providers. In today's age they are a million miles behind where they need to be. Why in the world have they not figured out that their app should respond to voice commands? Say yes to accept, no to ignore. Having drivers use their app while driving is the equivalent of texting while driving.

I understand the dad wants new policies in place with rideshare but that has nothing to do with his daughter getting into a vehicle that was clearly not her Uber. Unfortunately people do get inebriated and let their guards down and their are people that troll the streets looking for victims at bar closing etc

So true.
It was clearly up to him to correct her error rather than speeding off with her.
Me? If someone mistakenly opened my car door, they would not get all the way in, lol. I’d be screaming, on the defense, immediately.
Maybe he has given rides for cash, not posing as an Uber or Lyft, operating as an independent?
Honestly, in my area, I can picture people leaving the sport bars at closing time, riding with anyone. Police loiter nearby, people drinking start thinking about a dui, so yeah, I think a lot would hop in any ride.
Tersely, small local bars in my area have 3-4 designated drivers on stand by on big drinking days, like Derby, Final Four, cinco de Mayo, NYE. Husband/wife teams, one drives the patrons car, the other follows. We get home safely & our car is in our drive, perfect. Protects the bar owner as well. Again, the bars doing this are small, privately owned establishments.
This is my theory as well. The sloppiness of his actions (not cleaning the car, still having her phone, being back in 5 points the next night, etc etc etc) makes me think a) this was his first kill and b) this was not planned. I do think he saw her waiting there and that's when he decided to move in, but I don't think he thought this through. That's not to take anything away from what happened next.

For those asking- WISTV is our local NBC affiliate station, nothing sketchy or odd about the site. Other than that's where I get all my Cola news
The other local news stations are wltx and abccolumbia

Another thing I wanted to point out- I've always thought Columbia neighborhoods were very odd. You can have a gorgeous wonderful family house two doors down from an ugly decrepid rundown house (I'm being a bit hyperbolic but it's not far off). It's sort of hard to judge/put a label on an entire area (Rosewood, Shandon, Heathwood, Five Points- all right there together). There really are houses, condos, apartments, multifamily homes everywhere in Columbia. Her phone was tracked to Ott Road off Rosewood Dr which is where Rosewood Elementary is, not the worst part of town but not the best.

Oh ah sorry, just catching up this morning, yeah this case is drawing some parallels to the Hannah Graham case. Jesse Matthew, the man who brutally murdered Hannah Graham, was described as a "gentle giant" and was a popular athlete in high school. So I really don't care how people/his family describe this guy that is accused of murdering Samantha. Things change. Clearly.
An elementary school parking lot (especially if part of it is behind school) seems like a possible location where one could incapacitate someone and go unnoticed.
Funeral for slain college student from New Jersey to be held Wednesday
Funeral services will be held Wednesday for a 21-year-old New Jersey native who was murdered in South Carolina last week.

Family and friends will gather at noon at Congregation Beth Chaim in Princeton Junction to bid a final farewell to Samantha Josephson.

Burial will follow in Perrinesville.


A bill has now been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature that would require Uber and Lyft drivers to display an illuminated sign on vehicle windows.

Samantha Josephson to be laid to rest in New Jersey - CNN

Crowds gathered Tuesday night at a park in Robbinsville, the New Jersey town where she grew up,CNN affiliate WABC reported. Her funeral will be held at noon Wednesday at Congregation Beth Chaim in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, her father posted on Facebook. She will be buried in Perrineville, New Jersey.

I am also going to promote the emergency signal that is available on most iPhones and Androids. Set up your emergency signal and emergency contacts so an alert can be sent when you are in trouble. Although this may not prevent harm in all situations, it will at least let others know you are in trouble and your location.

I can't agree ENOUGH with this.

This whole website wouldn't exist if (mostly) women and children were safe in this world.

Scan through the topics and it's the same thing over and over again....

Predominantly, young women being harmed, 0ften while alone in a situation where an emergency signal might have helped them. It can be jogging, walking along a beautiful trail, out on a late run to the grocery store, walking on campus after a long night of studying, out at a celebration with friends, hanging out with a partner, even at home with a relative.

The specter of violence against women and children just seems to be getting stronger, or we know more about it because of media, but there are some things that can be done and using the emergency signal on your phone is certainly one of them!
'Helping riders avoid psychos is a no-brainer': After Samantha Josephson murder, focus turns to laws

"Helping riders avoid psychos is a no-brainer," Caskey said in a Twitter post. "I’m hopeful we can get this bipartisanship bill through the legislature quickly."


"Samantha’s father said he wants everyone to remember her name," Rose said. "This bill requiring illuminated signage for ride-sharing vehicles will be named the ”Samantha L. Josephson Ridesharing Safety Act."

Uber already has begun rolling out a glowing sign it calls "beacon" in some markets. The device glows in a color the would-be passenger selects so they’ll know exactly which car is the one they are waiting for.


“Nothing is ever going to stop psychos from doing psycho things, but if we can take one step to make it harder for psychos to be psychos, we should do it," Caskey said.

The Samantha L. Josephson Ridesharing Safety Act would require drivers to clearly identify their ride-sharing vehicles by displaying illuminated signs when they are active. The signs must be visible both day and night, and are a step up from South Carolina law, which requires drivers to apply a reflective “signage or emblem” to their vehicle. The legislation also would require drivers to return the illuminated sign when they stop working for a ride-sharing app.

"I’m just sick about this,” state Rep. Seth Rose (D), one of the lawmakers who introduced the bill, told the State.

A representative from Uber, one of the most popular ride-sharing services, told a Columbia NBC affiliate that the company was “devastated” by Josephson’s death.

“Since 2017, we’ve been working with local law enforcement and college campuses across the country to educate the public about how to avoid fake rideshare drivers,” the statement said. “Everyone at Uber is devastated to hear about this unspeakable crime, and our hearts are with Samantha Josephson’s family and loved ones. We remain focused on raising public awareness about this incredibly important issue.”


Uber already has begun rolling out a glowing sign it calls "beacon" in some markets. The device glows in a color the would-be passenger selects so they’ll know exactly which car is the one they are waiting for.

I think this is a wonderful idea . . . . . unless of course two people in close proximity select the same color. I could see where that would be an issue in crowded areas with lots of Ubers or other rideshare cars. MOO
Lawmakers, Law Enforcement Working to Improve Rideshare Safety

In an effort to help people find their ride home, Rose proposed a bill with Micah Caskey (R-Lexington County) in the South Carolina House requiring rideshare drivers to have illuminated signage in their car.

“That is a way to try and find some positive in this horrific incident, and if it could save someone else’s life, we should control what we could control. Doing nothing is not an option,” said Rose.

Meanwhile, USC Police officers say more students are asking about ways to make sure they get home safe.

“We have many resources we offer to you all such as the RAVE Guardian app and there’s other ways to alert the police. USC does put officers down in Five Points and we do the shuttles,” said Sgt. Michael Gooler of the USC Police Department.

USC Police recommends that everyone download the RAVE Guardian Safety App. If someone is in a situation where their safety is in danger, they should open the app, click the Call 9-1-1 button, and law enforcement will be on their way.

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