Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case had/has more evidence?*POLL ADDED*

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Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case has/had more evidence in favor of the prosecution?

  • Casey Anthony

    Votes: 645 90.1%
  • Scott Peterson

    Votes: 71 9.9%

  • Total voters
I can't vote because I didn't follow the details of the Scott Peterson trial -- but I'm glad to see the outcome (so far) of the poll.
At the time I had discussed the case with my brother, who is a lawyer. He thought the bodies turning up in proximity to where Scott placed his own alibi was the big white elephant in the room. I think Scott should've gone with the golf course in Modesto for his alibi:twocents:, but I think Scott was trying to distance himself from where Laci supposedly disappeared, rather than where she'd turn up. (He shot himself in the foot on that one! Thought he'd weighted her down well enough).
Come to think of it, in both cases we had a mysterious invisible kidnapper!!!

I see what your brother means; I just felt the timeline itself was the big thing for me.

I think there would have been cameras at the golf course no? And also they would have had him checking in? As soon as I heard that he lied to his neighbor I knew they should be looking at him. There is no reason to lie about where you were.

The lies were incredible - being at the vigil and calling Amber and saying he was in Paris - this is the same type of lying KC does.

Yep, two phantom kidnappers. God these people are so mentally challenged. That is the best I can say for them or the worse - we are on a thread. :seeya:
I noticed that too Lambchop. :)
My guess is Mrs. Baez is watching these hearings too and had put her foot down. Defending a client is one thing and appearing like her grieving lover is quite another. :twocents:

Or perhaps Mrs. JB has read a few of the posts on here about how the unneccesary touching? Not to judge anyone's relationship...but I for one would be unhappy if that was MY spouse with all of the touchy feely stuff and I am not a jelous person generally.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.

Actually, he did not keep the nursery in tact and it was a virtual mess with everything he was throwing in there. He tried to sell the house almost immediately. Her uterus was NOT cut open (where are you getting this). The baby was pushed out naturally. She was put in the ocean with weights. Not cut open. I have no idea where you are getting this information unless you are just assuming it happend.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)

7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.
Red by me, Where did you get this information on the case??? :waitasec:I live in the SF Bay Area and have NOT heard of any of this.
Actually, he did not keep the nursery in tact and it was a virtual mess with everything he was throwing in there. He tried to seel the house almost immediately. Where are you getting this?

I watched the "perfect husband" last night on LM. Perhaps some of the movie was exaggerated. It appeared the nursey was intact for months after she was missing and he still had the "Merry Christmas" note written on the wall from Laci. I admit I did not follow this case nearly as close as I follow the KC one so alot of my "facts" come from the Media. We know how that goes!!!:waitasec:
I watched the "perfect husband" last night on LM. Perhaps some of the movie was exaggerated. It appeared the nursey was intact for months after she was missing and he still had the "Merry Christmas" note written on the wall from Laci. I admit I did not follow this case nearly as close as I follow the KC one so alot of my "facts" come from the Media. We know how that goes!!!:waitasec:
Okay, then this story was fiction, because Laci's body expelled Connor naturally, and his little fetus body washed up on shore separately from Laci's- they were found a day apart...
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.

quoted most respectfully, but almost everything you've stated here is incorrect according to the testimony during the trial. Where are you gathering the information from?
Red by me, Where did you get this information on the case??? :waitasec:I live in the SF Bay Area and have NOT heard of any of this.

It was said to be in testimony made by Dr. Brian Peterson who did the autopsy for Laci and Conner? Again, I can't be sure as I did not read the testimony myself and really did not follow this case day in day out. I just read this on one of the Scott is innocent websites. I am not sure if it is a violation to post the link, but I am sure you can use google to find the testimony or the website.

I am not claiming it to be fact, just that it is what was "reported" or "beleived" by some media folks. I realize that others may have followed this trial more closely and may know what the jury actually saw/heard. :truce:
It was said to be in testimony made by Dr. Brian Peterson who did the autopsy for Laci and Conner? Again, I can't be sure as I did not read the testimony myself and really did not follow this case day in day out. I just read this on one of the Scott is innocent websites. I am not sure if it is a violation to post the link, but I am sure you can use google to find the testimony or the website.

I am not claiming it to be fact, just that it is what was "reported" or "beleived" by some media folks. I realize that others may have followed this trial more closely and may know what the jury actually saw/heard. :truce:
Okay, well there you go... that site is run by his parents and a certain groupie from his trial whose name begins with an "M". (Think Joy Wray/Laura B type) Can't remember her last name. Take that information with a grain of salt. They're still claiming he was wrongfully convicted. Geragos is no longer his attorney for his appeals.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.

This was written to support the notion that Scott Petersen was innocent, the prosecutions case was completely ignored as was the evidence against SP. Conner was protected in the uterus, by the uterus and was expelled by force of the gaseous buildup withing the organ. I remember him being found on the rocks and sand (I lived in California at the time) by a person walking by the remains...Conner was not laid lovingly anywhere, poor baby just washed up along with the headless body of Lacy his beautiful Mommy one or two days apart.
It was said to be in testimony made by Dr. Brian Peterson who did the autopsy for Laci and Conner? Again, I can't be sure as I did not read the testimony myself and really did not follow this case day in day out. I just read this on one of the Scott is innocent websites. I am not sure if it is a violation to post the link, but I am sure you can use google to find the testimony or the website.

I am not claiming it to be fact, just that it is what was "reported" or "beleived" by some media folks. I realize that others may have followed this trial more closely and may know what the jury actually saw/heard. :truce:

Ohhhhhhhh, ok. The innocence site. GAmom, if you want to know about the case, read about it on line. Try the wiki, they are fairly factual about everything. You have a lot of "facts" wrong.

This is why Scott is on death row as we speak.
It was said to be in testimony made by Dr. Brian Peterson who did the autopsy for Laci and Conner? Again, I can't be sure as I did not read the testimony myself and really did not follow this case day in day out. I just read this on one of the Scott is innocent websites. I am not sure if it is a violation to post the link, but I am sure you can use google to find the testimony or the website.

I am not claiming it to be fact, just that it is what was "reported" or "beleived" by some media folks. I realize that others may have followed this trial more closely and may know what the jury actually saw/heard. :truce:

Aw...didn't mean to shoot you down gamom we all get it mixed up now and again
Just goes to show how media ,blogs and the internet can influence the public.The info doesn't have to be right,just out there. I no longer give interviews because I've had journalists include misinformation, I DID NOT SAY ,in quotation marks . The tv media will edit interviews so they don't really represent what you mean.
It's all a show,folks.
That's why the documents we read and watching the hearings is so important.
Aw...didn't mean to shoot you down gamom we all get it mixed up now and again

No worries. I admit I am clueless about that case. I should know better than to take a mere website as fact. The movie also left a lot of room for doubt which is what made me do the internet searches to begin with. Don't feel bad for shooting me down. BELIVE me if anyone was to post something about the KC case that was not fact I would be all over them!! I follow this case in and out, day by day. So I understand the passion behind those that followed the SP case the same way.

THanks for clairifying the info though. Not that I felt bad about SP being on death row. I think he did it. Just thought the evidence used to convict him was a LOT less than what the SA have against KC. Hoping for the same verdict.
No worries. I admit I am clueless about that case. I should know better than to take a mere website as fact. The movie also left a lot of room for doubt which is what made me do the internet searches to begin with. Don't feel bad for shooting me down. BELIVE me if anyone was to post something about the KC case that was not fact I would be all over them!! I follow this case in and out, day by day. So I understand the passion behind those that followed the SP case the same way.

THanks for clairifying the info though. Not that I felt bad about SP being on death row. I think he did it. Just thought the evidence used to convict him was a LOT less than what the SA have against KC. Hoping for the same verdict.
Feel free to ask around WS about info on the Peterson case. That's when I joined WS, because it was a local case for me, and I couldn't stand his arrogance and the misinformation coming out about the case, and I needed a place to voice that.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.

What on EARTH are you talking about? These statements are not correct.
No worries. I admit I am clueless about that case. I should know better than to take a mere website as fact. The movie also left a lot of room for doubt which is what made me do the internet searches to begin with. Don't feel bad for shooting me down. BELIVE me if anyone was to post something about the KC case that was not fact I would be all over them!! I follow this case in and out, day by day. So I understand the passion behind those that followed the SP case the same way.

THanks for clairifying the info though. Not that I felt bad about SP being on death row. I think he did it. Just thought the evidence used to convict him was a LOT less than what the SA have against KC. Hoping for the same verdict.

I'm really glad you brought it to our attention. It proves a really important point. Stuff like this will be put out about Caylee's case and I find it dispicable. WHoever dreams this stuff up did not care about Connor or Laci,and those inventing BS in Caylee's case do not care about Caylee. JMVHO

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