Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case had/has more evidence?*POLL ADDED*

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Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case has/had more evidence in favor of the prosecution?

  • Casey Anthony

    Votes: 645 90.1%
  • Scott Peterson

    Votes: 71 9.9%

  • Total voters
KC's case has more evidence-A body at the front end of the case that had evidence of murder (duct tape on the skull)... many of the elements, tough, are the same-A boyfiredn who will talkabout how KC totally lied to him about her family life, a girlfriend (Amy) that will say the same-A mother that will lie for the attorney that will do appauling things (remember the boat incident in the Peterson case?)
Only difference I can think of right off the bat is that Scott tried to roll out and into Mexico. But who knows, if KC had her chance, would CA have financed an escape?
Hey, at least Baez claims his heritage...My grandmother is still mad that Geragos dropped the identifying "ian" from the end of his Armenian surname :)
KC's case has more evidence-A body at the front end of the case that had evidence of murder (duct tape on the skull)... many of the elements, tough, are the same-A boyfiredn who will talkabout how KC totally lied to him about her family life, a girlfriend (Amy) that will say the same-A mother that will lie for the attorney that will do appauling things (remember the boat incident in the Peterson case?)
Only difference I can think of right off the bat is that Scott tried to roll out and into Mexico. But who knows, if KC had her chance, would CA have financed an escape?
Hey, at least Baez claims his heritage...My grandmother is still mad that Geragos dropped the identifying "ian" from the end of his Armenian surname :)
Yeah, but like Casey not fleeing, needing one more day, Scott waited for confirmation of the bodies, he hung around and played golf in San Diego- Torrey Pines to be exact, close to his parents home and 30 min. from the border.
I thought if any case had cause for resonable doubt it was the SP case. Yes, he did some strange things with the affair...the lies...the smiles...and odd behavior. BUT a few things could have caused the benefit of the doubt:

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.
3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).
4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures
5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing
6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)
7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).
8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body
9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.
10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.
11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

I could see where the jury could have beleived someone abducted Laci with the attempt to steal the baby. Some desperate couple to have a baby that is unable to for whatever reason. Do I beleive that? No, I feel that SP killed her and possbibly tried to keep Connor. In any event, I could see a benefit of the doubt.

With KC, there IS NO benefit of doubt. I think the most damaging and what seperates her from SP, is he at least pretended to care about his missing wife. He kept the nursery intacted and kept the house exactly like Laci left it. KC never reported Caylee missing. She deleted Caylee's pictures from her phone and computer and If CA did not go out and find KC and demand answers...KC would have never told a soul and IMO would have relocated and started a new life.
Bless your heart gamon! You came to the right site to get this cleared up, which I have no doubt has been done by now. :hug:
I'm really glad you brought it to our attention. It proves a really important point. Stuff like this will be put out about Caylee's case and I find it dispicable. WHoever dreams this stuff up did not care about Connor or Laci,and those inventing BS in Caylee's case do not care about Caylee. JMVHO
Just wait MissJames! If you don't have curly hair now, you will in the future when you read some of the accounts as to what REALLY happened to Caylee and KC.
IT will be fact and fiction woven into a truly amazing tapestry. Guaranteed.
The one thing I have not heard about with this case/trial (and if I am wrong please correct me) is the amount of support via protestors,court watchers voicing their opinion at the court house. I followed Laci Peterson's trial and because the family was involved there was a great deal of support for the trial and the outcome. Because there is NOONE to stand up for Caylee I wonder if there has been any organizing of groups to let the jury KNOW when they are coming into and leaving the courthouse, that there are people watching the outcome of this trial and that they want justice for Caylee,despite the fact the "grandmother/grandfather" are sitting in the courtroom in support for Casey. This fact IMHO is a great determining factor on a jury.As a person who has sat on juries,you always look out in the audience for that "support" for the victim.:twocents:
Scott's case had slightly less evidence that pointed to premeditation. Casey's has more and more evidence in general with the whole car decomp hair smell evidence. Both have dog alert evidence that a death happened at the home, and items to conceal a body taken from the home or storage unit in Scott's case, and each using their own vehicle to move the body. Plus, he had less evidence of lying, stealing, and plotting as many months ahead of time as Casey. They both fooled a lot of people for a little while. Family and friends in Scott's case weren't blaming his mother like with Casey's case either. Putting all the blame on a parent is actually taking up for and making some excuses for a psychopath IMO instead of seeing them as another probable victim, IMO.
1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)

Laci herself pawned some jewelry prior to her death. A watch SIMILAR TO a watch like one Laci had inherited from her grandmother was seen on an ebay auction. It was determined not to be the same watch.

2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.

I followed that case "from Day 1" and never read any report anywhere about this item.

3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).

This WAS investigated. Nothing was found there.

4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures

Uterus had not been cut.

5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing

Fetus - a fully formed child - was found. Yes, placenta was missing.

6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body.

When found, Laci had no "systems" left to test for caffeine. But yes, there was some muscle tissue tested and it was positive for caffeine.

9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.

There were no reports of any clothing being tied on her body. Her skelontonized remains had on a bra and a pair of maternity slcaks.
Re: time in water - her remains were skeletonized

10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

"Carefully laid??" Oh forgodsake, who wrote this, Jackie Peterson?
More evidence for KC. What they both have in common is wanting to be free of being a parent so chose murder. SP wanted a new relationship vs being married with a baby....KC wanted to date men and party. And weren't both in shaky financial situations too?

And the saddest thing in these cases is that they both had options that didn't include murder. SP could have simply divorced Laci and let her raise Conner. ICA could have given custody to her parents and left. The result would have been Laci as a wonderful single mother to a beautiful baby boy and Caylee would have been safe and loved and starting school. It breaks my heart every time I think about both these cases and how different things could have been. Different if SP & ICA hadn't been beyond selfish on top of being sociopaths.
The one thing I have not heard about with this case/trial (and if I am wrong please correct me) is the amount of support via protestors,court watchers voicing their opinion at the court house. I followed Laci Peterson's trial and because the family was involved there was a great deal of support for the trial and the outcome. Because there is NOONE to stand up for Caylee I wonder if there has been any organizing of groups to let the jury KNOW when they are coming into and leaving the courthouse, that there are people watching the outcome of this trial and that they want justice for Caylee,despite the fact the "grandmother/grandfather" are sitting in the courtroom in support for Casey. This fact IMHO is a great determining factor on a jury.As a person who has sat on juries,you always look out in the audience for that "support" for the victim.:twocents:

I've thought about this too. I remember in the Peterson trial, on the day of the verdict there were loads of people outside. IIRC, they were pretty respectful, and only wanting justice for Laci and Connor.

I also remember all of the "protestors" outside of the Anthony home. Many seemed to be nutty nuttersons, IMO.

I would only hope that people who do choose to go to the courthouse remain respectful. This case has enough baloney in it to serve multiple Armies. It doesn't need anymore. IMO of course.
I've thought about this too. I remember in the Peterson trial, on the day of the verdict there were loads of people outside. IIRC, they were pretty respectful, and only wanting justice for Laci and Connor.

I also remember all of the "protestors" outside of the Anthony home. Many seemed to be nutty nuttersons, IMO.

I would only hope that people who do choose to go to the courthouse remain respectful. This case has enough baloney in it to serve multiple Armies. It doesn't need anymore. IMO of course.

I agree also about the amount of respect that needs to be shown,but I have not heard of any group that is planning on being there in support of Caylee,and if everyone who lives in the immediate area just goes on about their business,then it will appear that noone really cares about the verdict. If you remember the OJ trial,Scott Peterson trial,both being high profile cases there were people at the court house daily voicing their opinions. IMHO that support outside the courtroom in the Peterson case,which was a very circumstantial evidence case,was influenced by the support the community in Modesto gave to that family. I just hope that some in Orlando go and let the media know that Caylee does have a voice in that community,to rebutt the support that CA/GA are giving ICA. JMHO
I agree also about the amount of respect that needs to be shown,but I have not heard of any group that is planning on being there in support of Caylee,and if everyone who lives in the immediate area just goes on about their business,then it will appear that noone really cares about the verdict. If you remember the OJ trial,Scott Peterson trial,both being high profile cases there were people at the court house daily voicing their opinions. IMHO that support outside the courtroom in the Peterson case,which was a very circumstantial evidence case,was influenced by the support the community in Modesto gave to that family. I just hope that some in Orlando go and let the media know that Caylee does have a voice in that community,to rebutt the support that CA/GA are giving ICA. JMHO

I would hate to see that pack mentality show up at the court house,with the escalation of screaming and shoving ,but a quiet support of Justice For Caylee ,or THIS IS ABOUT CAYLEE,would speak volumes. I would love to see a group lined up with pics of Caylee,not saying a word.Maybe sing You Are MY Sunshine,every once in awhile ,crying allowed.
But only if it does not jeapordize the case.
I would hate to see that pack mentality show up at the court house,with the escalation of screaming and shoving ,but a quiet support of Justice For Caylee ,or THIS IS ABOUT CAYLEE,would speak volumes. I would love to see a group lined up with pics of Caylee,not saying a word.Maybe sing You Are MY Sunshine,every once in awhile ,crying allowed.
But only if it does not jeapordize the case.

Oh I agree Miss James,just as long as there is a show of support for our little Caylee,because the family certainly is not going to be at the court house for Caylee, and that truly breaks my heart that this little angel has NO ONE standing up for her for justice. It just breaks my heart JMHO:twocents:
this might be off topic and i totally may be wrong, but didnt scott peterson write/reach out to ica? since they are both innocent, in jail for a crime they didnt commit and all that jazz? or was i mistaken? i thought i saw SOMEWHERE where he did?
this might be off topic and i totally may be wrong, but didnt scott peterson write/reach out to ica? since they are both innocent, in jail for a crime they didnt commit and all that jazz? or was i mistaken? i thought i saw SOMEWHERE where he did?

And I may be wrong, but I think that was just tabloid journalism. :waitasec:
I've thought about this too. I remember in the Peterson trial, on the day of the verdict there were loads of people outside. IIRC, they were pretty respectful, and only wanting justice for Laci and Connor.

I also remember all of the "protestors" outside of the Anthony home. Many seemed to be nutty nuttersons, IMO.

I would only hope that people who do choose to go to the courthouse remain respectful. This case has enough baloney in it to serve multiple Armies. It doesn't need anymore. IMO of course.

Caylee's case would have had the same respecful crowd show up..if they had a family to stand by and support. In this case, KC and the grandparents were acting like the "nutty nuttersons" and IMO their behavior brought out the nutty in the best of us. I live in GA and remember feeling like I wanted to drive all the way out there and shake the truth out of KC and the A's. :banghead:
The best kind of evidence there is.

The only way Scott could kill someone he loved is suicide.

Boy, do I miss your sense of humor!!!!

I think another factor is that both Scott and Casey have parents who are more than willing to lie (speak mistruths) for their children when they have to know that their children are guilty. Or they have to be the blindest people in the world.
Actually I think that eyewitness testimoney is considered circumstantial rather than direct because of recollection issues and most testimony is given after the crime and pre trial testimoney and statements are picked apart at trial sometimes months later.
Forensic evidence will seal the deal in this case, which was sorely lacking in the Peterson case.
There is decomp and mad cell ping evidence in this case so I have no doubt that the dots will be connected.
Remeber the cell evidence in the Peterson case? That was 5 years ago.
Technology will bury Casey.

Witness evidence and circumstantial are teh only kinds of evidence that are accepted. Witness evidence has provevn to be the least reliable, so circumstantial evidence is stronger. But defense attorneys love to say the prosecution only has "circumstantial evidence" like they have nothing, when they have the strongest evidence there is.
I fear that the state is actually scared of the "dream team". I hope that is not the reason for the DP currently not in play. KC's case has a lot more to offer than SP's did.

What dream team? I have yet to see anyone of any substance for the defense team. I am not impressed and I know beginning law students who could do a better job of defense in the case. I think her lead attorney is incompetent as an attorney and should be disbarred for some of his actions. Yet, no one seems to be able to control him. You don't broadcast your every move to the press. He should spend more time in reading law books than he does standing in front of the cameras.

When did they take the death penalty off the case?
1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (not by sp)

the only thing auctioned on ebay was by scott and was the alleged missing croton watch - he was auctioning said watch for $750 beginning price.

Laci herself pawned some jewelry prior to her death. A watch similar to a watch like one laci had inherited from her grandmother was seen on an ebay auction. It was determined not to be the same watch.

Scott was the one who put that watch on ebay.

2. Some lady was found with lacy's ss card.

The only things stolen was mail from scott's work mailbox. No reportings of laci's ss card being missing were ever made.

I followed that case "from day 1" and never read any report anywhere about this item.

3. The california highway patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in tracy, close to modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("sightings were not a priority" - mpd).

It was investigated by the san joaquin sheriff's dept. The location in the tip was never found, not even by tre officers who patrolled the alleged area where the tip cited. They spent 3 days investigating it

this was investigated. Nothing was found there.

4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures

uterus had not been cut.

5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing

fetus - a fully formed child - was found. Yes, placenta was missing.

6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)

untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (jeanty).

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

8. Although laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body.

When found, laci had no "systems" left to test for caffeine. But yes, there was some muscle tissue tested and it was positive for caffeine.

9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.

There were no reports of any clothing being tied on her body. Her skelontonized remains had on a bra and a pair of maternity slcaks.
Re: Time in water - her remains were skeletonized

10. It is claimed that laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

11. Although laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the albany bulb or more likely from the richmond jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the richmond jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

"carefully laid??" oh forgodsake, who wrote this, jackie peterson?

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