ACTIVE SEARCH SD - Serenity Dennard, 9, Children’s Home Society, Pennington County, 3 Feb 2019 #3

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I might get slammed for saying this but I believe the Senator is a little self serving with this case.
I have trouble criticizing the efforts of Ms. DiSanto as I think she sincerely cares about finding Serenity and I don’t believe her actions are politically motivated. However, I do think she is misguided (saying this as politely as I can) as to how a MP investigation operates and I wish she would stick to raising awareness and let LE handle the investigative end of things.

Emotions may be useful in directing the public’s attention toward Serenity’s disappearance, but if LE were to operate this way, it could prove detrimental to her case. The facts are not confusing if you remove emotion from the equation. It’s hard to do, I know. I'm sure most, if not all of us, struggle with that. MOO
This article has an updated search map.

APR 29, 2019
New details emerge in search for Serenity Dennard - KNBN NewsCenter1

Rescue crews are focusing their efforts on the area around the Children’s Home, and Teepee Gulch Road. Thom says the search continues because of the progress made by the dogs.

“They did have cadaver scent in the area from multiple teams, not every dog team, but multiple dog teams, have identified there is cadaver scent in the area,” Sheriff Thom said. “That is what has been driving where and how we’ve been searching.”


That area is split into several sections. This map shows their search. The green lines are the dog teams, and the red lines are human teams. The black circles are areas of interest.


But Sheriff Thom says still, the weather is uncooperative.

“When it comes to a cadaver dog, you need decomposition to happen, so there’s scent in the air. Cold weather and rain suppresses that so it makes it more difficult.”

And behind the scenes, investigators continue to follow all leads through social media, in the community, and across the country.
APR 30, 2019
Searchers hope to pick up new search for Serenity after dogs pick up scent
Pennington County authorities say they will conduct another search for Serenity Dennard once the weather clears after cadaver dogs this past weekend may have picked up a human scent.


If it is Serenity, there is still the issue of finding her. A scent can be carried by the wind and other weather factors affect how well a dog team can do on any given day.


Current and forecasted weather conditions:

Pennington County Sheriff's Office

Pennington County Sheriff's Office

Rockerville, SD 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel |
Last edited:
APR 30, 2019
Cadaver scent found in area where missing girl ran away

"We have cadaver scent and these dogs are highly qualified, well-trained dogs from a variety of states," Pennington County Sheriff Kevin Thom said when asked if the dogs alerting means it's certain that a dead person is in the area. "We have high confidence in the dogs."

The dogs are only trained to smell humans, Thom said. But it's unclear if the scent is from Serenity Dennard or another person, and exactly where the scent is coming from since it can travel one or two miles away.

He said scent strength and travel is impacted by the temperature, wind, moisture, terrain and other factors.


Search and rescue personal plus cadaver dogs searched for Dennard last weekend and are planning to return May 10-12 after the snow melts and when the volunteer handlers are available on the weekends, said Helene Duhamel, spokeswoman with the Pennington County Sheriff's Office. The search and rescue experts have told the Sheriff's Office that it's not worth searching in the snow since the dogs can't smell well and searchers can't see the ground, Thom said.

The Sheriff's Office is also looking to work with drone operators, Duhamel said.

The volunteers have searched in areas more than two miles away from the Children's Home and record their path with a GPS system, Duhamel said. After the Sheriff's Office divided the area into a grid, the volunteers are walking shoulder-to-shoulder across each section to systematically eliminate areas where Dennard isn't located. But Thom said that volunteers have told him that missing people are sometimes eventually found in areas already systematically searched by humans and dogs. "None of this is exact science," he said.

I have trouble criticizing the efforts of Ms. DiSanto as I think she sincerely cares about finding Serenity and I don’t believe her actions are politically motivated. However, I do think she is misguided (saying this as politely as I can) as to how a MP investigation operates and I wish she would stick to raising awareness and let LE handle the investigative end of things.

Emotions may be useful in directing the public’s attention toward Serenity’s disappearance, but if LE were to operate this way, it could prove detrimental to her case. The facts are not confusing if you remove emotion from the equation. It’s hard to do, I know. I'm sure most, if not all of us, struggle with that. MOO
I always love to read your perspective, Pommy! I have learned over the years that most politicians are “politically motivated” - it’s just part of the game or what have you. They have to think about every thing they say or anything they focus on and how it will affect their presence. It’s what you do with political presence that matters, IMO. I think her heart is in the right place. As a public servant, her integrity is intact on this. We are lucky to have some exposure for Serenity!
Director of Children's Home steps down

Article says he has been planning on retiring but the timing of his departure & the investigation sure seems like a suspicious coincidence to me. :confused:

Not a single day goes by that I do not think of Serenity (my 16yo dd could easily pass for her sister). My heart breaks for Serenity again & again; she was failed by every person she knew. :(
I am going to have to bite my tongue and temper my words.

From day one, this appeared to be a case they hoped would just go away and no one would notice a girl with issues who went running from a home.

Where I do not doubt Senator DiSanto knows the political effects and is conscious of them, if people think she is in it for praise, one has to also consider she also has stepped in and brought much needed attention to Serenity's case that did not seem to be there and despite a big presence and big $$ amount and long term status of the home in South Dakota and their umbrella private non profit. People in the beginning, myself included, and for a long time, wanted to know more about Serenity, her life, why she was there, etc., what happened and we knew little. The senator was able to talk to three of the four parents who I think for the most part came forward and talked to her to bring attention to Serenity missing despite the fact the choices of all and their lives were far from rosy and she did it I think in a decent way with respect for all. I think they came forward for Serenity and because everyone on this site and elsewhere were trying to get attention for this child and wanted to know more about this little girl.

Regardless of what happened, the home made mistakes, that much is clear. The article above seems to place the blame on Serenity for running farther than others?? This is what burns me even though it is readily admitted runaways are common. Even when admitting things were not done right he still states it likely would not have made a difference where she was concerned.


This is where I have to stop and bite my tongue...

All jmo.
I am going to have to bite my tongue and temper my words.

From day one, this appeared to be a case they hoped would just go away and no one would notice a girl with issues who went running from a home.

Where I do not doubt Senator DiSanto knows the political effects and is conscious of them, if people think she is in it for praise, one has to also consider she also has stepped in and brought much needed attention to Serenity's case that did not seem to be there and despite a big presence and big $$ amount and long term status of the home in South Dakota and their umbrella private non profit. People in the beginning, myself included, and for a long time, wanted to know more about Serenity, her life, why she was there, etc., what happened and we knew little. The senator was able to talk to three of the four parents who I think for the most part came forward and talked to her to bring attention to Serenity missing despite the fact the choices of all and their lives were far from rosy and she did it I think in a decent way with respect for all. I think they came forward for Serenity and because everyone on this site and elsewhere were trying to get attention for this child and wanted to know more about this little girl.

Regardless of what happened, the home made mistakes, that much is clear. The article above seems to place the blame on Serenity for running farther than others?? This is what burns me even though it is readily admitted runaways are common. Even when admitting things were not done right he still states it likely would not have made a difference where she was concerned.


This is where I have to stop and bite my tongue...

All jmo.


I agree completely! "Boiling mad" is a mild description of my emotions over this case! How a 10yo child could be to blame for her behavior stemming from unacceptable parenting is ridiculous at best!

Serenity deserved a chance to live a good life (as normal as one can have these days anyway) and from day one, she was robbed of merely a decent life, let alone one filled with love & laughter & joy.

I've been on WS for a long time, and every so often a case touches my soul and won't let go.

Serenity, you will always have a special place in my heart along with TOO many other angels I've met here: Caylee, Mariah, Kyron, Victoria, Zahra, Isabel, Abby & Libby, Kayla, Sherin, Cece & Bella & their baby brother, Andrew, McStay family, Jessica, Aliahna, Sandra......hurts my heart just thinking about them. The sheer magnitude of those precious lives removed/missing outnumber the stars but for us here, they will never be forgotten :(

I agree completely! "Boiling mad" is a mild description of my emotions over this case! How a 10yo child could be to blame for her behavior stemming from unacceptable parenting is ridiculous at best!

Serenity deserved a chance to live a good life (as normal as one can have these days anyway) and from day one, she was robbed of merely a decent life, let alone one filled with love & laughter & joy.

I've been on WS for a long time, and every so often a case touches my soul and won't let go.

Serenity, you will always have a special place in my heart along with TOO many other angels I've met here: Caylee, Mariah, Kyron, Victoria, Zahra, Isabel, Abby & Libby, Kayla, Sherin, Cece & Bella & their baby brother, Andrew, McStay family, Jessica, Aliahna, Sandra......hurts my heart just thinking about them. The sheer magnitude of those precious lives removed/missing outnumber the stars but for us here, they will never be forgotten :(

So many and they continue no doubt. Tragic. We can continue to add names to that list.

I have tempered from the beginning with what my instinct says but the remark from the home above almost blaming this child for her own death basically and that calling 911 sooner would not have made a difference was more than I could stay silent about.

Oh, let's give him the benefit of the doubt, he misspoke or did not think--I do not even want to hear it but I am sure it will be said.

Aside from the parents, what are these homes for? Placement perhaps when parents cannot keep them safe or others safe? Isn't the home then the place that is there and paid for to see to their wellbeing and safety??

I will stop there before going into a venting diatribe. :(
If 9-11 had been called right away, how long would it have taken to assemble a search?

Under the weather conditions and what she was wearing, she would have been dead within 1/2 hour.

They had staff 1 to two kids. Are the taxpayers of SD going to pay for one on one ?
I don't know, I will admit to being clueless when it comes to homes like this for children. But I'm sure there are many, maybe even this one, who have provided a great service to children with special needs, whatever those needs are. Even the Senator made a case in her last live (that I did not care for) that this child was a challenge. She told a story, that was told to her in confidence, of her cutting a hole into the wall that she later climbed into and pulled a dresser in front of while she was being looked for.

I do think it's a shame that LE was not called sooner. I do think it could have made a difference in locating her (maybe), she would not have had such a head start on them. If they violated their own procedure, they should be called out on it.
If 9-11 had been called right away, how long would it have taken to assemble a search?

Under the weather conditions and what she was wearing, she would have been dead within 1/2 hour.

They had staff 1 to two kids. Are the taxpayers of SD going to pay for one on one ?

What difference does it make when staff is not trained nor follows the procedures nor even knows how to use the same communication channel? Would more make a difference if they do not follow procedure?

Do we even know how many children were in/at that home? Or how many employees were at the home overall that day? Nope.

I have heard a million times how not far she could get and how quick she would be dead--well then the opposite applies and she did not go far and searches do not need to go beyond that window of time and distance.

The same person who immediately bragged about the 1 to 2 ratio also said 911 was called immediately and later had to retract it. Again, how many children overall were at this home and how many on staff that day overall? Why did they know to follow procedure on the one hand (stay with the children, cannot run after her), but not on the other hand (call 911).

It all may be just errors but there were errors.

As for taxpayers paying more, I am not going to go into politics and private non profits...

There may be nothing wrong but lack of training and complacency and not following procedure, I have no idea. Perhaps they are a great place, I have no idea. I do think they should fundraise to move into a town or city as this is terrible terrain for children who run and for searchers.

The fact remains in the beginning no one would dare say hardly something was wrong with the time elapsed etc. but it did come out now that it did and other mistakes were made including different communication frequencies, etc. and that protocol was not followed.

As far as if 911 was called right away and what may have differed, how quick a search would have resulted and whether she would have been found or returned, we will never know now will we?

With all due respect Human, as you know I respect your thoughts and opinion. They simply tend to differ from mine in this case.

All jmo.
Almost 2 hours before 911 was called. "We delayed a bit". My foot.

If they called after 15 mins, how soon would
What difference does it make when staff is not trained nor follows the procedures nor even knows how to use the same communication channel? Would more make a difference if they do not follow procedure?

Do we even know how many children were in/at that home? Or how many employees were at the home overall that day? Nope.

I have heard a million times how not far she could get and how quick she would be dead--well then the opposite applies and she did not go far and searches do not need to go beyond that window of time and distance.

The same person who immediately bragged about the 1 to 2 ratio also said 911 was called immediately and later had to retract it. Again, how many children overall were at this home and how many on staff that day overall? Why did they know to follow procedure on the one hand (stay with the children, cannot run after her), but not on the other hand (call 911).

It all may be just errors but there were errors.

As for taxpayers paying more, I am not going to go into politics and private non profits...

There may be nothing wrong but lack of training and complacency and not following procedure, I have no idea. Perhaps they are a great place, I have no idea. I do think they should fundraise to move into a town or city as this is terrible terrain for children who run and for searchers.

The fact remains in the beginning no one would dare say hardly something was wrong with the time elapsed etc. but it did come out now that it did and other mistakes were made including different communication frequencies, etc. and that protocol was not followed.

As far as if 911 was called right away and what may have differed, how quick a search would have resulted and whether she would have been found or returned, we will never know now will we?

With all due respect Human, as you know I respect your thoughts and opinion. They simply tend to differ from mine in this case.

All jmo.

If they moved to a city, a runner would be vulnerable to creeps out there.

The taxpayers pay for children to be at the home. Few people can afford the cost .

It only makes sense that no one leaves children on their own. Someone had to stay behind with the other kids. That is not protocol, That is common sense.

When there is any situation, people make decisions based on past experiences.

The experience is that the child has hidden in the campus.

It was too long that they did not call for reinforcements, but I have posted the chart a couple of times which shows how long someone could last outdoors.

LE could have never assembled a big enough crew to find her in time.

Kids do stupid things all of the time.

I think it is a miracle most of us made it to adulthood.
If they called after 15 mins, how soon would

If they moved to a city, a runner would be vulnerable to creeps out there.

The taxpayers pay for children to be at the home. Few people can afford the cost .

It only makes sense that no one leaves children on their own. Someone had to stay behind with the other kids. That is not protocol, That is common sense.

When there is any situation, people make decisions based on past experiences.

The experience is that the child has hidden in the campus.

It was too long that they did not call for reinforcements, but I have posted the chart a couple of times which shows how long someone could last outdoors.

LE could have never assembled a big enough crew to find her in time.

Kids do stupid things all of the time.

I think it is a miracle most of us made it to adulthood.

BBM--I most definitely agree with your last sentence! :) I am sure many of us could give examples of that.

As for the remainder, we could debate them both ways but I will resist, I have pretty much stated what I think anyhow. I do disagree with some to a point which should be no surprise.

I also am still waiting to hear about cameras and whether they had them, whether they worked and whether any are installed now. I truly fail to understand why that has not been addressed or stated.

One thing I would hope and think we do agree on is that this is another tragedy.
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