Searches for Lisa

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OK. duh Yes they have looked at it many times. It is pretty small now due to no rain. You will see video of them searching it from last week (Thurs? maybe). I am sure they were all over it again today.

Correct, they have been in the woods a few times there I know. What I don't know and have not seen is, them actually looking in the pond. Divers, prodding, dragging, etc.
All of the searches around the home are actually making me feel less hopeful. Makes me think they know something bad happened in the home, that Lisa is most likely deceased, but don't have a body or hardcore other evidence to prove it (like, a huge blood stain or something).

I never thought I'd say it... but I hope you are right, I hope the police are right and are not chasing a "hunch."

Because it is totally clear that the police are convinced that someone in that house killed her and hid her body.

What if they are wrong??? :waitasec:

Then they are either losing valuable forensic evidence because they are looking for a body too close to home....
Or they are not focusing enough on looking for a kidnapped child.
Either way, by getting tunnel vision they are robbing Lisa of rescue/justice.

It's good they are checking out live sightings at least... because that doesn't always happen if they are convinced the parents did it.
I sure hope they DO have a smoking gun... though I can't think of one that fits with leaving the boys in that house and no arrest?
If they have enough to be THAT sure a parent did this, then they should either have made an arrest and/or removed the other children.

So I think either way this turns out I'm going to be upset...
Either that they knew she was dead and didn't take the other kids....
Or that they didn't have any proof and treated it as if they did.

Hunches are great... but I've seen too many cops convinced that the parents/family did it... too many "you failed your polygraph" stories...
When their kid was actually abducted by a stranger and the family had nothing to do with it.

Elizabeth Smart
Jaycee Dugard

Amber Dubois
Shasta/Dylan Groene
Jessica Lunsford

Just for starters...
I just don't like the way this looks and it makes me nervous...
It would be amazing if the sighting really was her!! I'm so far behind in reading, I've had my little butterbean here all day and it's hard to put her down, lol. I just don't see how anyone could hurt any baby, especially their own.
OK, back to the bridge thing. I am not sure about Chouteau Bridge, but the other bridges that cross the river have traffic cams. Would be pretty easy to pull video I would think for a certain length of time. i would think they would have as they were in the river the 1st or 2nd day.
I never thought I'd say it... but I hope you are right, I hope the police are right and are not chasing a "hunch."

Because it is totally clear that the police are convinced that someone in that house killed her and hid her body.

What if they are wrong??? :waitasec:

Then they are either losing valuable forensic evidence because they are looking for a body too close to home....
Or they are not focusing enough on looking for a kidnapped child.
Either way, by getting tunnel vision they are robbing Lisa of rescue/justice.

It's good they are checking out live sightings at least... because that doesn't always happen if they are convinced the parents did it.
I sure hope they DO have a smoking gun... though I can't think of one that fits with leaving the boys in that house and no arrest?
If they have enough to be THAT sure a parent did this, then they should either have made an arrest and/or removed the other children.

So I think either way this turns out I'm going to be upset...
Either that they knew she was dead and didn't take the other kids....
Or that they didn't have any proof and treated it as if they did.

Hunches are great... but I've seen too many cops convinced that the parents/family did it... too many "you failed your polygraph" stories...
When their kid was actually abducted by a stranger and the family had nothing to do with it.

Elizabeth Smart
Jaycee Dugard

Amber Dubois
Shasta/Dylan Groene
Jessica Lunsford

Just for starters...
I just don't like the way this looks and it makes me nervous...

In all fairness though you need to compare apples with apples if you are going with stranger abduction.

How many babies have been abducted by strangers? I think there is a vast difference between the criminal who abducts babies and those who abduct children.
LE could be going to house to collect garbage bags or pillow cases...plastic...all kinds of things they could be looking for a match.
OK, back to the bridge thing. I am not sure about Chouteau Bridge, but the other bridges that cross the river have traffic cams. Would be pretty easy to pull video I would think for a certain length of time. i would think they would have as they were in the river the 1st or 2nd day.

I've thought about the bridge theory, but the Chouteau bridge has a fair amount of traffic, and is one of the outlets of Harrah's Casino so it's traveled pretty good at all hours of the day and night. The bridge over I-435 has no shoulders and is 65mph, plus the cameras as In da Middle mentioned.

That doesn't mean you couldnt toss out a couple of cell phones when traveling across but stopping would have probably created a signing of something suspicious.
OK, back to the bridge thing. I am not sure about Chouteau Bridge, but the other bridges that cross the river have traffic cams. Would be pretty easy to pull video I would think for a certain length of time. i would think they would have as they were in the river the 1st or 2nd day.

I think they are being very thorough.
I never thought I'd say it... but I hope you are right, I hope the police are right and are not chasing a "hunch."

Because it is totally clear that the police are convinced that someone in that house killed her and hid her body.

What if they are wrong??? :waitasec:

Then they are either losing valuable forensic evidence because they are looking for a body too close to home....
Or they are not focusing enough on looking for a kidnapped child.
Either way, by getting tunnel vision they are robbing Lisa of rescue/justice.

It's good they are checking out live sightings at least... because that doesn't always happen if they are convinced the parents did it.
I sure hope they DO have a smoking gun... though I can't think of one that fits with leaving the boys in that house and no arrest?
If they have enough to be THAT sure a parent did this, then they should either have made an arrest and/or removed the other children.

So I think either way this turns out I'm going to be upset...
Either that they knew she was dead and didn't take the other kids....
Or that they didn't have any proof and treated it as if they did.

Hunches are great... but I've seen too many cops convinced that the parents/family did it... too many "you failed your polygraph" stories...
When their kid was actually abducted by a stranger and the family had nothing to do with it.

Elizabeth Smart
Jaycee Dugard

Amber Dubois
Shasta/Dylan Groenein
Jessica Lunsford

Just for starters...
I just don't like the way this looks and it makes me nervous...
IIRC, none of the parents in the above cases you mentioned quit cooperating with LE less than a week after their child went missing if ever...nor did they stop interviews when certain questions made them uncomfortable.

I have to hope that LE has a evidence-based reason to focus on mom in this case...and I can think of a few. But that aside, the parents here have acted in ways that differ from the above cases mentioned, and it is not out of bounds to have serious questions about their veracity.
If,and I'm speculating here, DB disposed of the body, why is LE having such trouble finding any clues? She says she was drunk, how much cover up could she do in that state? I'm more confused every day.

I don't believe DB was drunk. Saying she was drunk seems just another of her excuses to explain why she didn't hear anything.

I don't believe DB was drunk. Saying she was drunk seems just another of her excuses to explain why she didn't hear anything.

It does feel like it is just an excuse. She had access to transportation. We know this because her brother drove her to the Festival Foods. Hopefully, LE knows if they drove anywhere else before they went to the store. If they haven't yet, LE needs dogs and CSI to go over his car with a fine tooth comb. Research lists one of her brothers' address, at some point in time, as being the same as DB & JI, on N Lister Ave and at one point in time his phone number, a landline, was listed under JI's name. If this is the same brother that drove her to get the wine then he needs to be questioned further.

Just saying...LE needs to look to the people who had access to the home and who might shed light on the environment in the home.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and says it's a's probably a duck, imo.
This is such a sad case because from all the photos of the three children they really did look happy and loving. Wish someone would say what really happened.
I've thought about the bridge theory, but the Chouteau bridge has a fair amount of traffic, and is one of the outlets of Harrah's Casino so it's traveled pretty good at all hours of the day and night. The bridge over I-435 has no shoulders and is 65mph, plus the cameras as In da Middle mentioned.

That doesn't mean you couldnt toss out a couple of cell phones when traveling across but stopping would have probably created a signing of something suspicious.
Everybody was asking about it earlier as in dumping a body. Too well lit and Harrah's traffic for me! So many easier options than the river for a body around here. Especially with the timeline for the people who are suspecting the mom. Cell phones - easy peasy from Chouteau. Then the cameras struck me.
This is such a sad case because from all the photos of the three children they really did look happy and loving. Wish someone would say what really happened.
And it wasn't just in photos. I saw these kids playing outside nearly everyday and this is exactly the way they looked. No I dont know them, but am very familiar with them.
I don't see any of these family members dumping Baby Lisa. If there was an unfortunate accident due to some form of neglect, it just fells like they would bury her in a place that held some meaning to the family. In every picture of Lisa with any family member they all look enchanted by her...they look like they really love her and she them.
I never thought I'd say it... but I hope you are right, I hope the police are right and are not chasing a "hunch."

Because it is totally clear that the police are convinced that someone in that house killed her and hid her body.

What if they are wrong??? :waitasec:

Then they are either losing valuable forensic evidence because they are looking for a body too close to home....
Or they are not focusing enough on looking for a kidnapped child.
Either way, by getting tunnel vision they are robbing Lisa of rescue/justice.

It's good they are checking out live sightings at least... because that doesn't always happen if they are convinced the parents did it.
I sure hope they DO have a smoking gun... though I can't think of one that fits with leaving the boys in that house and no arrest?
If they have enough to be THAT sure a parent did this, then they should either have made an arrest and/or removed the other children.

So I think either way this turns out I'm going to be upset...
Either that they knew she was dead and didn't take the other kids....
Or that they didn't have any proof and treated it as if they did.

Hunches are great... but I've seen too many cops convinced that the parents/family did it... too many "you failed your polygraph" stories...
When their kid was actually abducted by a stranger and the family had nothing to do with it.

Elizabeth Smart
Jaycee Dugard

Amber Dubois
Shasta/Dylan Groene
Jessica Lunsford

Just for starters...
I just don't like the way this looks and it makes me nervous...
No worries.
They can take several paths at the same time. They could be looking for a live Baby Lisa at the same time they are looking for a body.One doesn't rule out the other,IMO.
They have to consider both scenarios .JMO
And it wasn't just in photos. I saw these kids playing outside nearly everyday and this is exactly the way they looked. No I dont know them, but am very familiar with them.

Just a quick question. I noticed they have a fenced grassy back yard with a swing/play set so why would they be in a small front yard without protection from traffic. I would be using the back deck and letting the kids play.

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