Searching for Anna - #1

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christine2448 said:
Just ask them for a link, or send me the link if you know where it is on their website, they are very easy to make on your own...just would like to know what they have on's prolly an easy save template that any of us can print.

Yes, Kelly is an incredible woman!

PS, you are too!
Aw, shucks! Vanished Children's Alliance is at They have her kindergarten picture on the label (maybe better to put the most recent age-advanced one.)
Elberethe said:
You are in HMB now? Have you shopped? Been in stores there? Coffee shops. Just watched people? Curious, but probably too intrusive, do you think you would recognize Anna? What if there was something totally unsuspected about her like she is really heavyset or handicapped or changed her hair color or has a lifestyle different then you would have hoped for her? Would you not want to recognize her then? Subconciously of course.

~big hugs for you both~ Enjoy your time together and go shopping, have dinner, coffee and that sort of thing. You have waited so long for answers and mine can certainly wait!
Well, I didn't want you to wait TOO long. I'll let Doogie answer the Craig questions. He made a special trip to look at public records on this, and he doesn't think Craig is involved in any way. I don't live in HMB, am about seven miles north, but I am there very often and do shop, go to the library, dentist, etc. Frankly, I don't know whether I would recognize her today. When the older age-advanced pictures came out, I thought I would not recognize that person. The latest one seemed a little more possible (I put it away and could not look at it for a long time.) Your last question is harder. My subconscious stays below. I believe I would want to recognize her, no matter what. To reinforce this (conscious) opinion, I am thinking of a profoundly handicapped little woman I visited at the local hospital the past six months, until she died. (I was a volunteer translator, and nobody else ever came to see her.) As little as she was able to do or say, her feisty and generous spirit came through, as did her desire for contact and her appreciation that someone was thinking about her. I really believe that, if Anna is alive, she would still be Anna, no matter what roads she has traveled. By the way, I feel as if I know you, Elberethe. Do I?
Annasmom said:
Well, I didn't want you to wait TOO long. I'll let Doogie answer the Craig questions. He made a special trip to look at public records on this, and he doesn't think Craig is involved in any way. I don't live in HMB, am about seven miles north, but I am there very often and do shop, go to the library, dentist, etc. Frankly, I don't know whether I would recognize her today. When the older age-advanced pictures came out, I thought I would not recognize that person. The latest one seemed a little more possible (I put it away and could not look at it for a long time.) Your last question is harder. My subconscious stays below. I believe I would want to recognize her, no matter what. To reinforce this (conscious) opinion, I am thinking of a profoundly handicapped little woman I visited at the local hospital the past six months, until she died. (I was a volunteer translator, and nobody else ever came to see her.) As little as she was able to do or say, her feisty and generous spirit came through, as did her desire for contact and her appreciation that someone was thinking about her. I really believe that, if Anna is alive, she would still be Anna, no matter what roads she has traveled. By the way, I feel as if I know you, Elberethe. Do I?

No, I don't think we have ever met off line. I didn't really know anyone in HMB when I was there other then the gentleman we worked for at the time. I seriously doubt you ran in his circles either ;) I am a long time Santa Rosa resident and traveled alot with horse racing, but nowadays I'm pretty reclusive and don't really know anyone outside of my college friends. Have my own issues. =P

I do feel a connection to you and Anna, as I'm sure so many other people do. I also felt this same connection with Laci Peterson. It is just something in a persons eyes and smile that draws you in. Anna is so innocent and beautiful and you just see such good in her. As I have said many times, I think anyone would become attached once they know her story. It is only natural.

We do probably have alot of the same type opinions due to our similar age and lifes experiences growing up in this ever-changing, ever-growing area. I will say that I would be honored to count you among my friends. You have a strength and optimism that I lack. You survived and continue to hope .. I honestly don't think I would have in your shoes. I admire what I see in your struggle as someone would who sees qualities they would desire to possess themself. I don't think I'm alone in that. I see alot of genuine affection for you at websleuths.

I agree with you that Anna would still be Anna. I don't think our soul changes that much in a lifetime. I think you would recognize her. I knew my son was a boy from seeing his face on a sonogram even though I was assured I couldn't know from that. As a mother, one just knows some things. I also feel that sometimes our unconcious can do a number on us. If she was stolen by low lifes (only word I can think of to describe this type of person) she may have had a rough childhood. As a result she could be involved in things you wouldn't approve. Such a thing might hinder a recognition. That was my only thought.

You have done some very generous things in your lifetime. Example, right there your experience with the handicapped woman. Someone in Anna's shoes might not be generous, trusting, hopeful, caring, but instead be hurt, withdrawn, and coping with survival in not so positive ways. Not saying I know, just saying that she may not be easy to recognize if one was looking for what they "expect" her to be. What one dreams of their child becoming.

I hope I don't confuse you with that. I have such a different perspective on things it can be problematic. I don't want you to make too much of my dream, even though it hit me hard. As I said, I have my own issues. ;)

As for Craig, I realize Doogie dismissed him, but I can't do the same. Yet. Something about him doesn't sit right with me. It could be totally unrelated to this case, but he just doesn't feel right. I did find his last name and will work it out on my own. If I need help, I will ask some of the better researchers here. We have such a wealth of experience to draw from. Looking forward to any answers Doogie can provide that might save me some time re-inventing the wheel.

It is probably too early, but have you heard anything promising yet? Has anyone new offered some welcome help? This is so exciting. I am praying so hard we get something from this exposure even if it is just more eyes and ears to help in the search. You did good going out with all those flyers! I would be so worn out! Take care of yourself and reward yourself with a nice long bubble bath. =) :blowkiss: & hugs
Elberethe said:
As for Craig, I realize Doogie dismissed him, but I can't do the same. Yet. Something about him doesn't sit right with me. It could be totally unrelated to this case, but he just doesn't feel right. I did find his last name and will work it out on my own. If I need help, I will ask some of the better researchers here. We have such a wealth of experience to draw from. Looking forward to any answers Doogie can provide that might save me some time re-inventing the wheel.

Elberethe I feel the same way. I realize Doogie checked out his background for anything that might stand out and he is clean. But something in me is saying, keep on looking for more. Maybe contact him and ask him what he remembers? Perhaps to get a reaction from him? If he had something to do with Anna, he could've gotten away with it and never did anything again which would explain why he doesnt have a 'record.' I still find it so odd that he was considered a friend with the family, he was there with the family when Anna disappeared and kept such a big secret about his daughter. Not only that, but unfortunately (if he is indeed innocent) he was the last known person to see Anna.
GraceBlue said:
Elberethe I feel the same way. I realize Doogie checked out his background for anything that might stand out and he is clean. But something in me is saying, keep on looking for more. Maybe contact him and ask him what he remembers? Perhaps to get a reaction from him? If he had something to do with Anna, he could've gotten away with it and never did anything again which would explain why he doesnt have a 'record.' I still find it so odd that he was considered a friend with the family, he was there with the family when Anna disappeared and kept such a big secret about his daughter. Not only that, but unfortunately (if he is indeed innocent) he was the last known person to see Anna.
I have said this before too, and a few other posters, we weren't quite ready to throw the towel in on Craig yet. I am still suspicious, but can't put a finger on why.
As a result of the article, I received a phone call this morning from CK, Anna's school bus driver. She stated that she had never been questioned by LE about Anna's disappearance (even though she was among the last people to see Anna before she disappeared). She stated that she did not see anything overtly suspicious that day such as a vehicle following the bus, but she did see some white vehicles (she didn't recall the number) on the road closer to the Highway 1 (which would have been 1-2 miles away from the farm). She did confirm that the route she took was heading south on Higgins-Purissima Road, then west on Purissima Creek Road (which is what we had already believed).
I did not find any information to make me believe that Craig had any involvement beyond being "in the wrong place at the wrong time", but I understand the on-going interest in him. Since he is most likely innocent, I am not comfortable putting too much personal information about him and his history in the open forum, but will gladly share information with any interested researcher via PM's. Please PM any questions, theories, requests for info, etc to me and I will provide whatever I can. Let's see if we can settle this one way or another - I am open to be persueded.
Dr. Doogie said:
As a result of the article, I received a phone call this morning from CK, Anna's school bus driver. She stated that she had never been questioned by LE about Anna's disappearance (even though she was among the last people to see Anna before she disappeared). She stated that she did not see anything overtly suspicious that day such as a vehicle following the bus, but she did see some white vehicles (she didn't recall the number) on the road closer to the Highway 1 (which would have been 1-2 miles away from the farm). She did confirm that the route she took was heading south on Higgins-Purissima Road, then west on Purissima Creek Road (which is what we had already believed).

Wow. She wasnt questioned by LE. I wonder how many more people there are out there that LE didnt question.
Question, who else was on the property other than the people in Anna's house, at the time Anna disappeared? Were all of them questioned? Have their backgrounds been checked out yet?
GraceBlue said:
Wow. She wasnt questioned by LE. I wonder how many more people there are out there that LE didnt question.

You know Grace, I wonder the same thing. They first thought it was a drowning. How much different it might have been handled if that wasn't the case?

Doogie, I pm'd you for some info. I appreciate anything you can give me. I'm not sure I really want to convince you though. I also feel this should continue in the other thread since this thread is dedicated to Brody/Waters theory. All theories are important and this one needs to continue to be explored in it's own right without interference from those who might be going off on a tagent.
GraceBlue said:
Question, who else was on the property other than the people in Anna's house, at the time Anna disappeared? Were all of them questioned? Have their backgrounds been checked out yet?
Great questions, I'd like to know this too, bet it's somewhere on this forum. May even be good enough to have it's own thread....."Who was at/near the property at time of abduction...who has been questioned....what was the outcome...who was never questioned...all good info! Or is this already compiled somewhere GraceBlue and I could catch up?
christine2448 said:
Great questions, I'd like to know this too, bet it's somewhere on this forum. May even be good enough to have it's own thread....."Who was at/near the property at time of abduction...who has been questioned....what was the outcome...who was never questioned...all good info! Or is this already compiled somewhere GraceBlue and I could catch up?

It isn't really compiled anywhere. There is information in this thread and in the book (which is in a pdf format). You have to kinda just go through it all looking for what you need as it is now. Can be a bit frustrating when you know you saw something, but can't find it. I'm sure Annasmom and Doogie get tired of answering the same questions over and over too. Still seems best we can do for now. I can sure see how cases like this can get so much information that it is hard for detectives to process it all.
GraceBlue said:
Question, who else was on the property other than the people in Anna's house, at the time Anna disappeared? Were all of them questioned? Have their backgrounds been checked out yet?
I do not know for sure that there was anyone on the property except Joe Ford, my neighbor, Craig, and myself. Remember how long ago this was and imagine what a state I was in. A horse woman whose name is in the book and the blacksmith had been there earlier, but I do not know whether they had left at the time. The blacksmith was not only questioned, but was just about plagued to death. This was a large property, 640 acres, which had a horse barn and a remote hunting cabin. (We rented a small house.) There could well have been other people there that we would not have been aware of, but there is no way to go back in time and see who they were.
Annasmom said:
The blacksmith was not only questioned, but was just about plagued to death.
I ran the blacksmith's name through the CA Registered Sex Offenders List and got a hit on his last name with a different first name. I showed the picture of the RSO to both Annasmom and Joe Ford - both said that they could not identify the photo as being the same man they knew.
Dr. Doogie said:
I ran the blacksmith's name through the CA Registered Sex Offenders List and got a hit on his last name with a different first name. I showed the picture of the RSO to both Annasmom and Joe Ford - both said that they could not identify the photo as being the same man they knew.

Is there a way you can get more information on this blacksmith? Maybe you or Annasmom can call that RSO to see if it is indeed the same person and cover up the real reason of calling by asking him if he remembers anything about that day Anna disappeared?
GraceBlue said:
Is there a way you can get more information on this blacksmith? Maybe you or Annasmom can call that RSO to see if it is indeed the same person and cover up the real reason of calling by asking him if he remembers anything about that day Anna disappeared?
The blacksmith is one of the few people actually scrutinized by LE at the time of the disappearance. His name was published in news articles at the time with innuendo that he was somehow involved - based on no evidence. It was never shown that he was even on the property that day at the same time as Anna. Both Annasmom and Joe Ford said that the picture of the RSO did not resemble the man they knew (with the only caveat being that it was such a long time ago that they couldn't say it with 100% certainity).

My understanding is that the poor man suffered greatly because of these whispers, so I am reluctant to investigate him further.
If anyone out there has access to newspaper archives, here is a name that I could use some help on: Ronald Middleton. He was convicted of murdering a Henry Olson in HMB about ten years ago. Any info that anyone can uncover would be helpful. (Please PM me first before posting it here. I don't want to pull us off track if this is unrelated.) Thanks!
Dr. Doogie said:
The blacksmith is one of the few people actually scrutinized by LE at the time of the disappearance. His name was published in news articles at the time with innuendo that he was somehow involved - based on no evidence. It was never shown that he was even on the property that day at the same time as Anna. Both Annasmom and Joe Ford said that the picture of the RSO did not resemble the man they knew (with the only caveat being that it was such a long time ago that they couldn't say it with 100% certainity).

My understanding is that the poor man suffered greatly because of these whispers, so I am reluctant to investigate him further.

I understand why you are reluctant. I cant imagine what that guy went through and you are right, why bring all this back to him if Annasmom and Joe Ford said the picture of the RSO didnt resemble him.
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