Searching For Anna - #3

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I wouldn't just post someone's pic here... if anything, forward it to Doogie or Annasmom and see what they think...

Thanks MagicRose,

You are absolutely right, I realized that after I wrote then mentioned my email addy which I would have then forwarded to Annasmom, Doogie or SherlockJr.

Good reminder for everyone,

SideKick ~
I live in Massachusetts. I still have the photo and would definitely not want it to be posted under any circumstances. I would send it to someone to see if they too thought there was enough of a reason to pursue this. It may be just wishful thinking on my part. This story is so heartbreaking.
I live in Massachusetts. I still have the photo and would definitely not want it to be posted under any circumstances. I would send it to someone to see if they too thought there was enough of a reason to pursue this. It may be just wishful thinking on my part. This story is so heartbreaking.

Hmmm. Massachusetts? Interesting!
I live in Massachusetts. I still have the photo and would definitely not want it to be posted under any circumstances. I would send it to someone to see if they too thought there was enough of a reason to pursue this. It may be just wishful thinking on my part. This story is so heartbreaking.


Thank you very much for letting us know what area you are in. If you still want to send it to me, I can then send it to Annasmom or SherlockJr to have a look. No one will see the photo.. Wishful thinking is ok.
SideKick ~
Unfortunately, I showed the age enchanced photo to another party and they did not see enough of a resemblance. I guess our minds play tricks on us. You can remove your email address, Sidekick, because I saved it in case I need it in the future. I'll keep looking.
Unfortunately, I showed the age enchanced photo to another party and they did not see enough of a resemblance. I guess our minds play tricks on us. You can remove your email address, Sidekick, because I saved it in case I need it in the future. I'll keep looking.

Jenny I'm happy someone had a peek at the photo, this is the main thing! :)

Best to you Jenny,

Glad you tried Jenny. Do you happen to know the age of this person you thought resembled Anna? If you have a first and last name, along with City she lives in you can search her name at and it will give you an age. One of the mothers of a classmate of my sons resembles Anna, however when I looked up her name it showed her age was only 34. Clearly too young to be Anna.

GL and keep looking!
Glad you tried Jenny. Do you happen to know the age of this person you thought resembled Anna? If you have a first and last name, along with City she lives in you can search her name at and it will give you an age. One of the mothers of a classmate of my sons resembles Anna, however when I looked up her name it showed her age was only 34. Clearly too young to be Anna.

GL and keep looking!

Veromi is an excellent idea Cubby. (to verify ages)

.... also, just a thought here, having another member look at the photo (may also reconfirm the odds of her being Anna) Dr. Doogie is probably the person you should contact.

Veromi is an excellent idea Cubby. (to verify ages)

.... also, just a thought here, having another member look at the photo (may also reconfirm the odds of her being Anna) Dr. Doogie is probably the person you should contact.


thanks SideKick. Veromi works for both .com and .net (may work for .org too, forget) Are those your grandbabies in your avatar? If so they are adorable!
Annasmom, I believe you are a truly remarkable person. I admire you for your strength, your courage and your perseverance in your search for your missing daughter. You have found a wonderful support group in all of the people here who have gathered to help you in your search.
Your love for Anna shines through so clearly in your descriptions of her. How can anyone not be drawn to Anna when you see her pictures with her infectious smile? She was a beautiful little girl and I can easily understand how someone would want her for their very own. I sincerely hope that is what happened to her and that she was raised with as much love as you would have given her.
Annasmom, I believe you are a truly remarkable person. I admire you for your strength, your courage and your perseverance in your search for your missing daughter. You have found a wonderful support group in all of the people here who have gathered to help you in your search.
Your love for Anna shines through so clearly in your descriptions of her. How can anyone not be drawn to Anna when you see her pictures with her infectious smile? She was a beautiful little girl and I can easily understand how someone would want her for their very own. I sincerely hope that is what happened to her and that she was raised with as much love as you would have given her.
Jenny321, you've made my day! Thank you so much for such a positive point of view.
Some of you may have seen Anna's Facebook page, which has been getting some attention. One Facebook member now wants to put our links up on two other websites with which she is involved. I hope you all are having a relaxing holiday weekend!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

I wanted to update on something I have been working on and passed the info along to Sherlock JR. We've known of this for sometime but really haven't had much success in locating any contacts or anything to rule in this person or rule her out as Anna. Her initials are NB or NT depending on her current legal name. Her birth date is about 7.5 mo's later than Anna's and her birth cert showed a fathers name matching Margaret K's last name. I've never been able to determine his first name and I don't know of any other K's in CA around that time. It apears she was born to a single mother and sometime later adopted by her mothers husband. It appears they married before Anna went missing and dv'd afterwards. We really have no way to tie her into Anna other than the last name standing out. And no way to determine when her step father adopted her. (that would make things so much simpler if the adoption occured before Anna went missing, but then again, could GW have faked the adoption date too?!) We have found one document indicating this gal has blue eyes, but nothing to verify that as of yet. We did find a contact for an old associate of hers who knew her about a decade ago. We're taking it from there.... I'm hoping one way or another we can rule her in or out....

I should add: I have no way of determining any connection between the woman listed as her birth mom and either GW or GB. The bc lists Los Angeles... I've always wondered if GW had access to faking BC's through working at a hospital.

I know the forum has been slow, but I wanted to let everyone know things are still happening.

IF anyone wants to help by having another set of eyes searching.. Some of you are much better searchers than I. Please pm me and I will give the info I have. I am having comp probs, so if you don't here back from me, I sometimes can not access WS. (not having probs with other site) PM Annasmom or Sherlock JR who can then reach me as Sherlock has my tele.

ETA: Sherlock, if you think this is TMI to have on the forum please let me know and I will edit or ask a mod to edit if it is beyond the 24 hours allowed to modify a post. I wasn't sure since she has been known of, but not posted previously.
I'm very new to the forum but I had an idea hit me a few minutes ago and even though I think it was probably looked into, I feel like I should put it out there. I read that GW put A.C.E in the memo of his child support checks, standing for Anna Christian Eifee. That really stood out to me. It occured to me that maybe GB had convinced him that Eifee was a better last name and that the Waters should be dropped. If that was the case, then this is possibly his "real" surname. Because he was called "Bobby" by the woman, I did just a precursory search for Robert Eifee that was interesting, but because I don't have much info I didn't know if it was good info or not. One other idea I have is that "Eifee" was GB's mothers first name.
I'm very new to the forum but I had an idea hit me a few minutes ago and even though I think it was probably looked into, I feel like I should put it out there. I read that GW put A.C.E in the memo of his child support checks, standing for Anna Christian Effie. That really stood out to me. It occured to me that maybe GB had convinced him that Effie was a better last name and that the Waters should be dropped. If that was the case, then this is possibly his "real" surname. Because he was called "Bobby" by the woman, I did just a precursory search for Robert Effie that was interesting, but because I don't have much info I didn't know if it was good info or not. One other idea I have is that "Effie" was GB's mothers first name.

Thank you and welcome DewSeeker, always good to have another set of eyes here. We have done some extensive research into Eifee- how it was spelled on the bc- and Annasmom believes it is nothing more than a nonsense name.

I've always thought it was an abbv/spelling for earned income fee... but there is really no ryhyme or reason for that either.
Hmmm. Never thought it might be an abbv. I'm gonna think on that.

ETA: When I actually spelled it right and did another search I got zip lol.
Did George Waters have any connections with any military hospitals in the San Diego or Los Angeles area's?
Need some of your help with some genealogy/obit info for the Kukoda family. Some of it is posted here within Anna's forum. I can not copy links due to computer probs so bear with me.

Page 2 of this forum under the thread titled Searching for Anna ( which is now locked) page 18 post starting with post 440. There is some obits and info posted.

There is a member of the K family I am trying to determine if they are from the same branch as MK.

Will send full names etc. via pm to you.

Thank you!

hi cubby, I'm here; I replied to you by private message with search... with all data; if you wish you can post the data... hugs, raf
after the search abt the person that Cubby are searching for (infos sent by pm), I made a better search abt Margaret Kukoda family, and I think that I found some other data; I hope that this infos are no a duplicate post, because I read not all postings here...:

Anthony Kukoda 16 Apr 1874 ; birth town: Szápár HU- ( imm 1899 by census.. no imm. in Mar 08, 1900 as Antal Kukoda born in Szápár, HU; single; joining at brother in Richmond, NY; in 1900 census ( june 1900)was servant in Richmond- NY as Anton Kukada but seeming born the jun 1876; I’m pretty sure that the ship’s manifest is right and he was born in 1874; death: 1950 abt; spouse: Ester Boeculat Kukoda b. 1885 abt -Hungary; imm 1899( no sure, she immigrated later); daughter of Susanna Boeculat widow, born in Hungary 1850 circa ( or Buchhalter/ Boeniat spell? imm in 1905); home in 1910 Garfield, NJ; 1918: Phillipburg, NJ; 1920 Harmony, NJ; 1930 Pennsylvania ( we already know ).
Anthony Kukoda b. 1905 NJ-in 1930, single in Detroit, MI with Paul brother​
Anna Kukoda b.1906 NJ​
Stephen Kukoda b. 23 Nov 1907 NJ- d. Oct 1979 Riegelsville, Bucks, Pennsylvania​
Paul Kukoda b.1910 NJ; in the 1930 single, living with Anthony in Detroit, MI​
Joseph Kukoda b.10 May 1911 NJ- 15 Mar 1991 Charlotte FL ; spouse: Mary… ( b.18 Sep 1907- d.20 Dec 1990 Charlotte, FL​
Frank Kukoda b. 1914 NJ- d. 11 /8/1988( spouse: Myrtle M.: birth 1917) both buried WEST HUNTERDON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY-​
Michael Kukoda b. 7 Sep 1915 NJ- 25 Mar 1995 Harlingen, Cameron, Texas; spouse: Cynthia Ann Prechtl (but needing more search)​
Margaret Kukoda b. 1917 NJ ( we know all)​
John J Kukoda b. 1919/1920 NJ​
Madaline Kukoda b. 1922 NJ​

some bride's name is no sure, but the names of Anthony and Ester Kukoda children are all, almost until 1930...
I know not the Anthony Kukoda 's brother name in Richmond; maybe could be interesting find it... best regards,
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