Searching For Anna - #3

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I want to thank the neighbor who took the time to write a letter to Annasmom. Even if you thought there was nothing new to contribute to the search for Anna, we're glad you're here at least reading. I found it pretty interesting that no policeman came knocking on the nearby doors that day or the days following Anna's disappearance.

SherlockJr, I couldn't believe that either.

Why wouldn't that be considered a routine interview in an investigation, especially of this nature? This is a close neighbor to the victim, close to the aleged scene of the crime and knows the family.

It truly makes you wonder about the depth of the investigation, but I try to remind myself of the time era and that LE was not necessarily well trained in this type of crime. However, interviews seem like a no-brainer.
SherlockJr, I couldn't believe that either.

Why wouldn't that be considered a routine interview in an investigation, especially of this nature? This is a close neighbor to the victim, close to the aleged scene of the crime and knows the family.

It truly makes you wonder about the depth of the investigation, but I try to remind myself of the time era and that LE was not necessarily well trained in this type of crime. However, interviews seem like a no-brainer.
mfangel1, did you get my PM?
Happy New Year to you, Annasmom and all fellow Websleuthers.

How wonderful to receive this letter from your former neighbor.

I was truly touched to read of Anna's namesakes. She is, indeed, magical.
Once again, someone states why we are all here...Even if we are reduced to just reading and thinking it through.

Originally Posted by mfmangel1
Happy New Year to you, Annasmom and all fellow Websleuthers.

How wonderful to receive this letter from your former neighbor.

I was truly touched to read of that she fuond Anna to be magical just as we do. Once again, someone states why we are all here...Even if we are reduced to just reading and thinking it through.

Edited: per request: 1/6/08 :blushing:
Originally Posted by mfmangel1 []
Happy New Year to you, Annasmom and all fellow Websleuthers.

How wonderful to receive this letter from your former neighbor.

Edited: per request: 1/6/08 :blushing:

You need to contact the moderator of this thread and have them edit or delete the post in only have so many days to edit.
You need to contact the moderator of this thread and have them edit or delete the post in only have so many days to edit.

You need to contact the moderator of this thread and have them edit or delete the post in only have so many days to edit.

I have corrected my previous to delete the names if you read of them.

I was merely following Annasmoms's lead when she meantioned the two girls of the in the neighbors' own family. I found it to extremely moving when Annamoms named many names in her book ar the time. She is is an incredibily brave woman to do so. I f she is naming people in the book, I assume that we at Websleuths will know the names just have we we have befure when have gone searching for many names for birth dates, marriages, dates, dates of death, where reside and children.
I want to thank Animal, mfangel1 and iNTERESTED WOMAN for editing some information I posted before I received the source's request not to use it. The former neighbor (I will call her Polly) had not previously responded to Doogie's and my request for information from people who were nearby the day Anna disappeared, since she has moved a number of times and says "it always takes me a very long time to really mull things over and think about what, if anything, I have to contribute."

Polly begins: "Nothing that follows will materially add to the narrative, but may confirm some things for you, and perhaps allow your thinking to take a new direction."

"The Sunday before Anna disappeared I...sprained my ankle badly...that afternoon (Jan. 16, 1973) I had stayed home from work and was in bed...C. came to the front door and I heard her talking to my friend...I caught some words 'little girl - missing - Anna.'

"I leapt out of bed and came to the door to talk to C. myself. She gave me a quick report. She said she was searching along the north side of the creek with her horse. (My friend) and her daughters started east on our side of the creek, calling Anna's name. I laced myself into my hiking boots, crossed my bridge over the creek, and started east along the south side of the creek, also calling for Anna. At that point, I didn't even think about the possibility that Anna had fallen in--I believe I assumed that she had lived in its presence long enough to have respect for it, and I considered Anna to be a very sensible child. I did think it possible that she had wandered into the hills beyond the creek for some reason, and had gotten confused about how to get home. I remember being unable to move very far along the creek, not so much because it was high as because of the steep hill that rose directly behind it on our ranch.

"I climbed the hill high enough to see pretty nearly every point above the creek between my house and your farm, although the creek itself was mostly obscured by willows and brush. I could see nothing moving in all that part of the landscape. While I was up there, I think I remember seeing the sheriff cars arriving, and I started back, thinking there would be some sort of organized search and that I'd better come down to your place to help. I drove down to your house, but all the neighbors seemed to be milling around not knowing what to do, and the sheriff's people and everybody else were concentrating on the creek."

(To be continued)
I didn't even think about the possibility that Anna had fallen in--I believe I assumed that she had lived in its presence long enough to have respect for it, and I considered Anna to be a very sensible child. I did think it possible that she had wandered into the hills beyond the creek for some reason, and had gotten confused about how to get home. I remember being unable to move very far along the creek, not so much because it was high as because of the steep hill that rose directly behind it on our ranch.

"I climbed the hill high enough to see pretty nearly every point above the creek between my house and your farm, although the creek itself was mostly obscured by willows and brush. I could see nothing moving in all that part of the landscape."

(To be continued)

Wow. This is quite interesting and I don't believe this theory has been presented. Thank your friend for us please Anna's mom. This was very kind of her to offer. I realize she indicated that she did not see anything moving along the landscape. this makes me wonder if that is possible and perhaps Anna reacted the same way a child in a fire might, and to hide?

Is it possible Anna wandered off in such heavy brush and being so small one would not see movement? Perhaps she wandered so far being lost that she heard the sirens but no one heard her?

I hate to think that... but the possibility arises.

Could you explain again how much of an area was searched and what the landscape described entailed?
Wow. This is quite interesting and I don't believe this theory has been presented. Thank your friend for us please Anna's mom. This was very kind of her to offer. I realize she indicated that she did not see anything moving along the landscape. this makes me wonder if that is possible and perhaps Anna reacted the same way a child in a fire might, and to hide?

Is it possible Anna wandered off in such heavy brush and being so small one would not see movement? Perhaps she wandered so far being lost that she heard the sirens but no one heard her?

I hate to think that... but the possibility arises.

Could you explain again how much of an area was searched and what the landscape described entailed?

I think I'll continue with "Polly's" account and see if that answers some of the questions. She continues her description of Jan. 16, 1973:

"I remember hearing the rooster story already that early from somebody in the group, and because the 'pet rooster' theory sounded so plausible, being overcome with grief and despair. As the afternoon wore on my ankle started to swell,and I realized that I couldn't help search the creek, and in a ground search I would be more trouble than I was worth, so I went home."

(She tells about making something like 50 bologna and cheese sandwiches and taking them back to the search scene.)

"I came down the next day hoping to be useful. Your friend...saw me limping around, and insisted on having a look at my ankle...he sent me off to the Stanford Hospital emergency room, and they gave me some crutches and strict orders not to walk around any more. I remember very little of the search after that--I stayed home for another day, and I think I came and sat with the group waiting in your house in a terrible state of hope and dread for the divers to finish, but I had to go back to work eventually. Sometime during the early days I remember you (and other family members) wondering out loud if Anna's father could have taken her--this in connection with the white van--but I also remember that at that point everybody was intensely focused on the creek.

"In the weeks that followed I remember the speculation growing about the two Georges, especially George Brody and I remember, perhaps inaccurately, that the description of the van's occupants had been a young man and an older man with long white hair and a beard."

(To be continued)
"...we were all so worked up about the tickets that mysteriously arrived for 'Midsummer Night's Dream', so sure somehow that these were from the abductor, possible as part of some crazy paranoid scheme by George Waters that could spell danger for you, that we bought tickets a row behind you so we could protect you from whatever might come. Then a day or so before the performance your friends mentioned that they had sent the tickets to cheer you up, so we all went to the performance, trying to be cheered up, but deeply disappointed that there was no connection to Anna. I remember all the forlorn searches of the creek that spring and fall, and the growing certainty that someone had taken Anna."

A Prosecutor's Perspective

"When I read your narrative, almost the first thing that struck me was how long it took officialdom to even consider the possibility that Anna had not drowned but had been taken by someone, and how little they seem to have done to follow up on that. The rooster story became part of their calculations and remained so until they were forced by Joe's careful reconstruction and the absolute lack of evidence in the creek to give up the notion that she had gone into the creek. By the time they (reluctantly it seems) came to accept the abduction theory, they seem to have decided the case was too cold to devote much time to it."

("Polly" consults with a trial lawyer who has experience with abductions):

"She was very interested, and completely appalled that none of the neighbors and others who knew you and Anna were ever interviewed by the sheriff's office [I can confirm that--nobody ever came to interview me]. In addition to the fact that neighbors and friends are frequently involved in such cases, she said that everybody on Purisima Creek Road should have been extensively interviewed because without realizing it, somebody might have seen something that could have been important.

"It is, of course probably way too late, but it's always possible that somebody along the road may have noticed something odd that day, and dismissed it as 'probably not important'. People often remember small incidents many years later, so perhaps it would be worth tracking everybody down one more time to see what they remember. I know that you have left flyers, but perhaps one more effort [preferably by somebody trained in investigations] to interview directly everybody you can find would be useful."

(Prosecutor's suggestions continue in next post.)
Just a quick interjection here in the middle of Annasmom's posts:

My internet access at work has been extremely restricted - it seems some people were spending way to much time looking for missing children (hmm, I wonder who that could have been?). As a result, I have been AWOL for several days. I have just installed high speed internet at home and am back in the hunt. Thanks for everyone's patience and understanding.
Just a quick interjection here in the middle of Annasmom's posts:

My internet access at work has been extremely restricted - it seems some people were spending way to much time looking for missing children (hmm, I wonder who that could have been?). As a result, I have been AWOL for several days. I have just installed high speed internet at home and am back in the hunt. Thanks for everyone's patience and understanding.

Ah, "big brother" is at it again! LOL! It's the same with my company... but, being an IT tech we have our priveledges that allow us a little more freedom than the average little peon... :D
Annasmom, Thank you for sharing this latest information / your correspondence with your neighbor with us here. I am also looking forward to your book being finished. I don't post much because I just don't have much to add, but always read here and think of you and Anna.
"1. The best people for investigations of very old cases of this sort are cold case units or retired detectives willing to work for a fixed fee...
"2. Focus on what could have drawn Anna out of the house or the yard. Despite the dog handler's reservations, (the prosecutor) says that the tracking dogs are usually extremely reliable, even several rainy days later, and the path they traced probably more significant than anybody thinks. Could somebody Anna knew have been waving at her down by the creek, enticing her out of the yard?
"3. Focus on school, community--the creek and the crazy father might have been too much of a distraction. (The prosecutor) says school bus drivers, teachers and acquaintances frequently figure in these cases. Anna was beautiful, charismatic and gregarious, and had recently figured in an amateur theatrical that attracted a lot of attention. Did anyone suddenly leave the school, either an employee or a student's family around that time?"

The above is a direct quote from my friend, whom I am calling "Polly" in this post. She and the lawyer had other suggestions which we have tried to no avail (such as having DNA extracted from Anna's possessions. I gave up three little pairs of shoes with some reluctance, but the labs were not able to get anything from them.)

One thing I have become aware of recently is the personal impact Anna's case has made on my friends and their families. Many of them have for years been very fearful for their own children because we have not been able to find answers to Anna's disappearance. This is, of course, something they would not want to tell me about directly, but I am now beginning to see this secondary shock wave very clearly.

I am deeply appreciative to "Polly" and her expert for her observations and suggestions.
...snip..."In the weeks that followed I remember the speculation growing about the two Georges, especially George Brody and I remember, perhaps inaccurately, that the description of the van's occupants had been a young man and an older man with long white hair and a beard."

(To be continued)

I realize "polly" said this might be inaccurate, but I do find it interesting. I wonder if Brody had any wigs in his personal effects.

Matter of fact, what happened to all of Brody's clothing and other possessions after he died? Did Waters get rid of everything before his own death? Was there anything of his left in the hotel room(s) Tooth brush, razor, nail clippers? (I'm really starting to think Brody's death was faked. :eek: )

Also, the Van. Is there anyway to trace back and see if Evelyn Wanek might have owned a White Van? Personal property tax records or something? If she did home visits with her colonic irrigation table, she would have had to have a van or a truck to carry a portable device wouldn't she? :silenced:

I realize "polly" said this might be inaccurate, but I do find it interesting. I wonder if Brody had any wigs in his personal effects.

Matter of fact, what happened to all of Brody's clothing and other possessions after he died? Did Waters get rid of everything before his own death? Was there anything of his left in the hotel room(s) Tooth brush, razor, nail clippers? (I'm really starting to think Brody's death was faked. :eek: )

Also, the Van. Is there anyway to trace back and see if Evelyn Wanek might have owned a White Van? Personal property tax records or something? If she did home visits with her colonic irrigation table, she would have had to have a van or a truck to carry a portable device wouldn't she? :silenced:

Some if not all of Brody's things were cleared out after GW died. GW's brother gave some to the hotel desk clerk and others to charities. The clerk mentioned lots and lots of hats. The thing which argues against Brody's death being faked is at least one hospital admission and many evidences of non-traditional cancer therapies.

I forget exactly where we stand with Evelyn Wanek. Didn't we think we had found her daughter?
quote=Annasmom;1900954]Some if not all of Brody's things were cleared out after GW died. GW's brother gave some to the hotel desk clerk and others to charities. The clerk mentioned lots and lots of hats. The thing which argues against Brody's death being faked is at least one hospital admission and many evidences of non-traditional cancer therapies.

Okay, That's good to know. I watch to much court TV :)

I forget exactly where we stand with Evelyn Wanek. Didn't we think we had found her daughter?

Evelyn, as far as I have found, (maybe others have found more) never married, and never had children. She did have 2 sisters. One for sure had 2 children, (a girl and a boy, but the boy died many years ago. If I remember correctly he was in his early 30's). The girl is a person of interest and I think Dr. Doogie has all the info on a possible relative of hers that is in the same age range as Anna. The other sister is still unaccounted for, (again, others might have found more).
Wow. This is quite interesting and I don't believe this theory has been presented. Thank your friend for us please Anna's mom. This was very kind of her to offer. I realize she indicated that she did not see anything moving along the landscape. this makes me wonder if that is possible and perhaps Anna reacted the same way a child in a fire might, and to hide?

Is it possible Anna wandered off in such heavy brush and being so small one would not see movement? Perhaps she wandered so far being lost that she heard the sirens but no one heard her?

I hate to think that... but the possibility arises.

Could you explain again how much of an area was searched and what the landscape described entailed?
Cubby, I have been meaning to get back to your questions, but I wanted to post most of "Polly's" letter first. I think her remark about the tracking dogs is especially interesting. I am attaching a drawing which shows where Anna was last seen by Craig Barrick, as well as I can tell from his description. This entire area was searched again and again and I really think it is impossible that she could have been missed.
(Sorry..the server stopped responding. I'll try to attach the drawing later.)
Trying again to attach the drawing.


  • House map.jpg
    House map.jpg
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Thanks Annas mom. I remember when CB shared this information. It doesn't sound logical, but I thought maybe Anna wandered into some forest and was trying to get a visual. However, that means she would have had to cross the creek right? and if I recall the creek was so high it was impassible over the bridge.

I'm sorry to bring up something that is so difficult to think about, especially now....

I'm so frustrated at times for answers with this case, I often go to sleep praying or asking God for some dream, direction or vision. I'm also frustrated being so far away, that I don't have easy access to old ca records that might need to be found in person.

We need to really retrace steps again based on what the prosecutor suggested.

Prayers 08 is the year we find Anna.
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