Searching for Anna

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May 2, 2005
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Tomorrow is Anna's 47th birthday; she has been missing for almost 42 years. I would love it if we could hear from some of the WebSleuths who have posted in the past. We don't have any new ideas, but you never know.
Happy birthday Anna.
I wish you had your answers, Annasmom. It must be excruciating, not knowing. I am so sorry but I do have faith that you will be reunited in some way in the future. :candle:
Happy Birthday Anna. Praying for answers. Annasmom, please know that even if posting is slow, Anna is not forgotten.
In fact, I keep the flyer which came in the mail earlier in the month and have had the opportunity to share Anna's story with others by sharing the mailer. (and the geo cache made for Anna which I keep on my key chain).

Someday we will get those answers we are seeking.

Thinking of Anna and her wonderful family today, as we all celebrate Anna's birthday.
Hoping for a valid clue in the search, a tip, one push forward .... Happy Birthday Anna Banana! *advertiser censored*
Happy belated birthday to Anna! I'm just down in the South Bay and think of you and Anna every time I'm driving up 280 to San Francisco! I check in here as often as I can and am always hoping for clear answers.
happy belated birthday anna!!! with the news that sharon marshall has positively been identified and her family notified i have an even stronger feeling and hope that this is the year that we bring anna home.

anyone have any new ideas or leads we should look at there is something somewhere in all of our searching that might link us to anna
I'm still blown away Sharon Marshall's case is solved. I think the majority of us honestly thought that case would never be solved. It reinforces the 'never say never' thing. Nothing is impossible. We will get the answers we seek regarding Anna. It is just a matter of when. :praying:
Some quick thoughts about the resolved Sharon Marshall case and how they relate to Anna:

1) As Cubby mentioned above, answers are out there. They may not come on our time schedule, but they will come.

2) Suzanne's (Sharon's) family had been looking for her, yet somehow never came across the online or media coverage of "Sharon Marshall". I have found myself discouraged at times that if Anna is out there, why hasn't she seen our efforts and contacted us. Suzanne's case has shown us that it is possible to miss the "elephant in the room" and that we need to redouble our efforts to publicize Anna's case. Online presence, adoption websites, etc need to be exploited to make it so nobody can miss the info.
I just "discovered" the Sharon Marshall announcement and am elated, but immediately thought of little Anna....praying for answers for this family...
Some quick thoughts about the resolved Sharon Marshall case and how they relate to Anna:

1) As Cubby mentioned above, answers are out there. They may not come on our time schedule, but they will come.

2) Suzanne's (Sharon's) family had been looking for her, yet somehow never came across the online or media coverage of "Sharon Marshall". I have found myself discouraged at times that if Anna is out there, why hasn't she seen our efforts and contacted us. Suzanne's case has shown us that it is possible to miss the "elephant in the room" and that we need to redouble our efforts to publicize Anna's case. Online presence, adoption websites, etc need to be exploited to make it so nobody can miss the info.

Absolutely DD,
Social media is a means to get the word out about Anna. To reach many many people. The internet is our gift really, our dear Anna is out there. Now to reach her.
Can we list some ideas?
1. Mass FB posts?
2. I know she is listed in many adoption sites... I believe her photo needs to be posted online more often, not hidden in yesterday's old news..
It occurs to me that Anna likely doesn't know she was abducted. When memories aren't consistent, they often fade. There are several websites where people don't recall anything before the age of 5, 6 or even 7. It's not that uncommon and doesn't necessarily mean there was a trauma. While Anna might not know she was abducted, those involved know what happened. There will be those on the frontline who were directly involved and those who might be afraid to come forward, those who thought something was amiss all those years ago when a new child came into the family, etc. I think there's a decent chance that those involved or those who at least know something have seen this forum. Anna's mom, maybe it's time to post an open plea to anyone who knows anything right here on this very forum--no repercussions, total anonymity. I'd be willing to purchase a pay as you go cell-phone with a telephone number. Me or someone else could field the calls--I don't think Anna's mom should be subjected to the kinds of folks that might dial in...

I feel this plea should have it's own thread, should be heartfelt, non-accusatory, warm. The kind of thread that would make the guilty party want to confess. And for all anyone knows, the person who took/raised Anna might have been told things that weren't true--that it was for Anna's own good, that Anna wasn't loved, that they were helping through their involvement. Let it be known in this plea how Anna was loved, what she meant to her family.
Apologies if this was already looked at. I think this is a recent comment to Joe Ford's old blog. IGNORE the freckles. My oldest daughter started to develop freckles after the age of 10. No one else in our family--including her younger sister--has freckles. I think this might be a newish comment because the blogger has only been active since September 2014:

I received a flyer today and recognized the photo as a photo I had seen at my grandmothers home in Salinas Can I believe in a newspaper.
The photo of little Anna Waters looks eearily similar to a girl I grew up with.Her mother was a drug addict and drug dealer in the 1980's and after telling her mom about some horrible things her moms boyfriend had done to her she threw her out on the street s of Escondido ca when she was about 14.the mother never seemed like she really cared for her daughter or was in any way bonded and looked nothing like her.
The age progressed photo looks SO MUCH like her its unbelievable. I had the flyer on the table when my husband got home and without me saying anything to him he said "oh my God that looks like Kristine".
Kristine is about 46 and is working and living in the Los Angeles area.
I'm not sure what to do and I haven't spoken to her in a few years.
Does anyone know if Anna Waters had freckles?
I know I should call the number and if I knew whether or not she had freckles I would feel more confident.
Hi Bobbie!
Well, yes, Anna could be a neighbour, a friend, closer than we think.
I am not sure about the freckles. Did your friend growing up have some? I am assuming she did. Would you have any pics of her as a childhood friend? Did she like the outdoors? Brown eyes, some curl in her hair? I am sorry your friend endured a miserable life being kicked out so young. I hope we can find Anna soon. I'm sure Anna's mother will be online soon to reply to your post. I wanted to say hello and welcome you to Anna's thread. Also, there is the adoption topic. Did your friend ever say anything about thinking she may gave been adopted?
Ah, this wasn't my friend, but a comment left on Joe Ford's old blog. See link:

I felt it might be a newish comment because the blogger who commented has only been active since September 2014.
Welcome to Anna's forum BobbieA! :welcome: Great find on Joe Ford's blog. I would have never seen it. It had never occured to me to check there, thinking anyone following this case would have known of Joe's passing a few years back. I guess that means I shouldn't assume......... AFAIK, no one here had seen it. It hasn't been mentioned in a thread that I am aware of.

Is anyone on blogger to respond to this inquiry? I'd love to research this possibility further.
Welcome to Anna's forum BobbieA! :welcome: Great find on Joe Ford's blog. I would have never seen it. It had never occured to me to check there, thinking anyone following this case would have known of Joe's passing a few years back. I guess that means I shouldn't assume......... AFAIK, no one here had seen it. It hasn't been mentioned in a thread that I am aware of.

Is anyone on blogger to respond to this inquiry? I'd love to research this possibility further.

I have a google acct which blogger seems to be associated with.
The blogger, MT who commented on Joes blog is not open to contact from what I see.
I'm not sure how to track her down rather than wait and pray she goes back to see my comment to contact me.
Anyone else gave any suggestions?
No other suggestions, hopefully MT will find your post and contact you.

Giving more thought to Doogie's post above, it occured to me Anna might have been told she is an orphan and is unaware she has living family looking for her. If that is the case, she might be trying to find out about her roots via the newer family tree dna testing sites. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before. I think I may have and this is something that might be considered or reconsidered as technology advances.

I think these are two of the more popular sites out there.

I know the interest continually increases. I would love to do this myself and am fascinated by the PBS Finding Your Roots series.

Brody was an oddball, a loner. If he and GW had any involvement in Anna being 'adopted out', I think it's possible someone was fed a story about Anna being orphaned at 4 or 5.
I'm newish and don't know how to mark posts as helpful, forgive me. :)

I also have blogger and noticed that. Does anyone know if Annasmom has Joe Ford's password. I'm not sure, but if the poster is following Joe Ford's blog, there may be a way to contact her if her blog is set to private--only accessible to those whom she follows. Additionally, would anyone mind if I left a comment on Joe's blog asking her to contact this site? I'm new here--though I did post a bit a few years ago--and don't want to do anything like that without the permission of the veterans. :)
BobbieA you are more than welcome to post on the blog inviting the tipster here to WS. No toes to step on, We all work as a team here in Anna's forum. You are more than welcome to ask, but more so to not duplicate time consuming work as you really don't need to ask our permission.

I'm thrilled to have new eyes and new idea's for Anna's case. The recent posts, yours included, have caused me to consider other idea's I had would never thought of without the new input. Thank you!

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