Searching for Anna

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Hi all, and especially AnnasMom. I am also an Anna, my profile picture is me aged 5 but I was born in the late 1970s and am entirely unconnected with Anna Waters so please do not get your hopes up there. Sorry for the long post, and sorry that I do not really have anything new to bring to the topic other than my compassion and willingness to help in any way I can.

I have only recently stumbled upon Anna's case, and have read almost every thread. And what a pleasant and polite group of people you all are! So different from many other crime forums. I also purchased and read this week the electronic version of Searching for Anna, written by AnnasMom with Dr. Doogie. I had to read it in sessions as it is such an emotional read (obviously!). But an excellent one. Having so recently looked through so many posts on here and read the book, with a fresh set of eyes, I hope you do not mind me posting here my gut feelings?

Firstly, I do feel that Anna was abducted and adopted, and grew up safe. I base this on the creek theory being eliminated, the attempted abduction by a couple a month before her disappearance, her age at the time, but mostly on the intuitions which AnnasMom and siblings had received via dreams and silent communications with Anna during times of reflection. I firmly believe that the kind of bond which you all have as a family (including Joe RIP) cannot be entirely severed by physical separation. I agree that we should never give up hope that Anna will be found alive – and well, or at least hope that she IS alive and well.

A strong part of me wants to blame the two Georges, esp. GB for orchestrating the abduction of Anna. It is glaringly weird that GW showed no interest in the vanishing of Anna aside from his child maintenance query, and I would like to know if that is 100% accurate - but as his every move was being dictated by GB we know that we cannot gauge his behaviour by any normal standards. I know he kept a letter and a clipping, and about the tiny photo he saved, but that he was not ringing for updates or asking to be rung is shocking. His travel plans are equally suspicious. I wonder if fake paperwork was drawn up in Europe, but Anna was adopted by a family from Europe living in the U.S. I say this simply re: how the possibility of getting caught whilst travelling was great, a child on a plane being overheard talking about what had happened etc. But on the flipside, that threat would be real every time Anna was not in the presence of her ‘adoptive’ family, at school etc. – perhaps being transplanted to a place where English was not even a second language for most people would have been the best way to maintain her secret.

The Plan document had me fully convinced of their guilt for a time almost in its own right, but in retrospect I am not completely sure it is a cincher. After all, they would probably have come up with this insurance plan at some stage anyway, and its implications for a plot regarding Anna disappearing hinge largely upon the timing - I think SherlockJr sussed out that this plan was taken out in an isolated timeframe from many of the others tho? Although GB seems to have been a professional conman, he was also insane – so weighing up whether he actually intended to bump off GW (or even manipulate him into taking his own life by getting ‘accidentally’ killed thus not invalidating a claim) so he could turn the Anna-related and other policies into real money is a moot point. I agree with the observations of other posters that the signing over of future collateral was a component of his power trip over GW. Perhaps he was planning to get rid of GW and changed his mind, realising that the company he afforded and the day to day income he generated were more important to him than having thousands in the bank but no one to listen to him bang on all night and buy his food and sundries for him (and find new recruits). But it always comes back to – why plan to put Anna on the policy and then take her off? Could it have actually been as simple as it looked less suspicious to open a policy with a child dependent, and that later changes would be routine regardless of the missing or otherwise status of the child? Planning to take Anna off as beneficiary three months after her disappearance, would look VERY suspicious. I am reminded of the arrogance of the perps in the Parker Hulme folie a deux case, however, who believed erroneously that they were so brilliantly clever that they would always be above suspicion. They weren’t.

GB's hateful remark to GW re: "the tot" makes me think that GW may POSSIBLY have been innocent of involvement. If he was later made privy, he would not have acted upon this information IMO being far to in thrall to GB. Or perhaps he was told fragments of the plan but not all the details and the travel plans were related, but he was not party to all the documents being created etc. I can’t imagine him opening a sealed envelope without GB’s permission. I note that Joe’s letter was actually found torn in half and unopened, although presumably something about the envelope made the Georges realise who it was from thus instigating the “tot” conversation. I do hope that AnnasMom holds on to similar hopes, to think that the father of your daughter, your ex-husband was capable of the crime … the pain doesn’t bear thinking about. And I do note that you attended GW’s funeral, AnnasMom.

The plan to with permission take a photo of ‘Margaret’ whilst on vacation still irks me, and perhaps we could revisit this angle at some stage? Or has it been entirely exhausted?

Best wishes from the UK, I work in website development so can help in that regard if needed, and also re: Facebook where Anna only has a small presence. I have just joined the group at Log into Facebook | Facebook

Amazon link for AnnasMom’s book:

Lulu link for electronic version:

Searching For Anna by Michaele Benedict (eBook) - Lulu

Anna x
With so much info buzzing round my head and being processed in the course of just a week, I forgot to mention the purchase and return of a set of binoculars and the unaccounted for additional mileage re the Georges (not to mention the passport application). These matters also jumped out at me as extremely significant.

Has a list of likely potential and uneliminated George Brodys been compiled out of all the possibles which the Ancestry sleuths have come up with? I have an international Ancestry subscription and am happy to follow up old leads where new records may have been published but do not wish to reinvent the proverbial wheel. UK person searches are my specialty not US but I will help in way I can. Is Doug still active on this forum by the way?

Again, my best wishes, Anna
Hi all, and especially AnnasMom. I am also an Anna, my profile picture is me aged 5 but I was born in the late 1970s and am entirely unconnected with Anna Waters so please do not get your hopes up there. Sorry for the long post, and sorry that I do not really have anything new to bring to the topic other than my compassion and willingness to help in any way I can.

I have only recently stumbled upon Anna's case, and have read almost every thread. And what a pleasant and polite group of people you all are! So different from many other crime forums. I also purchased and read this week the electronic version of Searching for Anna, written by AnnasMom with Dr. Doogie. I had to read it in sessions as it is such an emotional read (obviously!). But an excellent one. Having so recently looked through so many posts on here and read the book, with a fresh set of eyes, I hope you do not mind me posting here my gut feelings?

Firstly, I do feel that Anna was abducted and adopted, and grew up safe. I base this on the creek theory being eliminated, the attempted abduction by a couple a month before her disappearance, her age at the time, but mostly on the intuitions which AnnasMom and siblings had received via dreams and silent communications with Anna during times of reflection. I firmly believe that the kind of bond which you all have as a family (including Joe RIP) cannot be entirely severed by physical separation. I agree that we should never give up hope that Anna will be found alive – and well, or at least hope that she IS alive and well.

A strong part of me wants to blame the two Georges, esp. GB for orchestrating the abduction of Anna. It is glaringly weird that GW showed no interest in the vanishing of Anna aside from his child maintenance query, and I would like to know if that is 100% accurate - but as his every move was being dictated by GB we know that we cannot gauge his behaviour by any normal standards. I know he kept a letter and a clipping, and about the tiny photo he saved, but that he was not ringing for updates or asking to be rung is shocking. His travel plans are equally suspicious. I wonder if fake paperwork was drawn up in Europe, but Anna was adopted by a family from Europe living in the U.S. I say this simply re: how the possibility of getting caught whilst travelling was great, a child on a plane being overheard talking about what had happened etc. But on the flipside, that threat would be real every time Anna was not in the presence of her ‘adoptive’ family, at school etc. – perhaps being transplanted to a place where English was not even a second language for most people would have been the best way to maintain her secret.

The Plan document had me fully convinced of their guilt for a time almost in its own right, but in retrospect I am not completely sure it is a cincher. After all, they would probably have come up with this insurance plan at some stage anyway, and its implications for a plot regarding Anna disappearing hinge largely upon the timing - I think SherlockJr sussed out that this plan was taken out in an isolated timeframe from many of the others tho? Although GB seems to have been a professional conman, he was also insane – so weighing up whether he actually intended to bump off GW (or even manipulate him into taking his own life by getting ‘accidentally’ killed thus not invalidating a claim) so he could turn the Anna-related and other policies into real money is a moot point. I agree with the observations of other posters that the signing over of future collateral was a component of his power trip over GW. Perhaps he was planning to get rid of GW and changed his mind, realising that the company he afforded and the day to day income he generated were more important to him than having thousands in the bank but no one to listen to him bang on all night and buy his food and sundries for him (and find new recruits). But it always comes back to – why plan to put Anna on the policy and then take her off? Could it have actually been as simple as it looked less suspicious to open a policy with a child dependent, and that later changes would be routine regardless of the missing or otherwise status of the child? Planning to take Anna off as beneficiary three months after her disappearance, would look VERY suspicious. I am reminded of the arrogance of the perps in the Parker Hulme folie a deux case, however, who believed erroneously that they were so brilliantly clever that they would always be above suspicion. They weren’t.

GB's hateful remark to GW re: "the tot" makes me think that GW may POSSIBLY have been innocent of involvement. If he was later made privy, he would not have acted upon this information IMO being far to in thrall to GB. Or perhaps he was told fragments of the plan but not all the details and the travel plans were related, but he was not party to all the documents being created etc. I can’t imagine him opening a sealed envelope without GB’s permission. I note that Joe’s letter was actually found torn in half and unopened, although presumably something about the envelope made the Georges realise who it was from thus instigating the “tot” conversation. I do hope that AnnasMom holds on to similar hopes, to think that the father of your daughter, your ex-husband was capable of the crime … the pain doesn’t bear thinking about. And I do note that you attended GW’s funeral, AnnasMom.

The plan to with permission take a photo of ‘Margaret’ whilst on vacation still irks me, and perhaps we could revisit this angle at some stage? Or has it been entirely exhausted?

Best wishes from the UK, I work in website development so can help in that regard if needed, and also re: Facebook where Anna only has a small presence. I have just joined the group at Log into Facebook | Facebook

Amazon link for AnnasMom’s book:

Lulu link for electronic version:

Searching For Anna by Michaele Benedict (eBook) - Lulu

Anna x
I have not been on the site for quite some time, so I was surprised and actually awfully happy to see your long and well-considered post. Thank you so much for going through all the material so carefully and especially for posting the links to the books. There has not been a great deal of action here, and I assume that interested members are just keeping their eyes and ears open. We have no new clues and have pretty much run through the ideas we had. I'll answer you at some greater length, but I did want to welcome you to the forum and thank you for your observations and interest.
does anyone know why anna is listed on find a grave???? i was revisiting some of the cases i follow and decided to like normal google their info to see if anything came up from websites etc when i did anna a find the grave listing came on with all her info but why would she be listed there shes a missing person still not deceased here is the link to the page i found Anna Christian Waters (1967-1973) - Find A Grave...

Have you done AncestryDNA? On the Facebook group "DNA Detectives" there are SO MANY adopted kids searching for their birth parents. What if Anna submitted her DNA and thinks shes adopted? Wondering if you have explored this very real avenue.
I thought of Anna many times yesterday, especially when I was driving and it was 4:44 on my car clock.
Get ready for goosebumps Cubby. I was reading the blog, looked at my computer clock...yep 4:44. Perhaps a little "howdy" from Angel Anna?

If "JoePokes" blog is to be believed, he heard some damning things. I don't think there is much of a mystery to this one.

I know the area well, and it wasn't very developed at the time. There was a small community of tight knit locals, and a large community of farm laborers that would come and go.

I tend to put the most weight on the bio father's remark, if it is true. The level of tracking and amateur detective work done in this case was truly amazing.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Get ready for goosebumps Cubby. I was reading the blog, looked at my computer clock...yep 4:44. Perhaps a little "howdy" from Angel Anna?

If "JoePokes" blog is to be believed, he heard some damning things. I don't think there is much of a mystery to this one.

I know the area well, and it wasn't very developed at the time. There was a small community of tight knit locals, and a large community of farm laborers that would come and go.

I tend to put the most weight on the bio father's remark, if it is true. The level of tracking and amateur detective work done in this case was truly amazing.

Amateur opinion and speculation

Could you point me to the reference about "JoePokes" blog and the bio father's remark? I'm not familiar with these and am curious as to what they said. TIA
Could you point me to the reference about "JoePokes" blog and the bio father's remark? I'm not familiar with these and am curious as to what they said. TIA
Argh, I shouldn’t have referenced anything that isn’t MSM; my bad and apologies. Easy to find tho.

Awk. Sorry.
I have to caution people who read Joe's blog that no one else in the family holds with this point of view, that I requested he not post it on this forum because it is not what he believed for the entire time we lived together, that it represents (once again) the fact that people cannot stand a mystery and that at some point they may make up their minds about what happened, whether or not the evidence supports them. The blog was written far away in space and time from the time Anna went missing, and there is some question in my mind about how rational her stepfather may have been at that point. Yes, he did an amazing search. At one point he broke down in tears and said "I can't find her."
I'm sorry, Annasmom. I didn't add the link to promote any one theory over another. I simply wanted readers to be able to see the entirety of what has gone into searching for Anna.
@smile22 , use the @ character to invite some folks! Who could add to the search?

@Gardener1850 have you read about Anna Waters?

Hi Laughing. No, I've never seen this thread. Thanks for tagging me.

ETA: Oh, I see this is an entire forum. I don't know how I missed this case forum before. It will probably take me a while to read up on her case.
@smile22 , use the @ character to invite some folks! Who could add to the search?

@Gardener1850 have you read about Anna Waters?

these threads used to be super active in the past and then they just get a hit or to every so often we all need to brainstorm and go over the threads and seer if we can get some fresh eyes and new people interested in her case.

im not sure who we could add to the search i used to be super active on the forums my interests are cases from Connecticut and new england and anything 70s 80s and 90s from all over the usa and abroad and now i log in every so often. but i plan on logging in more often now.

its 2019 its time to solve some cases and bring some closure to families

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