'Secret' visit from Santa Claus

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ITA, BOESP.She never got in and out of bed, or changed in and out of clothes, or redid hair and makeup. But to have not been a total mess when French showed up, surely she couldn't have been very physically active in all the movements of the crime, unless everything was completed early enough to allow her quite a bit of time to re-do herself, and also freshen up those same clothes. Possible, I guess.

I can imagine she might have fallen asleep somewhere while doing late packing and trip preps, especially having taken her antidepressant after having party wine. But, not for long, since letting her off the hook of writing the RN is really difficult. Not impossible, but very difficult.

The FBI called it first, the BPD was at the ready with charges. It is sickening that CORRUPTION and the MONEY it took to put the cogs in all the wheels of justice must be continuing to win out, even with all that Beckner knows is true and Garnett having a chance to become more important than he might ever imagine.

Regarding Patsy's appearance, another thing to keep in mind is that, even if it were an accident and even if she were involved, she still would have cried. I really do think that. She would have first freaked, then cried, then panicked. I cannot for the life of me see her as someone who then could have remained calm enough - in the face of losing her Mini Me - to then do a clean-up and staging. I believe JR was the mastermind behind that part of this terrible crime. I am a firm RDI believer, but I'm open to a combined RDI/RADI scenario. Either way, JR, PR, or BR was there and involved somehow. Not sure about JAR. He's kinda off my radar.

Going back to the crying: she had to have at least re-done her make-up by the time LE arrived if everything was in place. And she had to have gotten the initial grief out of the way earlier (before being ordered to get it together) or she would have been a mess when they got there.

(And, yes, this case is always in my mind - considering it is Christmas Day and as I try to rest before starting Christmas dinner, I sit here typing. I fear it will never be solved....)
I wonder if JB got a phone call from Santa saying he would have a secret visit with her. Someone could have disguised their voice. Just trying to think out of the box.
I want to bump this thread, bc I am SO interested in the Ramsey's "santa suit." I read the interviews where PR and JR are asked about it (in pictures that have never been released).. and, it really stands out to me that JR deflects from the picture and redirects to something completely unrelated. This, along with a million other things, really bothers me. Does anyone have any new insight regarding the Santa Suit found in the Ramsey home that day?
I am just speculating here but why do we have to associate the Santa note and the Santa "surprise visit" with an adult? For example, there was a santa at the party, as we know. It doesn't mean that that was the person who told JB or gave her a note. I personally support the BDI theories, so we could include this scenario here , suggesting BR gave JB the note or told her that there is something special waiting for her ,for example in the basement and that was a way to lure her there.
I am just speculating here but why do we have to associate the Santa note and the Santa "surprise visit" with an adult? For example, there was a santa at the party, as we know. It doesn't mean that that was the person who told JB or gave her a note. I personally support the BDI theories, so we could include this scenario here , suggesting BR gave JB the note or told her that there is something special waiting for her ,for example in the basement and that was a way to lure her there.

I agree with you! At the word "Santa" an adult comes to mind or even Santa Bill. But as you said, how do we know it was an adult?!!
I think the Secret Santa visit is nothing more than another Christmas morning to come with the older siblings on the 27th, in MI. PR probably told her about it and then decided to forget that she said it to give legs to the intruder theory.

There was no intruder.
I think people take it too literally. Someone tells the child "Santa is coming tonight" meaning simply that there will be more presents later. I think that's what happened here but because JB was murdered we start trying to put a face to a person that never existed.

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