Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #7

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The amount of light coming in Travis' bathroom windows at that time of day doesn't make much sense either, my sweet friend. :) Nor does a man who was utterly through with the lying wench yet drop his drawers the moment she walks through the door (or sneaks up on him while sleeping). Without Melendez' report, we don't know what he did with the camera and memory stick, unfortunately.

If Naps was shut in the office or downstairs bathroom he likely wouldn't have heard anything happening upstairs. All the days Travis was in his shower and the roommates going about their business, no one noticed Naps acting unusually, scratching at T's door, whining, nothing of note, apparently.

Poor Napoleon. TA's roommates seemed oblivious enough, caught up enough in their own lives, that it's quite possible, IMO, Napoleon tried for days to "tell" them, to get their help, but they just didn't notice or follow up. Flores has said both roomies felt tormented for a very long time about the little clues they missed that could have led to finding Travis earlier. Maybe Napoleon's behavior was one of those clues.

About the light in that window. Southern exposure at 5:20pm, in June, Arizona. There's actually a way to calculate how direct the sun would be at that exact time, but the math involved is way over my head, cubed. ;)

We also don't know from the copy of the photo we've seen whether or not the light is natural sunlight or inside lighting, if even an artifact of the memory card recovery process.

More in response about Travis in a bit....nothing you haven't heard before, though, sweet sister -friend. :). :)
alright, i admit this daylight savings thing in az in 2008 has me somewhat confused, even though i used to live in a mountain zone, but can someone please explain what this means, or could mean, in relation to the day ta was murdered?(see below links) i recall jm using dst to confuse the time issue a few times and he did confuse me.... So the shower times i would have to accept as possible, even though the way the light was shining through the blinds in that one accidental pic does raise questions with me.

i would also like to get opinions on the difference in wall colour in ta's bedroom in the sex pics, in one they look much darker(almost red or perhaps the same brown as the walls in the ensuite) and in the other they look pretty much the same colour as in the crime scene pics of the bedroom. Ta and the bedding as well as the alleged blue bottle of ky don't appear any different in colour, just the walls.

"daylight saving time (dst) was not observed at phoenix, arizona during 2008."

"salt lake city (usa - utah) wednesday, june 4, 2008 at 10:30:00 pm mdt utc-6 hours
phoenix (usa - arizona) wednesday, june 4, 2008 at 9:30:00 pm mst utc-7 hours
corresponding utc (gmt) thursday, june 5, 2008 at 04:30:00"

"most parts of the state of arizona, except the navajo nation community, observe mountain standard time (mst) all year long. Mst is also known as the mountain time zone and is seven hours behind (utc-7)"

Since noone seems to have noticed this query, does anyone know if TA had ever had his bedroom painted the same colour as his office?
bbm -TAbdrmWalls.jpg
Accurate in whole or in part or not at all, here's a bottom line, simple scenario for what could have happened on June 4, one that accepts JM's trial evidence as is, but rejects most of what little the claimed happened.

1. The was desperate to reach TA before she left on June 2, and didn't stop trying until he gave in and called her back, because she absolutely needed to know if she'd be able to talk her way into his house, even if it was only to get one foot half way in the door. During that call, she said whatever she thought TA most wanted to hear, including, IMO, that she'd moved on to Ryan. She didn't tell him she was driving to Mesa, but she did tell him she was about to trek to Utah, which was a key element in explaining why she would show up at TA's house-- a detour, not a destination.

2. Did he forgive her after the call? Trust her? Want to see her? I'm very sure- -none of the above. She kept calling along the way, and he kept not answering her calls. She had to have been at least a little bit unsure how he would respond to her showing up.

3. In any case, she couldn't risk being seen or heard by his roommates, so a late night arrival was imperative. She hung out in Pasadena for hours to time that arrival PAST the time she knew TA usually went to bed (2-3AM was his typical late night bedtime, 3 being on the later end of that typical).

4. She arrived closer to 3 than to 4AM, but TA was still awake. She waited until she knew he'd gone upstairs, then snuck in through the side garage door, through the laundry room, into his study.

5. She backspaced to see what he'd been doing on the computer, then snooped his emails. If he had left his phone in the office, she snooped that as well; maybe she turned the volume off, maybe she even forwarded his calls to her phone so he didn't receive any calls (versus texts) at all. If not in the office, later, when she snuck upstairs.

6. She didn't know the schedules of roommates, and didn't even know who was there and where. She might have checked in rooms upstairs to know, and might have peeped Zach's rental car in the garage for clues. She knew from spying on TA for over an hour that he was alone-- neither car belonged to a friend staying late or for the night. She stayed in TA's study, maybe with the door slightly ajar, until she heard both Enrique then Zach leave. The coast was clear.

Even if TA was initially upset or angry when she ambushed him, no one would be there to hear whatever came next.

7. There are many hours to account for even before the sex photos were (allegedly) taken. From 8 or 9AM (at the latest, when Zach left) until 1:30 or so, and there's only one timed record we know of, a text reply to Chris at 12:10pm, over 1 and 1/2 hours after Chris had texted TA.

8. TA typically was up and about by 11-11:30 am, even after going to bed as late as 3 or 4am. He actually prided himself about not needing a lot of sleep, and that he made up for lost sleep with short "power naps."

Whether he woke up on his own, or she woke him up, I think he was up before noon.

9. I think she intercepted the text from Chris and replied to it so that Chris didn't keep texting until he got a reply. Chris would be one of the very few friends she could believe TA might tell that she had shown up, uninvited.

10. That the sex photos weren't taken until well past 1PM suggests to me that the couldn't in fact get TA into bed very readily. IMO it took a fair amount of manipulation and time, a great deal more of both than she had planned on.

11. I think the had also counted on using sex to make TA totally let down his guard, and that she could readily transition him from sex photos to having her take photos of him in the bathroom- the shaving redo- then on to shower photos.

But....TA didn't cooperate. He refused to allow her to take the shaving photos. She needed a plan B. It was already a bit after 2pm, they had already has sex, and she was supposed to be on her way.

12. They went downstairs. Travis ate oatmeal. He wanted her to go, she kept hanging around. He did a laundry of his sheets, etc., spent some time figuring out how to put the tile cleaner together, cleared off the floor, including putting dining room chairs on the sofa. She stood there as he worked, talking at him.

13. Zach returned approximately 45 minutes after the and TA came downstairs. Because TA and his roommates seemed very unaware of one another's schedules and rarely communicated, IMO Travis wasn't expecting Zach to return, and the could not of had any idea whatsoever of that happening.

Zach would have entered the house through the garage and laundry room, or possibly the front door, depending on where he parked his car. Neither the or TA would have had much warning.

One or both of them were in TA's study before Zach arrived, and stayed there until after he left. Because I don't think it was possible for the to have known Zach would be returning, I don't think she would have left the house while he was there. Not enough time to hear him return, to give TA even a quick excuse and goodbye, and to leave without crossing paths with Zach or making her exit known.

14. I also don't think Zach's sudden return gave her enough time to come up with a reason for darting upstairs, alone, and I don't think she would have hung out by herself up in TA's bedroom, letting TA out of her sight, before Zach returned.

Best guess: they were both in TA's study when Zach was there, and neither one of them was interested in announcing to Zach that the was there, albeit fir very different reasons.

15. Zach left around 4pm. The had planned for Travis to be dead and herself long gone by this hour. She'd been delayed by an untrusting Travis and Zach's unexpected return. Time was running out. Travis was also becoming increasingly impatient with her remaining there. He had work to do, a PPL call to prepare for, GFs to reply to....a life he wanted to get on with, all the more sweetened by knowing he'd finally be rid of the .

16. The still needed to get him into the shower. Wasn't happening. Her only excuse for remaining was to show him the CD's and hope that viewing their history made him feel sentimental, an easier touch. Didn't happen.

17. TA finally told her flat out that he needed to get ready for the call, that he was going upstairs to take a shower, thanks for stopping by, have a good time with Ryan. They said goodbye, TA thought she'd left, he went upstairs.

18. The snuck back in, checked his email at 4:45.
Timed out...

To edit..she either left and snuck back in, or TA believed she was in the process of leaving, said bye, thanks for stopping by, have a good time with Ryan, and went upstairs.

19. After checking his emails, the waited until she heard him in the shower (after he shaved), then snuck upstairs with his camera bag, her backpack, and the gun and knife-- both concealed in the pockets of her sweat pants.

20. Travis had mostly finished his shower when the walked in, his camera around her neck. She told him she wanted to leave him with one last present - - photos of his buff Cancun-ready body, and as long as he was still in the shower, why not there?

Travis had refused to allow her to even take photos of him shaving earlier, had waited until he thought she was leaving or had left before he had relaxed enough to take a shower. He didn't want her to take the photos. It took a lot of "convincing" before he finally agreed, and he agreed at last only because he knew the photos were on his own camera and he could delete them as soon as she left, and because she clearly wasn't going to leave until he relented.

21. She took photos, talking at him for the entire 8 minutes it took her to think through the precise moves she'd have to make once she forced him to sit down in the shower.

22. When she was prepared, she pulled out the gun and ordered him to sit down.


IMO part of the reason the refused to reveal what happened that day, and for her lies about what kind of sex they had and having sex twice and how utterly happy Travis was to have her visit, is that the exact opposite was true.

Travis didn't know she was coming, didn't want her there, had joyless sex after she persisted, wanted her to leave, did his utmost to get her to leave short of telling her to scram, and never trusted her while she was there, not even enough to take photos of him shaving, perhaps because her insistence on taking the sex photos (which he promptly deleted) had weirded him out.

-------One possible version of June 4th, anyway, one that I'm well aware manages to differ in significant ways on different points than from the versions of virtually all (if not all) of those by fellow sleuthers here. ;)
Interesting idea. I settled on AZ Last Stop as the place pinged. There are very few towers in that area, as the road borders Lake Mead NRA, and there are miles of empty desert, so surely must have pinged somewhere where there is at least something. There's no reservation marked on my map, but I don't believe Google is especially generous with mapping info on Native American lands.

Since someone upthread supplied the link, I felt compulsively compelled to watch all 3 parts of the Day 25 cross. Part 3 has 's answers to "destroying the weapons" questions.

Some items were striking.
says she's never heard of Kingman. Bwahaha!
She says she put the weapons and bloody clothes in a dumpster. Strangely, I believe it. I also think one of the few available dumpsters is at AZ Last Stop, which has a lot of nameless people traveling through. 'Cos where else would she find a dumpster that wasn't locked (there's an RV park there)?
She says she stopped twice, once randomly to look randomly in her car. This was when she randomly found her charger. She says she couldn't get a signal there. No evidence for that, and if she said there was no signal this was BS to cover for any pings that might randomly show up on JM's radar.
Any gaps between phone calls, IMO, she was getting a hamburger (5 min) throwing stuff in the dumpster (30 seconds), and getting the " business card" of a trucker (15 minutes).
She has a problem with when she loses the fog. Hilarious.
She says she didn't know Coolidge Dam had a security checkpoint. JM has to work super hard to mask his incredulity. He goes over this several times, as if to assauge his disbelief. Why the heck would she be lying on this point of irrelevance? It is quite ludicrous.

I had never noticed before how she faces the jury while answering JM's questions and does her whole drama routine. Then she swivels her eyes--not her body--sideways to see how JM is receiving her answers. When she does this, her eyes simultaneously get clear and direct--no crying, no dramatics, no fog, no more poor little thing. The contrast in how she faces the jury and how she looks sideways for JM's reaction is just bizarre: she's working two different masks, switching in a nanosecond.

Have you ever driven with gas cans in your trunk? They stink. Like overwhelming. Not only that, they're dangerous. She must have had some spectacular excuse to throw the security officer off the scent.
She says the case of water, her suitcase, and 3 gas cans were in the trunk; lol, I don't think there's they'd all fit
Since someone upthread supplied the link, I felt compulsively compelled to watch all 3 parts of the Day 25 cross. Part 3 has 's answers to "destroying the weapons" questions.

Some items were striking.
says she's never heard of Kingman. Bwahaha!
She says she put the weapons and bloody clothes in a dumpster. Strangely, I believe it. I also think one of the few available dumpsters is at AZ Last Stop, which has a lot of nameless people traveling through. 'Cos where else would she find a dumpster that wasn't locked (there's an RV park there)?
She says she stopped twice, once randomly to look randomly in her car. This was when she randomly found her charger. She says she couldn't get a signal there. No evidence for that, and if she said there was no signal this was BS to cover for any pings that might randomly show up on JM's radar.
Any gaps between phone calls, IMO, she was getting a hamburger (5 min) throwing stuff in the dumpster (30 seconds), and getting the " business card" of a trucker (15 minutes).
She has a problem with when she loses the fog. Hilarious.
She says she didn't know Coolidge Dam had a security checkpoint. JM has to work super hard to mask his incredulity. He goes over this several times, as if to assauge his disbelief. Why the heck would she be lying on this point of irrelevance? It is quite ludicrous.

I had never noticed before how she faces the jury while answering JM's questions and does her whole drama routine. Then she swivels her eyes--not her body--sideways to see how JM is receiving her answers. When she does this, her eyes simultaneously get clear and direct--no crying, no dramatics, no fog, no more poor little thing. The contrast in how she faces the jury and how she looks sideways for JM's reaction is just bizarre: she's working two different masks, switching in a nanosecond.

Have you ever driven with gas cans in your trunk? They stink. Like overwhelming. Not only that, they're dangerous. She must have had some spectacular excuse to throw the security officer off the scent.
She says the case of water, her suitcase, and 3 gas cans were in the trunk; lol, I don't think there's they'd all fit

I noticed that too, her lie about not knowing of Hoover dam's checkpoint. Why lie about it? Because her story was of being in a dazed fog, not really knowing what had occurred way back in Mesa, just happening to notice some dainty amount of blood on herself from butchering Travis and feeling the need to wash herself off with a few little bottles of water.

As opposed to knowing she was going through a checkpoint where her car might be scrutinized, and stopping beforehand so she could dispose of bloody floor mats, check herself for blood, empty out any gas from the cans (if any was left) so the gas cans weren't seized and a more thorough search conducted, etc.

Consciousness of guilt, elements of a premeditated murder and escape plan.
Timed out...

To edit..she either left and snuck back in, or TA believed she was in the process of leaving, said bye, thanks for stopping by, have a good time with Ryan, and went upstairs.

19. After checking his emails, the waited until she heard him in the shower (after he shaved), then snuck upstairs with his camera bag, her backpack, and the gun and knife-- both concealed in the pockets of her sweat pants.

20. Travis had mostly finished his shower when the walked in, his camera around her neck. She told him she wanted to leave him with one last present - - photos of his buff Cancun-ready body, and as long as he was still in the shower, why not there?

Travis had refused to allow her to even take photos of him shaving earlier, had waited until he thought she was leaving or had left before he had relaxed enough to take a shower. He didn't want her to take the photos. It took a lot of "convincing" before he finally agreed, and he agreed at last only because he knew the photos were on his own camera and he could delete them as soon as she left, and because she clearly wasn't going to leave until he relented.

21. She took photos, talking at him for the entire 8 minutes it took her to think through the precise moves she'd have to make once she forced him to sit down in the shower.

22. When she was prepared, she pulled out the gun and ordered him to sit down.


IMO part of the reason the refused to reveal what happened that day, and for her lies about what kind of sex they had and having sex twice and how utterly happy Travis was to have her visit, is that the exact opposite was true.

Travis didn't know she was coming, didn't want her there, had joyless sex after she persisted, wanted her to leave, did his utmost to get her to leave short of telling her to scram, and never trusted her while she was there, not even enough to take photos of him shaving, perhaps because her insistence on taking the sex photos (which he promptly deleted) had weirded him out.

-------One possible version of June 4th, anyway, one that I'm well aware manages to differ in significant ways on different points than from the versions of virtually all (if not all) of those by fellow sleuthers here. ;)

Great! Makes a lot of sense. I still think she might have gone away at least one more time. When she heard the roommates getting up?

might not have been sure he shaved or not 'cos you can't hear shaving. He liked to shave the old-fashioned way. Interesting that she tossed this detail into the interrogation.
One possible version of June 4th, anyway, one that I'm well aware manages to differ in significant ways on different points than from the versions of virtually all (if not all) of those by fellow sleuthers here. ;)
Well I, for one, now have a pretty good idea of their activities after Enrique left at three-something that afternoon. I never believed the pics of Travis in the shower were of him actually taking a shower, but it makes complete sense to me that they were taken after he had shaved and showered (while #21Whatever was downstairs in TA's office checking Internet traffic on his laptop for the all-clear).

And for as many times as I heard the white witch of Yreka talk about taking pics of Travis shaving (that day or at any other time), it never occurred to me until I read something Hope posted that her offer to "re-take" some shaving pics of TA that day (I think that's what Arias had said to Det. Flores) was merely an effort on her part to lure him into the bathroom where she could then humanely kill him. I don't know the time of day that was, but I guess when TA declined her offer, that set the rest of the day into "overtime", further delaying her arrival in Utah to grind with Ryan.

Then there's something else that occurred to me in recent days... Jodi testified that skateboarders removed her front license plate at Starbucks in Pasadena. Keeping in mind there is sometimes a kernel of truth to her lies, was SHE the real skateboarder? In other words, did she do the plate switch-a-roo at Starbucks herself so as to avoid possible detection on her six-hour drive from Pasadena to Mesa? I always assumed she fiddled around with the plates just past the CA/AR state line (or maybe closer to Mesa), but then there's the chance her plate would have been captured on video somehow if she kept the plates as is. So keeping in mind she was supposed to be driving north on I-15 to Utah from Pasadena, and not east on I-10 to Arizona and beyond, did she mess with the plates as early as the Starbucks parking lot just before she got back on the road to Mesa? Hmm...
Poor Napoleon. TA's roommates seemed oblivious enough, caught up enough in their own lives, that it's quite possible, IMO, Napoleon tried for days to "tell" them, to get their help, but they just didn't notice or follow up. Flores has said both roomies felt tormented for a very long time about the little clues they missed that could have led to finding Travis earlier. Maybe Napoleon's behavior was one of those clues.

About the light in that window. Southern exposure at 5:20pm, in June, Arizona. There's actually a way to calculate how direct the sun would be at that exact time, but the math involved is way over my head, cubed. ;)

We also don't know from the copy of the photo we've seen whether or not the light is natural sunlight or inside lighting, if even an artifact of the memory card recovery process.

More in response about Travis in a bit....nothing you haven't heard before, though, sweet sister -friend. :). :)

Like this? Let's see if I did it right?..




  • image.jpg
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I noticed that too, her lie about not knowing of Hoover dam's checkpoint. Why lie about it? Because her story was of being in a dazed fog, not really knowing what had occurred way back in Mesa, just happening to notice some dainty amount of blood on herself from butchering Travis and feeling the need to wash herself off with a few little bottles of water.

As opposed to knowing she was going through a checkpoint where her car might be scrutinized, and stopping beforehand so she could dispose of bloody floor mats, check herself for blood, empty out any gas from the cans (if any was left) so the gas cans weren't seized and a more thorough search conducted, etc.

Consciousness of guilt, elements of a premeditated murder and escape plan.

She goes out of her way with the blood on her schtick, when it seems unlikely she had blood on her or else she'd have got it all over her car.

She always digs in when JM gets incredulous. Bad policy: he flaunts her BS.
Since noone seems to have noticed this query, does anyone know if TA had ever had his bedroom painted the same colour as his office?
bbm -View attachment 100152

The nudes are darker than the other pics, maybe partly because they were thumbnails - if you look at the last pic of Travis the bedroom walls look lighter than the one before it - maybe she didn't use a flash until the last one? None of her nudes look like a flash was used.
Well I, for one, now have a pretty good idea of their activities after Enrique left at three-something that afternoon. I never believed the pics of Travis in the shower were of him actually taking a shower, but it makes complete sense to me that they were taken after he had shaved and showered (while #21Whatever was downstairs in TA's office checking Internet traffic on his laptop for the all-clear).

And for as many times as I heard the white witch of Yreka talk about taking pics of Travis shaving (that day or at any other time), it never occurred to me until I read something Hope posted that her offer to "re-take" some shaving pics of TA that day (I think that's what Arias had said to Det. Flores) was merely an effort on her part to lure him into the bathroom where she could then humanely kill him. I don't know the time of day that was, but I guess when TA declined her offer, that set the rest of the day into "overtime", further delaying her arrival in Utah to grind with Ryan.

Then there's something else that occurred to me in recent days... Jodi testified that skateboarders removed her front license plate at Starbucks in Pasadena. Keeping in mind there is sometimes a kernel of truth to her lies, was SHE the real skateboarder? In other words, did she do the plate switch-a-roo at Starbucks herself so as to avoid possible detection on her six-hour drive from Pasadena to Mesa? I always assumed she fiddled around with the plates just past the CA/AR state line (or maybe closer to Mesa), but then there's the chance her plate would have been captured on video somehow if she kept the plates as is. So keeping in mind she was supposed to be driving north on I-15 to Utah from Pasadena, and not east on I-10 to Arizona and beyond, did she mess with the plates as early as the Starbucks parking lot just before she got back on the road to Mesa? Hmm...

IMO she messed with the plates at Starbucks. Some how she forgot to put one of them in the car, and noticed it just as she was pulling out. Itwas lying at an angle to the curb "as these things do".

She probably stole the plates a while back when she removed them from one of TA's girlfriend's cars or the roommate who called her a hoochy mama booty call nymphomaniac. Or maybe to get back at the boss who fired her? From a used car lot? A beat up car belonging to a bunch of kids at a random skatepark? Was she using them on her Infiniti 'cos she wouldn't pay to register it, so she "had them in stock" as it were in Yreka?

Could they ever trace those plates? Did they know the number? Another item she had to throw in the dumpster.
Well I, for one, now have a pretty good idea of their activities after Enrique left at three-something that afternoon. I never believed the pics of Travis in the shower were of him actually taking a shower, but it makes complete sense to me that they were taken after he had shaved and showered (while #21Whatever was downstairs in TA's office checking Internet traffic on his laptop for the all-clear).

And for as many times as I heard the white witch of Yreka talk about taking pics of Travis shaving (that day or at any other time), it never occurred to me until I read something Hope posted that her offer to "re-take" some shaving pics of TA that day (I think that's what Arias had said to Det. Flores) was merely an effort on her part to lure him into the bathroom where she could then humanely kill him. I don't know the time of day that was, but I guess when TA declined her offer, that set the rest of the day into "overtime", further delaying her arrival in Utah to grind with Ryan.

Then there's something else that occurred to me in recent days... Jodi testified that skateboarders removed her front license plate at Starbucks in Pasadena. Keeping in mind there is sometimes a kernel of truth to her lies, was SHE the real skateboarder? In other words, did she do the plate switch-a-roo at Starbucks herself so as to avoid possible detection on her six-hour drive from Pasadena to Mesa? I always assumed she fiddled around with the plates just past the CA/AR state line (or maybe closer to Mesa), but then there's the chance her plate would have been captured on video somehow if she kept the plates as is. So keeping in mind she was supposed to be driving north on I-15 to Utah from Pasadena, and not east on I-10 to Arizona and beyond, did she mess with the plates as early as the Starbucks parking lot just before she got back on the road to Mesa? Hmm...

Dunno about the license plate oddity, but I think TA's rear temporary license plate being askew is meaningful, as is JM's seeming belief she took her plates off while at TA's.

The only scenario I can imagine making sense if that's the case is that she removed her rear plate after she arrived and parked around the corner (front plate was probably already off, but not while in CA, IMO, because both plates are required there), after she knew TA was asleep, and after taking his rear plate off to put on her car.

So her white nondescript car was parked in what is basically an overflow parking alley, front tag off, and an AZ temp plate on the rear.

When then, to have switched them back, if this is how it happened? The least exposed way would have been for her to have backed her car into his driveway (after Zach left, but before Enrique returned), taken his plate off her car, gone into the side garage door, returned his tag to the Prius (hurriedly, and sloppily), and either put hers on there, hurriedly and upside down, or to have driven just outside his neighborhood and to have put hers back on, hurriedly and upside down (less likely, given the time it would take).

The only time that seems possible for her to have accomplished this would have been right as or just after Travis had gone upstairs to shower. She would have had the time and opportunity to do it then (unlike after Enrique came home), especially if she went through the motions of getting her stuff out to the car as TA was saying bye and going upstairs.

She would have been rushing to get upstairs while he was still in the shower, and she'd have been distracted by thoughts of the murder she was about to commit.
The nudes are darker than the other pics, maybe partly because they were thumbnails - if you look at the last pic of Travis the bedroom walls look lighter than the one before it - maybe she didn't use a flash until the last one? None of her nudes look like a flash was used.

The term "the nudes" reminds me of a high brow art history tome on Picasso or the Renaissance. I know she fancied herself the next Botty Shelly worthy of prime gallery real estate by virtue of talent and physique, but she's more plucked brows than high brow.

Sorry, Geevee: I don't mean the observation to be at your expense.
Dunno about the license plate oddity, but I think TA's rear temporary license plate being askew is meaningful, as is JM's seeming belief she took her plates off while at TA's.

The only scenario I can imagine making sense if that's the case is that she removed her rear plate after she arrived and parked around the corner (front plate was probably already off, but not while in CA, IMO, because both plates are required there), after she knew TA was asleep, and after taking his rear plate off to put on her car.

So her white nondescript car was parked in what is basically an overflow parking alley, front tag off, and an AZ temp plate on the rear.

When then, to have switched them back, if this is how it happened? The least exposed way would have been for her to have backed her car into his driveway (after Zach left, but before Enrique returned), taken his plate off her car, gone into the side garage door, returned his tag to the Prius (hurriedly, and sloppily), and either put hers on there, hurriedly and upside down, or to have driven just outside his neighborhood and to have put hers back on, hurriedly and upside down (less likely, given the time it would take).

The only time that seems possible for her to have accomplished this would have been right as or just after Travis had gone upstairs to shower. She would have had the time and opportunity to do it then (unlike after Enrique came home), especially if she went through the motions of getting her stuff out to the car as TA was saying bye and going upstairs.

She would have been rushing to get upstairs while he was still in the shower, and she'd have been distracted by thoughts of the murder she was about to commit.

I doubt her license plate was upside down when she went through the Hoover Dam checkpoint, they'd have made her fix that, don't you think? Or become suspicious and given her car a good look-see?
The term "the nudes" reminds me of a high brow art history tome on Picasso or the Renaissance. I know she fancied herself the next Botty Shelly worthy of prime gallery real estate by virtue of talent and physique, but more like plucked brows.

Sorry, Geevee: I don't mean the observation to be at your expense.

No sweat, I could think of plenty other, less classy things to call hers but don't wanna get deleted. lol
I doubt her license plate was upside down when she went through the Hoover Dam checkpoint, they'd have made her fix that, don't you think? Or become suspicious and given her car a good look-see?

I've always thought that, that she must have put on the plate upside down after the dam, and I've even thought she might have done so on purpose, to invite being pulled over to have "proof" of being lost someplace along the route she was supposed to be driving/getting lost in.

But...TA's tag? If after the dam, what tags was she switching around? Or...maybe TA's tag is meaningless, she didn't have other tags, she went through the checkpoint then turned her rear tag upside down on purpose. For whatever reason.
Great! Makes a lot of sense. I still think she might have gone away at least one more time. When she heard the roommates getting up?

might not have been sure he shaved or not 'cos you can't hear shaving. He liked to shave the old-fashioned way. Interesting that she tossed this detail into the interrogation.

The fact that he refused to let her take photos of him shaving earlier in the day, and that she said at trial she didn't think Travis "had ever shaved that day "suggests to me that he waited to shave until before he showered, and that she wasn't in the bathroom yet when he did shave, which supports the scenario that she entered the bathroom later on, unexpected.
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