Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #7

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We discussed this a few weeks back. I think the consensus was that they had to be empty by then (gas mostly used up, and she would have known 3 full cans wouldn't be allowed through).

She must have gone through the checkpoint sometime around 1 AM, certainly not much if any before that. Maybe she planned on the guard being tired and bored, and not very thorough, especially if the guard was male.

Her repeated suggestion to Flores during interrogation that maybe there was surveillance tape of her from somewhere makes me wonder if she knew she'd be taped going over the dam, but also calculated the tape wouldn't be kept for longer than a month....


I saw that when I got caught up.

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Respectfully snipped by me.
From TxJan1971's transcript
Interrogation with female officer-

JA: Well, the detective says he has pictures of me.

FO: Mmm hmmm. I’ve seen those pictures. They were taken the same day.

JA: Well, certainly not the same time.

(Jodi takes a drink of water)

FO: Within the same time frame.

Then with DF-
JA: Is he naked? In the shower?

DF: Yeah. Yep. Yes, he is.

DF: This is

JA: Travis would never go for that.

DF: Soon after you and him had sex on his bed.

JA: That couldn’t have been too soon after.

DF: An hour or so…

JA: The last time we had sex in his bed was in April.

DF: two hours…
(DF flips through pages/photos)

"Well, certainly not the same time" and "That couldn't have been too soon after" - These were strange comments to make when she was supposed to deny her presence in Mesa that day.

Why was she even making points about the time gap between the photos at this point in time...She seems to want to assert the showers photos came 'long' after the sex photos.

Again setting aside what one believes about the pre-June 4th sex photos, the was definitely thinking heavily about the time gap.

Also, on the YouTube trial video I posted above....the flat out refused to account for any of her time or actions between 2 and just before the shower, other than to throw out the looking at CD's piece, though she wouldn't give any times for that either. And the afternoon was all pre-fog and everything (snark).

IMO there are only a couple possibilities for why she wouldn't: she wasn't there during those hours; or, the times on photos ARE wrong; or, she was there but not interacting with Travis, because he was trying to get her to leave by cleaning and working.
JM cross of about June 4th, beginning with when she put her luggage in the car, briefly on upside license plate, then photo CD’s (hmmm), then about the shaving versus shower photos:

(Warning, if you've forgotten this part: JM plays the same portion of her interrogation tape about TA's permission over and over and over ;))

Day 25, part 1 of 3. David Lohr.

(Aside related to her possibly messing with his laptop:

on the CD’s: It took a while because TA “had a hard time bringing up the disc drive.”

It took forever while “he went looking for the disc drive

“It seemed like a long time to pop up a disc in the computer and bring up photos that were on the CD.”

TA had a difficult time “bringing up the disc drive?” What does that mean? Maybe she messed just with his CD driver, uninstalled it or some such?

JM’s questions about the shower photo sequence begin around the 6:40 minutes mark. It’s interesting that she removes herself from the room for a few minutes and says she doesn’t know what TA was doing then. Perhaps she is distancing herself from the 4:45 email activity?

Years earlier, being interrogated, she is even more vague about this stretch of time. Perhaps her memory improved somewhat after knowing what of the timeframe could and could not be proven?


JM- At some point after that Mr. Alexander goes to take a shower, correct? ( hesitates briefly, then says -yes.

JM: Did he do anything before he went up to take the shower?

: I’m not sure if he did, because I went into the (downstairs) bathroom. TA was still in the office when I came out. It was a few more minutes after that before we went upstairs.
On interrogation tape played next in JM’s cross—she’s trying to account for what happened in the afternoon leading up to taking the shower photos:

“he had been cleaning his house, I wasn’t sitting on the couch (I couldn’t chill out on the couch like I usually did when no one was there, because he’d put chairs there to clean his floor)…uh, fed Napoleon…

“I’m not sure if he made phone calls or was on the internet or what, but at one point he was going to go up and take a shower…”
Start of shower sequence questions: around 7:00.

From that piece of interrogation footage, it's clear the shaving being discussed was June 4. I know some folks say JM was confused, but he was not at all IMO.

IMO is so evasive about what happened after the sex, she wasn't there. She could actually have been hiding out in the downstairs bathroom most of the afternoon.

Something else was striking in that bit of interrogation tape. says she used to chill on the couch "when no one was home", but she couldn't on this occasion, because there were chairs on the couch. It doesn't sound as though TA was there at all. Or she wasn't in that room, but was simply reinforcing a lie with an irrelevant detail.

We meet the luggage again? This chick and her luggage lies....
JM cross of about June 4th, beginning with when she put her luggage in the car, briefly on upside license plate, then photo CD’s (hmmm), then about the shaving versus shower photos:

(Warning, if you've forgotten this part: JM plays the same portion of her interrogation tape about TA's permission over and over and over ;))

Day 25, part 1 of 3. David Lohr.

(Aside related to her possibly messing with his laptop:

on the CD’s: It took a while because TA “had a hard time bringing up the disc drive.”

It took forever while “he went looking for the disc drive

“It seemed like a long time to pop up a disc in the computer and bring up photos that were on the CD.”

TA had a difficult time “bringing up the disc drive?” What does that mean? Maybe she messed just with his CD driver, uninstalled it or some such?

JM’s questions about the shower photo sequence begin around the 6:40 minutes mark. It’s interesting that she removes herself from the room for a few minutes and says she doesn’t know what TA was doing then. Perhaps she is distancing herself from the 4:45 email activity?

Years earlier, being interrogated, she is even more vague about this stretch of time. Perhaps her memory improved somewhat after knowing what of the timeframe could and could not be proven?


JM- At some point after that Mr. Alexander goes to take a shower, correct? ( hesitates briefly, then says -yes.

JM: Did he do anything before he went up to take the shower?

: I’m not sure if he did, because I went into the (downstairs) bathroom. TA was still in the office when I came out. It was a few more minutes after that before we went upstairs.
On interrogation tape played next in JM’s cross—she’s trying to account for what happened in the afternoon leading up to taking the shower photos:

“he had been cleaning his house, I wasn’t sitting on the couch (I couldn’t chill out on the couch like I usually did when no one was there, because he’d put chairs there to clean his floor)…uh, fed Napoleon…

“I’m not sure if he made phone calls or was on the internet or what, but at one point he was going to go up and take a shower…”
Start of shower sequence questions: around 7:00.

What's important about the time when she packed her car? What is JM after?

This whole item is ridiculous: Who "packs their car" after 2 hours of booty call?
She didn't need a handwritten note from him to practice forging his handwriting for whatever reason-- she had already stolen 2 of his journals.

She was clearly already plotting against him, but the extent of which and what precisely- impossible to determine. IMO she didn't come up with the filthy pedo lie, though, until after she was forced to realize the ninjas weren't going to save her (2011 at the earliest).

She might have wanted specific words that weren't in his journal, just so she could make the cut and paste job easier.
Also, on the YouTube trial video I posted above....the flat out refused to account for any of her time or actions between 2 and just before the shower, other than to throw out the looking at CD's piece, though she wouldn't give any times for that either. And the afternoon was all pre-fog and everything (snark).

IMO there are only a couple possibilities for why she wouldn't: she wasn't there during those hours; or, the times on photos ARE wrong; or, she was there but not interacting with Travis, because he was trying to get her to leave by cleaning and working.

She's never going to tell. That time is "hers". It's the thing everyone wants to know and she has sole control over. What happened in that house that day? We will only know from the time stamps that they had sex around 1:45pm and he was in the shower after 5 and bleeding to death at 5:32. The rest is "hers" and she will never disclose it.
I have no problem believing that after the sex...2pm ish....she showers, puts on her makeup and fixes her hair. Travis putters around the house..til 5. It's a big house.

Do I think they held hands and gazed into each other's eyes having deep thoughtful discussions from 2-5? Nope

IMO she may have offered him sex again in his office after he checked his email at 4:54. Then he's up to the shower..
I was talking about one's ability to transfer images from a computer to a memory card, not to the internal memory of a camera.

Yes, Det Menendez was working from the memory card with the 90 other images plus the sex photos and the shower photos. And most if not all cameras have a feature that stores the time and date internally but Travis' Sony had nothing stored in the internal memory. All photos were found in his memory card only.

I still would love to know the size of this memory card, that it could hold 90+ undeleted photos as well as save the nudes and shower photos to it.
I still would love to know the size of this memory card, that it could hold 90+ undeleted photos as well as save the nudes and shower photos to it.

Even a 4GB memory card can hold over 500 images easily
I still would love to know the size of this memory card, that it could hold 90+ undeleted photos as well as save the nudes and shower photos to it.

On page 130,

It says '"Memory Stick PRO Duo" with a capacity up to 8 GB have been confirmed to operate properly with this camera.

Does this help?
8 GB can hold hundreds of photos(I'm only guessing), right?
From that piece of interrogation footage, it's clear the shaving being discussed was June 4. I know some folks say JM was confused, but he was not at all IMO.

IMO is so evasive about what happened after the sex, she wasn't there. She could actually have been hiding out in the downstairs bathroom most of the afternoon.

Something else was striking in that bit of interrogation tape. says she used to chill on the couch "when no one was home", but she couldn't on this occasion, because there were chairs on the couch. It doesn't sound as though TA was there at all. Or she wasn't in that room, but was simply reinforcing a lie with an irrelevant detail.

We meet the luggage again? This chick and her luggage lies....

JM wasn't the slightest bit confused. He also wasn't necessarily after the same answers we're looking for.

He seemed to go relentlessly after some of her lies about that day, to simply raise doubt about others, and to let others go entirely unremarked upon (including how TA could have replied to Chris at 12:10 if he didn't wake up til 1m).

He knew, IMO, she switched the shaving photos story midstream when being interrogated by Flores. SHE mentioned shaving photos, Flores didn't, when he brought up the shower photos.

IMO she clearly was talking about June 4th first when she said Travis didn't want her to take them (in essence), but then in her way brought up an earlier time to muddle what she had inadvertently revealed about TA's refusal on the 4th.

She mutters something just following trying to make the story about earlier, btw. I've listened to it many times, and it sounds like:. (..?), then, " we'll do it later."

The most obvious inconsistency/lie JM is trying to catch her in is whether or not TA gave her permission and was receptive to the idea, or whether or not she had to convince him. The latter would make it more obvious she premeditated killing him in the shower.

But what he also mined out of forcing her to choose a shaving story is her admission that TA had shaved that day, sometime before his shower, and in leading her down that path he forced her to admit (he didn't dwell on it) that her tied to the bed story was at least partially a lie.

About cleaning and the sofa. During interrogation, she seemed to be saying Travis spent some time in the afternoon cleaning. I've forgotten - did she repeat that at trial?

What's interesting is what it reveals if she WAS there at this point. Travis is not only cleaning, but he's piled up the dining room chairs on the sofa where she usually chills out.

Then where is she? Standing up in the living room while he cleans, (and cleans and cleans? ) There isn't anywhere else to sit in that space. What does that say about whether she was welcome there, and what could she possibly have said to TA that would make sense of her standing there as he cleaned, rather than racing out of the house to hook up with Ryan?
She's never going to tell. That time is "hers". It's the thing everyone wants to know and she has sole control over. What happened in that house that day? We will only know from the time stamps that they had sex around 1:45pm and he was in the shower after 5 and bleeding to death at 5:32. The rest is "hers" and she will never disclose it.
I have no problem believing that after the sex...2pm ish....she showers, puts on her makeup and fixes her hair. Travis putters around the house..til 5. It's a big house.

Do I think they held hands and gazed into each other's eyes having deep thoughtful discussions from 2-5? Nope

IMO she may have offered him sex again in his office after he checked his email at 4:54. Then he's up to the shower..

I agree the no doubt derives great satisfaction in knowing only she knows or will ever know all or most of the details about what happened in those hours. I think JM knows more than he used at trial, though, so her exclusive may not be entirely that.

But the truth of why she refused to budge about details and timeline doesn't have to be for only one reason, and IMO there was another equally compelling reason, that being she couldn't account for all those hours in a story that fit the computer and phone records, the photo times, and her other lies about the day.

Think about it. The only activities she could come up with to account for 2-5:20 is that they tried, unsuccessfully, to look at photo CD's on his laptop, TA became angry, and they had quick sex in his study. And Zach was home between 3-4 and never heard any of that.

Even if all that happened in his study somehow (I don't believe her more sex lie), that's a lot of time to be otherwise occupied by standing up, watching TA clean.

(PS..I don't believe she took a shower, either. She knew she'd be taking one within a few hours, and I doubt she wanted to let TA out of her sight after IMO, he had just foiled her plan to get him into the bathroom to shave and shower. She needed to come up with a plan B, ASAP. ).
Thanks for the memory stick info, I was pretty sure only MB sticks were available back then but looks like maybe larger capacity ones were also.
About cleaning and the sofa. During interrogation, she seemed to be saying Travis spent some time in the afternoon cleaning. I've forgotten - did she repeat that at trial?

What's interesting is what it reveals if she WAS there at this point. Travis is not only cleaning, but he's piled up the dining room chairs on the sofa where she usually chills out.

Then where is she? Standing up in the living room while he cleans, (and cleans and cleans? ) There isn't anywhere else to sit in that space. What does that say about whether she was welcome there, and what could she possibly have said to TA that would make sense of her standing there as he cleaned, rather than racing out of the house to hook up with Ryan?


Sitting in the kitchen

Playing with Napoleon

Laying on his bed reading 1,000 places

Putting on her makeup. Gotta look good for Ryan!

Standing nearby recreating note for note her National Anthem performance that he so thoughtlessly missed

Watching tv in the loft

Telling him endless boring stories about her boring job in boring Yreka

Napping because she knows she has a long drive ahead after she murders him

The fact that Zach saw neither of them may also indicate they were still in his bedroom suite until after 4...
I agree the no doubt derives great satisfaction in knowing only she knows or will ever know all or most of the details about what happened in those hours. I think JM knows more than he used at trial, though, so her exclusive may not be entirely that.

But the truth of why she refused to budge about details and timeline doesn't have to be for only one reason, and IMO there was another equally compelling reason, that being she couldn't account for all those hours in a story that fit the computer and phone records, the photo times, and her other lies about the day.

Think about it. The only activities she could come up with to account for 2-5:20 is that they tried, unsuccessfully, to look at photo CD's on his laptop, TA became angry, and they had quick sex in his study. And Zach was home between 3-4 and never heard any of that.

Even if all that happened in his study somehow (I don't believe her more sex lie), that's a lot of time to be otherwise occupied by standing up, watching TA clean.

(PS..I don't believe she took a shower, either. She knew she'd be taking one within a few hours, and I doubt she wanted to let TA out of her sight after IMO, he had just foiled her plan to get him into the bathroom to shave and shower. She needed to come up with a plan B, ASAP. ).

IMO she just came up with the story the disc wouldn't load to give a "reason" Travis got angry. JMO but they may actually have looked at the pictures...

I kind of do believe the office sex...not her testimony about it. Just that they had sex. Could have been a reason he didn't mind her hanging out longer...more sex promised. She also was getting further behind in her timeline with Ryan. Maybe she initiated more sex, counting on it finally getting him into the shower so she could carry out her plan?

Sitting in the kitchen

Playing with Napoleon

Laying on his bed reading 1,000 places

Putting on her makeup. Gotta look good for Ryan!

Standing nearby recreating note for note her National Anthem performance that he so thoughtlessly missed

Watching tv in the loft

Telling him endless boring stories about her boring job in boring Yreka

Napping because she knows she has a long drive ahead after she murders him

The fact that Zach saw neither of them may also indicate they were still in his bedroom suite until after 4...

No place to sit in the kitchen, and in any case, Travis wasn't cleaning between 3-4, and she couldn't have been anywhere in plain sight, or playing with a yappy dog behind closed doors, nor making any noise at all if she was in TA's bedroom- those thin walls and all.

And..either TA or the used his laptop just after 3pm, while Zach was there, without Zach seeing either one of them going into or out of the study., the 2 of them couldn't have been holed up in the bedroom.

It's not impossible, though, that Travis began cleaning after 2, that the went back up to his bedroom when she heard Zach returning, telling TA she needed a quick nap before she left, then came down after Zach left.
As far as I understand, T only finished putting together the floor cleaner and put the furniture up but didn't clean the floors, the only sign he actually cleaned anything that day is the laundry in the dryer.

I agree she would not let him out of her sight while she was there, too risky he'd mention she was there to anyone who called or texted.

His laptop was used that afternoon (1:44 p.m., 3:31, 4:00somethng and 4:54) yet after the 12:13 text reply, no phone usage at all, even though at least 2 calls/texts came in.

More and more I think she killed him before Zach came home, had to hide when Zach did show up, did her clean up/clothes into washer after he left and was out of there by 5:00. Maybe that's why she flooded the bathroom and threw water on the walls, she was interrupted and when she got back to it things were starting to dry and making any kind of removal much harder, plus Zach coming back in the middle of the day would have freaked her out, thinking no roommate would be there until after regular work hours (she had no idea he was house sitting for Amanda and her parents). .
JM wasn't the slightest bit confused. He also wasn't necessarily after the same answers we're looking for.

He seemed to go relentlessly after some of her lies about that day, to simply raise doubt about others, and to let others go entirely unremarked upon (including how TA could have replied to Chris at 12:10 if he didn't wake up til 1m).

He knew, IMO, she switched the shaving photos story midstream when being interrogated by Flores. SHE mentioned shaving photos, Flores didn't, when he brought up the shower photos.

IMO she clearly was talking about June 4th first when she said Travis didn't want her to take them (in essence), but then in her way brought up an earlier time to muddle what she had inadvertently revealed about TA's refusal on the 4th.

She mutters something just following trying to make the story about earlier, btw. I've listened to it many times, and it sounds like:. (..?), then, " we'll do it later."

The most obvious inconsistency/lie JM is trying to catch her in is whether or not TA gave her permission and was receptive to the idea, or whether or not she had to convince him. The latter would make it more obvious she premeditated killing him in the shower.

But what he also mined out of forcing her to choose a shaving story is her admission that TA had shaved that day, sometime before his shower, and in leading her down that path he forced her to admit (he didn't dwell on it) that her tied to the bed story was at least partially a lie.

About cleaning and the sofa. During interrogation, she seemed to be saying Travis spent some time in the afternoon cleaning. I've forgotten - did she repeat that at trial?

What's interesting is what it reveals if she WAS there at this point. Travis is not only cleaning, but he's piled up the dining room chairs on the sofa where she usually chills out.

Then where is she? Standing up in the living room while he cleans, (and cleans and cleans? ) There isn't anywhere else to sit in that space. What does that say about whether she was welcome there, and what could she possibly have said to TA that would make sense of her standing there as he cleaned, rather than racing out of the house to hook up with Ryan?

She wasn't in the living room when he was cleaning. She saw the chairs later?

There's something weird about the phrase, "the couch where I used to chill out when nobody was home." I haven't quite put my finger on it. But it jumped out at me. It does't make sense to say "when nobody was home". She did reveal that she was sneaking in there in his absence, though.
As far as I understand, T only finished putting together the floor cleaner and put the furniture up but didn't clean the floors, the only sign he actually cleaned anything that day is the laundry in the dryer.

I agree she would not let him out of her sight while she was there, too risky he'd mention she was there to anyone who called or texted.

His laptop was used that afternoon (1:44 p.m., 3:31, 4:00somethng and 4:54) yet after the 12:13 text reply, no phone usage at all, even though at least 2 calls/texts came in.

More and more I think she killed him before Zach came home, had to hide when Zach did show up, did her clean up/clothes into washer after he left and was out of there by 5:00. Maybe that's why she flooded the bathroom and threw water on the walls, she was interrupted and when she got back to it things were starting to dry and making any kind of removal much harder, plus Zach coming back in the middle of the day would have freaked her out, thinking no roommate would be there until after regular work hours (she had no idea he was house sitting for Amanda and her parents). .

How do you account for the time- stamped shower photos indicating a later timeline?

And..where could Napoleon have been between 3-4, and have been quiet enough to have gone unnoticed by Zach, if Travis was already dead?
I think Pocket has convincingly demonstrated it was possible for photos taken on the 's camera to have been transferred to TA's. In theory, at least. :)

In theory, yes. However, she would have to have had a laptop, cables to connect from her phone/camera to that laptop after getting a cable (USB, connector of some sort) to connect his phone/camera to the laptop, and software on the laptop to do so. Too complicated for her and too time consuming and expensive. Each camera has a different software to download pics to a computer, I have Cybershot which is the Sony software. IMO the pics were taken that day.

Travis simply took her offerings for that fateful day. She showed up and he wasn't going to turn her away. Although he had diminished his contact with her in the weeks prior, I don't think he held grudges toward her, especially if she turned up for an afternoon delight. It was a hook up, these days it happens all the time (in 2008 too).

Maybe Travis told her Zach would be home around 3 thus she could not murder him then. I can't see her leaving and coming back. I think she was there just hanging out until the coast was clear.
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