Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #8

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OKC Convention Part 4

March 14, evening.

(I’m going to summarize rather than go blow by blow for the remainder of the time & texts, with the exception of some key portions of text).

8-9PM. TA asks CL what she’s doing that evening, she tells him to let her know when he finishes working out; he tells the he knows how to make slow/bad portions of convention better by squeezing in PD reading and knowing when to leave to do more important things; the replies-Yeah! And that she’s “read more than 25 pages today during convention!”, then asks TA what he’s doing after his workout-- will he be coming down to the lobby for a little while to “visit?” TA replies-Yeah; other texting between TA and team members about who will be where doing what that evening.

9:20. Sky texts that “Zion needs some CL love,” TA replies he’ll have CL over there in 20 minutes.

9:22. TA to CL: what r u doing?

9:22 CL: Getting dressed. :) u?

9:24. TA: Getting naked

9:29. CL: Lol, ur bad

9:30. TA: It is true. Sky wants me to introduce you to Zion her brother. I don’t feel good about it because he will probably steal you from me but you’ll meet him either way I’m sure. :(

9:31. TA to : Can u grab me some triple A batteries (she obviously didn’t bring TA the batteries the last time he asked her).

9:32 CL: Oh Travis don’t be goofy You already introduced him to me anyway, remember? Lol.

9:34. When r u going to be down here? (CL is in lobby).

9:37. Sky asks TA where he is.

9:37. : yeah before we hit the sack?

9:38. TA to CL: Oh yeah, anyway, Sky wants you over there she keeps texting me about it but wait until Im in the lobby. Is the () with you?

(Note: TA and the Hughes are staying in different hotels; the Hughes are at the Renaissance, TA/CL/ are at the Sheraton).

9:38. TA tells Sky they’ll be there in 10 minutes.

9:44. : Tell Zion to hurry up Chai (CL) wants to go to the Melia’s party and everyone’s ready to go!

9:45. TA: The Melia’s party is a whorehouse.

9:46. CL: Yes, she’s with me.

9:47. TA: So she tells me.

9:47. : Well she’s waiting and wants to go dance!

9:47. CL: She specifically asked so I HAD to tell her…she’s ruthless, lol

9:48. TA to CL: Yeah she is crazy.

9:50. TA to : I honestly don’t care

9:50. CL: Ok, so what’s up, because everyone is trying to convince me to go somewhere. What’s up?

9:52. TA to CL: If you want to go limo it be my guest

9:52. CL: What does that mean?

9:53. TA: () says you’re anxious to get into a limo and go to the Melia’s party.

10:02. : Where’d u go?

10:07. CL: Ur girl is driving me to drink, lol.

10:07. TA: How so? That doesn’t surprise me though

10:09. CL: Hehe. Nothing.

10:09: No, something. What. She is driving me to drinking too.

10:39. CL: Sorry, Travis, I didn’t mean to ditch u….We’re stuck at the hip. It’s a little awkward.

10:49 TA: what makes it awkward?

10:50. CL: She’s gone.

10:52. TA: Gone where?

10:53 CL: I think home.

11:10. : batteries?

11:14. TA to : are u guys back?

11:15. TA to CL: Did she tell anyone?

11:17. : I’ve been back a long time. They’re going to stay and party it up. Not my scene (obviously) :)

11:18. TA to : Yeah understood.

11:19. : going to sleep now.

11:21. . Where abouts are u?

11:22. CL. Yes, she told me. I should have walked with her!

11:26. TA: Come back

11:26 CL: Where are you

11:35 TA: Renaissance

11:37 TA: R U at the Sheraton

11:37 CL: I’m at the Skyy Bar

11:37 TA: Where is that?

11:38 CL: I have to walk back

11:42PM. TA: where is that, I’ll walk u back. CL doesn’t reply. TA goes looking for her, keeps texting her trying to find her, reaches the Skyy Bar (a dance/nightclub) shortly before midnight, then tells her he’s seen “enough drunk idiots for one lifetime,” that’s he’s walking back to their hotel, that’s he’s worried about her.

12:31AM. TA tells CL he’s glad she’s OK, she replies she’s sorry she worried him, thanks for checking in, good night.


The met Ryan Burns at the Melia’s “party,” which was held someplace other than either the Sheraton or the Renaissance. (The “Melias” are Steve and Kim Melia; in 2008 they were $250k PPL ring earners and Millionaire Club members).

As I read it, made sure CL didn’t escape her clutches, told TA that CL wanted to go with her in a limo (with Zion?) to the Melia party (debatable), and that CL and he left in a limo sometime between 9:50-10:02. The stayed at the party less than an hour, and possibly only about 40 minutes or so. Whatever else she did there, she must have made quick work of introducing herself to Ryan Burns.

The ditched CL, leaving (on foot, or given a ride, alone, or with someone) sometime between 10:40-10:50PM, yet texted TA at 11:17 that she was back in her room and had been there a “long time,” because the partying thing “wasn’t her scene.”

The earliest CL could have returned to the room she shared with the at the Sheraton was around 11:50PM, though it’s possible she didn’t return until closer to 12:30, when TA seems to have finally reached her by phone.

What was all this about? Who knows. Maybe the ’s goal was simply to keep TA away from CL (she succeeded in that, AGAIN, 2 nights in a row). Maybe she pulled another of her vanishing -with-a-married -man for-an-hour acts that Sky has written about (including on a PPL trip with TA when they were “official”).

Maybe the had already targeted Ryan Burns, and in the same way she originally targeted Travis, by going hunting in exclusive, “high roller” events within PPL events. Whatever her intentions, the had put initial hooks into Ryan, this even before she left Mesa.

But, again, my focus is on Travis this round, not on the . It’s difficult to relay adequately what else the full text record suggests (an incomplete record in any case)--the cost to Travis of the ’s game playing, even here, in his element, surrounded by his friends and business associates.

Each time TA is preoccupied with the and her maneuvers, TA’s team members are trying to reach him, to ask for his advice, to run ideas past him, to try to arrange to meet up with him socially. It isn’t that TA completely ignores them in each instance (though he occasionally does that too), but neither does he seem capable (or willing?) of keeping his focus on his team, which, in the PPL world, was synonymous with his income flow.

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Travis: and by the way your little comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a cheap *advertiser censored*

: Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it for what it is: an Anchorman joke. I was just giving him a hard time for showing off and being such a ham. You and I had a conversation about his Facebook pics and their content. I was just razzing him.

Travis: no you were flirting with him and you know better

Travis: its danny jones

Travis: maybe u are just onto the next dick

Travis: and he is an easy target

: His temperature is cold when it comes to that

Travis: so you have checked it then

Travis: what a freaking *advertiser censored*

Travis: u r too much

Travis: maybe kyle kimbrell then

: It’s based off of a vibe I got at Systems many many months ago

: I tried having a conversation with him, and he was cordial, but never flirty or anything like it.

Travis: im glad to see you are checking the vibe of danny jones you must feel so classy

Travis: yet you flirt anyways

: Like you, I flirt because it’s “harmless”, means nothing”, and there are “no intentions” behind it


His fury, and his accusations about Danny Jones and Kyle K, are especially understandable, perhaps, given that the was trying to play the Good Mormon card against Travis, and according to the PP2 jury foreman, had told Travis on May 25 that she felt a spiritual need to go to her bishop and come clean about her transgressions with Travis?

(And, understandable whether or not Travis knew during the chat about her “stolen” phone, especially that May 2 anal “rape” fantasy he didn’t send her, and the May 10th sex tape she had recorded without his permission and had never told him about?

And, whether or not the told him she was going to "confess" to her bishop about both of those things...and more?
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Travis: and by the way your little comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a cheap *advertiser censored*

: Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it for what it is: an Anchorman joke. I was just giving him a hard time for showing off and being such a ham. You and I had a conversation about his Facebook pics and their content. I was just razzing him.

Travis: no you were flirting with him and you know better

Travis: its danny jones

Travis: maybe u are just onto the next dick

Travis: and he is an easy target

: His temperature is cold when it comes to that

Travis: so you have checked it then

Travis: what a freaking *advertiser censored*

Travis: u r too much

Travis: maybe kyle kimbrell then

: It’s based off of a vibe I got at Systems many many months ago

: I tried having a conversation with him, and he was cordial, but never flirty or anything like it.

Travis: im glad to see you are checking the vibe of danny jones you must feel so classy

Travis: yet you flirt anyways

: Like you, I flirt because it’s “harmless”, means nothing”, and there are “no intentions” behind it


His fury, and his accusations about Danny Jones and Kyle K, are especially understandable, perhaps, given that the was trying to play the Good Mormon card against Travis, and according to the PP2 jury foreman, had told Travis on May 25 that she felt a spiritual need to go to her bishop and come clean about her transgressions with Travis?

(And, understandable whether or not Travis knew during the chat about her “stolen” phone, especially that May 2 anal “rape” fantasy he didn’t send her, and the May 10th sex tape she had recorded without his permission and had never told him about?

And, whether or not the told him she was going to "confess" to her bishop about both of those things...and more?
Cleared that up excellently! :)
OKC Convention Part 4

March 14, evening.

(I’m going to summarize rather than go blow by blow for the remainder of the time & texts, with the exception of some key portions of text).

8-9PM. TA asks CL what she’s doing that evening, she tells him to let her know when he finishes working out; he tells the he knows how to make slow/bad portions of convention better by squeezing in PD reading and knowing when to leave to do more important things; the replies-Yeah! And that she’s “read more than 25 pages today during convention!”, then asks TA what he’s doing after his workout-- will he be coming down to the lobby for a little while to “visit?” TA replies-Yeah; other texting between TA and team members about who will be where doing what that evening.

9:20. Sky texts that “Zion needs some CL love,” TA replies he’ll have CL over there in 20 minutes.

9:22. TA to CL: what r u doing?

9:22 CL: Getting dressed. :) u?

9:24. TA: Getting naked

9:29. CL: Lol, ur bad

9:30. TA: It is true. Sky wants me to introduce you to Zion her brother. I don’t feel good about it because he will probably steal you from me but you’ll meet him either way I’m sure. :(

9:31. TA to : Can u grab me some triple A batteries (she obviously didn’t bring TA the batteries the last time he asked her).

9:32 CL: Oh Travis don’t be goofy You already introduced him to me anyway, remember? Lol.

9:34. When r u going to be down here? (CL is in lobby).

9:37. Sky asks TA where he is.

9:37. : yeah before we hit the sack?

9:38. TA to CL: Oh yeah, anyway, Sky wants you over there she keeps texting me about it but wait until Im in the lobby. Is the () with you?

(Note: TA and the Hughes are staying in different hotels; the Hughes are at the Renaissance, TA/CL/ are at the Sheraton).

9:38. TA tells Sky they’ll be there in 10 minutes.

9:44. : Tell Zion to hurry up Chai (CL) wants to go to the Melia’s party and everyone’s ready to go!

9:45. TA: The Melia’s party is a whorehouse.

9:46. CL: Yes, she’s with me.

9:47. TA: So she tells me.

9:47. : Well she’s waiting and wants to go dance!

9:47. CL: She specifically asked so I HAD to tell her…she’s ruthless, lol

9:48. TA to CL: Yeah she is crazy.

9:50. TA to : I honestly don’t care

9:50. CL: Ok, so what’s up, because everyone is trying to convince me to go somewhere. What’s up?

9:52. TA to CL: If you want to go limo it be my guest

9:52. CL: What does that mean?

9:53. TA: () says you’re anxious to get into a limo and go to the Melia’s party.

10:02. : Where’d u go?

10:07. CL: Ur girl is driving me to drink, lol.

10:07. TA: How so? That doesn’t surprise me though

10:09. CL: Hehe. Nothing.

10:09: No, something. What. She is driving me to drinking too.

10:39. CL: Sorry, Travis, I didn’t mean to ditch u….We’re stuck at the hip. It’s a little awkward.

10:49 TA: what makes it awkward?

10:50. CL: She’s gone.

10:52. TA: Gone where?

10:53 CL: I think home.

11:10. : batteries?

11:14. TA to : are u guys back?

11:15. TA to CL: Did she tell anyone?

11:17. : I’ve been back a long time. They’re going to stay and party it up. Not my scene (obviously) :)

11:18. TA to : Yeah understood.

11:19. : going to sleep now.

11:21. . Where abouts are u?

11:22. CL. Yes, she told me. I should have walked with her!

11:26. TA: Come back

11:26 CL: Where are you

11:35 TA: Renaissance

11:37 TA: R U at the Sheraton

11:37 CL: I’m at the Skyy Bar

11:37 TA: Where is that?

11:38 CL: I have to walk back

11:42PM. TA: where is that, I’ll walk u back. CL doesn’t reply. TA goes looking for her, keeps texting her trying to find her, reaches the Skyy Bar (a dance/nightclub) shortly before midnight, then tells her he’s seen “enough drunk idiots for one lifetime,” that’s he’s walking back to their hotel, that’s he’s worried about her.

12:31AM. TA tells CL he’s glad she’s OK, she replies she’s sorry she worried him, thanks for checking in, good night.


The met Ryan Burns at the Melia’s “party,” which was held someplace other than either the Sheraton or the Renaissance. (The “Melias” are Steve and Kim Melia; in 2008 they were $250k PPL ring earners and Millionaire Club members).

As I read it, made sure CL didn’t escape her clutches, told TA that CL wanted to go with her in a limo (with Zion?) to the Melia party (debatable), and that CL and he left in a limo sometime between 9:50-10:02. The stayed at the party less than an hour, and possibly only about 40 minutes or so. Whatever else she did there, she must have made quick work of introducing herself to Ryan Burns.

The ditched CL, leaving (on foot, or given a ride, alone, or with someone) sometime between 10:40-10:50PM, yet texted TA at 11:17 that she was back in her room and had been there a “long time,” because the partying thing “wasn’t her scene.”

The earliest CL could have returned to the room she shared with the at the Sheraton was around 11:50PM, though it’s possible she didn’t return until closer to 12:30, when TA seems to have finally reached her by phone.

What was all this about? Who knows. Maybe the ’s goal was simply to keep TA away from CL (she succeeded in that, AGAIN, 2 nights in a row). Maybe she pulled another of her vanishing -with-a-married -man for-an-hour acts that Sky has written about (including on a PPL trip with TA when they were “official”).

Maybe the had already targeted Ryan Burns, and in the same way she originally targeted Travis, by going hunting in exclusive, “high roller” events within PPL events. Whatever her intentions, the had put initial hooks into Ryan, this even before she left Mesa.

But, again, my focus is on Travis this round, not on the . It’s difficult to relay adequately what else the full text record suggests (an incomplete record in any case)--the cost to Travis of the ’s game playing, even here, in his element, surrounded by his friends and business associates.

Each time TA is preoccupied with the and her maneuvers, TA’s team members are trying to reach him, to ask for his advice, to run ideas past him, to try to arrange to meet up with him socially. It isn’t that TA completely ignores them in each instance (though he occasionally does that too), but neither does he seem capable (or willing?) of keeping his focus on his team, which, in the PPL world, was synonymous with his income flow.

was gaslighting both Travis and CL right? Both of them left dumbfounded, a good night turned into bad one. And Travis never got his AAA batteries. I don't think he will ever get them during this trip. I will wait for the next segment.
was gaslighting both Travis and CL right? Both of them left dumbfounded, a good night turned into bad one. And Travis never got his AAA batteries. I don't think he will ever get them during this trip. I will wait for the next segment.
How much you want to bet that down the road, had something to do with TA and CL not dating anymore *sideeye* would be nice if CL would've told to stfu and go away.
"Mind ya business"

Travis: and by the way your little comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a cheap *advertiser censored*

: Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it for what it is: an Anchorman joke. I was just giving him a hard time for showing off and being such a ham. You and I had a conversation about his Facebook pics and their content. I was just razzing him.

Travis: no you were flirting with him and you know better

Travis: its danny jones

Travis: maybe u are just onto the next dick

Travis: and he is an easy target

: His temperature is cold when it comes to that

Travis: so you have checked it then

Travis: what a freaking *advertiser censored*

Travis: u r too much

Travis: maybe kyle kimbrell then

: It’s based off of a vibe I got at Systems many many months ago

: I tried having a conversation with him, and he was cordial, but never flirty or anything like it.

Travis: im glad to see you are checking the vibe of danny jones you must feel so classy

Travis: yet you flirt anyways

: Like you, I flirt because it’s “harmless”, means nothing”, and there are “no intentions” behind it


His fury, and his accusations about Danny Jones and Kyle K, are especially understandable, perhaps, given that the was trying to play the Good Mormon card against Travis, and according to the PP2 jury foreman, had told Travis on May 25 that she felt a spiritual need to go to her bishop and come clean about her transgressions with Travis?

(And, understandable whether or not Travis knew during the chat about her “stolen” phone, especially that May 2 anal “rape” fantasy he didn’t send her, and the May 10th sex tape she had recorded without his permission and had never told him about?

And, whether or not the told him she was going to "confess" to her bishop about both of those things...and more?
I agree. Travis wasn't jealous. Laviolette (and Nurmi and Wilmott) took that section of conversation out of context.
How much you want to bet that down the road, had something to do with TA and CL not dating anymore *sideeye* would be nice if CL would've told to stfu and go away.
"Mind ya business"
I have a feeling Hope will soon post May installment (no pressure, Hope). There, you will find what happens between Travis, CL, and . Intriguing huh? Stay tuned.:D
I agree. Travis wasn't jealous. Laviolette (and Nurmi and Wilmott) took that section of conversation out of context.

Exactly. I'm pretty sure that what Travis was expressing in this part of the chat was the furthest thing away from jealous imaginable.

(And BTW, I agree that it was most likely Travis who replied to Chris's text, and for the same reason you also think Travis did).
I am hanging off the edge of my seat for what comes next! Thanks so much Hope for all your hard work and diligence in this.

Don't hang too far on the edge of that seat, Sister Geevee. ;). I'm going to finish plodding through the OKC texts and beyond, but have to say that diving in so deeply again has brought back the sadness I felt a couple of years ago, when we first began to understand just how much the had tormented him.

I wish the writing of all this was a work of fiction, because if it were, and however implausibly it might read, I'd write an ending in which Travis had the chance to conquer his demons, and to live on.

In real life, no matter how deep any of us go down into rabbit holes in search of insights and answers, the ending to the story is always the same.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure that what Travis was expressing in this part of the chat was the furthest thing away from jealous imaginable.

(And BTW, I agree that it was most likely Travis who replied to Chris's text, and for the same reason you also think Travis did).

TA sounds bitter. I agree with you. No jealousy content at all.

Travis sounds like an anguished character in a Shakespeare play.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure that what Travis was expressing in this part of the chat was the furthest thing away from jealous imaginable.

(And BTW, I agree that it was most likely Travis who replied to Chris's text, and for the same reason you also think Travis did).
The text the day of the murder? Or?
Don't hang too far on the edge of that seat, Sister Geevee. ;). I'm going to finish plodding through the OKC texts and beyond, but have to say that diving in so deeply again has brought back the sadness I felt a couple of years ago, when we first began to understand just how much the had tormented him.

I wish the writing of all this was a work of fiction, because if it were, and however implausibly it might read, I'd write an ending in which Travis had the chance to conquer his demons, and to live on.

In real life, no matter how deep any of us go down into rabbit holes in search of insights and answers, the ending to the story is always the same.

FWIW I perceive many fewer demons in TA after reading these interactions. I see frenzy, trying to escape someone evil, getting along in life.... In this context, looking at the texts remedied the notion that dominated his life. She seems not to have, but maybe that boded way worse for him in the end. detested the idea that she was no part of what made him lively, and only a microfraction of what mattered to him and how he went about his day.

These texts really impressed me with how much of a sidenote was to TA. She’s a mosquito with a fatal dose.
I am curious what anyone else thinks about Travis, when he seems to have been quite aware that the was wrangling CL into that limo, telling the that he didn't care. Why say that to the ?
That line was in response to line that CL wants to party.
I took it to mean “I don’t give a rip”, “get out of my hair”, the equivalent of “leave me the heck alone already.”
I am curious what anyone else thinks about Travis, when he seems to have been quite aware that the was wrangling CL into that limo, telling the that he didn't care. Why say that to the ?
He knew what was pulling.possibly he said it out of frustration.also sounds like he was trying not to drag CL into the middle of the drama.
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