Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #1

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I get searcy and samuels confused. I always have to return to Google to refresh my memory of those two :/

Searcy is conniving and sleazy. He is not especially smart and is just full of himself. He did not get involved with Jodi with blinders on: he was after something else and probably got it. Stupid him: he let a body part rule his brain.

Samuels is not at all smart and was manipulated by a psychopath whom he had a crush on. He was not contentious or conniving: just completely out of his depth. He might even have a family who loves and cherishes him; he might even have involved himself in Jodi's case to provide for that family. But he is very foolish.

On a related topic.....I wonder if Samuels or Searcy are going to make it onto Jodi's visitation list? ALV, too, ya think? I wonder if she's still so enamored of the Perryville Princess? What books/magazines should any of these 3 be ordering from Amazon to ship to Jodi in Amazon's special prison packaging?
Regarding the passage you quoted, Geevee, and not your statement:

Delusional: JM's English—both written and spoken—is impeccable and sophisticated. He is not remotely predatory.

Couldn't agree more. :)
I just assumed he was on the JoDiEt, where listening to her drivel causes you to lose your appetite.
Said project will just be links to her guilt phase testimony. Mark my words!

omg LOL

he also opened his own firm i believe, honestly, he is probably guilty of seeking fame vs. JM throughout this whole thing, so grandiose his style.. he lost weight because he wants to impress his predatory clientele me thinks..
I posted here weeks ago about coming across a video (thank you youtube!) of JM aggressively grilling a witness that I couldn't see because of the camera angle. I was thinking "lol, wonder which poor schmuck is getting the wrath" when I realized it had to be a prosecution witness because of the answers given. It turned out to be Det. Flores. I've said it before and I'll say it again: JM is 100% fair as he's an equal opportunity interrogator who questions ALL witnesses in the same manner. :D

I noticed that and got somewhat frightened myself! I don't recall whom he was grilling, he just always sounds testy. I don't think he appreciates having to draw out things for the jury sometimes, and is probably irritated that defense is so retarded, sometimes.

I don't blame him though, either way, he changed his demeanor somewhat later on. I don't know if it's because they said "he's a big mean, mean, mad man! Wah! Yelling makes my brain turned into (more) scrambled."
For your entertainment, here's a clip of Searcy on Judge Judy. He took furniture from his daughter and she sued him to get it back. Of course, he acted like he was the victim. :facepalm: His daughter is smart and seems nice, so she must take after her mother. :D

Searcy is a deadbeat dad? Huh, makes sense, he seems quite dissociative from recognizing his hand in things or taking responsibility to me. He always trails off, like he has nothing to do with anything that happens around him other than just open his mouth and to get his way in life. Take, take, take, not give or listen.
I have always wondered, if CMJA finger was already broken at Travis' house the day she murdered him, then how come on her bloody handprint on the wall, was that same finger flat. I would think if her finger was already broke, there would be a skip on the handprint where her broken finger pressed on it. I was under the impression that she could not lay her finger flat.
I have always wondered, if CMJA finger was already broken at Travis' house the day she murdered him, then how come on her bloody handprint on the wall, was that same finger flat. I would think if her finger was already broke, there would be a skip on the handprint where her broken finger pressed on it. I was under the impression that she could not lay her finger flat.

Well if you want to use common sense and normal life experiences...:great: all kidding aside, what an excellent observation!
I have always wondered, if CMJA finger was already broken at Travis' house the day she murdered him, then how come on her bloody handprint on the wall, was that same finger flat. I would think if her finger was already broke, there would be a skip on the handprint where her broken finger pressed on it. I was under the impression that she could not lay her finger flat.

I understood it was her palm print, not her finger print.
I noticed that and got somewhat frightened myself! I don't recall whom he was grilling, he just always sounds testy. I don't think he appreciates having to draw out things for the jury sometimes, and is probably irritated that defense is so retarded, sometimes.

I don't blame him though, either way, he changed his demeanor somewhat later on. I don't know if it's because they said "he's a big mean, mean, mad man! Wah! Yelling makes my brain turned into (more) scrambled."

I don't know if you watched any of the Brian Hulsey trial on You Tube. I watched it quite a while ago and hope I am paraphrasing correctly but I liked the way the Judge in that trial dealt with the DT's similar objections to JM's style. (Totally paraphrasing) but it was along the lines of "I'm not here to police the attorneys; if the jury doesn't appreciate JM's style it will be to his detriment." Apparently, as in CMJA's trial, the jury did not hold it against JM in determining guilt.
I have always wondered, if CMJA finger was already broken at Travis' house the day she murdered him, then how come on her bloody handprint on the wall, was that same finger flat. I would think if her finger was already broke, there would be a skip on the handprint where her broken finger pressed on it. I was under the impression that she could not lay her finger flat.

You'd think there'd be a skip in the handprint if she had only just cut herself, too. She was done with the knife at this point in the crime, no? And it was presumably a cut hand that left the bloody handprint?

Do we actually know if the handprint didn't have a skip in it?

For the record, I believe several of my fingers would make a skip if I was using finger paints and randomly decorated my wall. Or if I made one of those kindergarten Thanksgiving time for mom handprints on a paper plate that are gussied up to look like a turkey.
You'd think there'd be a skip in the handprint if she had only just cut herself, too. She was done with the knife at this point in the crime, no? And it was presumably a cut hand that left the bloody handprint?

Do we actually know if the handprint didn't have a skip in it?

For the record, I believe several of my fingers would make a skip if I was using finger paints and randomly decorated my wall. Or if I made one of those kindergarten Thanksgiving time for mom handprints on a paper plate that are gussied up to look like a turkey.

Her left palm print taken from the crime scene.
Some book ideas that ALV might want to order up in Amazon's prison-approved packaging for the Perryville Princess:

"LWOP for Dummies"
Dale Carnegie's "How to enjoy life and your job"
"Making do on 5 cents a day"
Ajax or Mr. Clean: How to clean a toilet so you can see your reflection in it
Self-titillation in a land of no opportunity
All Made Up: Makeup products you can fantasize about but never get your hands on
Watched some more PPL videos. In this one, TA tells a story about his father and his grandparents and Jesus. @1:03. @1:09 he mentions his sister who thinks he is a scam artist but asks to borrow money. Tacky IMO. Talked smack about his family to somehow tie his story into buying PPL.

I may be the only one here who agrees with you, but IMO PPL seems dodgy as. AFAIK Gus Searcy and that Abe guy were both big in it and they seem sleazy to me. And that whole whip up the crowds motivational stuff leaves me cold. It's not a popular view here but I don't particularly like TA from what I've learned of him during this trial: his hypocrisy and seemingly always threatening to whip someone's *advertiser censored* are not attributes I admire. Nothing to do with his horrible death - no-one deserves that and his killer is where she should be but wanting to see justice served is a different thing to the (admittedly second-hand) opinion all of us who followed this trial formed of Travis.
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

Still :waiting: on Sheriff's Joe's report and the Super Duper Secret Sidebars to be released !

In the meantime ...



I remember Searcy this way, too - he seemed to want to be there, whatever his reasons were. I think Abe was just called on the phone in the evidentiary hearing first time around, but maybe Gus did feel he was more important.
I agree that JM tended to call witnesses that were dignified, respectful and who tried to answer the questions they were asked to the best of their ability - by either side.
I think that's a result JM calling witnesses who he felt had relevant knowledge, and it showed in their testimony.
I don't think he felt Gus Searcy had anything relevant to add, and he really didn't - he said he gave her a phone - which no one disputed - He didn't remember when, where, or even in what city they'd met, just that CMJA always wore high collared business attire at every meeting, and a turtleneck in Vegas.

I don't think I've ever seen a photo of her in business attire - has anyone seen one? I've seen her in a gown, and sweaters or *advertiser censored* with jeans, even a turtleneck (in the snow, not vegas), but can't recall anything business-like., whereas the PPL men seemed to be in suits or similar clothes -anyone see her in anything 'businessy '?
BBM - The only time she ever wore something 'businessy' was during court appearances (before she was sentenced :jail:).

@fox5newsdc: #FindLanceBuckley: RT to help spread the word about this missing Howard Univ. student:

@JoeStGeorge: Police release surveillance video of #findlancebuckley as he makes withdraws from an ATM. He is still missing

@fox5newsdc: Where is Lance Buckley? Howard student vanishes after text to wife

Maybe someone can start a thread for him. Missing since May 5th

Never mind, someone already started one

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That would suggest she didn't cut it at the crime scene? Or the handprint was left before JA cut TA's throat and that's when the finger got damaged?

Was the handprint in JA's blood or TA's?

IIRC, both TA's and JA's blood DNA were present in the handprint, which leads me to believe she had at least one finger bleeding at the time.
It's possible it wasn't the only cut she had, or that she made it worse before she was done, but she was definitely bleeding when she left the bloody print.

FYI - I would love to give thanks to everyone (well, almost ;-), but every time I hit the 'thanks' my my screen freezes - but please accept much thanks for all the great posts!
WS having technical issues this morning :( I can Thank some posts, but not others. In the same posts that I can't Thank, I am able to Reply or Reply With Quote. Usually, refreshing the page rectifies issues, but not today.
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