Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #1

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If Wendi and Angela get their cells painted, then I won't think it was favoritism. :)......(and maybe they already did)

Don't know about Wendi, but the other DR inmate (Forde) says hers was painted. Angela is in same area (SMU) as JA now (see below), so her cell was probably painted too, but she's not writing about it AFAIK.

Just noticed that JA changed from Lumley Restricted Housing to Perryville Special Management Unit (SMU) on 5/13. So it appears she is eligible for more privileges than she was in Restricted. Still a miserable existence though, despite her claims in that letter.
Don't know about Wendi, but the other DR inmate (Forde) says hers was painted. Angela is in same area (SMU) as JA now (see below), so her cell was probably painted too, but she's not writing about it AFAIK.

Just noticed that JA changed from Lumley Restricted Housing to Perryville Special Management Unit (SMU) on 5/13. So it appears she is eligible for more privileges than she was in Restricted. Still a miserable existence though, despite her claims in that letter.

I noticed that too. I have been looking all over for the inmate classification. What does this mean exactly?
'Special' is not always a good thing, lol! I think Special Management Unit is because of the "intelligence" gathered, and I agree with krkrjx that it's Arpaio's report on her activity.

Here's a link to an article (2012) from amnestyusa about that briefly mentions the SMU.

I do believe her statement that the food is better there, but not because she says it. Reporters who've tried the food agree. Sheriff Joe's Place is a special hell of culinary punishment. This would be hell for those of us who love to cook, bake and eat.

I rarely get to eat fast food (I don't drive, & if I did, I'd weigh 800 lbs because I love ff), but DH brought me home a Birthday Breakfast of Del Taco Deluxe Taco Salad (beef), I put the french fries on top and cover the whole shebang with 16 packets of hot sauce. It was accompanied by DT's Caramel Cheesecake Bites plus a Java Chip Frappucino from Starbucks. My Baby is hardcore vegetarian & fabulous cook, but he knows what makes me tick, lol! This was the morning after he took me to see the Moody Blues 4 rows from the stage center - whooAh! Better than a prison sunrise.

No fast food in prison. No Starbucks in prison. No cooking and baking your own food in prison, unless you consider mixing orange koolaid into tuna topped with crushed fire cheetos as cooking. Or making your own hootch or pruno strained in socks in the toilet...

CL1 = Class 1 Felonies

Class 1 felonies are the most serious crimes, and first and second degree murder are the only class 1 felonies in Arizona. First degree murder is punishable by death or life imprisonment, and second degree murder is punishable by 16 years' to life imprisonment. (Ariz. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-705, 13-706, 13-710, 13-1104, 13-1105.)
Special Management at Perryville is basically Max custody, yard 30 @ Lumley according to the ACLU lawsuit and other descriptions I've found. The same unit we expected her to be in. My mistake in confusing this with SMU, which is some kind of special watch designation, AFAIK
OK, I was wrong. I called Perryville and was told "Special Management" is SMU @ Perryville. It's used for various reasons, but it is a designation requiring special watch inmates.

SPECIALTY HOUSING – Areas where inmates are housed that cannot be assigned to general population, i.e.,
sex offenders, protective custody, condemned row, etc.

Specialty maximum custody population groups: Mental Health; Validated Security Threat Groups (STG); Step Down Program for STGs; Inmates who debrief from STG; Sex Offenders;3 Protective Custody; Condemned Row.

Her previous status was Restricted, which is for those who either committed violent acts or those with mental health issues over M3 rating, but below what would call for full psychiatric care. Now she's in Special Management, where the only 2 groups she would qualify for would be Mental Health, or Protective Custody. I'm going with Mental Health, (eta) although I now remember that the warden can override the rules for a high profile inmate. OK, let's go with mental along with high profile.
SA TX = Substance Abuse Treatment (Tx = Treatment like Rx = Prescription)
CTE = Career and Technical Education? I saw that on one website, but don't know if true because of heading EDU. There would be training and education for whatever inside job they work, in addition to preparing someone who's eligible for release at some point. I'm not sure what kind of job she could get in prison because so many things can turn into weapons and I think she liked what she did (butchering someone) and would do it again. She has very little to lose at this point.

I've been looking for weeks for a training handbook I had found on the web but was never able to get back to it :( It had very detailed information. I hate when I click link to link to link and can never find something again. :gaah:

Here's some other random/related stuff.

...The ADC has promulgated its classification policy in Department Order 801, effective September 1, 1996. This policy scores inmates on a number of traditional factors (e.g., severity of current offense, prior institutional adjustment) to establish the each prisoner’s public risk score and his institutional risk score. Each score ranges from 1 (lowest risk) to 5 (highest risk). Thus, an inmate who presents a significant risk...

DOC differentiates between Public Risk and Institutional Risk

...Validated STG members who end up in SMU II (or m a Special Management Area [SMA] m the case of females) are locked down m their cells except for qee hours a week set aside for showers and recreation. Although SMU II security procedures allow only strictly controlled inmate movement, there is still a considerable risk to both staff and inmates. Correctional OfEcers assigned to SMU II must wear eye protection, vests and other security gear when dealing with the highly volatile population m the unit. …

Me: It goes on to discuss gang issues and the risks involved, but it's more info on SMU.
That letter of hers is such a load of effing bollocks.

Shut up, Arias. I never believed anything you said - and I still don't.

Prairie dogs. Seriously. Is she sitting in a forest glade, surrounded by interactive wildlife like a Disney Princess? I can't even with this nonsense....
You are so right. I think she cried the "blues" about being in a "blue" cell and to justify changing the color so as not to appear like they were favoring her...they had a number of cells painted. So much for not falling for her "manipulations".
I don't really care what color her cage is painted. Not as if she'll ever be in a position to decide what color to paint it. She doesn't even have the choice when to change her bed sheets...
IMO that's a good question. It probably goes to the heart of the case. She committed a horrible act, but she doesn't always act the part of the vile beast people expect and desire. Also, it could be setting up a discordant conflict in people's minds when it's possible that her story could be true. If it's true how can you support that? How can you stand with her ugliness? To look at the autopsy photos and her lies is disgusting. If she is in fact telling the true now, she could be hated even more, for how could you stand next to that and defend it? It would be easier to believe otherwise, hate and disassociate. But even more extreme hate can be attached to her if she's telling the truth and you'd have to stand next to her and defend it. So in some ways it's just easier to believe she's a premeditated murderess and act accordingly, than to accept any truth to her story and sit next to a corpse. Nasty business that's likely to cause more hate.

I think to me its more of..It is one thing to kill someone..but to then try and justify it by lying about that person and dragging them through the mud and in essence murdering them over and over again and doing this knowing that you are also purposely torturing his living relatives (And never ever show remorse for your doings cause nothing is this womans fault)...This to me is EVIL personified...That is what Jodi is..nothing good or redeeming about her..NOTHING
I think to me its more of..It is one thing to kill someone..but to then try and justify it by lying about that person and dragging them through the mud and in essence murdering them over and over again and doing this knowing that you are also purposely torturing his living relatives (And never ever show remorse for your doings cause nothing is this womans fault)...This to me is EVIL personified...That is what Jodi is..nothing good or redeeming about her..NOTHING

For me, rather than liking or hating her, I find her fascinating.

Perhaps I've lived all these years around super normal people and didn't appreciate how lucky I was :).

I just can't wrap my brain around much of anything about her. Apparently she can come off as charismatic, pleasant, charming, erudite, etc. Yet, we have all come to see what a chameleon she is. How she presents to others is in direct correlation to how she perceives what they want her to be. I just don't get what kind of person can or would do that.

My intellectual curiosity begs for an understanding as to who she really is and how she came to be that person.
I find her an ugly stain on humankind. She disgusts me. JMO
What I find most facinating is the reactions of her "supporters". No matter what incontrovertible fact might be brought forward, they find an implausible excuse for it. I wonder what goes on in their brains. It would be interesting if someone would study this phenomenon, but just look at the mass insanity of ordinary Germans before WW2. I guess it just comes down to humans being easily led.
This DOC director is changing his story. IIRC, in the previous interview, he had stated that the cell they were showing was it, regardless. It didn't matter whether she got DP or LWOP because the DP cells were empty anyway. Now he's making it sound as though she would only have gotten that cell if it was DP.

The DOC administration might only be using "the cell we showed you was a DP cell" as a disguise for another motive entirely, namely some "intel". I would guess the DP cell is not on the end of a row, and they needed Jodi to be as isolated as possible due to her manipulations. I doubt the DP prisoners are ever as much of a threat to the efficiency of PV as Jodi is. Via Sheriff Joe, they have her number!
If you all wouldn't mind sharing, what is it about CMJA that stirs up all these feelings of dislike and hatred?

I have had to look long and hard at myself to figure it out, as I really don't hate anyone. Except for the shooter that killed my brother. My feelings are pretty intense and negative towards her. Big time.

At first I simply found her a fascinating study in human behavior, but over time I developed hate for her. I hate her because of the lies she told and the damage she did to causes like domestic violence and childhood sexual abuse. She used those things to falsely accuse her victim. She used them over and over. She has no remorse for any of what she has done to anyone including the victims of those types of abuse.
Don't know about Wendi, but the other DR inmate (Forde) says hers was painted. Angela is in same area (SMU) as JA now (see below), so her cell was probably painted too, but she's not writing about it AFAIK.

Just noticed that JA changed from Lumley Restricted Housing to Perryville Special Management Unit (SMU) on 5/13. So it appears she is eligible for more privileges than she was in Restricted. Still a miserable existence though, despite her claims in that letter.

Maybe this isn't necessarily and "upgrade"? Maybe it's just off suicide watch and onto a serious dose of reality? Maybe they saw her written note about the new paint and, since this was a violation of the rules, they moved her to a blue room?
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