Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #1

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BBM except perhaps their Do Not Call list ;)
:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: You guys are cracking me up! I needed this tonight!!
Wow, and I thought we had a criminal in prison, case closed. My eyes are now wide open!

I guess all that talk during the judge's sentencing was forced too, where she gives details about which point he was still alive when she was using the knife - that's probably all lies too.

Or when she stated that she shot him. Or when she stated it was ninjas. Or when she stated she wasn't even there. Or how about when she implicated Dena. Maybe she tried to call 911 but Oh, that darn cell phone died right before she diverted to Travis' house...

Oh wait, I got it... Maybe it was the fog, that disappeared in April 2015.

Or maybe, it's because she will never tell the truth because it's so horrific, she doesn't want anyone to know exactly what or how she did it, because it's worse than she will ever admit.

Yeah, that's the kind of person you should give all your money to. Someone who isn't willing to tell the truth, and thinks you're stupid enough to believe anything. If history hasn't shown you what kind of person she is, you're just the type of person she's looking for, to pad her bank account.

She will certainly tell you whatever truth you want to hear, as long as it pays.

I feel somehow that she is not worth my help... but I am just doing my friend a solid here.
. This is the type of truth that does not get light sentences, or appeal donations... hang on, let me clear my throat - lord knows SHE can't choke out these words.

Hi, my name is Jodi Arias. I've stalked every single one of my boyfriends, none of then really spun me around, choked me out or cheated on me. I had mental relationships that lasted longer than reality. I perceived to be in relationships with my ex-boyfriends and didn't realize when we broke up that they were really over me.

I snuck into their homes, I evesdropped, I've broken into their personal lives. I've confronted their love interests when it became apparent they were moving on.

I've never actually made it on my own. I need a man to take care of me emotionally and financially. I don't exist outside of a romantic relationship, and will chameleon myself to be whatever the man I'm with, desires.

I lie to people to invoke sympathy, because a man lives a woman in distress. I prey on the good nature of men. When it stops working on them, I linger in their lives to wring every last morsel of support from them. When I see them having any type of relationship with another woman, I become insanely jealous.

I lie to everyone, telling different stories to impart self importance and garner unearned praise, so people think well of me. Almost every job I've had, was from other people giving me a chance after giving them a hard luck story.

I killed travis because he stopped caring for me, and he was moving on with his life. Travis had everything I wanted in a man, and was well loved and respected. I was attracted to his popularity and charisma, and I knew that he was too good for me. I couldn't let go of the opportunity to be associated with him, and knew I could never find or keep another man like him.

When it became apparent that he was final in his decision of keeping me out of his future, I killed him. I butchered him in as many ways as possible. I was angry at my own failures, and angry that he knew and saw exactly what I was... and he called me out on it. Travis didn't placate me like all the others, and simply let our relationship die a slow and painful death. Travis put my actions and behaviors into words, by texts, emails and on the phone. By seeing and expressing exactly the kind of person I was, Travis needed to pay.

I thought I was smarter than everyone else, I believed that since I've lied to everyone my entire life and was never corrected or punished -why would I change now? I'm smarter than everyone else, I'm Einstein, verbose, witty and attractive. It's always worked up until this point. Talk like a child, offer to help the investigation, talk my way out of it...
I so wish Juan would have questioned her about that rEdiculous story of hers.

JM: So these two ninjas threatened not only your life, but the lives of your entire family if you mentioned the killing to anyone, RIGHT?! Miss Arias... would you be so kind as to tell the court how these so-called ninjas know exactly where you OR your family live based on a driver's license with a P.O. box number from Big Sur, California?

It's scare tactics 101 (PSYWAR) which is even further evidence of their military background! (You just can't win with me, can you)

This is definitely going to be my last post for ,maybe, ever on this site so please don't think too badly of me (this is definitely the last post about Jodi).
Predator - I don't think badly of you at all. I just think that given this case, and this criminal - you are being played and have fallen victim like so many others when it pertains to this manipulative psychopath.

I see it so clearly, without the help of a prosecutor or defense team. The words and actions of every participant tell the story better than any argument.

At the end of the day, common sense, evidence, facts, and circumstantial evidence not only supports this conviction, but solidifies my stance.

Don't be played by someone who has solely existed in this life, whose only success in life has been at being a short-term manipulator.

To have this perfect-storm of "set-up" is more convoluted and successful than any conspiracy theory I've ever heard of. Unless Jimmy Hoffa pops up as the Pope, I just cannot buy the Holy Water she's trying to sell.
. This is the type of truth that does not get light sentences, or appeal donations... hang on, let me clear my throat - lord knows SHE can't choke out these words.

Hi, my name is Jodi Arias. I've stalked every single one of my boyfriends, none of then really spun me around, choked me out or cheated on me. I had mental relationships that lasted longer than reality. I perceived to be in relationships with my ex-boyfriends and didn't realize when we broke up that they were really over me.

I snuck into their homes, I evesdropped, I've broken into their personal lives. I've confronted their love interests when it became apparent they were moving on.

I've never actually made it on my own. I need a man to take care of me emotionally and financially. I don't exist outside of a romantic relationship, and will chameleon myself to be whatever the man I'm with, desires.

I lie to people to invoke sympathy, because a man lives a woman in distress. I prey on the good nature of men. When it stops working on them, I linger in their lives to wring every last morsel of support from them. When I see them having any type of relationship with another woman, I become insanely jealous.

I lie to everyone, telling different stories to impart self importance and garner unearned praise, so people think well of me. Almost every job I've had, was from other people giving me a chance after giving them a hard luck story.

I killed travis because he stopped caring for me, and he was moving on with his life. Travis had everything I wanted in a man, and was well loved and respected. I was attracted to his popularity and charisma, and I knew that he was too good for me. I couldn't let go of the opportunity to be associated with him, and knew I could never find or keep another man like him.

When it became apparent that he was final in his decision of keeping me out of his future, I killed him. I butchered him in as many ways as possible. I was angry at my own failures, and angry that he knew and saw exactly what I was... and he called me out on it. Travis didn't placate me like all the others, and simply let our relationship die a slow and painful death. Travis put my actions and behaviors into words, by texts, emails and on the phone. By seeing and expressing exactly the kind of person I was, Travis needed to pay.

I thought I was smarter than everyone else, I believed that since I've lied to everyone my entire life and was never corrected or punished -why would I change now? I'm smarter than everyone else, I'm Einstein, verbose, witty and attractive. It's always worked up until this point. Talk like a child, offer to help the investigation, talk my way out of it...

What a great story!

Sorry guys I just couldn't myself but to comment on what a great story this is. My stories are ,technically, just as possible, but not nearly as good, aren't they?
Possible is not nearly the same as Probable.

The sky could be on fire tomorrow, but I'll put my charitable donations on Blue.
No, they didn't, all that suspicious activity (with calling and such) lies squarely with her, but like I said she was a deeply disturbed person in a self-professed fog nonetheless (who knows what went through that head of hers), and as far as I know dying one's hair (I admit the timing does raise suspicion), renting a run-of-the-mill car and not wanting to shell out an extra couple of bucks on gas is no crime at all and millions of people do it daily. Plus stalking was never really proved.

A case of dumb luck, nothing more (in Jodi's case it was a severe case of bad luck).

Oh, the "fog" that conveniently lifted during her sentencing? Bwahahaha!
Because it would simply prove premeditation (an aggravating factor) and she would fry. There's just no way that as she was killing Travis anyone would volunteer help. She would have to make arrangements with her partner in crime beforehand...

At least this way she had a semblance of a fighting chance...

BBM: I disagree, but it really does not matter at this point in time.

Their intent was not to kill but to scare (so they say) and in an instant one of them shot or gun went off and panic set in - neither will admit.
Yes they did it, but who, and they both claim the other did the killing - they only admit to being there and telling the other to stop.
Better for the defense and jury would have hard time pin pointing who's idea, and physically killed. Puts her in a different level of murder.

But again, at this point in time I see nothing changing for her status.

Originally Posted by Wing Ding: "I so wish Juan would have questioned her about that rEdiculous story of hers.

JM: So these two ninjas threatened not only your life, but the lives of your entire family if you mentioned the killing to anyone, RIGHT?! Miss Arias... would you be so kind as to tell the court how these so-called ninjas know exactly where you OR your family live based on a driver's license with a P.O. box number from Big Sur, California?"


It's scare tactics 101 (PSYWAR) which is even further evidence of their military background! (You just can't win with me, can you)

* How do you know that this happened, huh? were you there? Did you see any ex-military (or ninjas) kill him in cold blood? No you didn't! No,no,no most certainly you did not! You took all that Jodi said on faith, but I am certain you didn't know that she was just showing you her version of "evidence" that fit her narrative neatly.

Btw... I'm not trying to "win" anything with you. Like Detective Flores was with Jodi, I'm just listening to you talk. ;)
By the way,you just saw how evidence may be twisted to support such a crazy theory and you know one can keep refining the crazy theories making them more and more realistic by continuing to twist evidence.
Yes, I think we all saw how Jodi's defense team twisted both the evidence AND the non-evidence in Jodi's two trials. How'd that work out for her again? 13-1 for the death penalty? Saved by a lone, stealth juror with an agenda that should have been 86'd from the jury box? Yeah, all that twisting really paid off for her. That's why she's now serving a life sentence in prison for murder. With friends like her, who needs enemas?
Anyone follow the recent case of Denise Huskins who allegedly faked her own kidnapping?
After police publicly stated they didnt believe her story the abductors apparently send anonymous emails confessing their role because they felt guilty and didn't want her to get in trouble.
Maybe these military trained ninjas who attacked Travis will start to feel bad and clear their conscience then Jodi can be free. Yup and Elvis works in my local chippy.
Thanks. My button already got brought out.

We have some good souls on here, willing to let everyone have their say, but when someone is predatory, I draw the line.
And even actually alludes to it in every single post. Wow, Rickshaw, I'm with you!
I did not watch Trial #2. I couldn't deal with it in any more detail than I got by tweet. It's strange that I actually liked the Trial by Tweet! One important reason for that was we simultaneously got lots of different perspectives. Also, it was like getting sports play-by-play from people who were experts at details of this case. Several could anticipate when the big moments were going down and exactly what to highlight. Even if they goofed here or there or their tweets reflected something biased or highly unlikely, I liked the point by point effect of the coverage. I didn't feel the need to revisit the trial.

Thank you very much for your reply RickshawFan. You saved me a lot of time!
The killer is her own worst enemy. From day one, every sentence that came out of her mouth was a lie. She stuck to the ninja story for two years until KN & Samuels told her that lie would not work, and then her defense changed to self defense. The killer even admitted at one point that it was difficult to keep all her lies straight, and then had the audacity to inform the court that going forward all her testimony would be the truth & expected we mere mortals to forget her past lies, allow her to wipe the slate clean and believe her to manipulate the court further.. How noble of her.

And that despicable letter she wrote to TA's family ON TRAVIS' BIRTHDAY, more lies.

She is a murderer and is locked up as she should be because she is a dangerous menace to society. How does one explain having a 9mm handgun taped to the engine and a pair of knives hidden in a box of books found in yet another rental car when she was arrested? Coincidence? Please.

It's scare tactics 101 (PSYWAR) which is even further evidence of their military background! (You just can't win with me, can you)

This is definitely going to be my last post for ,maybe, ever on this site so please don't think too badly of me (this is definitely the last post about Jodi).

You are not winning. This conversation is going and nowhere except on a Merry go Round ride. No one is buying the what you are trying to sell.
No one won, and thinking someone did is just silly. There is one young deceased man who was murdered by a young woman who will now spend the rest of her life in Prison. Not a win.

Sociopaths view everything in life—including relationships—as games to be won
Sociopaths have an insatiable need to win. This desire to win is so strong that they sometimes will take themselves down in the process of becoming the “winner.” Because they are unable to build real relationships, they view their interactions with others as games. Other people are simply pawns to be played. And because they have no conscience, they make up their own unethical, ever-changing rules for those “games.” They use tactics like mirroring, deception, projection, gaslighting, pity plays, and other forms of emotional and physical abuse to idealize, manipulate, confuse, and intimidate others, all in the name of “winning.”

People who are obsessed with winning, even when it is completely inappropriate and even insensitive, need to be left alone.
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