Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #1

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Interesting, I'm on Day 4 part 3 of the retrial videos, Det. Flores is on the stand with JM questioning him and at about the 51 minute mark, JM asks about the search and where it took place in Travis' house, and asks if they found 'a wrapper for a condom', or a bottle of KY jelly (neither were found). I don't recall that from the tweets, him asking about condom evidence, he didn't go into further questions about it to allude to why he was asking since he seems convinced they did engage in that sort of contact that day, I guess it just increases my belief there was none, I'm looking forward to getting to the evidentiary hearings about the hard drive when the Spybot activity on that day is discussed, hope there's more info than what we got from tweets back then.

That is interesting. JM also elicited testimony regarding the box of condoms found in the trunk of her rental car on the day of her arrest. Maybe pointing out that if condoms were something CMJA normally travelled around with there should have been evidence of them on this trip as well. I am skeptical about sexual contact as well. I believe the story about sexual contact on his desk was to account for any CMJA DNA on or around his computer as she downloaded images and/or a virus. I also think the bedroom photographs of CMJA look like photos taken of the screen of a second camera, maybe souvenir shots from Monterey?
Oh, thank you it's been driving me batty.

A quick Googling shows that possibly The Basement Party Parking Lots are the private groups that some of us aren't members ?


I believe you need a certain amount of posts to be able to access that part of Websleuths... :waitasec: Anyone can correct me, if I'm wrong!

So - restitution hearing is Monday, June 22nd ?? TIA!

I haven't seen a tweet/retweet from Dave in a while now...good one:

Cathy retweeted
Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision · 13m13 minutes ago
Had to pass on this one. Roaches check in, but they don't check out.

Oh, thank you it's been driving me batty.

A quick Googling shows that possibly The Basement Party Parking Lots are the private groups that some of us aren't members ?


Anyone can post there who is a member with enough posts.

It's just not very active now.

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I too am not convinced they had sex that day. I also think the "sex tape" was cut and spliced to fit the killer's needs. Something about that recording is just "off" to me. That coupled with the fact that the phone was "lost" makes me think it was another of the killer's manipulation of evidence.
Looking back at her testimony, she appears to be so proud of herself when she professes that sure, she had lied so many times in the past while awaiting trial, but now, on the stand, she is telling "nothing but the truth", & then continues her lies throughout her testimony. What a phony! Did she really think she was absolved of her lies and the jury, Juan, or that anyone would believe her? Well, yes, she did because she thought she was smarter than everyone. And that we all know backfired big time.
CMJA is a dangerous, evil woman and is exactly where she needs to be...locked up forever.
bringing over a quote from the Sidebar:

Bernina said:
Well, 281129 is going to start enduring prolonged temps in the triple digits tomorrow, *maybe today*. (cause we all know weather men get it wrong "occasionally") It'll be pushing 110 in the next 2-3 days down there in good old Goodyear.

Thought this might put a SMILE on everyone's face!!


bringing over a quote from the Sidebar:

Thought this might put a SMILE on everyone's face!!


^That is reality. According to Jodi's "reality" her swamp cooler is working really well. So well, that she needs to buy 2 sweatshirts from the commissary so she can wear them at the same time. :facepalm: She's using reverse psychology to get her commissary account topped up. She just wants money for candy and treats. Two sweatshirts in Arizona in June, my butt!
I think he was about to cut off communication with her, especially since she had moved back to California. I don't think he realized she could be capable of murder. In reality, who could possibly know she was capable of that? Travis being the outgoing trusting person he appeared to be probably just figured he would placate her until she faded away. That is why I truly believe Travis was not expecting her on 6/4/08. I have no doubt the killer premeditated his murder. I believe she began the murder plot right after she moved back to Yreka. He was phasing her out of his life, and if she couldn't have him, she would assure noone could. She is exactly where she belongs, and should never get out.

I agree -- this was not merely premeditated, but planned out painstakingly. Poorly, as it turned out, but painstakingly nonetheless.

I try to imagine what it would be like to plan a murder, and honestly I just can't. My mind won't go there. Over the course of my life I've occasionally found myself planning small-ish family get-togethers, maybe ten people tops, (parents, sister, her husband +/- members of his family, assorted kids, all +/- friends). The logistics can get a little complicated, so I go over all the usual stuff in my head, weigh options, make lists, etc. I mull things over while washing dishes, lying in bed, waiting in line, and make little tweeks here and there until I have a plan that works for everyone. I'm hardly a drill sergeant, so even when I do make actual plans for something, they're always pretty loose.

A camping trip, a birthday, a holiday -- normal people stuff. But for a murder? Oh my God. I can just picture Jodi sitting at a stoplight thinking, "OK, I'll need some gas cans." Buying milk thinking, "Afterwards I'll leave him a phone message." Folding laundry thinking, "How can I get him in the shower?" Periodically jotting down little beg/borrow/steal lists and before/during/after to-do lists. For a murder.

Whereas I might wonder where everyone's going to sleep, do I have enough towels, is anyone vegan and/or lactose/gluten intolerant (or, God forbid, allergic to cats)... Jodi wonders about weapons, alibis and plausible deniability.

I guess that's what life is like inside the mind of a psychopath.
Hahaha and ewwww...but does an all-female population even need a version of KY? Wait, I shouldn't even ask, the mental images beginning to surface in my brain are making me want to scrub my cranium.

Well, for a little oblique sex ed. The slick stuff is divine whenever. That means for private and shared jollies. I'm sure a "verified sex educator" could cite some testimonials as to the efficacy of KY upgrades and many "verified bonafide sleuthers" could speak up for that as well. I digress....

Moreover, KY and its cohorts might be a necessity after Jodi enters her 50's or thereabouts, owing to the aging process, and we all know Jodi is going to be in there 99+ years. And no, I don't mean "in there" as in "down there", but as in PV (though knowing the vast reach of urban slang these days, no doubt PV stands for something not too savory as well. Dang, it's hard to say anything without generating a double entendre or a smirk).

I believe 99+ years is a DOC term for "life without parole." The KY-free lifer is going to have a difficult time indeed: no water-based, no silicone, no Pink, no Please, just wrinkles everywhere. As Mick Jagger used to sing: "Can't get no satisfaction...."

It was hard to write this without getting quite gross; but it's also hard to write about anything Jodi without going there. Ahem: smirk some more on that phraseology. I trust I've sanitized my post as well as can be expected.
Well, for a little oblique sex ed. The slick stuff is divine whenever. That means for private and shared jollies. I'm sure a "verified sex educator" could cite some testimonials as to the efficacy of KY upgrades and many "verified bonafide sleuthers" could speak up for that as well. I digress....

Moreover, KY and its cohorts might be a necessity after Jodi enters her 50's or thereabouts, owing to the aging process, and we all know Jodi is going to be in there 99+ years. And no, I don't mean "in there" as in "down there", but as in PV (though knowing the vast reach of urban slang these days, no doubt PV stands for something not too savory as well. Dang, it's hard to say anything without generating a double entendre or a smirk).

I believe 99+ years is a DOC term for "life without parole." The KY-free lifer is going to have a difficult time indeed: no water-based, no silicone, no Pink, no Please, just wrinkles everywhere. As Mick Jagger used to sing: "Can't get no satisfaction...."

It was hard to write this without getting quite gross; but it's also hard to write about anything Jodi without going there. Ahem: smirk some more on that phraseology. I trust I've sanitized my post as well as can be expected.

Wasn't itch cream one of Jodi's Estrella infractions? Depending on the, ahem, nature and whereabouts of the itch, it can sometimes be helpful to have a little lube on hand. Think cotton mouth.

As Jodi gets older, especially living where she does, she might turn into a dried up, wizened old prune. KY could help ease her discomfort... so it's nice to know she won't have access to it.
Oh, I feel so bad for herl....NOT. With luck, maybe the commissary offers that Neutrogena sunscreen she bought at Walmart for her to use for her one hour outside in the cage so she can avoid wrinkles from sunburn. Let's see, Hershey bar or sunscreen? Enie meanie minie mo....
I still wish they would decorate her cell with pictures from the crime scene. Maybe it will help her fog continue to lift (thick with sarcasm here).
If I had to live out the rest of my life in a cell, I would go crazy.
^That is reality. According to Jodi's "reality" her swamp cooler is working really well. So well, that she needs to buy 2 sweatshirts from the commissary so she can wear them at the same time. :facepalm: She's using reverse psychology to get her commissary account topped up. She just wants money for candy and treats. Two sweatshirts in Arizona in June, my butt!

That 2 sweatshirt thing is funny on so many levels. I wonder if she really said that. Just as likely Ed or whoever else is tweeting in her name now made it up to irk folks. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
^That is reality. According to Jodi's "reality" her swamp cooler is working really well. So well, that she needs to buy 2 sweatshirts from the commissary so she can wear them at the same time. :facepalm: She's using reverse psychology to get her commissary account topped up. She just wants money for candy and treats. Two sweatshirts in Arizona in June, my butt!

Well, 281129 is consistent. When she was on the stand, her relationship with Travis was amazing and so perfect until it wasn't, though her love stayed strong and perfect. :rolling my eyes:
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 2m2 minutes ago
State Bar of Arizona screening first of bar charges against #JodiArias prosecutor Juan Martinez. Defense bar preparing a second.

Anyone know what this is about?
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 2m2 minutes ago
State Bar of Arizona screening first of bar charges against #JodiArias prosecutor Juan Martinez. Defense bar preparing a second.

Anyone know what this is about?

I think it's about being ridiculous and vengeful. Endlessly. Sheesh.

Where is Sheriff Joe's report?
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 40m40 minutes ago
Actually, at least two complaints filed on Juan Martinez so far; State Bar will only confirm he is being investigated for #JodiArias trial.
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 40m40 minutes ago
Actually, at least two complaints filed on Juan Martinez so far; State Bar will only confirm he is being investigated for #JodiArias trial.

Isn't it funny how MK knew to call the State Bar and ask about this? Dumb. He's making this something that this isn't. It's in the investigation stage, meaning "someone" (most likely Willmott) filed a complaint against him and they are merely looking into it as they do all complaints. Then they decide if further action is warranted. He's making this something that it isn't and, totally agree, they are being hateful and vindictive. But that's never stopped this group of imbeciles before.
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 40m40 minutes ago
Actually, at least two complaints filed on Juan Martinez so far; State Bar will only confirm he is being investigated for #JodiArias trial.

For being what? Not attracted to Her? PUHHLEASE
I heard via Twitter it could be a complaint about Juan stating the "secret witness"'s name (Marc McG) in the courtroom, that it was probably filed by Wilmott, and that complaints like this are common and are looked into but the complaints don't necessarily have merit but have to be checked into. I haven't seen any info about the second complaint. Maybe something involving Alyce L?
Hopefully nothing will come of it. I suspect the killer's DT will try anything to smear Juan's reputation as well. It's how they roll, after all.
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 2m2 minutes ago
State Bar of Arizona screening first of bar charges against #JodiArias prosecutor Juan Martinez. Defense bar preparing a second.

Anyone know what this is about?

It's America. Anyone can sue anyone else for anything and any lawyer can be complained about and investigated. Doesn't mean squat.
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