Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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I made this in between trials, I think I also tried working out differences between rental mileage and route distances but apparently didn't add the milegae info in the labels as I was working on the gas purchases to show she could get from one point to the next without using gas in the cans once leaving SLC. I saved the legend also but the mileage per leg is cut off (grrr):

View attachment 87485

Great little map....

An obvious point I hadn't thought about before.... the only reason JA went to Pasadena was because she planned to go to Mesa. Otherwise, she'd have traveled through Reno. Blinding flash of the obvious....
So Jodi planted the camera in the BMW to make it look as though the DV victim had stolen it and then, oops, left it in TA's car?

She likely didn't know about the friend. She and TA were in separate rooms at convention & didn't see a lot of each other there, so she had little chance to snoop his phone to know.
Letter to his family, July 28, 2008: Those videos and expecting her….

He guilted me into coming (AM conversation on June 2), by the time I reached Pasadena I decided to go to Mesa.
He was expecting me, happy to see me, stayed up all night waiting for me.

“He and Naps were in his office and he was watching some silly video on, some kind of dancing robot girls or something. I was exhausted from driving, so after a few more YouTube videos, we went to sleep as the sun was rising. We slept until about 1PM.”

Barf. This all falls under JM's category of "florid lying", gratuitous details that make it obvious she's making it all up.
Hopefully he (Nurmi) will put a stop to their BS. Copyright infringement.... YAY!! This is due to JAII putting the entire book on their site making it appear as though it were "transcribed"

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw · Jan 16

TY to all who have alerted me to the choice of #jodiarias and/or her supporters to violate copyright law and post what they claim is my book online. FYI I will be pursuing the matter but I will not let it interfere with my main priority -my health.

Beating #cancer remains my number one priority and in that regard let me again thank all of you who have offered supportive words !

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw · Jan 16

Given that #jodiarias supporters don't like the content of my book my fear is that they might be seeking to infect the computers of those who seek to read negative things about #Ms.Arias - be careful!
Hopefully he (Nurmi) will put a stop to their BS. Copyright infringement.... YAY!! This is due to JAII putting the entire book on their site making it appear as though it were "transcribed"

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw · Jan 16

TY to all who have alerted me to the choice of #jodiarias and/or her supporters to violate copyright law and post what they claim is my book online. FYI I will be pursuing the matter but I will not let it interfere with my main priority -my health.

Beating #cancer remains my number one priority and in that regard let me again thank all of you who have offered supportive words !

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw · Jan 16

Given that #jodiarias supporters don't like the content of my book my fear is that they might be seeking to infect the computers of those who seek to read negative things about #Ms.Arias - be careful!


Just ask JA - it may be easier than you imagined, Kirk!

P.S. Hope you get better, and go after them hard, those who posted your book there know the ramifications of doing so.
She likely didn't know about the friend. She and TA were in separate rooms at convention & didn't see a lot of each other there, so she had little chance to snoop his phone to know.

That's assuming she wasn't reading his texts online, was that the 2007 or 2008 OKC? Iirc 2007 they were pretty tight still, TA may have told her about it(gave her the idea to start documenting too I bet, just in case she ever needed it for anything :/), by 2008 she was following the LD hookup leads while keeping TA on a short chain and was in full fledged revenge mode.
That's assuming she wasn't reading his texts online, was that the 2007 or 2008 OKC? Iirc 2007 they were pretty tight still, TA may have told her about it(gave her the idea to start documenting too I bet, just in case she ever needed it for anything :/), by 2008 she was following the LD hookup leads while keeping TA on a short chain and was in full fledged revenge mode.

2008 OKC convention. He was doing his best to avoid her the whole convention. But went sight seeing with her before and after.
In a nutshell: she decided she would marry him probably before they even met (only somewhat facetious). Waged unrelenting campaign to secure him, under xmas tree sleeping Dec 2006 on through.

Fast forward to June 2, 2007. Notice the date. She drives from Palm Spring CA to Mesa, arriving early morning on June 3. He's waited up for her. They're hanging out then going on a trip to yes, ....Salt Lake City.

But before they go, TA has company over. Guess who. It's Lisa and her roomie and they come over to make brownies.

In SLC the killer writes in her journal that she is head over heels in love with him, that she thinks he's the one, and that she's thought for months now that he's likely to propose to her when they go to Niagara Falls in two weeks. Or at least, that their relationship is going to take a giant leap forward. But likely, that proposal.

She just wishes he would tell her that he loves her, because he never has. It would help my little insecurities if he would just say so, she writes. But, also, she's not sure he feels the same way about her. And she has these nagging little suspicions about him, about his perhaps not being faithful.

Then to Park City, and - (think May 10 tape) Daniel's Summit, where they go 4wheeling and where she interprets TA making her wear a helmet as evidence of his devotion to her. She writes she is now sure she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

We are weaving a beautiful tapestry of experiences together, she writes, 2 artists creating a life together. " I have everything to look forward to, she writes. " Life is beautiful."

June 10, Park City, Utah. She writes- I sang for Travis today!! Kareoke rules! (think Santa Cruz on June 2, 2008- this is the reason for that lie, imo) .

Travis told me he liked my singing! Sometimes he literally takes my breath away, I love him so much.

And these entries are the last she'll ever write about Travis in this way, or of her (almost) unconflicted feelings for him. Next she will snoop his phone because of those nagging little suspicions, which have little to do with thinking Travis is cheating on her, and everything to do with what she calls her "little insecurities."

She never forgave him for not giving her what she expected in June 2007- a ring on her finger. That was the beginning of the end.
In a nutshell: she decided she would marry him probably before they even met (only somewhat facetious). Waged unrelenting campaign to secure him, under xmas tree sleeping Dec 2006 on through.

Fast the forward to June 2, 2007. Notice the date. She drives to Mesa, arriving early morning. He's waited up for her. They're hanging out then going on a trip to yes, ....Salt Lake City.

Ok, that's really creepy...
Hello everyone. Interesting to catch up with debate on the case. I'm puzzled by several topics:

Why the need to disprove the pictures were taken on the day of the murder?

What is behind the drive to prove the tape was spliced?

It's always good to learn about or consider new aspects but I'm genuinely puzzled by what is behind the theories? If there is a summary or link I could catch up on, I'd be much obliged.

I guess someone is selling their soul (info) to the Star for $$$. Some say it is KW... aka Lefty. I think you have to buy
a subscription to read the story, hell nah!

Jodi Arias’ Jail House Letters Exposed — Eerie Reasons Men Are ‘Lovestruck’ By Her

“So the fact that she’s receiving stacks of letters from guys isn’t really as shocking as the fact that there are that many delusional and desperately lonely people out there with no perspective,” the tipster said.
Hello everyone. Interesting to catch up with debate on the case. I'm puzzled by several topics:

Why the need to disprove the pictures were taken on the day of the murder?

What is behind the drive to prove the tape was spliced?

It's always good to learn about or consider new aspects but I'm genuinely puzzled by what is behind the theories? If there is a summary or link I could catch up on, I'd be much obliged.


I wish I could point you to a summary, but there is no one such thing. Just a few months' worth of discussion and debate and reconsideration of a great many things, in large part the result of significant new information revealed in the Dec 07- Dec 2008 full text record . Jmo.
Barf. This all falls under JM's category of "florid lying", gratuitous details that make it obvious she's making it all up.

She lied about her arrival, the timeline. It's obvious she is lying to Detective Flores when he is questioning her. I don't believe Travis knew she was coming. She called him simply to get details of his (and the other housemates) movements.
I wish I could point you to a summary, but there is no one such thing. Just a few months' worth of discussion and debate and reconsideration of a great many things, in large part the result of significant new information revealed in the Dec 07- Dec 2008 full text record . Jmo.

Thanks, Hope4More. I can't wait to read Juan Martinez' book. Who knows what new evidence will be brought in to play?
Two themes run throughout everything that follows, up until April 2008. First- she can't let go of Travis, but IMO it is a huge oversimplification to term what she felt "obsession." Second, she is survival mode throughout- in desperate financial straits, but utterly incapable/unwilling to dig herself out. She is a parasite in search of a host.

Skipping ahead through fall and winter of 2007- I've already posted long summaries of everything that happened in those months.

By the end of January 2008 she is equally desperate on both fronts. Not even whatever whenever sex is working to make Travis heel to her command. He in fact has told her he really wants her to leave, to go back to Yreka.

In any case, Travis is having such serious financial difficulties of his own that he no longer is the optimal host to rescue her financially.

Both of these realities infuriate her, as does the insult of Travis returning again and again to Lisa.

By mid-February financial imperatives force her to concentrate on lining up her next host. She gets busy on LDS link up and starts "dating." A lot. She even considers Gus Searcy for a short while, but she isn't willing to settle anymore for anyone other than a replacement Travis. Rich AND young, and....trusting.

Time is not on her side, unfortunately for her. Travis is still helping her out financially here and there- he pays for her share of the electricity bill at her rental house, for example, but he can't and won't do much more than that, and she can't line up anyone fast enough to make it possible to stay in Mesa much longer.

Then comes March through the first week in April. I'll post the whole enchilada later, the blow by blow, because it is IMO a really pivotal time.
Other than being old, and well umm dorky looking, her best option might have been to latch on to old Gus. I imagine her travels could have been extended and possibly the lifestyle she craved could have been fulfilled. She was a "self-admitted" *advertiser censored*, so no problem straying to meet her needs I doubt. Gosh Jodi, you could have at least been traveling with Gus, and not withering away in a prison cell until the day you die. Oh the choices we have in life!!!! *shrugs shoulders*
Two themes run throughout everything that follows, up until April 2008. First- she can't let go of Travis, but IMO it is a huge oversimplification to term what she felt "obsession." Second, she is survival mode throughout- in desperate financial straits, but utterly incapable/unwilling to dig herself out. She is a parasite in search of a host.

Skipping ahead through fall and winter of 2007- I've already posted long summaries of everything that happened in those months.

By the end of January 2008 she is equally desperate on both fronts. Not even whatever whenever sex is working to make Travis heel to her command. He in fact has told her he really wants her to leave, to go back to Yreka.

In any case, Travis is having such serious financial difficulties of his own that he no longer is the optimal host to rescue her financially.

Both of these realities infuriate her, as does the insult of Travis returning again and again to Lisa.

By mid-February financial imperatives force her to concentrate on lining up her next host. She gets busy on LDS link up and starts "dating." A lot. She even considers Gus Searcy for a short while, but she isn't willing to settle anymore for anyone other than a replacement Travis. Rich AND young, and....trusting.

Time is not on her side, unfortunately for her. Travis is still helping her out financially here and there- he pays for her share of the electricity bill at her rental house, for example, but he can't and won't do much more than that, and she can't line up anyone fast enough to make it possible to stay in Mesa much longer.

Then comes March through the first week in April. I'll post the whole enchilada later, the blow by blow, because it is IMO a really pivotal time.

I'm in awe of your ability to take a step back to look at the whole big picture, Hope. Can't wait for the next part.
The reflection on texts is most welcome as some here (like myself) had problems with the BK site and payments. I have read what I could, when I could, of the summaries of texts and journals by yourself and others. All hugely appreciated. Thanks very much.
Hello everyone. Interesting to catch up with debate on the case. I'm puzzled by several topics:

Why the need to disprove the pictures were taken on the day of the murder?

What is behind the drive to prove the tape was spliced?

It's always good to learn about or consider new aspects but I'm genuinely puzzled by what is behind the theories? If there is a summary or link I could catch up on, I'd be much obliged.



The need is simply to have all of the facts known, all of the truth exposed (as well as all of her lies), I don't think anyone else still working the case had specific theories about the pics, the tape, most any of it, but seeing and hearing inconsistencies and clashes of other facts has raised questions about some of the evidence, I don't care to be "right" or prove anyone "wrong", I only want the full truth known. :)
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