Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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I want this book, and I want it now!!! :tantrum: My pre-order seems like an eternity ago. I wonder where they are being stored? :thinking: :happydance:

I am with you! ---> currently modeling latest burglar outfits... damnit, I'm size 4 not 5!
Also, I suggest we turn the license plate upside down.. cuz that works.

Unless... that wasn't what you were saying... :eek:hoh: :escape:
That would be awesome. I just know his book is going to be great. Hard to wait on its release, but it will be worth it. :drumroll:

Was it not pushed back due to court ruling or whatever anyway? Just to realize we could have had it already on the 5th... Dear Judge, you are a bit of a buzzkill.
We've only seen the lists of items taken during search warrants on her parents and gparents houses.

We know the list from her car is different because it includes condoms and knives and bullets and so was probably deemed too prejudicial to bring in at trial.

I wonder if his book will reveal the comments from people who worked with her and others, which allude to the probability she was 'hooking.' Roommate said she saw 'men in, and out' at their place.
I doubt this is right but it's what I came up with... thoughts? Do we know for sure exactly where her cell pinged... I'm just going by the mileage while giving that window for a ping.

According to:

"At 1:08 p.m., Arias returns her rental car. She originally planned to return the car on Friday, June 6 at 8 a.m. Some time during the week, she apparently extended her rental until 9:30 a.m. Saturday, June 7. The rental agent testified that the car appeared to have "Kool-Aid" stains on the passenger seat and back seat and all the floor mats were gone.

In all, Arias traveled 2,834 miles.

She was arrested a little more than a month later, on July 15, 2008."

Using this is what I came up with.
2,834 miles:

The driving distance from Redding, California to Pasadena, California is:
-546 miles

The driving distance from Pasadena, California to Mesa, Arizona is:
-387 miles
(a)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
381 miles going through Ehrenberg straight to Laughlin then to LV.
(b)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
380 miles going north from Quartzsite up past Parker Dam/Desert Hills/Needles/Laughlin then to LV.
(c)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
-366 miles going north from Quartzsite up through Parker Dam then west to #95, up to Needles/Laughlin then to LV.
The driving distance from Las Vegas, Nevada to Salt Lake City, Utah is:
-421 miles

The driving distance from Salt Lake City, Utah to Redding, California is:
-713 miles
386(a)-401(c) miles outstanding.

So instead of Salt Lake City directly to Redding I tried these routes:
The driving distance from Salt Lake City, Utah to Susanville, California is:
601 miles
The driving distance from Susanville, California to Yreka, California is:
168 miles
The driving distance from Yreka, California to Crater Lake National Park is:
123 miles
The driving distance from Crater Lake National Park to Yreka, California is:
123 miles
The driving distance from Yreka, California to Redding, California is:
99 miles
= 1114-713(Salt Lake City, Utah to Redding) =
401 miles

Oooh, that's a lot of math....

A couple of wrenches in the works:
JA didn't go on a straight shot from Redding to Pasadena: she went over to the Santa Cruz/Monterey area. It's at least 620 miles
JA did a lot of piddling around in the Santa Cruz area.
I suggested the Mesa to Las Vegas route went via Blythe, so she could get out of AZ as fast as possible.
I'm not sure why she'd need to go to Crater Lake?

If you tossed stuff off the edge in Crater Lake, it wouldn't actually go in the lake. The sides are sheer, but not that sheer.
If a lake were needed, Lake Tahoe is suitably on the way from SLC to Redding.
If she tossed stuff in Lake Tahoe, it's probably visible now, since the water levels are catastrophically low.
There's also Shasta, up near Yreka. Maybe she dumped stuff after she dropped the rental off?
Timewise, I don't think she could go out of her way on the trip from SLC to Redding.

Food for thought.....

1) creepy that the study was itself done by a sociopath (but useful/interesting nonetheless)

2) what is up with some of those cartoons, such as the "sex fiend"?

And I disagree about the sociopaths being able to feel empathy (it's not empathy, it's more like a temporary hormonal stressor they respond to, which psychopaths long ago, was stated can feel as well, both of these creatures adapt to suit their needs). Any 'empathy' is a self-serving disguise and probable self-delusion (JA often convinces herself of her b.s.), which perhaps these individuals may be convinced of (or successfully convince the psychiatrists of) so as to believe 'they are normal, fit in,' or have a desire to be accepted by general alpha population as opposed to the sort they prefer to direct their TRUER nature of vindictiveness towards (vulnerable or token prey - their so called bad guy that 'did something mean to them' -ignored their glory, whatever).

IMO, one is homicidal and the other is a psychological hunter only (they might only preemptively attack someone who they perceive as their trigger for whatever lame childhood reason).

IMO, they don't need to try and separate that basic recipe for what makes one go the further mile and actually kill. The sociopath only isn't doing so because of greater level of conditioning (fear can be taught at early age, so perhaps we are lucky they are only 'cowards' at the physical act of either being apprehended or shamed; they are aware forensics teams will have their be-hinds behind* bars VERY quickly due to their lack of their actual intelligence to get away with it most times...).
I doubt this is right but it's what I came up with... thoughts? Do we know for sure exactly where her cell pinged... I'm just going by the mileage while giving that window for a ping.

According to:

"At 1:08 p.m., Arias returns her rental car. She originally planned to return the car on Friday, June 6 at 8 a.m. Some time during the week, she apparently extended her rental until 9:30 a.m. Saturday, June 7. The rental agent testified that the car appeared to have "Kool-Aid" stains on the passenger seat and back seat and all the floor mats were gone.

In all, Arias traveled 2,834 miles.

She was arrested a little more than a month later, on July 15, 2008."

Using this is what I came up with.
2,834 miles:

The driving distance from Redding, California to Pasadena, California is:
-546 miles

The driving distance from Pasadena, California to Mesa, Arizona is:
-387 miles
(a)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
381 miles going through Ehrenberg straight to Laughlin then to LV.
(b)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
380 miles going north from Quartzsite up past Parker Dam/Desert Hills/Needles/Laughlin then to LV.
(c)The driving distance from Mesa, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is:
-366 miles going north from Quartzsite up through Parker Dam then west to #95, up to Needles/Laughlin then to LV.
The driving distance from Las Vegas, Nevada to Salt Lake City, Utah is:
-421 miles

The driving distance from Salt Lake City, Utah to Redding, California is:
-713 miles
386(a)-401(c) miles outstanding.

So instead of Salt Lake City directly to Redding I tried these routes:
The driving distance from Salt Lake City, Utah to Susanville, California is:
601 miles
The driving distance from Susanville, California to Yreka, California is:
168 miles
The driving distance from Yreka, California to Crater Lake National Park is:
123 miles
The driving distance from Crater Lake National Park to Yreka, California is:
123 miles
The driving distance from Yreka, California to Redding, California is:
99 miles
= 1114-713(Salt Lake City, Utah to Redding) =
401 miles

I made this in between trials, I think I also tried working out differences between rental mileage and route distances but apparently didn't add the milegae info in the labels as I was working on the gas purchases to show she could get from one point to the next without using gas in the cans once leaving SLC. I saved the legend also but the mileage per leg is cut off (grrr):

LOL Now that I look again there is some leg mileage on the map once she hits Mesa. Need more coffee or better glasses.
geevee, sorry to pull up an old post of yours but I was rereading the thread and this jumped out at me:
"The argument about 'Steve' (and letting him tie JA to a tree) must have been at some point after this part was recorded, and we know those texts occurred on May 10, so this tape couldn't have been made after.

I now think this conversation happened quite a bit before May 10th, certainly before she moved back to Yreka, as she mentions above."
Anyway, not sure if this helps or if you've already firmed up the times to your satisfaction but in her journals at BK's, Vol.2 Oct.16,2007, she says TA had left her a "great voicemail" that was "worth saving".

As I've said before, imo, TA was simply a mark for her. It may have even been fun for her while it lasted but when he ran out of money and wouldn't keep his mouth shut about her "affairs" and thus threatened "her life", she shut it for him.

It never occurred to me that some of the sex tape could have been pulled from VMs he left her but it makes so much sense, all she'd have to do is splice the pieces in - very good detective work, Val!

Something else has been nagging at me about the sex tape, at some point in JM's cross of her, he played a piece of tape where Travis is saying he rarely used to (pleasure himself) before meeting her but was doing so often ever since, I don't recall that as being part of the "sex tape" - was it one of the recordings Dworkin pulled from her phone? I still don't get if there were 5 separate recordings on the phone, why were they pushed/played together to seem as if it was one phone convo during the trial?
Pulling multiple sources together and checking dates against text msgs etc., from March through early May 2008, I'm becoming convinced she began planning his murder no later than by May 2.
It never occurred to me that some of the sex tape could have been pulled from VMs he left her but it makes so much sense, all she'd have to do is splice the pieces in - very good detective work, Val!

Something else has been nagging at me about the sex tape, at some point in JM's cross of her, he played a piece of tape where Travis is saying he rarely used to (pleasure himself) before meeting her but was doing so often ever since, I don't recall that as being part of the "sex tape" - was it one of the recordings Dworkin pulled from her phone? I still don't get if there were 5 separate recordings on the phone, why were they pushed/played together to seem as if it was one phone convo during the trial?

The VM's make a HUGE amount of sense. And she could control the content far better than during a live conversation.

As in-" hey, sweetie. Checking my calendar.. When was it you said you might go visit friends up here? Gonna be out, just leave me a VM, k? :)

Then playing the VM back to her recorder. Could help explain why the quality of the tape was so terrible.
The VM's make a HUGE amount of sense. And she could control the content far better than during a live conversation.

As in-" hey, sweetie. Checking my calendar.. When was it you said you might go visit friends up here? Gonna be out, just leave me a VM, k? :)

Then playing the VM back to her recorder. Could help explain why the quality of the tape was so terrible.

It does explain so much, doesn't it? The May 10th date also jibes with your point above, about her beginning to plan the murder by May 2nd, everything all through May was towards that end.
Is there a full transcript of that dreadful May 10 call anywhere?
It does explain so much, doesn't it? The May 10th date also jibes with your point above, about her beginning to plan the murder by May 2nd, everything all through May was towards that end.

Will try to post the timeline I'm working on by tonight; more and more is falling into place for me about when she likely began planning and why.
Letter to his family, July 28, 2008: Those videos and expecting her….

He guilted me into coming (AM conversation on June 2), by the time I reached Pasadena I decided to go to Mesa.
He was expecting me, happy to see me, stayed up all night waiting for me.

“He and Naps were in his office and he was watching some silly video on, some kind of dancing robot girls or something. I was exhausted from driving, so after a few more YouTube videos, we went to sleep as the sun was rising. We slept until about 1PM.”

Damn, I can't edit my other post...

But I am slightly concerned, is this person stating that sociopaths are WAY more common in our environment than we realize? Because if 'sociopaths aren't so bad' now, than this person is totally relating the information to a different degree than had been established for ages.

What I have always read it as, psychopaths are sociopathic as sociopathy is just a trait which psychopaths possess... so wtf... agh.. psychiatry, I swear...

Interesting how she went ahead with the itinerary she had basically pre-planned for him and which he disagreed with.

"See me Oregon Coast, Crater Lake - Shakespere -then go see friends in Washington?"

She made sure he saw her, then she went up the Oregon Coast with her lil sis just before/after?(can't remember now) her grandpa's gun went missing, it's possible she went to Crater Lake in between coming back to Yreka after the murder and returning the car to Redding, allegedly went to Shakespeare with her buddy Heather(pics with "Othello"), and Washington... is that Washington state or DC... I think she's hoping her court case will make it to DC since her last road trip got interrupted with her arrest.:jail:
Damn, I can't edit my other post...

But I am slightly concerned, is this person stating that sociopaths are WAY more common in our environment than we realize? Because if 'sociopaths aren't so bad' now, than this person is totally relating the information to a different degree than had been established for ages.

What I have always read it as, psychopaths are sociopathic as sociopathy is just a trait which psychopaths possess... so wtf... agh.. psychiatry, I swear...

Basically I think it boils down to a matter of degree, most if not all of us have some of each of those traits, just not off the chart where it takes us past societal norms.
About Zach's camera being found in TA's BMW.

TA writes that in his brand new journal on May 18, the same day he writes that his old journal and his diamond ring are lost. He says that Zach thought/said his camera was lost, and it was after that TA found it in his car.

I just reread the texts for early March on through the Oklahoma PPL convention- a very interesting time for lots of reasons. Anyway, TA returned from convention the night of March 17. While he was in OKC a friend texted him an urgent request for help. She was a genuine DV victim and needed to get out of her house ASAP.

TA told her she was welcome to stay at his house while he was away, and to sleep in his room. And when she told him she didn't have a way to get around, he told her she was free to drive his BMW. She was extremely grateful. Don't know if she did stay at his house or use his car, but it sounded like she was planning on doing both.

So Jodi planted the camera in the BMW to make it look as though the DV victim had stolen it and then, oops, left it in TA's car?
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