Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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Spent more time thinking about the May 10 call. Not so much on when she actually made it, but what purpose it was to serve, especially as that answer can help determine how early on she decided to kill him.

What leapt out is two things.

1. She didn't have to go through the effort of splicing tapes etc. to threaten TA with it. All she had to do is tell him she recorded their phone sex. Why do all that extra work, then?

2. More importantly. Sex and travel is what we focus on, but there was another very significant topic she made sure was covered, and that was to get him on tape bad mouthing some high level PPL colleagues, this at a time of a major PPL reorg which threatened his job security.

Maybe she had more than one goal in mind for recording. That one goal in the conversation seemed to be to harm him in the PPL community suggests she hadn't decided for sure to murder him before May 13 or 16th or whenever it was she said the phone was stolen.

Couldn't hurt him with PPL/ruin him financially if he's dead.
She worked for all of 2 or 3 days at the dive? Until the 28th, when planning murder became her full time occupation? Her paycheck for those days might have been the $100 she deposited, because that's about all she would have earned ( without tips ).

My apologies! Researched Jane's book to be sure of information I posted earlier and found I had the incorrect restaurant!!

Excerpt from book:
"While Jodi might not have been surprised by this turn of events, her grandfather was so blindsided by the arrest that he became upset and angry, telling detectives they were wrong about his granddaughter, who he could prove had an air-tight alibi. He insisted Jodi had been working at the Purple Plum when Travis had been murdered, and he demanded her immediate release, even going to so far as to say he would sue the Mesa PD for false allegations. ...when given permission to leave, he went to the purple Plum to retrieve Jodi's timesheet. He returned with a sealed white envelope, which he pushed at Det. McBride.

""I have the proof," he announced, shaking the envelope confidently. "After you and I look at this, you are going to let my granddaughter go." He opened it to reveal three photocopied pages of material. The first showed the payroll at the Purple Plum, and the second showed the dates Jodi ha worked during the month of May. The third sheet, the one her grandfather was counting on, unfortunately showed that her last day of work before she quit had been May 31 - five days before Travis's death." (Quoted from JVM's book, Chapter 9: Reality Check; pages 323-325. All of this took place on July 14, 2008)

From this, it shows she was working at the PP before she murdered Travis.
Spent more time thinking about the May 10 call. Not so much on when she actually made it, but what purpose it was to serve, especially as that answer can help determine how early on she decided to kill him.

What leapt out is two things.

1. She didn't have to go through the effort of splicing tapes etc. to threaten TA with it. All she had to do is tell him she recorded their phone sex. Why do all that extra work, then?

2. More importantly. Sex and travel is what we focus on, but there was another very significant topic she made sure was covered, and that was to get him on tape bad mouthing some high level PPL colleagues, this at a time of a major PPL reorg which threatened his job security.

Maybe she had more than one goal in mind for recording. That one goal in the conversation seemed to be to harm him in the PPL community suggests she hadn't decided for sure to murder him before May 13 or 16th or whenever it was she said the phone was stolen.

Couldn't hurt him with PPL/ruin him financially if he's dead.

Insurance. She could kill him again if she needed to in order to protect her reputation. Maybe get some brownie points with the higher ups for snitching too!
Crater Lake, the Oregon Coast and Shakespeare.

Crater Lake came up before the 3rd week in Jan. 2008. She wanted him to go there with her, obviously, as he texted her in that week- after Jan 21-22 - go to Crater Lake by yourself. No mention of the Oregon coast or Shakespeare.

There is no mention by Travis, ever, in his texts to her or to anyone else, indicating he ever agreed to go to Crater Lake with her, much less the Oregon Coast and the Shakespeare festival.

She doesn't mention any of these plans when in early May she begs him to come to Yreka. Just to drop everything and go to Yreka.

On the "May 10" call is the only reference (other then her lying journals) to the whole CL- coast- Shakespeare plan. She speaks it, but he doesn't even answer her directly, much less agree to it, and this is on a spliced tape.

Another splice later and he says she's top on his list, but no discussion then of the 3 destinations, iirc, just of friends in Washington and going to BC. (This snippet comes later in the tape but is first in actual chronology).

Travis doesn't go when begged on May 5, and she punishes him severely with hacked websites and vicious "accidental" texts, etc.

And she hacks his SM frequently and freely enough he decides to lay a trap for her, working with a friend (i think i know who), which is successful, and she is BUSTED, BUSTED BUSTED, and is thoroughly aware of that fact by May 22.

She knows by May 22 there is no possibility whatsoever he will go to Yreka on May 24. She knows for a fact on May 26 he will never visit her there.

And yet....she lies constantly and everywhere about his nonexistent plans to visit and do those precise 3 things. She says they had phone sex and then discussed those plans on the morning of May 26, after Travis stopped being rude and apologized.

She wrote the lie- repeatedly- in her journal , the final time in her entry for June 2-3 saying she soothed him by telling him he would be there soon. She even left him a VM and wrote him an email about these "plans" after she had already murdered him.

I think she fixated on this ficticious travel trinity lie to conceal and deny that he had cut her off and out - utterly rejected her lying self- by May 22 ...and most importantly, the reasons for his doing so. Reasons known equalled the killer exposed.
Hope4More - There was no need to splice the tape, I agree. The purpose was blackmail and to hit as many rehearsed marks as possible in order to embarrass and hurt Travis. Also, the sound seems consistent throughout with no significant changes in background noise. The attempt to blackmail Travis was what the huge fight was about, I'm reasonably convinced. The dancing around the dates on their calander was to make it clear/look like they had plans to work and travel together. Her ego couldn't resist highlighting how 'in tune' they were to the intended audience. The conversational gear changes between sex and the mundane seem genuine. Most of the tape is everyday stuff.

I believe she planned to kill him way before she left Arizona.
Does anyone believe she would have had Travis actually come to Yreka? OR, would she have met him elsewhere... I imagine she probably told him that her family was more than they were. I doubt that Granny and Gramps would have let her have a sleepover with a guy, so where would he have stayed if he had gone I wonder? Even her lies sucked.
My apologies! Researched Jane's book to be sure of information I posted earlier and found I had the incorrect restaurant!!

Excerpt from book:
"While Jodi might not have been surprised by this turn of events, her grandfather was so blindsided by the arrest that he became upset and angry, telling detectives they were wrong about his granddaughter, who he could prove had an air-tight alibi. He insisted Jodi had been working at the Purple Plum when Travis had been murdered, and he demanded her immediate release, even going to so far as to say he would sue the Mesa PD for false allegations. ...when given permission to leave, he went to the purple Plum to retrieve Jodi's timesheet. He returned with a sealed white envelope, which he pushed at Det. McBride.

""I have the proof," he announced, shaking the envelope confidently. "After you and I look at this, you are going to let my granddaughter go." He opened it to reveal three photocopied pages of material. The first showed the payroll at the Purple Plum, and the second showed the dates Jodi ha worked during the month of May. The third sheet, the one her grandfather was counting on, unfortunately showed that her last day of work before she quit had been May 31 - five days before Travis's death." (Quoted from JVM's book, Chapter 9: Reality Check; pages 323-325. All of this took place on July 14, 2008)

From this, it shows she was working at the PP before she murdered Travis.

I don't think Jane has it right (there's a lot of not-rights in her book).

Testimony by LaVa indicated the killer went to work at the PP after the murder, and that this was the second time she'd been hired, the first time when she was in her teens.

The killer herself testified she was only working at the Casa dive before her murder trip.

The killer told Travis on May 26 she had just started work bartending in a Mexican restaurant, this after he mocked her that she couldn't find a job, not even at a diner.

Seems to make sense that she came back from murder and hoped the only other restaurant in town- the PP -would take her on.


Something very strange:

She purchased her Starbucks frappuccino at 8:41 pm, then encountered skateboraders w/screwdrivers, then her next receipt is at 8:42 pm filling up her car at Arco.

Could someone have been with her in Pasadena?

The other interesting tidbit is that Arco requires cash.
Hope4More - There was no need to splice the tape, I agree. The purpose was blackmail and to hit as many rehearsed marks as possible in order to embarrass and hurt Travis. Also, the sound seems consistent throughout with no significant changes in background noise. The attempt to blackmail Travis was what the huge fight was about, I'm reasonably convinced. The dancing around the dates on their calander was to make it clear/look like they had plans to work and travel together. Her ego couldn't resist highlighting how 'in tune' they were to the intended audience. The conversational gear changes between sex and the mundane seem genuine. Most of the tape is everyday stuff.

I believe she planned to kill him way before she left Arizona.

Sorry...I wasn't saying she didn't splice the tape. I'm almost positive she did. There are a lot of posts here in the past month or so analyzing the tape. I really don't think there's much reasonable doubt about that.

What I was saying is- WHY take the time to manufacture a spliced tape instead of just telling TA she had recorded their phone sex ?
Could someone have been with her in Pasadena?[/[/B]QUOTE]

Good question. I don't know why, but I have always thought someone was with her in Mesa also. My mind goes in circles when I think about it. Everyone says there is no evidence that anyone else was there but still my thoughts take me there. Really can't explain the "why."

I don't believe she was at Travis' all day. She could have slept in a mall parking lot or crashed at someone's place. The mall is more likely, IMO.

At a mall she could have done all kinds of nefarious things with her laptop.
States Exhibit #237.010, Starbucks Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 20:41, CCake Stawb & Crm 1.95, Sand Egg Salad 5.95, Scone Vanil Petit 0.75, TL Syrp Crmfr 2.90, Total $10.85, MC 2015

States Exhibit #237.011, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 08:42pm, Fuel 8.301 @ 4.169 gal, Unlead 87 $34.61, Trans fee $0.45, Total $35.06, Debit Acct # 2015

States Exhibit #237.012, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/3/08, 20:46:50, Fuel 9.594 @ 4.169 gal $40.00, Initial Pmt $40.00, PrePay Dep $40.00

States Exhibit #237.013, Duplicate ARCO Pasadena CA, Fuel 2.774 @4.169 gal $11.56, PrePay Deposit $20.00, Change $8.44
I don't believe she was at Travis' all day. She could have slept in a mall parking lot or crashed at someone's place. The mall is more likely, IMO.

At a mall she could have done all kinds of nefarious things with her laptop.

IMO the only certain thing about the timeline on June 4th is that she killed him while he was in the shower.

When would he have taken a shower? After he woke up. When did he typically wake up after being up til the wee hours? Usually he was up and returning texts by 11:30 or noon. When was his one and only text sent that day? At 12:13pm, when she claims he wasn't awake yet. Bull.
What I was saying is- WHY take the time to manufacture a spliced tape instead of just telling TA she had recorded their phone sex ?

I haven't seen any evidence to convince me the tape was made over a series of conversations. *If* it was cut in some way to shape the May 10th call I can only speculate it was to remove something incriminating Arias.

There is no reason I can think of that would require a doctored tape when there she had more than enough to severely embarrass Travis and attempt blackmail.
It is being said that Arias supporter "David" (who just passed) left her in his will. Well newsflash to the butcheress... no extra hershey bars for you!!! Not even a chicken fajita. :biggrin: Besides, I read where he had taken a bus to the trial, and had no money to get home so I doubt he had a fortune. It's sad he lost his battle though. It should be a major crime for an inmate to use these people too!!! She is scamming these older men for her personal benefit. Do I feel sorry for the men... NOPE!! Just imagine what she says to them... EWWW

Snipped from article:

"Here's another reason to stay out of jail. If you happen to be the beneficiary of a will, trust or life insurance policy, you won't get the money if you're locked up. Just who does get it depends on the reason you're behind bars. In extreme cases, the funds might go to your victim or victim's family, or even the prison system. That's a score for the taxpayer since it helps pay for a criminal's upkeep."
I haven't seen any evidence to convince me the tape was made over a series of conversations. *If* it was cut in some way to shape the May 10th call I can only speculate it was to remove something incriminating Arias.

There is no reason I can think of that would require a doctored tape when there she had more than enough to severely embarrass Travis and attempt blackmail.

Exactly, about one reason why the tape would be spliced. IMO the incriminating info she tried to make go away is the fact Travis at some point may have intended to visit her in Yreka, but that changed and he wasn't going to.

Also....the sex tape was in fact put together as a single recording from multiple separate recordings on the Helio. It's possible that her intentions changed over the multiple times she was recording calls.

For example... soliciting Travis to trash Team Freedom PPL folks in Palm Springs and recording his responses may have been a separate plot to ruin him financially by destroying his standing in PPL.
States Exhibit #237.010, Starbucks Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 20:41, CCake Stawb & Crm 1.95, Sand Egg Salad 5.95, Scone Vanil Petit 0.75, TL Syrp Crmfr 2.90, Total $10.85, MC 2015

States Exhibit #237.011, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 08:42pm, Fuel 8.301 @ 4.169 gal, Unlead 87 $34.61, Trans fee $0.45, Total $35.06, Debit Acct # 2015

States Exhibit #237.012, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/3/08, 20:46:50, Fuel 9.594 @ 4.169 gal $40.00, Initial Pmt $40.00, PrePay Dep $40.00

States Exhibit #237.013, Duplicate ARCO Pasadena CA, Fuel 2.774 @4.169 gal $11.56, PrePay Deposit $20.00, Change $8.44

Why is one gas receipt in military time and the other in non-military time?
I haven't seen any evidence to convince me the tape was made over a series of conversations. *If* it was cut in some way to shape the May 10th call I can only speculate it was to remove something incriminating Arias.

There is no reason I can think of that would require a doctored tape when there she had more than enough to severely embarrass Travis and attempt blackmail.

The discussion here has been over the sound quality in some of the tape, the abrupt changes of topic, the unlikely series of events, the chronology of the call as compared with TA's texts, the technical possibility that different conversations were spliced onto a tape recorder (or computer?) and recorded back onto the phone....
It is being said that Arias supporter "David" (who just passed) left her in his will. Well newsflash to the butcheress... no extra hershey bars for you!!! Not even a chicken fajita. :biggrin: Besides, I read where he had taken a bus to the trial, and had no money to get home so I doubt he had a fortune.

Is there maybe a typo? The poor guy left her nothing in his will?

Her reaction might get her a more extended stay in Phase 1 than she has already......
These are both from search of Grandparents home on Pine Street *Where Jodi resided*
I enlarged them all.
Just click on each one to view.

View attachment 87453

View attachment 87452

Here is the list from Bill and Sandy's home on Oregon Street:

View attachment 87455

Interesting list. I didn't know a silencer was found and confiscated.
Wonder if she brought it and used a silencer on the weapon to be more quiet.

And as some of us have considered the possibility that the gun may have jammed on her I did some research to see if silencers have a tendency to make an automatic jam more if a silencer is used, and answer is yes.

Everything I have read indicates that using a silencer on an automatic can result in more of a chance of a shell jamming.

Just something interesting that could give weight to the gun jamming theory.

Below is one example research about it.

"Reduced firearm reliability. All suppressors add to the back pressure of the gun: the gas pressure at the chamber end once the bullet has exited the barrel. Unless the firearm is single shot bolt action (you don't see a lot of those used by criminals, because they are slow to load), this can interfere with normal operation of the firearm.'s still going to be more likely to jam compare to without"
I don't believe she was at Travis' all day. She could have slept in a mall parking lot or crashed at someone's place. The mall is more likely, IMO.

At a mall she could have done all kinds of nefarious things with her laptop.

I meant to add that perhaps she sneaked into Travis' house early on the 4th, saw that video, surprised him, and he asked her to leave. She had a hissy fit and left. Slept at a mall. Came back later. He relented 'cos he didn't like to be mad or else she surprised him in the shower.
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