Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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Wow! It didn't occur to me that Taylor was NA. I thought maybe Michele. Taylor makes perfect sense!

NA is not CL. She was also "friends" with the killer and wouldn't have done this, IMO anyway.

I don't know about area code. Maybe he had a CA number listed on his LDS linkup page?

Talie. IMO was the killer on a burn phone.

Where does (or did) Sky live? She was the first one that came to my mind that might help Travis out with this. Whoever it was he would have called to set it up since JA was peeking into all of his other communications. Got the call records for these time periods?
TA to a friend in May- (paraphrased) "Love isn't a fun game unless you win."

TA to killer on May 26: "Ok, J. You win."

Killer after arrest, muttering to herself-- "beat you, brat."

I thought she said, "still beat me*, brat." She got caught. Unless you are referring to another point. But when I heard it, I heard, beat me*.

It's one of the reasons I believe he was about to expose something about her to his friends/the PPL network.
(around 32:00 minute mark)
Wow! It didn't occur to me that Taylor was NA. I thought maybe Michele. Taylor makes perfect sense!

NA is not CL. She was also "friends" with the killer and wouldn't have done this, IMO anyway.

I don't know about area code. Maybe he had a CA number listed on his LDS linkup page?

Talie. IMO was the killer on a burn phone.
You are prolly correct CL is not NA. CL did sleep with him though on May 1. And Travis' texts afterwards to CL were missing. Therefore you are dead to me text to JA on May 8. If Travis told CL that JA deleted them, CL would not be too happy with JA.

Another possibility I am thinking - NA is Travis. He is working two phones at the same time. NA kinda doesn't sound like a woman.

If NA was Michele or Taylor, he/she would/could have mentioned it to the prosecution team, but no one did.
You are prolly correct CL is not NA. CL did sleep with him though on May 1. And Travis' texts afterwards to CL were missing. Therefore you are dead to me text to JA on May 8. If Travis told CL that JA deleted them, CL would not be too happy with JA.

Another possibility I am thinking - NA is Travis. He is working two phones at the same time. NA kinda doesn't sound like a woman.

If NA was Michele or Taylor, he/she would/could have mentioned it to the prosecution team, but no one did.

But....we don't know whether or not Michelle or Taylor spoke to JM about it. There is a great deal that Taylor could have told JM--what Travis told him about May 26, cleaning *advertiser censored* off the computer, all the many conversations Taylor had with Travis about the killer. From interviews Taylor has given, it seems like JM didn't speak much to him, if at all.

NA's area code was Riverside CA. I guess Travis could have had a burn phone and texted for 2, but IMO there was someone else involved.

I think some of the pauses in texting might have been because either Travis or the other was checking for online activity by the killer. Which apparently Travis found, at least after the fact.

It sounds like maybe she was accessing with multiple bogus accounts because the text conversation went on for so long? Travis told her he saw her sign on again and again and again using different bogus accounts....
Where does (or did) Sky live? She was the first one that came to my mind that might help Travis out with this. Whoever it was he would have called to set it up since JA was peeking into all of his other communications. Got the call records for these time periods?

No call records at all for any time, except the snippets introduced into evidence at trial.

IMO Sky would be about the last person he would ask. There's no way she'd be OK discussing his sexual activity, even if he told her he was making it all up. Chris knew more than Sky did about Travis still being in contact with the killer, and he didn't know the extent of it at all.

The killer was very effective at isolating Travis from friends who could have helped him, until really, it was too late.
1. Mysterious Maria was almost certainly the killer.

2. Talie is almost certainly not who she said she was.

3. NA could theoretically have been the killer, but I am 90 plus % certain NA is not JA.

4. I think a trap was set on May 13-14, but it wasn't the killer who set it.

5. Consider what the May text might be about if Travis knew the killer was snooping the conversation the whole time. ;)

6. The 12 year old girl thing definitely smacks one in the face, especially given what we were subjected to at trial. For thst reason almost alone, my 1st thought too was that NA was the killer.

But....consider this, which of course is in my February timeline opus soon to be posted. :D

A week after the Feb text the killer went to LV, and upon return waxed up and dressed up in her little horny school girl outfit, telling T to prepare for a wild night of sex, and that she was bringing the Tootsie pops. ("I wonder how I can break you.")

IMO, that's the connection and why it came up in the May text.

When NA used the term "shirt", was that you paraphrasing? It really stood out for me, it's not a term that I would have thought a real girl/woman would have used when trying to seduce someone... top, blouse, sweater, bra, etc but not shirt. Also when it was asked if he would freak if NA took off all "it's" clothes, say what? Wasn't that the whole point to the invite? Is this the set up you suspect? Sounds to me like it could have been a guy, either set up by JA to trap TA(that how dare you certainly would fit with that type of scenario imo), or possibly one of TA's friends that really doesn't know how to cyber though I'm still not sold on that idea.
Just read on SuperDuper that someone called Perryville to get 'It's' address and was told "Ms Arias is restricted from receiving written correspondence until further notice." Maybe this last 'interview'
with Kareem ticked off the warden.
But....we don't know whether or not Michelle or Taylor spoke to JM about it. There is a great deal that Taylor could have told JM--what Travis told him about May 26, cleaning *advertiser censored* off the computer, all the many conversations Taylor had with Travis about the killer. From interviews Taylor has given, it seems like JM didn't speak much to him, if at all.

NA's area code was Riverside CA. I guess Travis could have had a burn phone and texted for 2, but IMO there was someone else involved.

I think some of the pauses in texting might have been because either Travis or the other was checking for online activity by the killer. Which apparently Travis found, at least after the fact.

It sounds like maybe she was accessing with multiple bogus accounts because the text conversation went on for so long? Travis told her he saw her sign on again and again and again using different bogus accounts....


I wonder if it might have been one of his siblings trying to catch the stalking nutjob?
TA to a friend in May- (paraphrased) "Love isn't a fun game unless you win."

TA to killer on May 26: "Ok, J. You win."

Killer after arrest, muttering to herself-- "beat you, brat."

I listened so many times and all l heard was, "still hate me? brat", too bad BN was a JA fan.... I'd like to have had his equipment used to clean up more than one bit of audio on those videos, too bad he can't be trusted.

Anyone that will take 5 out of 7 separate recordings from a very questionable source, compile them into one long sextape, enhance only one voice on it because it doesn't "match" the quality of the other, and then cut and paste the tape further so as to make it seem that just that one enhanced voice is doing all/most of the "dirty" work....
Just read on SuperDuper that someone called Perryville to get 'It's' address and was told "Ms Arias is restricted from receiving written correspondence until further notice." Maybe this last 'interview'
with Kareem ticked off the warden.

Being so immersed in these particular texts and context has sickened and enraged me enough to feel nothing but pure petty pleasure in hearing that. May there be a harsh smack down every single time she pulls one of these manipulative games.
When NA used the term "shirt", was that you paraphrasing? It really stood out for me, it's not a term that I would have thought a real girl/woman would have used when trying to seduce someone... top, blouse, sweater, bra, etc but not shirt. Also when it was asked if he would freak if NA took off all "it's" clothes, say what? Wasn't that the whole point to the invite? Is this the set up you suspect? Sounds to me like it could have been a guy, either set up by JA to trap TA(that how dare you certainly would fit with that type of scenario imo), or possibly one of TA's friends that really doesn't know how to cyber though I'm still not sold on that idea.

"Shirt" is verbatim, and what an interesting catch, lining up with Pocket's thought it might be a man. I didn't see that at all, but I agree. Shirt isn't much of a sexy word to use in that conversation...

The clothes off thing and freaking is....awkward, but then, with the exception of maybe 10-15 minutes of text, the conversation wasn't explicitly sexual.

What idea are you not sold on?
For me, what is most important to know for sure (as much as it can be known) is whether or not Talie was really the killer. Tires got slashed the night after the text conversation. The killer was clearly in full rage mode. What's possible:

1. The tire slashing had nothing to do with the texting and was a continuation of her rage towards Lisa and her intent to destroy that relationship once and for all. The killer may or may not have snooped the text conversation.

2. Talie was the killer. The killer acknowledges in her journal that she was becoming very active on LDS link up, perhaps because she saw Travis had an account and was active on it. She asks the questions about being a virgin and being temple worthy out of contempt and disdain, and the questions about why he won't have intercourse because that's her goal- to have Travis break that extremely important vow, the one barrier he has put up to shield himself from her owning him and feeling even more guilt than he already does.
She slashes the tires out of rage that he is willing to engage in sex talk with someone other than herself.

2. Talie is real. The killer snoops and is so full of rage she slashes tires. What doesn't fit here. If Talie is a Mormon on a LDS link up site, why would she dare go straight for talk about full intercourse? And if Travis and she are hooking up on a non-LDS site, why would her first questions be about whether or not he was a "good" Mormon?
A whole different perspective on the "May 10" sex tape?

The text exchange with NA was on May 13-14. Travis essentially tells her on the 15th she is busted, and does so more explicitly on May 22. What if she spliced together that tape in response to Travis busting her with the May texting, and telling her she was exposed?

From Juror 13's page, excerpts from the killer's journal, most definitely written after the fact.

May 18. Frustrating times. My Helio phone was stolen. It is hugely inconvenient. I notified a few people, namely Ryan, Steve, & Sam, via email/myspace. (Explicitly not by text {why this detail?} and didn't tell Travis).

Travis was tentatively planning to come and see me, but now it’s been pushed back to the beginning of June. I don’t think it’s a good idea that he comes, as much as I miss his company. Besides, I think he just wants to see me for one reason, and so that’s definitely not a good idea. I’m just not physically attracted to him anymore.

May 22. Sad news: I finally had “the conversation” w/Travis and it did not go well. I sort of put it to him already in an email I sent a few days ago and he didn’t like that either, nor did he take the hint. so I realized I had to be a little bit more direct.

I told him that of course I’m looking for his impending visit, that I can’t wait to check more things off of the list (from 1,000 Places), but that we probably would be better off in all ways if we were not physical. He got offended and upset, then acted distant. I tried being so sweet & speak kindly to him, playing up all of the advantages of not violating the law of chastity, and he didn’t want to hear any of it. He said he already knows all of that.

Then it got worse, he asked me who I’m seeing, have I been getting my kicks w/someone else, etc. Of course I swore that I wasn’t (which is true) but also pointed out that even if I was, then that’s my right. Well, even sadder is we agreed to amicably part ways. He is an amazing person, and he’s told me countless times that I am one of the most beautiful people he’s ever met – on the inside & out. But it is really better this way.

We both agreed to change our passwords, which we had exchanged eons ago to establish, or re-establish “trust which we had both violated, so no more of that. We had picked 2 accounts, so I chose Facebook & Gmail & he chose Facebook & Myspace. (translated- the break happened because of my going into his GMail, so I need to lie about being given access).

We are truly good people at the core, both of us, but we can’t behave ourselves when we’re around each other, not even over the phone. He said I am still like kryptonite to him. But I’m tired of being guilt-ridden when the air clears.

I knew it was wrong going over there all of those nights, but I couldn’t say no to him, I couldn’t not pick up the phone. He would rationalize it saying “it’s really not that bad,” or “come on, I want to please you,” and I was weak. I went anyway, I answered the phone anyway. (All the transgressions were his fault. I'm a better Mormon than he was. Oops. Than he is).

Moving has certainly helped me morally. I don’t know if it has him or if he’s found a replacement booty-call. For his sake I hope he hasn’t, not because it would be a replacement but because it is not spiritually productive. We both want to get married and I don’t think either of us is anywhere near that if we continue to act immorally.

I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. ("Last week" from the 22 is NOT May 2...)

It would make a steamy romance novel sound like script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. Well they’re gone now & we won’t be making more.

She had from the 18th to stuff the Helio with spliced sex tape and the manufactured "May 2" text.
Don't forget JA came from the same general area and still has "loyal" friends there ... look at a map.

Oh, I didn't know she had friends in the Riverside area. I thought she was from some distance away. Thanks.
"Shirt" is verbatim, and what an interesting catch, lining up with Pocket's thought it might be a man. I didn't see that at all, but I agree. Shirt isn't much of a sexy word to use in that conversation...

The clothes off thing and freaking is....awkward, but then, with the exception of maybe 10-15 minutes of text, the conversation wasn't explicitly sexual.

What idea are you not sold on?

I'm not totally sold that TA set her up using one of his friends as bait, plus I'm not sold that any of his friends could or would have been able to oblige, even as awkwardly as the conversation with NA went and yes TS did cross my mind too. Don't forget they were quite vocal about girls that dated around(not to be confused with actually having sex with multiple partners) as being ho's.. I doubt any of them had any great depth of knowledge when it came to sex either.

I still don't believe TA was anywhere near as active sexually as many seem to believe, ie him and CL sleeping together... I don't recall seeing where CL and TA went "all the way", just that he had surprised her with his knowledge of oral sex(remember JA's comment about Bill Clinton's definition). Heck, the texts you showed here sure seemed to show TA just wanted some "relief"(ie grinding/bj/hj/cyber), a far cry imo from someone who planned to have intercourse with whoever was willing.

However, I could see him possibly monitoring JA's attempted logins/responses to see if they coincide with any of his flirt chats with others, but he really wasn't technologically savvy enough imo to have set up anything else.

As for NA being the killer, only if NA was JA... either using one of her many cell phones(some of the language did seem more in keeping with her "normal" way of speaking, I can even see her as saying shirt, but then I'm the one that suggested that she might be a hermaphrodite and it wasn't a tootsie roll people were seeing...).

My point about her having friends in CA, were more along the line of what was the Helio cell number from the phone that GS got her in May, or how about the one she claimed to have got near the end of April, let alone the possibility that she was using one of those forwarding type of services so your call can't be traced back to your real number, but a proxy.
... He is an amazing person, and he’s told me countless times that I am one of the most beautiful people he’s ever met – on the inside & out.


Did she ask him to say it? le sigh..
I'm not totally sold that TA set her up using one of his friends as bait, plus I'm not sold that any of his friends could or would have been able to oblige, even as awkwardly as the conversation with NA went and yes TS did cross my mind too. Don't forget they were quite vocal about girls that dated around(not to be confused with actually having sex with multiple partners) as being ho's.. I doubt any of them had any great depth of knowledge when it came to sex either.

I still don't believe TA was anywhere near as active sexually as many seem to believe, ie him and CL sleeping together... I don't recall seeing where CL and TA went "all the way", just that he had surprised her with his knowledge of oral sex(remember JA's comment about Bill Clinton's definition). Heck, the texts you showed here sure seemed to show TA just wanted some "relief"(ie grinding/bj/hj/cyber), a far cry imo from someone who planned to have intercourse with whoever was willing.

However, I could see him possibly monitoring JA's attempted logins/responses to see if they coincide with any of his flirt chats with others, but he really wasn't technologically savvy enough imo to have set up anything else.

As for NA being the killer, only if NA was JA... either using one of her many cell phones(some of the language did seem more in keeping with her "normal" way of speaking, I can even see her as saying shirt, but then I'm the one that suggested that she might be a hermaphrodite and it wasn't a tootsie roll people were seeing...).

My point about her having friends in CA, were more along the line of what was the Helio cell number from the phone that GS got her in May, or how about the one she claimed to have got near the end of April, let alone the possibility that she was using one of those forwarding type of services so your call can't be traced back to your real number, but a proxy.

There was only one phone number of the killer's used for all her texts sent in her name.

One of the many reasons I'm convinced NA was not the killer: The DT had only a few pathetic tidbits (besides her venomous lies on the stand) to suggest TA was a pedophile. If I read the May 13 text presumably the DT did too. Here was Travis having an explicit discussion about a 12 year old girl. Why didn't Nurmi use it? Because he didn't dare go there, IMO, because it would have opened more doors to demonstrating her snooping, not to mention the fact Travis clearly was NOT interested in the 12 year old girl concept. That was HER fantasy, not his.

As for TA's degree of sexually activity. I agree. He meant what he said, IMO, about not wanting to break the big vow of full intercourse. It was a huge part of what he meant when he told the killer on May 26 that she had tried to ruin him.
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