Serious DNA discussion

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Seriously though this should scare people. If she is using this to clear people will it also be used to convict? She is going down a dangerous road.

Ames, does "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" mean anything to you?

I appreciate your concern, trixie. But she'll be gone in just a few months. (That doesn't mean the next goober won't be worse)
If I had matching unknown male DNA in more than one form, on more than one article of clothing that I don't remember putting on, with some of the unknown male DNA mixed in with stains of my blood, I would be VERY amazed.

Well, I, for one, am very glad you've never encountered this situation...because, I don't think I could handle the can only laugh so hard without busting one's gut.

You stated "I suppose it is possible that the Ramsey's knew the killer, or knew information about the crime. However, I believe the evidence speaks for itself as to who assaulted/killed her. It wasn't them."

Just because there is one more piece to the puzzle to consider (this new Touch DNA) one cannot exclude the other pieces, like the ransom note, Patsy's sweater fibers found on the garrote knot and on the sticky side of the duct tape, the reference to $118,000 in the note, the pineapple, or the actions of the Ramsey's following the crime. The DNA does not PROVE it belonged to the killer. For all we know it belongs to a 5 year old boy.

It's just one more piece of evidence to be considered, but it certainly does not exonerate the Ramsey's, especially if JonBenet was being sexually molested on an on-going basis prior to the crime which was the consenses by experts. The Ramsey's are not innocent of anything in my book. Even if this DNA turned out to be linked to the crime, the Ramsey's did everything they could to not cooperate with authorities. Patsy Ramsey exhibits classic signs of mental illness.
Nedthan Johns
Just because there is one more piece to the puzzle to consider (this new Touch DNA) one cannot exclude the other pieces, like the ransom note, Patsy's sweater fibers found on the garrote knot and on the sticky side of the duct tape, the reference to $118,000 in the note, the pineapple, or the actions of the Ramsey's following the crime. The DNA does not PROVE it belonged to the killer. For all we know it belongs to a 5 year old boy.

It's just one more piece of evidence to be considered, but it certainly does not exonerate the Ramsey's, especially if JonBenet was being sexually molested on an on-going basis prior to the crime which was the consenses by experts. The Ramsey's are not innocent of anything in my book. Even if this DNA turned out to be linked to the crime, the Ramsey's did everything they could to not cooperate with authorities. Patsy Ramsey exhibits classic signs of mental illness.
Today 02:15 AM

Yeah...what he says!....

If Patsy did this - she was indeed very mentally, well, troubled. I try to let the facts settle in my mind and see what may come out intuitively - but not a heck lot does. It's the sheer lunacy of the situation....mainly, the ransom note - it's crazy. I posted early, that if P. premeditated this (and if she has a mental disorder, even a borderline personality disorder, it's possible) - she did certain things, especially the note, as a little 'jab' to John...all the little details & innuendos, etc. That note is a sign of lunacy - perhaps done in the 'heat' of the moment or done by someone (in cold blood) who was not mentally stable.

You stated "I suppose it is possible that the Ramsey's knew the killer, or knew information about the crime. However, I believe the evidence speaks for itself as to who assaulted/killed her. It wasn't them."

Just because there is one more piece to the puzzle to consider (this new Touch DNA) one cannot exclude the other pieces, like the ransom note, Patsy's sweater fibers found on the garrote knot and on the sticky side of the duct tape, the reference to $118,000 in the note, the pineapple, or the actions of the Ramsey's following the crime. The DNA does not PROVE it belonged to the killer. For all we know it belongs to a 5 year old boy.

It's just one more piece of evidence to be considered, but it certainly does not exonerate the Ramsey's, especially if JonBenet was being sexually molested on an on-going basis prior to the crime which was the consenses by experts. The Ramsey's are not innocent of anything in my book. Even if this DNA turned out to be linked to the crime, the Ramsey's did everything they could to not cooperate with authorities. Patsy Ramsey exhibits classic signs of mental illness.

Maybe, maybe not.

It is one more piece of evidence, at the very least. And its IDI supporting evidence, lets not leave that out.

Another poster posted that if the circumstances under which the DNA was found met their criteria, then they would 'consider' it was deposted there criminally. IOW we don't need to know who the DNA depositor is to know it was left during a criminal act.

My guess is that it is not just the DNA itself, but the circumstances under which the DNA was found, that has tipped the scales away from RDI. Maybe RDI just hasn't figured that out yet.
Jane Osa said:
If Patsy did this - she was indeed very mentally, well, troubled. I try to let the facts settle in my mind and see what may come out intuitively - but not a heck lot does. It's the sheer lunacy of the situation....mainly, the ransom note - it's crazy. I posted early, that if P. premeditated this (and if she has a mental disorder, even a borderline personality disorder, it's possible) - she did certain things, especially the note, as a little 'jab' to John...all the little details & innuendos, etc. That note is a sign of lunacy - perhaps done in the 'heat' of the moment or done by someone (in cold blood) who was not mentally stable.

The RN was a jab, and it was done in cold blood by someone not mentally stable. Only it wasn't PR.
Imagine this......

it turns out JB scratched a little boy she was playing with.....

gets his dna under her nail & transfers that to her genitals (where it later mixes with her blood.) She also transfers a bit to her own clothing.

30 years later.. this little boy commits some serious crime... his dna is tested & it comes up a match for the sample in the JB case.

Really, that would be THE perfect wacky twist to this whole sad story. All because the investigation was never given a chance to succeed.
Even if this DNA turned out to be linked to the crime, the Ramsey's did everything they could to not cooperate with authorities. Patsy Ramsey exhibits classic signs of mental illness.

Not cooperating with the authorities, and mental illness, are your claims that even if true, aren't murder. If the DNA was linked to the crime, then thats murder.

PR over-cooperated in my book. She agreed to write the ransom note exact words with both hands, after having seen the original. Technically her samples could be thrown out, because those handwriting 'samples' weren't 'samples' at all. They were not randomly collected, nor were they written in an unbiased way. She knew what the words were and how they looked before she started writing, and that makes her samples void.
Not cooperating with the authorities, and mental illness, are your claims that even if true, aren't murder. If the DNA was linked to the crime, then thats murder.

PR over-cooperated in my book. She agreed to write the ransom note exact words with both hands, after having seen the original. Technically her samples could be thrown out, because those handwriting 'samples' weren't 'samples' at all. They were not randomly collected, nor were they written in an unbiased way. She knew what the words were and how they looked before she started writing, and that makes her samples void.

There's no such thing as 'over cooperating' when you want to find out who killed your child.
There's no such thing as 'over cooperating' when you want to find out who killed your child.

Of course there is!

You know you've overcooperated as soon as someone then draws the wrong conclusion and stops looking for who really killed your child.
Of course there is!

You know you've overcooperated as soon as someone then draws the wrong conclusion and stops looking for who really killed your child.

You know you UNDER cooperated when you stall LE for so long that they can't effectively rule you out once & for all.

Maybe the single worst mistake was refusing to do the separate interviews at THE earliest date possible.

When the lawyers forced LE to interview the Ramseys as IF they were already SUSPECTS & were entitled to be treated with those specific rights.... that simply turned them into PRIME SUSPECTS in the eyes of LE and the public.

The Ramsey's fate was sealed. For all time. Unless they ever find the 'real killer.'

Despite what Lacy wants to pretend.
Not cooperating with the authorities, and mental illness, are your claims that even if true, aren't murder. If the DNA was linked to the crime, then thats murder.

PR over-cooperated in my book. She agreed to write the ransom note exact words with both hands, after having seen the original. Technically her samples could be thrown out, because those handwriting 'samples' weren't 'samples' at all. They were not randomly collected, nor were they written in an unbiased way. She knew what the words were and how they looked before she started writing, and that makes her samples void.

Well thank God most criminals don't "overcooperate" the way the Ramseys did.

But then they don't get that chance, because every place is not like Boulder. We can thank God for that to.

If you believe in God.
Well thank God most criminals don't "overcooperate" the way the Ramseys did.

But then they don't get that chance, because every place is not like Boulder. We can thank God for that to.

If you believe in God.

Amen, Solace.
I don't believe in the god you do, but I get what you're saying.

If everyone "overcooperated" like that, no crimes would be solved.

PR over-cooperated in my book. She agreed to write the ransom note exact words with both hands, after having seen the original. Technically her samples could be thrown out, because those handwriting 'samples' weren't 'samples' at all. They were not randomly collected, nor were they written in an unbiased way. She knew what the words were and how they looked before she started writing, and that makes her samples void

Riiiiiighhttt...(creeps away)

There's no such thing as 'over cooperating' when you want to find out who killed your child.

I think Marc Klaas and Brenda Van Dam would agree.

You know you've overcooperated as soon as someone then draws the wrong conclusion and stops looking for who really killed your child.

Another myth that's been accepted as truth.
Not cooperating with the authorities, and mental illness, are your claims that even if true, aren't murder. If the DNA was linked to the crime, then thats murder.

PR over-cooperated in my book. She agreed to write the ransom note exact words with both hands, after having seen the original. Technically her samples could be thrown out, because those handwriting 'samples' weren't 'samples' at all. They were not randomly collected, nor were they written in an unbiased way. She knew what the words were and how they looked before she started writing, and that makes her samples void.

She saw/wrote the original when JB died...and HOW MANY WEEKS was it after that dido she have to submit those handwriting ? Like she is going to remember what those letters look like. Also...they DID take random samples from her also. Hey, what do you make of the fact that Patsy started typing her comments in Burkes School Friday folder, right after JB died? Hmmmmm, sounds a little suspicious to me.

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