Serious DNA discussion

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
um,how can you say what you would do? having all that adrenaline going,knowing you'd better have an explantion for your dead daughter in the house..and if it weren't YOU who actually wrote the had a spouse do it..makes it a whole different story.I don't think JR held out much hope on getting away with it anyway.the evidence might as well point twds Patsy.I think he did a lot of hiding behind her,and directing things her way.

sure,that's why JR had Patsy write skin off his nose.

why would we 'need' to have her guilty??? none of us knew her,we therefore don't have any personal interest in saying we believe she was invovled in JB's death and subsequent writing of the RN.we follow the evidence,and go where it leads,and it leads to the R's.
otoh,why do you have the need for the R's to be the point of going overboard and creating ridiculous theories and denying and twisting the RN?
calm,yes,that's my style.I have no use in waging an intenet war.I usually ignore snippy posts,but since you're calm about it,I have no problem answering.

if you were interested in a pausable explanation,you wouldn't be trying to beat me to the punch by insulting anything I have to say beforehand.

if you were interested in a pausable explanation,you wouldn't be trying to beat me to the punch by insulting anything I have to say beforehand.
The original author may think that that was quite an intelligent remark, since the author probably has as a working assumption that everyone else simply makes it up as they go along?


The original author may think that that was quite an intelligent remark, since the author probably has as a working assumption that everyone else simply makes it up as they go along?

LOL,I know,it's silly,he's the one making it up as he goes..the ridiculous pineapple hydration theory,not taking JB to be his future bride in a foreign country b/c she wasn't a true blue-eyed blond haired child,denying the RN-bible/use of religious words connection,and trying to make a military connection out of an obviously feminine,passive fake RN.cheesy.
it's my opinion you have some interest in making the R's appear innocent.

I think many here have an overzealous interest in showing RDI. Heck, even if there were truly exonerating evidence, like unknown DNA showing up in several places at the crime scene, many here would cling to RDI because its all they want. Oh, wait. The R's WERE exonerated. They DID find multiple DNA traces.


BTW, high level college vocabulary word for the day: exonerated.

And I don't think you DO think it's silly,same way I don't think you really believe it's a fanatical religious connection on my part.going a bit overboard,don't you think? (I'm not even fanatically religious) :)

I read this a few times and still couldn't figure it out. Too convoluted.
LOL,I know,it's silly,he's the one making it up as he goes..the ridiculous pineapple hydration theory,not taking JB to be his future bride in a foreign country b/c she wasn't a true blue-eyed blond haired child,denying the RN-bible/use of religious words connection,and trying to make a military connection out of an obviously feminine,passive fake RN.cheesy.

Really, JBR wasn't blond haired or blue eyed? I just guessed at that one.

Another poster agreed that food makes an excellent reward, especially for children. Anyone who hasn't had any water for hours and hours is going to jump thru hoops for some day old pineapple, doncha think? You can go ahead and call it ridiculous if you want. The bowl of pineapple supports the idea that JBR was being prepared to leave when something went wrong.
You or I or any would not leave any handwriting, let alone excess words, at a capital crime, if we lived there.

Its a fact that the farther you are away from the RN, the less risk involved in writing it. I believe the perp knew that when he wrote it.

RDI simply and calmly states that PR was a drama queen and 'needed' to write a long rambling note, but RDI offers nothing to support it. Its a claim because RDI 'needs' to have PR be guilty, and the only way PR would be guilty is to make sure she 'needed' to write the note.

If there was a rational reason why PR would 'need' to write not just a note but a 2 1/2 page note, please describe it. It would be fiction but go ahead anyway.

Its been argued by RDI that PR needed to write the note to 'explain the dead child in the basement'. Why? If the RN didn't exist, you would have JBR, a garrote, a 2nd ligature, unsourced cord and tape, and unknown male DNA on more than one article of clothing she was wearing at the time. Really, RDI, please explain HOW a 2 1/2 page ransom note could possibly help someone who lived there. Remember you or I wouldn't do it, right?

Here's one possible reason why a rambling RN could have been written by PR.....

the longer you spend time writing the RN, the longer you put off dealing with the NEXT STEPS.

A long RN occupies some time.... it's almost 'relaxing' to be 'creative' after the violence you've just been through.

As long as you're focused on creating this fantasy/drama that some stranger kidnapped your child, you are avoiding facing the REALITY of the situation.

If the Ramseys are responsible, I can't imagine they would be in any rush to go upstairs to wait.... wait.... wait..... wait.... wait.... until it was 'safe' to call 911 & face what's yet to come.
You or I or any would not leave any handwriting, let alone excess words, at a capital crime, if we lived there.

Talk's cheap.

RDI simply and calmly states that PR was a drama queen and 'needed' to write a long rambling note, but RDI offers nothing to support it. Its a claim because RDI 'needs' to have PR be guilty, and the only way PR would be guilty is to make sure she 'needed' to write the note.

Actually, Holdon, we're doing exactly what you keep asking for: giving you history. PR was known as a drama queen, and over-the-top kind of person way BEFORE the crime occurred. You keep asking us for history. THAT'S WHAT I"M DOING! (I'm getting that bad feeling again, folks!)

If there was a rational reason why PR would 'need' to write not just a note but a 2 1/2 page note, please describe it. It would be fiction but go ahead anyway.

Who says it has to be rational? But if you insist: what about their son? I mean, sometimes I wonder whether or not it was the police they were trying to fool. Maybe she was trying to fool the rest of her family. You know, give them an excuse to believe she didn't do it.

Its been argued by RDI that PR needed to write the note to 'explain the dead child in the basement'. Why?

Because once you stage a crime scene, you need a criminal to go with it. That's simple.

If the RN didn't exist, you would have JBR, a garrote, a 2nd ligature, unsourced cord and tape, and unknown male DNA on more than one article of clothing she was wearing at the time. Really, RDI, please explain HOW a 2 1/2 page ransom note could possibly help someone who lived there. Remember you or I wouldn't do it, right?

Who says you or I wouldn't do it? I don't even agree with that. I don't KNOW what I would do in a spot like that, and I pray I never have to find out!
Really, JBR wasn't blond haired or blue eyed? I just guessed at that one.

No you didn't. I remember you saying quite a while back that you felt one of the reasons that the "foreign kidnappers" changed their minds was because the saw her dark roots and saw her eyes sans their blue contacts.
The military doesn't care if you're exhausted, they keep you marching!

As a matter of fact, I just recently learned that this happened to my nephew in the Army. He tore cartilage in his knee and they kept him marching and gave him major doses of Ibuprofen until he developed a severe GI Bleed.

The military personnel that you think wrote this: I advise you to be well rested because tomorrow will be exhausting,

I think Patsy wrote it, possibly with John's help. John did train in the military at Subic Bay.

Bumping for H.O.H.

P.S. Patsy changed her handwriting after JB's death, and JB was a dyed blonde, natural brunette. I've seen pictures of her at age 4 as a total brunette.
Bumping for H.O.H.

P.S. Patsy changed her handwriting after JB's death, and JB was a dyed blonde, natural brunette. I've seen pictures of her at age 4 as a total brunette.

I'll have to include that picture.
I think many here have an overzealous interest in showing RDI. Heck, even if there were truly exonerating evidence, like unknown DNA showing up in several places at the crime scene, many here would cling to RDI because its all they want. Oh, wait. The R's WERE exonerated. They DID find multiple DNA traces.


BTW, high level college vocabulary word for the day: exonerated.

I read this a few times and still couldn't figure it out. Too convoluted.
the Ramsey's are far from exonerated.everyone knows Lacy had no business doing what she did;should be interesting to see what she does when she leaves office.

convoluted=excuse for you knowing why I said it.
You said the connection to the bible and RN was one that was fanatically religious.
No you didn't. I remember you saying quite a while back that you felt one of the reasons that the "foreign kidnappers" changed their minds was because the saw her dark roots and saw her eyes sans their blue contacts.
I SECOND THAT! yes,indeed he certainly DID say that!:clap::clap::clap:

No you didn't. I remember you saying quite a while back that you felt one of the reasons that the "foreign kidnappers" changed their minds was because the saw her dark roots and saw her eyes sans their blue contacts.

Now you know he just makes it up as he goes along!
I SECOND THAT! yes,indeed he certainly DID say that!:clap::clap::clap:


And I THIRD that...he most certainly DID say that. Makes me wonder if he is just here to stir up trouble, ya know.
Not a thing. And a lot of people wonder just what was involved.

TY for the response SD.
Hmmm .... not even any mumblings or rumours from Boulder about who, within the chain of contact with the body, would be eliminated as a source of contamination.
TY for the response SD.
Hmmm .... not even any mumblings or rumours from Boulder about who, within the chain of contact with the body, would be eliminated as a source of contamination.

Isn't that just convenient, Tadpole12?
Hi, In french the word attaché means; file attatched to an email. And a person working at an embassy or in a government department. In the RN sense it was a zeitgiest word of the 1970's (heck i even had an attaché for my ballet clothes, before I rebelled!) So I suppose we can rule out french speaking factions :)

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