Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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Your 2 cents are greatly appreciated being as I share many of the same views as you. I too thought it was very odd that they 'found her' not only on the day of the vigil, but literally right before it. I must have said it a thousand times that day, to 2 thousand different people... and every one agreed as well. No one will buy the 'accidental' death situation. I don't. And I shouldn't. And no one else should either unless otherwise stated by the ME. I do know that anything is possible, and usually the most obvious answer, is usually the correct answer, but I don't think so this time. I for some reason have a hunch that MP is very guilty of something. Maybe he's just covering up, but to me that is guilt enough. It sucks, because although I may suspect someone more or less then someone else, I really don't know what to think. I can ALWAYS come up with 100 reasons why it's JB and or why it's Pak, or how it could be someone else, and just when I get those 100 reasons, I think of 100 reasons why it's NOT each one of them and then I am back at square one....

Am I chasing my own tail here????????
i come back to pak too.
every time.

i have a zillion questions for him.
maybe two zillion.

Thank you for sharing your experience Lilmiss... Regarding SG's case, the very fact that she RAN from MP is a HUGE clue!!! Why would she do that if he was supposed to be her "safety net"? Something is rotten in Denmark and in Long Island.
it's curious to me....

Gilbert's remains have not been released yet (per her family's facebook site)

yet Whitney Houston's remains have already been released but cause of death is still pending for the obvious tests...

I don't understand this.

edited to add --

there was also previously a post by Gilbert's family referring to the medical examiner as "she" so I'm assuming it's the Chief Med Examiner of Suffolk County as named on the county website here:
it's curious to me....

Gilbert's remains have not been released yet (per her family's facebook site)

yet Whitney Houston's remains have already been released but cause of death is still pending for the obvious tests...

I don't understand this.

edited to add --

there was also previously a post by Gilbert's family referring to the medical examiner as "she" so I'm assuming it's the Chief Med Examiner of Suffolk County as named on the county website here:

Well, with Whitney Houston they had the whole body and it was in pretty good shape. With Shannan they just had bones. Plus, I think they want to be extremely thorough in Shannan's case, considering that the cause of death could potentially be of major importance to the other bodies found on Gilgo.

Not an expert, just a hunch.
this was posted on the Gilbert family facebook site:

It has been exactly 2 months since Shannan's remains were found in Oak Beach, Long Island. We were hoping to have a burial ceremony within the few weeks we were notified, but we have still not received her remains or a cause of death. Please pray we hear some news soon. Thanks & God bless.
it's curious to me....

Gilbert's remains have not been released yet (per her family's facebook site)

yet Whitney Houston's remains have already been released but cause of death is still pending for the obvious tests...

I don't understand this.

edited to add --

there was also previously a post by Gilbert's family referring to the medical examiner as "she" so I'm assuming it's the Chief Med Examiner of Suffolk County as named on the county website here:

Hi Mrs. PC

I was under the impression that the medical examiner
was in NYC. NOT long island........ i wonder why i think that.

this was posted on the Gilbert family facebook site:

It has been exactly 2 months since Shannan's remains were found in Oak Beach, Long Island. We were hoping to have a burial ceremony within the few weeks we were notified, but we have still not received her remains or a cause of death. Please pray we hear some news soon. Thanks & God bless.

When could Shannan's family request a second opinion on the cause of death? I guess the body has to be released by the Coroner's office, but if they are dragging their feet, could the family request a second opinion now?
Hi Mrs. PC

I was under the impression that the medical examiner
was in NYC. NOT long island........ i wonder why i think that.


I remember ppl talking and saying on here after her body was found that NYC takes over these cases because of the lab being able to take on difficult cases better?
I remember ppl talking and saying on here after her body was found that NYC takes over these cases because of the lab being able to take on difficult cases better?

yep, I was going to post the same thing...

as far as I recall, there was a poster who was just speculating that it might be the case where NYC takes over...but IMO I don't believe there are any actual reports on that being the case.
When could Shannan's family request a second opinion on the cause of death? I guess the body has to be released by the Coroner's office, but if they are dragging their feet, could the family request a second opinion now?

That's a good question....but I haven't a clue if a 2nd opinion can be requested until the 1st autopsy is complete.

It does seem like they are stalling though.
She wouldn't have known that it was a marsh. To her, it probably looked like a dry corn field from Anchor Way. But she ran in, then she got lost. Then she got wet, probably falling face first into 3-4 feet of water, her fear of water notwithstanding.

These reeds are 7-10 feet tall, so I'm not sure why you think this wasn't an obvious choice to hide for someone who by all accounts was irrationally attempting to flee and hide from an imagined threat.

Her mother also said she wasn't into drugs, but others close to her state that she was into ecstasy and cocaine. We can't discount a drug interaction because her mom says so.

I agree with you though that Shannan didn't run in there thinking "I'll swim away from my imagined attacker". She had no idea that she was running into a tidal marsh that was swamped after heavy flooding.
I agree entirely, it is looking to me more and more that the authorities may be right, she drowned or suffered from hypothermia. Shannan was mentally ill and was likely in a frenzy, there have been reports that she has acted like she did that night before, running out of other homes in a seeming panic for reasons nobody can explain other than it being the result of her mental illness. As sad as all of this is I am just not seeing a connection with the LISK in this case and all evidence points towards someone running in to a dark marshy area, not knowing water and muck were in there, likely getting caught in said water and muck and freezing to death. IMO there was no threat, it was imagined and it was the result of her mental problems, very sad indeed but this just doesnt seem to have any of the telltale signs of a murder like the others do, ie burlap sacks, bodies mutilated etc.

Did anyone catch that letter to the editor that was written by a detective from SC where he says he listened to the 9-11 calls and that Shannan was calm during that call and that there is no evidence she ran out of the house yelling someone was trying to kill her and that there are reports she has acted this way on other occasions with no reason for needing to do so? It was on that LISK site but it is closed down now and I didnt save it.
I agree entirely, it is looking to me more and more that the authorities may be right, she drowned or suffered from hypothermia. Shannan was mentally ill and was likely in a frenzy, there have been reports that she has acted like she did that night before, running out of other homes in a seeming panic for reasons nobody can explain other than it being the result of her mental illness. As sad as all of this is I am just not seeing a connection with the LISK in this case and all evidence points towards someone running in to a dark marshy area, not knowing water and muck were in there, likely getting caught in said water and muck and freezing to death. IMO there was no threat, it was imagined and it was the result of her mental problems, very sad indeed but this just doesnt seem to have any of the telltale signs of a murder like the others do, ie burlap sacks, bodies mutilated etc.

Did anyone catch that letter to the editor that was written by a detective from SC where he says he listened to the 9-11 calls and that Shannan was calm during that call and that there is no evidence she ran out of the house yelling someone was trying to kill her and that there are reports she has acted this way on other occasions with no reason for needing to do so? It was on that LISK site but it is closed down now and I didnt save it.

Someone did post that article, and I've cited it in previous posts. It's irritating that this wasn't made public earlier in the investigation. It's a line of questioning that the media could have pursued with MP.
Someone did post that article, and I've cited it in previous posts. It's irritating that this wasn't made public earlier in the investigation. It's a line of questioning that the media could have pursued with MP.

Indeed and I agree, well said.
Shannan was mentally ill and was likely in a frenzy, there have been reports that she has acted like she did that night before, running out of other homes in a seeming panic for reasons nobody can explain other than it being the result of her mental illness

This is more MP and JB Bulls <mod snip> statements. I guess that is why AD, her boyfriend, previously broke her jaw too; her behavior!

I was not there that night however the people who described SG's behavior as 'mental illness' are the POI!

I have some experience in these matters, and you should understand in every way that SG was a functioning individual able to support herself. If she was suffering from manic-depression (Bi-Polar disorder) she is not that unusual. It is estimated by some that 20% of CEO's have some form of Bi-Polar disorder.

She was not a cuckoo like some POI are intimating. Was she scared, terrified and in fear for her life? Damn Right she was, and she had good reason to be as she did end up dead.

Let us not fall in the trap we so often do, of blaming the victim. If any of us were in her place that night and experienced what she had, how many of us would have been cool, calm, detached and 'normal'?

SG was the victim; she did not bring it on herself and mental or physical health should not be used to absolve responsibility of the culprits.

If anything if she was suffering health issues it makes the crime more heinous.

Shannan was mentally ill and was likely in a frenzy, there have been reports that she has acted like she did that night before, running out of other homes in a seeming panic for reasons nobody can explain other than it being the result of her mental illness

This is more MP and JB Bulls--t statements. I guess that is why AD, her boyfriend, previously broke her jaw too; her behavior!

I was not there that night however the people who described SG's behavior as 'mental illness' are the POI!

I have some experience in these matters, and you should understand in every way that SG was a functioning individual able to support herself. If she was suffering from manic-depression (Bi-Polar disorder) she is not that unusual. It is estimated by some that 20% of CEO's have some form of Bi-Polar disorder.

She was not a cuckoo like some POI are intimating. Was she scared, terrified and in fear for her life? Damn Right she was, and she had good reason to be as she did end up dead.

Let us not fall in the trap we so often do, of blaming the victim. If any of us were in her place that night and experienced what she had, how many of us would have been cool, calm, detached and 'normal'?

SG was the victim; she did not bring it on herself and mental or physical health should not be used to absolve responsibility of the culprits.

If anything if she was suffering health issues it makes the crime more heinous.


Her BF breaking her jaw has nothing to do with this discussion, that is called hyperbole. I stated what I did after a close examination of the facts of this case and listening to what LE has to say, since they know a lot more than we do and I came to the conclusion that right now at this point the evidence supports her dying in some way not related to murder.

I am not 'blaming the victim.' I also do not know anything about "more MP and JB Bulls--t statements," what I referenced in my post came directly from a statement made by a detective involved in the case who wrote a letter to the editor of a local news publication and who listened to the 9-11 calls himself and concluded what I stated above from them.

I certainly respect those who feel it is a murder case and if it is I hope the that allegedly killed her is brought to justice and punished for his crime, but I also am not going to lose site of the fact that this may not in fact be a murder and it could very well be that she died accidently and as a result of her going in to an irrational frenzy due to her mental illness.

In short, I am just keeping an open mind.

I could end up being very wrong about that and if I am I will revisit this post and eat my crow accordingly, but at this time I can only go by what the facts in front of me say and those facts do not point to this being a murder case.

Only time will tell.
Hi Mrs. PC

I was under the impression that the medical examiner
was in NYC. NOT long island........ i wonder why i think that.


The remains of all of the victims were brought to the NYC ME's office and one of the NYC ME vans were on the scene the entire week they were searching for SG (including the day they found her). It is indeed speculation that her remains are in the hands of the NYC ME's office (but given the facts, it is most likely).
Her BF breaking her jaw has nothing to do with this discussion, that is called hyperbole. I stated what I did after a close examination of the facts of this case and listening to what LE has to say, since they know a lot more than we do and I came to the conclusion that right now at this point the evidence supports her dying in some way not related to murder.

I am not 'blaming the victim.' I also do not know anything about "more MP and JB Bulls--t statements," what I referenced in my post came directly from a statement made by a detective involved in the case who wrote a letter to the editor of a local news publication and who listened to the 9-11 calls himself and concluded what I stated above from them.

I certainly respect those who feel it is a murder case and if it is I hope the that allegedly killed her is brought to justice and punished for his crime, but I also am not going to lose site of the fact that this may not in fact be a murder and it could very well be that she died accidently and as a result of her going in to an irrational frenzy due to her mental illness.

In short, I am just keeping an open mind.

I could end up being very wrong about that and if I am I will revisit this post and eat my crow accordingly, but at this time I can only go by what the facts in front of me say and those facts do not point to this being a murder case.

Only time will tell.
Without intending to disrespect SG or her family I tend to agree with Paximus. We can speculate all that we want but the simple fact remains that we are missing many crucial pieces of information to rationally understand this case.

For instance, the relationship between SG & her family is sketchy. It has been reported that SG and her sisters were removed from Mari's home by the state authorities and eventually they were all returned to her except for SG (who continued to be raised by foster parents).

What does this indicate??
Without intending to disrespect SG or her family I tend to agree with Paximus. We can speculate all that we want but the simple fact remains that we are missing many crucial pieces of information to rationally understand this case.

For instance, the relationship between SG & her family is sketchy. It has been reported that SG and her sisters were removed from Mari's home by the state authorities and eventually they were all returned to her except for SG (who continued to be raised by foster parents).

What does this indicate??

what does a foster parent relationship have to do with SG disappearing?
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