Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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Good point about MP telling Colletti that "Shannan was going to be in trouble now"'

Surprised PB didn't pick that up but than again, Mock.....Leave it up to you to pick up on 1 of 2 things:
1. Colletti ias full of CRAP, like I have suspected the whole time
2. The Production company of 48 hours felt they wanted to focus on that ..... Or was it Colletti?

But that point was well digested my friend. Mock your name gets to the point I'd say....To Kill A Mocking Bird.

I don't get the purpose of posters picking names that are methodically picked & their purpose of such a stamp. But I still go by Freud's view & that is everything is for a reason.

Waste of time I guess......
Good point about MP telling Colletti that "Shannan was going to be in trouble now"'

Surprised PB didn't pick that up but than again, Mock.....Leave it up to you to pick up on 1 of 2 things:
1. Colletti ias full of CRAP, like I have suspected the whole time
2. The Production company of 48 hours felt they wanted to focus on that ..... Or was it Colletti?

But that point was well digested my friend. Mock your name gets to the point I'd say....To Kill A Mocking Bird.

I don't get the purpose of posters picking names that are methodically picked & their purpose of such a stamp. But I still go by Freud's view & that is everything is for a reason.

Waste of time I guess......

So now Coletti is in on the conspiracy to kill SG? Or how to understand your post?
... she (Shannan Gilbert) said ok lets go ... Which means, she was involved in the decision to go or not to go. She said .. which she couldn't if she wouldn't be involved. Still, you're right that she didn't need to know the actual address. Even that brings only one point off the table.

Here is the evidence that it was NOT Shannon Gilbert <modsnip> who made the arrangement with Joseph Brewer, but insted it was indeed Michael Pak:

Suffolk County Police Chief of Detectives Dominick Varrone said:


Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of

Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List.

On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

Here is the evidence that it was NOT Shannon Gilbert <modsnip> who made the arrangement with Joseph Brewer, but insted it was indeed Michael Pak:

Suffolk County Police Chief of Detectives Dominick Varrone said:


Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of

Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List.

On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.


Yeah, I love it how people call drivers when they want hookers. Unless Pak was her real pimp (which would have brought him in conflict with Diaz), this is impossible. <modsnip>

Please agree to disagree respectfully about the facts and keep the personal jabs out of it. This is a true crime discussion board, not a boxing match. No one "wins" in a situation like this.

hey SS....

i believe you mean this meeting.
i hope its in here...not sure though......????



My Comment was a compliament Mock, You are the first one who mentioned the fact that @ the end of the last 48 hours GC made it seem or want to make it seem like MP was very upset with SG now that he (MP) was the perp.....I have thought GC has alluded to alot that did not take place.
Why? I do not know.
Many people on here seem to feel GC never let SG in his home, than they believe he called the LE because SG was knocking on his door.

Another possibility which I also concur is possible.

Why was GC trying to put the blame on MP? By acting as though GC calling the LE was going to put SG in great harm, I would think GC would think the guy was dangerous & not leave his wife at home while he goes to sit at a gate....If GC was connected as people have implied & what took place really did take place than GC would not have left his wife alone unless he knew more & was covering for his nieghbor.

Than the security tapes were not viewed after that. That would have showed GC @ the gate etc. & after that ruckus & all the nieghbors calling LE & other neighbors ....the tapes went missing because GC lied! To help JB, The question is did GC know the girls were being KILLED? Because he stuck to his story & appeared on 48 hours that MP was the SK.

So actions tell the story & GC story doesn't jive, nor does CPH or JB's

So GC basically alludes to MP being the the Star of the show & not his neighbor JB. Wonder Why???? They know.

I also agree that CPH is a liar, do I think he did it ..... well in unison with JB pulling him in MAYBE.....supplying narcotics, maybe more maybe less, but he lied to also cover for JB. Sociopaths (JB) are great at getting all others involved as that leaves reasonable doubt.

So TY Mock/BIRD....was a VERY VERY GOOD POINT. So maybe GC thought he would be thought to be Mocking JB & maybe ....he would be in danger....There are way to many possible scenerio's still & frankly.....unless LE get's a break....we will not know.....I do think it will be resolved in time. People get cocky & slip up, that the usual....Tick Tock
The more I step away for a while and then come back to read all of the reasoning being posted the more it is becoming clear that we know absolutely NOTHING. All we have are a bunch of radical theories. We are not one step closer to pinpointing the truth then we were the day we first heard the name SG.

What does that tell me?

It tells me that if we didn't make any progress now, then we never will.

We shall never know 100% what happened to SG that early morning and whether or not her death is related to the other victims.

So whether you think it was CPH, MP, AD, JB, HA, the AB, the Crips, The bloods, Carmen Sandiego, radical Muslims, the mafia working with the Russian mob, or part of a Suffolk County leadership conspiracy with the SCPD on board, the one thing you can bank on if you think that SG was indeed murdered is that your perp did an awesome job at covering his tracks and making sure that the world will never, ever know the truth.
Well then, we will just have to count on karma, that 30 cent part, and a keen, observant patrol officer.
Where do you think he is now?

I know it's just more speculation, but they arrested Akeem Cruz pretty fast. From what I understand about his stellar reputation is that he travelled up north to scout out and recruit young ladies he could pimp out. Poor Megan being one of them, but not the only one. It was reported that he used to beat Megan and threaten her and the safety of her child. To me, it was obvious he did not love her and was just using her to make cash.
Someone here recently brought up something I totally forgot about - Megan's Mom had said that shortly before she went missing she was so happy because Akeem had told her he wanted her to have his baby. Then she disappears and is murdered. I interpret that as Megan was in love with this axxhole and was probably begging him to let her get out of this business, marry her and father a child with her. He got fed up, because to him she was only a resource, told her what she wanted to hear while he found a guy who would take care of his problem. Maybe the same guy who took care of Amber and the LIerotic hobbyists "problem". Yes, another speculation, but like you, waiting for luck and that 30 cent part just won't cut it.
After I watched a Special on ID channel showing how young girls are taken as hostage than drugged with herion making them addicts....than putting them in hotels/motels right off the highway for the Johns to come & go is disgusting & it is happening all over than these woman fall in love with there abusers.

It is the MEN who are doing this....with school girls & children as old as 13 yrs.....need to be locked up throw away the key or put them down.

So when it comes to who is making money off the girls are many. Alex use to be SG Driver for escort than became BF....than they got Driver MP who would place ads & try & get business ...... I think he was the one who got JB .....just speculation as I can not recall article I read it.... But Shannan was there golden ticket.....they did not have a few girls just SG, so how much choice did she have ....who knows.

There are way to many Questions that have not been answered to us anyway. I am thinking they want it queit for a reason ....... So that means my attention is on my life & until they decide to let us in on it than well....they probably will lose a lot of us in the meantime who invested over a year.

Hope they resolve it & just want to say to all hope I did not offend any & if I did I am Sorry. I feel a lot of time & energy was wasted of mine & I just received to much strife in return. I am sure what is meant to happen will.

I can not even believe that Megan would tell her Mom that she would be happy to have AKeems baby. That is so very wrong on so many levels....if i were in that position my mom would have disowned me & told me I was crazy & not contact family because my end result would have been hers. I do not really care....But if my daughter said that to me they would have been baker acted or I would have got rid of the devil himself period.

I understand the taking girls as hostage than brain washing innocent children....but the Mother listening to this & not doing anything....That I do not get. Saying she wanted his baby? Intervention when did any of that come in?

This is just the last thing I needed to read to say enough is enough. I can't, wish you all well.
Megans mom loved her daughter very much and like many mothers just wanted her to be happy.
Megan was an adult, there wasnt much she could do, and she loved her too much to abandon her.
Ooookay, found no *****, which either means there were none or I am too stupid to find them. Hummm ...


The ****** was in one of my earlier posts, Peter. I did not know I was to delete the post. The moderator snipped the ***** parts of it for me.

(Thanks moderator. Sorry for the error. I'll be more careful in the future.)
Where do you think he is now?

I know it's just more speculation, but they arrested Akeem Cruz pretty fast. From what I understand about his stellar reputation is that he travelled up north to scout out and recruit young ladies he could pimp out. Poor Megan being one of them, but not the only one. It was reported that he used to beat Megan and threaten her and the safety of her child. To me, it was obvious he did not love her and was just using her to make cash.
Someone here recently brought up something I totally forgot about - Megan's Mom had said that shortly before she went missing she was so happy because Akeem had told her he wanted her to have his baby. Then she disappears and is murdered. I interpret that as Megan was in love with this axxhole and was probably begging him to let her get out of this business, marry her and father a child with her. He got fed up, because to him she was only a resource, told her what she wanted to hear while he found a guy who would take care of his problem. Maybe the same guy who took care of Amber and the LIerotic hobbyists "problem". Yes, another speculation, but like you, waiting for luck and that 30 cent part just won't cut it.

One of my theories last year was that the discarding of the bodies in both Manorville and along Ocean Parkway were the work of a "FIXER" and his crew. This is someone who is hired by a crime organization to dispose of bodies. It was my theory that this "FIXER" made the the GB4 look like the work of a serial killer.
One of my theories last year was that the discarding of the bodies in both Manorville and along Ocean Parkway were the work of a "FIXER" and his crew. This is someone who is hired by a crime organization to dispose of bodies. It was my theory that this "FIXER" made the the GB4 look like the work of a serial killer.

And I said last year to this theory, this "fixer" has to have a lot of knowledge about SKs to make it look like two SKs with different signatures and needs a time machine to go retroactive to make all the victims since 1996 looking like that. So I didn't buy it then and I don't buy it now.
And I said last year to this theory, this "fixer" has to have a lot of knowledge about SKs to make it look like two SKs with different signatures and needs a time machine to go retroactive to make all the victims since 1996 looking like that. So I didn't buy it then and I don't buy it now.

Not the same thing, but just for the record... I still don't buy the paradoxical undressing theory in SG's case.
Mr. B,
Youd think a fixer would be of a sadistic nature by a description of the job reqirements alone. who says one cannot also be a serial killer.
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