Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt4

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Did not mean to offend anyone.Just this is not only breaking my heart but making my blood boil.................So many people were saying first day how wonderful this family is............I have seen just evil even if CC wont talk to the family you would think his mom would reach out to Sheri s mom.They did both share the title of grandmother with Garett and Gavin.:furious:

I can not agree with you more...also not to mention that they are both mothers...and as we all know mothers tend to be alot more emotional then the dads.....(not taking anything away from fathers).....But I am about as mad as I think I have ever been over a case here at WS.
I would like to ask the Ill SA in the county this happened in....IF this was your mother, daughter, or children would the murder still be running around Ill or wherever they want to run around......I bet they would say NOT
More like a Family of EVIL :dervish::dervish::dervish::dervish:

I would be afraid to be in that church....................God might send a lightening bolt their way.:furious::furious::furious:
What happens to possessions when someone is convicted and there is no one left in the immediate family? Does the state take control of it?

I'm not sure but I would imagine the family would have to have a judge decide.
Howdy All,

Wow! WOAH! If that show couldn't outrage a person...well... And I have been wondering when outrage would be brought into this whole picture with a bang. Of course, I say that knowing that we MUST wait for that which will convict the perp.

I think there is a balance to the information and hope that everyone will read the transcript -- it will feel far less emotionally charged so the parts and pieces will be heard more clearly. Even so, those who reported in here are pretty right on about much of what they gave us.

There is no information that Sheri's and the children's belongings are gone, there is no information (which is the real problem) and there is no offer to Sheri's family to receive any of their mementos.

I also heard Nancy as outraged as we have all been, she was choked up a great deal of the show. Mr. Mirabelli was a class act and, I believe, explained the huge concerns and considerations that we all figured they were feeling -- and now it is right out there.

Last evening, Mario was going to notify people of something, I believe now that was that he would be on Nancy Grace. I believe that he was going to appeal to people to come forward to answer many of the questions that we heard earlier today from a very astute poster.

It appears that something got in the way of Mario being on the show -- I hope it is not that he had a nervous breakdown in pain. They did read a plea from him on the show. Bless his heart, he referred to Gavin and Garrett as his little guys.
Hello MikeysMomMom,

Now I don't want to sound too wacko...but with the wicked weather that came down at the time this all happened, I might have been a church member and said, "Get him in to the police -- he is bringing havoc on all of us." I won't go into the spiritual thinking here, I'm sure some will think it is nutso, but it did come across my mind. In fact, I was shocked that a tornado did not touch down right near their property.

I would be afraid to be in that church....................God might send a lightening bolt their way.:furious::furious::furious:
Thank you Linda! We must remember that the way CC and his family are behaving are not in ways that please God! AT ALL!

The cousin on NG showed more of God's nature when he said they were waiting for justice patiently!!!

This is some seriously bad fruit.
I can not agree with you more...also not to mention that they are both mothers...and as we all know mothers tend to be alot more emotional then the dads.....(not taking anything away from fathers).....But I am about as mad as I think I have ever been over a case here at WS.

As a mom and a grandmother I cannot image not only dealing with this triple tragedy but then to be Disregarded like this !!!! Where it sure looks like he is the one who took them all from their family, either by killing them or by not keeping them safe IMO And from where I sit his whole family is INHUMAN:furious:
Hello MikeysMomMom,

Now I don't want to sound too wacko...but with the wicked weather that came down at the time this all happened, I might have been a church member and said, "Get him in to the police -- he is bringing havoc on all of us." I won't go into the spiritual thinking here, I'm sure some will think it is nutso, but it did come across my mind. In fact, I was shocked that a tornado did not touch down right near their property.

Mine too, Wrinkles - I think this kind of evil creates a ripple in the universe and all of heaven cries out in sorrow.
To the Christian friends/family of CC I exhort you:

"To the Corinthians, Paul wrote, “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner – not even to eat with such a person… Therefore ‘put away from yourselves that wicked person.’” ( 1 Cor. 5:11 , 13; top ) A brother, a fellow Christian, whom you know commits sexual immorality, is greedy for things or money, has someone or some thing in a place of higher value than God in his life, speaks evil and gossips about others, habitually drinks or takes mind-altering drugs, or uses manipulation and coercion to obtain his own desires is not to be associated with. Don’t even have lunch with him. Put away from yourselves that one. We are not to pretend he doesn’t do these things – we are to confront him in love, particularly when his sin is against us but even when it is not, genuine agape love requires us to make great effort to rescue this one from his sin. If he won’t repent and cease from these activities, we are to have nothing to do with him."
I do hope this is not about Protestant vs Catholic.
But, I have a feeling it's a big part of it with the Colemans.

As a mom and a grandmother I cannot image not only dealing with this triple tragedy but then to be Disregarded like this !!!! Where it sure looks like he is the one who took them all from their family, either by killing them or by not keeping them safe IMO And from where I sit his whole family is INHUMAN:furious:
It makes you wonder how surprised they are at this treatment... It sounds like Sheri kept alot of the bad parts to herself (like so many of us have done).
We keep thinking that things will get better, and spare our parents the misery. My heart goes out to them, to her brother, and to all of those who knew and loved her and those babies.
To the Christian friends/family of CC I exhort you:

"To the Corinthians, Paul wrote, “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner – not even to eat with such a person… Therefore ‘put away from yourselves that wicked person.’” ( 1 Cor. 5:11 , 13; top ) A brother, a fellow Christian, whom you know commits sexual immorality, is greedy for things or money, has someone or some thing in a place of higher value than God in his life, speaks evil and gossips about others, habitually drinks or takes mind-altering drugs, or uses manipulation and coercion to obtain his own desires is not to be associated with. Don’t even have lunch with him. Put away from yourselves that one. We are not to pretend he doesn’t do these things – we are to confront him in love, particularly when his sin is against us but even when it is not, genuine agape love requires us to make great effort to rescue this one from his sin. If he won’t repent and cease from these activities, we are to have nothing to do with him."

Please note that I am not writing this to target ANYONE on this forum. This message was for dealing with CC only! Thanks for understanding! (Especially those who are non-Christians!) This passage from the Bible is talking about PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH only!
Hello LindaDanette,

You wrote:
>>I think this kind of evil creates a ripple in the universe and all of heaven cries out in sorrow<<

I would not have thought of the above words that you used, but I absolutely get what you are saying.
I do hope this is not about Protestant vs Catholic.
But, I have a feeling it's a big part of it with the Colemans.


It has NOTHING to do with religions as a whole and even less to do with non-Christians. This passage was written for the Christian church on how to behave among themselves.
I've been asking myself, what would I do if this were my daughter and grandsons?
A jet would not have been fast enough to get me to Columbia. Where I would have parked my butt, until this crime against my family was resolved.
It has NOTHING to do with religions as a whole and even less to do with non-Christians. This passage was written for the Christian church on how to behave among themselves.

Now Now, I hadn't even read your post before I posted mine. I'm a slow typist.
Actually, I read on a Catholic website last night, that was the feeling.
Now Now, I hadn't even read your post before I posted mine. I'm a slow typist.
Actually, I read on a Catholic website last night, that was the feeling.

No worries! :blowkiss: I hope and pray the passage hits home with those it was intended! ~ And DOESN'T offend anyone of which it wasn't!!! :)
The family spokesman also stated that CC & his family has never offred there condolences to Sheri's family.....Grrr am I mad

not to minimize this, but -- IMO, it's just BAD MANNERS not to offer condolences!!

that's just the least of it!!

I have always told my b/f, ya never really know people until death or divorce.

there is so much going thru my mind right now, I can't even express it!!
I've been asking myself, what would I do if this were my daughter and grandsons?
A jet would not have been fast enough to get me to Columbia. Where I would have parked my butt, until this crime against my family was resolved.

If it were me, I'd be better off staying home lest I sin and commit murder too!
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