Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt4

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Now Now, I hadn't even read your post before I posted mine. I'm a slow typist.
Actually, I read on a Catholic website last night, that was the feeling.

There are a whole lot of "Christians" who think the Pope is the devil's henchmen and anyone that isn't an ultra-conservative republican is going straight to hell. Yuck, so much strife, and so little Jesus. That's why I left.
If it were me, I'd be better off staying home lest I sin and commit murder too!

Well, I couldn't do that really. (Am starting to calm down now...) But I sure might make some wish they were dead when my red hair catches fire! :furious:
can't think of a crime in recent memory where the perp actually took the time to write something on the wall (except going way back to the Manson murders). It's very unusual.

In the Jeffery McDonald case, where he was convicted of murdering his wife and two young daughters, there was something written in blood on the headboard of the bed in the master bedroom. That's not a recent case, but it's more recent that the Manson murders.
Actually, this case resembles the McDonald case in that a wife and two youngsters were killed. The big dif is that McDonald was found in the home and claimed to have been attacked by strangers who entered the home.
It's always been my belief in the McDonald case that he fought with his wife and murdered her perhaps by accident, then had to do away with his daughters who witnessed the fight and the crime.
IIRC, CC's attorney made a statement asking MCS and the State Attorney to allow CC to surrender before they picked him up. Mr. Margulis - I think now would be a good time.
I've been asking myself, what would I do if this were my daughter and grandsons?
A jet would not have been fast enough to get me to Columbia. Where I would have parked my butt, until this crime against my family was resolved.

I would think she would have been in a different level of shock and grief then if you lost one person you loved.Who expect their daughter and 2 young adorable healthy children to be killed in their own home.Grief x's three.

Or If she is like me I would have wanted to shoot him so I think it would be better not to fly there.JMO:furious::furious::furious:
I didn't see the program, but after all the comments here it must have been painful, informative, and one that took all aback with statements made. It reminds me of another family and their son. Sometimes I cannot help, but wonder if it's some kind of epidemic that has blackened the heart, mind, and soul of people. Sadly, there seems to be no anti-viral shot for such a horrific affliction of indifference. No matter what Bible is carried in some persons hands. You can hold it, but obviously the words within it mean nothing. Yet again, another "prop".

How does this Coleman family sleep at night???
I didn't see the program, but after all the comments here it must have been painful, informative, and one that took all aback with statements made. It reminds me of another family and their son. Sometimes I cannot help, but wonder if it's some kind of epidemic that has blackened the heart, mind, and soul of people. Sadly, there seems to be no anti-viral shot for such a horrific affliction of indifference. No matter what Bible is carried in some persons hands. You can hold it, but obviously the words within it mean nothing. Yet again, another "prop".

How does this Coleman family sleep at night???

Whomever it may be...There is No Rest for the Wicked..
I didn't see the program, but after all the comments here it must have been painful, informative, and one that took all aback with statements made. It reminds me of another family and their son. Sometimes I cannot help, but wonder if it's some kind of epidemic that has blackened the heart, mind, and soul of people. Sadly, there seems to be no anti-viral shot for such a horrific affliction of indifference. No matter what Bible is carried in some persons hands. You can hold it, but obviously the words within it mean nothing. Yet again, another "prop".

How does this Coleman family sleep at night???

I hope they sleep haunted by all their actions and in actions.I also hope other members of that church see how this family really is.
His actions tell the story IMO.Hopefully the first reports of between 3-4 am will be close but even if TOD is a close call his behavior IMO shows he is a sociopath who only cares about him self...............I am in so much outrage I wanna go out side and scream:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
I don't ever recall the TOD being suggested between 3:00 am- 4:00 am. What I do remember is Major Connor at first saying between 4:00 am and 7:00 am. Can I ask where the 3:00 am- 4:00 am came from?
on Nancy Grace---Family Spokeperson for Sheri Colemans Family--Enrico J Mirabelli..Cousin of Sheri Coleman..CC will no longer speak to Sheri Colemans Family Members..CC will not answer any of there phone calls or call them back..He has not spoken to them since the day after the murders..CC & his family removed the belonging's of Sheri and the kids out of the home as soon as the home was released back to CC, and never called Sheri's family to see if they would want any of the belongings that belonged to the living family members..

Perhaps CC is being told by his attorney not to talk to anyone. NOT NO ONE, NO HOW. That might explain his silence.
Just want to add that...but then again, maybe he has nothing to say to his wife's family anyhow.
Unfortunately, the only sleep the wicked are losing is for themselves and their selves only.. Not for Sheri and her beloved sons.

I know it! What is WRONG with these kinds of people! How can they exist? Because of them, I praise God for people like YOU and like ME who have love and compassion for others! I don't know why we are the way we are and they are not, but I am surely thankful we are on THIS side of the fence! :blowkiss:
Perhaps CC is being told by his attorney not to talk to anyone. NOT NO ONE, NO HOW. That might explain his silence.
Just want to add that...but then again, maybe he has nothing to say to his wife's family anyhow.

I think what set me off is when the cousin said they called CC for TWO DAYS and he didn't return their calls! My gosh! What kind of FREAK would act like that? Even if HE couldn't bring himself to call them, another family member or friend certainly could have! I can't justify that kind of behavior from someone professing to be a Christian. Just really infuriates me! (As you can tell! LOL!)
I didn't see the program, but after all the comments here it must have been painful, informative, and one that took all aback with statements made. It reminds me of another family and their son. Sometimes I cannot help, but wonder if it's some kind of epidemic that has blackened the heart, mind, and soul of people. Sadly, there seems to be no anti-viral shot for such a horrific affliction of indifference. No matter what Bible is carried in some persons hands. You can hold it, but obviously the words within it mean nothing. Yet again, another "prop".

How does this Coleman family sleep at night???

OL, this case has stirred up so much within me--I suppose because of the ties to a fundamentalist church....I was raised in one & I understand the indoctrination & how it came to effect my life.

I am so angry that there has not been an outpouring of support expressed for Sheri's family...granted, I certainly do not have all the facts & the media could well be manipulating them.

However, the Coleman family could choose to speak up publicly so that it doesn't appear they care only about CC!!

I agree w/ Lindadanette - it's this kind of behavior that turns people away from organized religion.

The Colemans need to 'walk the talk'.
Michael Bell is the panel member taking about the TOD.....Any Nancy is trying her best to get him to say that there must be a way to find the TOD...And he is still stating that there is no way know to science...Unless the body's were still warm.and that would tell LE that they were discovered shorty after the murders..

The coroner would have hopefully taken the liver temperature as soon as he arrived on scene. They can narrow the time of death with the temp as there is a certain rate at which the body temp drops after death. It is not exact but is a good indicator. For instance if the core body temp indicated that TOD was 5-7 hours prior then one could argue that even if it was a few hours off it would still be outside the short timeframe CC allowed for the crime to have taken place. That would be very incriminating toward CC even if it wasn't exact.
If we have anyone in the Joyce Meyer Movement or anyone in Pastor Coleman's Church reading this....will someone explain why human decency was not extended to Sheri's family?

Even if CC would have been locked up at the time of the funeral, the Coleman family should have had the decency to include Sheri's family in the funeral arrangements. You put all things aside to grieve...everyone....then you move on.....
Sorry if this has been answered, but was there any explanation given as to why the Coleman's are behaving this way?
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