Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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Wow... they sure are fast at Wikipedia. This was at the tail end of that JMM entry I cited above:

Arrest of security guard
"On May 19, 2009, Christopher Coleman, a security guard of Joyce Meyer Ministries was arrested for the murder of his family. Those killed were his wife, Sheri, and sons Garett, 11, and Gavin 9 of Columbia, Illinois.[28][29] The cause of death for all three victims was from ligature strangulation. Coleman had resigned from the ministry a few days before his arrest. A week later, Joyce Meyer Ministries was named as one of the "respondents in discovery" in a lawsuit against Christopher Coleman. The ministry may be forced to hand over Coleman's personnel file, other related financial documents, and its employment policies.[30]"

Here's the link again:
Ah well, maybe there were more letters that weren't detailed today? Maybe someone misreported/misunderstood. There is no mention of the damage to the mailbox.

..... whatever .. it's not important for me to be right or to point out when someone else was wrong (hidden message for you)
I don't believe there were more letters as there would be no reason to leave them out.

I thought the point was his innocence and putting a spin on things to make him appear that way. I mentioned it because it is another thing the defense cannot use to try and save his sorry @ss.
Born and raised Lutheran here too. Wonder if that's why I'm so darn conservative and cheap :)


I was born Catholic and converted when I was married. My wife was born and raised a Lutheran. I have since fully embraced the "Frozen Chosen". :)
Personally, I don't think the ministry has anything to do with faith. It's about raising money (just like Jon and Kate + 8). JM can go off spouting for an hour a day or week and bring in 800M a month? Who are the people that are giving this money? I know many folks who "tithe" or whatever it is, 10%, of their paycheck -- as they've been brainwashed that this is their ticket to heaven.

No way jose -- my relationship is between me and God, and has nothing to do with a church, television show, or anyone's input. I think this is where society has gone wrong --

WARNING: Please bypass if my opinion is too deep:

My Bible says: Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18). We all know that forgiveness can be costly and it was costly for God to forgive us. It cost God his own Son.

Now JMM should take a closer look about Greed!

Ps. 10:3 - "the greedy man curses and spurns God"
Prov. 11:6 - "the treacherous are caught by their own greed"
Jere. 6:13; 8:10 - "everyone is greedy for gain"
Lk. 12:15 - "be on guard against every form of greed; life is not in possessions"
Eph. 4:9 - "Gentiles...practice every kind of impurity with greediness"
I Thess. 2:5 - "we did not come with pretext for greed"
I Tim. 3:8 - (deacons) "not fond of sordid gain" (cf. Titus 1:7)
II Peter 2:3 - (false prophets) "in their greed they will exploit you with false words"
II Peter 2:14 - (false prophets) "have hearts trained in greed"

Oh yah, I do believe JMM is a definite false prohet, and my hope is this scandal will bring her DOWN!



I guess I am just "curious" LOL...
If JM lived in section 8 housing and drove a 1980 gremlin would you like her any better?:)
FWIW - I believe what was released today is not the new search warrants that were issued on May 15th and sealed immediately. From what I see all the evidence gathered was from May 5th until the police released the house back to CC (the 18th??? now I can't remember) I also don't believe the evidence list is complete; there seems to be a lot of duplication. There is still a lot we don't have and I expect we'll see those at prelim.

It's all so horrific!

Bless your hearts Sheri, Gavin & Garett; you deserved SO much more.

I agree with you.
Whatever they got right before they arrested him is what seals the deal.
All the stuff that came out today is not enough to convict him, honestly.

I mean ... yeah, the tie was the same kind of tie as the ones around some straw or hay bales in their backyard ... but the defense could say "the intruder" took one of those ties and used it as a weapon.

That it was found off of the interstate 255? Well, the defense could say that the perp was following Chris and setting him up ...

(not that I believe any of this!! But we all know how the defense can twist things).

Whatever they got on the 15th is what sealed the deal. Forensics, computer files, maybe Chris's DNA from under Garrett's nails?
Someone scratched Chris, or something scratched him... his DNA is sure to be somewhere at the crime scene showing that he was involved.
That is my belief, anyway.
with all that "video surveillance" equipment, you'd think Chris would have had a security system by ADT or Brinks installed at his home to protect his family from the alleged "threats"!
This is part of the reason Sheri's family is suing for Negligence. He did not take normal precautions to protect his family if the threats were real.
....judging by the messages he left on the wall and leaving her uncovered....i think he thought she was cheating on him....i think he is a control freak and a lot of times they are obsessed with thinking their spouse is betraying them because they are doing it themselves...i think that's why he was watching the house,i can imagine him threatening her before if you leave i will kill you and the boys ....

Although abusers/cheaters accuse their spouse of cheating, I'm not really sure they believe it, other than to try to distract from themselves because they're guilty of CHEATING and everything else! :mad:

Another thing is abusers, in their possessiveness, consider their spouse and children more of a POSSESSION than another human-being. That's why they often times loose it when the spouse leaves.

If I can't have them, NO ONE will have them.

Wow... they sure are fast at Wikipedia. This was at the tail end of that JMM entry I cited above:

Arrest of security guard
"On May 19, 2009, Christopher Coleman, a security guard of Joyce Meyer Ministries was arrested for the murder of his family. Those killed were his wife, Sheri, and sons Garett, 11, and Gavin 9 of Columbia, Illinois.[28][29] The cause of death for all three victims was from ligature strangulation. Coleman had resigned from the ministry a few days before his arrest. A week later, Joyce Meyer Ministries was named as one of the "respondents in discovery" in a lawsuit against Christopher Coleman. The ministry may be forced to hand over Coleman's personnel file, other related financial documents, and its employment policies.[30]"

Here's the link again:

yep, any one of us can update Wiki.
Chances are, it was someone following this case that made the update (but not me!!) :crazy:
with all that "video surveillance" equipment, you'd think Chris would have had a security system by ADT or Brinks installed at his home to protect his family from the alleged "threats"!

Too proud to pay for a service since he is in security? Figures he can do it better himself?
I understand where you're coming from. I too think it's a difficult situation to be in wherein an individual prides themselves on their ability to discern spiritually the depths of the soul but not seen an inkling of this. It's an upsetting thing for me.

Also, just to clarify, I don't work for JM or JMM; I am close with folks who do in a leadership capacity. I'm not a JM follower (not insofar as "following" her spiritually...different branch of the faith than myself.)

I am, like many of you, questioning how NO ONE saw this coming. But I always do in these situations.

Also, to clarify something about the money JM makes:

JM is paid a pretty reasonable salary from JMM and donates entirety of that salary back into the ministry. Where JM has made millions is as an author. That money she does take a healthy portion of, but a good part also goes back into the ministry. In other words, she does take royalty from the books and that, in and of itself, is a lot of money. Go to your local Walmart and look at the dozens of copies of JM books you'll find on all of their shelves. Go to your local Target store and you'll see JM magazines that look just like a Better Homes and Gardens or Ladies Circle magazine. This is where she makes money...she doesn't keep any money from the actual ministry activities (i.e. speaking engagments around the country, etc.)
Not to mention that a lot of folks have had their lives changed for the better by her teachings and her books. My favorite is "Battlefield Of The Mind"

I have followed her on TV for years and I have never once heard her ask anyone for money.

I can't see how she is to blame at all for not knowing what was going on with CC. Evidently his own wife didn't know him either.:)
I agree with you.
Whatever they got right before they arrested him is what seals the deal.
All the stuff that came out today is not enough to convict him, honestly.

I mean ... yeah, the tie was the same kind of tie as the ones around some straw or hay bales in their backyard ... but the defense could say "the intruder" took one of those ties and used it as a weapon.

That it was found off of the interstate 255? Well, the defense could say that the perp was following Chris and setting him up ...

(not that I believe any of this!! But we all know how the defense can twist things).

Whatever they got on the 15th is what sealed the deal. Forensics, computer files, maybe Chris's DNA from under Garrett's nails?
Someone scratched Chris, or something scratched him... his DNA is sure to be somewhere at the crime scene showing that he was involved.
That is my belief, anyway.

I totally agree with you! Fingernail clippings from the victims are going to be huge here (I knew there was a reason for the long sleeved shirts!); as well as the Forensics Testimony from the Computer Forensic Examiners.
So, analytical, I am curious tonight.

Are you still of the mindset that Chris Coleman had nothing to do with these murders and that he will be exonerated? Do you still think he is innocent?
Sherri's brother's quote is interesting

"Weiss told reporters that he wasn't especially close to Chris Coleman but "thought that he was respectful of my sister and that he treated her decently." He added that he was "the last holdout" in the family to believe Chris Coleman was responsible for the deaths of his sister and nephews."
I guess I am just "curious" LOL...
If JM lived in section 8 housing and drove a 1980 gremlin would you like her any better?:)

no :) cuz she is what she is. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but it's just my different upbringing. A small cornerstone church, where every Sunday families would get together and bring a dish for a potluck on the grassy yard out back. Where Sunday school meant singing "Jesus loves all the little children". No fanfare, no fuss. Yes, we did pass the plate, and I'm probably going to go to hell (LOL) because I would always pass the plate and leave my dime in my pocket so I could buy lemonheads at the candy store on the way home.

Often times, my parents didn't go -- only me and my other 3 siblings. But we enjoyed that freedom and fun.

In short, I don't remember any rich people, or our pastor begging for money. He and his wife lived in a small home round the corner. Not exactly section 8, but no cadillac either.

So that's where I'm coming from. I hope you understand...

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