Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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What do you want to bet that CC had a PO box set up just for his "personal" correspondence from his Florida connection? I bet Sheri had no clue about it
Which credit card did he use to set it up? Another perk from JMM?

Why did they feel a need to correspond via the post office tho? Only so he could get cards in the mail?! Seems very odd with all those throw away phones they found and his email accounts from work that Sheri could not access.
SuziQ and all,

I sent an e-mail to the two reporters on the BND story asking for clarification on the "sample footage"
Reporter replied: "All that we know about that is in the story"
I just got back from the grocery store.

CC's Mug is on the Herald Tribune and the Steeleville Ledger
County Journal just has the headline w/o a pic.
There were two reporters on the story regarding the "sample footage" ... just received this reply - "Don’t know. The way it is worded in the request for the search warrant is the way we are reporting it."

I asked if the search warrant will be posted .. will let you know what the reply is.
Here are my thoughts now.

SC knew NOTHING about the refinance - the $28K was so that CC could carry on the affair without SC's knowledge.

I think now that his GF is deeper in on this much more than we know.
(could have forged SC's sig on the quit claim deed and on the refinance)

I think CC as traveling with his GF and that the tickets found were for CC & his GF who was traveling under JM's name. (correct me if I am wrong - if CC and the real JM were suppose to be flying some place soon.)

I'm sticking with...

He hated SC and the kids because they were living a pure life and CC was sick of the religious life style. My guess is he thought he could get away with this and then also sue JMM for the deaths of his family. (the threats that were suppose to be due his job with her - 3 deaths would get him more than just 1 death - JM would have settled out of court to keep it all out of the public eye if CC would have got away with it)

"They also found the transaction history for a line of credit to Coleman’s house in CC's SUV"

This statement is huge to me. I'm willing to bet that the sneaky cash-out refi was all by and for the benefit of CC to further fund his Florida activities without detection. Sheri may have signed some papers, just not for the reasons and outcome she thought she was signing them for.

CC is an idiot.
Reporter says search warrant is too long to post online .. over 50 pages.
Looks like we were posting the same thing at the same time, chestergal! I want to know who notarized Sheri's sig on the refi docs and what their relationship is to CC...
I hate to say it but is is easy to get something like this notarized in the Chester area without showing ID.
"They also found the transaction history for a line of credit to Coleman’s house in CC's SUV"

This statement is huge to me. I'm willing to bet that the sneaky cash-out refi was all by and for the benefit of CC to further fund his Florida activities without detection. Sheri may have signed some papers, just not for the reasons and outcome she thought she was signing them for.

CC is an idiot.

I agree!

Noticed that JMM is going to Malawi in November- ya'll think she will try to help Madonna with her adoption? LOL:crazy:
PO Box rental fee receipt from July 2.
Purchase Receipt from Home Depot for red spray paint from July 29.

He had been planning this for a long time.
FWIW, *if* CC had a business credit card, he may have used it many times. Paid, been reinbursed after the fact, (or the reverse) and SC would never had known. It is not unusual for companies to give such cards. Now, some are more strict than others regarding how the card is used. Business vs pleasure. And, receipts must be submitted in many cases. I wonder if the JM Ministeries were more "forgiving" (if CC had such a credit card related to his job) than others. It's possible.

Just tossing it out there. I still believe, as I have posted many times, look at the financial trail. There will be a map.....
Reporter says search warrant is too long to post online .. over 50 pages.
Humph. Did you tell the reporter that it's 'online' so it isn't like it would be a waste of paper? j/k

*sigh* Oh well, thanks for trying!
This gives me a little satisfaction to know that one or more of them fought back against this monster!

With the search warrant for Chris Coleman's body, police took two swabbings of his right hand and noted a reddish injury to his right forearm, and two scratches on his right forearm. Police also took handwriting samples from him.
Hello SeriouslySearching and Gang,

About the below, precisely what I thought -- he left her not only fully violated by murder, but naked...fully humiliated in death.

Awwww...he just had to humiliate her one last time, didn't he?! :( ....

I won't go on the tirade I would like to about his sentence, but I think there should be laws for murderers like this... 5 minutes in court, and then an immediate public opportunity to humiliate him and render to him the mercy that he showed to Sheri and the children, ... but then I said I wouldn't go on the tirade... And no, I do not think that society deserves to take a further beating from this man, his family already took the worst, no juror should have to see the pictures, no one should have to pay for food put in his mouth...oh, but I said I won't go on the tirade.

As per the orange cord, I brought up the bales (after its mention in the press conf), but opened that for discussion and brainstorming, someone thought of bailing wire, another thought of a cord used in bailing -- they deserve the credit for brainstorming that one.

Now then...check out the wording

>>"(Expletive)! Deny your God publicly or else! No more opportunities. Time is running out for you and your family."<<

See the above wording ***you*** and "your family" ?


>>"I am giving you the last warning! You have not listened to me and you have not changed your ways. I have warned you to stop traveling and stop carrying on with this fake religious life of stealing people's money."<<

[again a so-called reference to CC doing something that had something to do with stealing people's money -- that wasn't Sheri that this so-called threat was supposed to be alluding to]


>>"You think you are so special to do what you do protecting or think you are protecting her. She is a b*tch and not worth doing it. Stop today or else. I know your schedule. ... This is my last warning. Your worst nightmare is about to happen!"<<

[again...the above is a so-called threat alluding to CC protecting JM]

So...if a so-called threatmeister really wrote that, really knew the schedule then they wanted "you" and "your family" -- not just Sheri and the children.

The above really says it all --

And did anyone notice this in the article:
>>Also recovered from the basement office of the home was a sealed envelope containing sales orders for Coleman's company -- Executive Innovations -- as well as letters written by inmates to Joyce Meyer.<<

So just what do you think CC was doing with those inmate letters?
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