Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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See I know what is in my husbands glove box not because I don't trust him but because I take care of putting the plate stickers on the auto and placing the auto registration in the glove box along with the insurance cards. He knows what is in mine because he is the one that cleans out the autos. We don't drive each others autos unless one is in the for repairs or maint.

Also I keep a spare pair of Sunglasses in his auto in the glove box and he does the same in mine. Plus we keep kleenex in our GB's - We are always in each others glove boxes. :)

BBM :laugh: for some reason at 2 a.m. that sounds really naughty, lol.

Isn't it funny how different each couple is?? I keep nothing in hubbys auto cause I'm afraid I'd never see it again cause he's always cleaning his. Mine however, you could lose a small dog in there. It's the kid car and is always trashed. That could be why he has no desire to look into my glovebox :crazy:
:laugh::laugh::laugh::sonar: Brain wave alert! Warning! Your head has been invaded. Please seek the nearest musical outlet and insert anything except rap or that stupid song by Brittney Spears.

:razz::razz: Nada on the rap. Which stupid BS song? If U Seek Amy? I admit, I LOVE that song - gets me going on the eliptical ;-)

Anywho... any of the locals drive down to donate to the boys? My BFF went by, her inlaws are in Columbia, and we donated $50. I was too busy building a jail... don't ask!:behindbar
Yes. LE would have definitely looked for every sign of an argument or that they were in the middle of a separation or divorce. His clothing being packed would be a huge red flag and their first clue.

It is most interesting those papers were out and the other things they took into evidence. Sheri could have gathered them up, but it sounds more like something he would do for some reason. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I am working on it. Tonight was the first time I have seen the SWs and other papers so I am behind.
:razz::razz: Nada on the rap. Which stupid BS song? If U Seek Amy? I admit, I LOVE that song - gets me going on the eliptical ;-)

Anywho... any of the locals drive down to donate to the boys? My BFF went by, her inlaws are in Columbia, and we donated $50. I was too busy building a jail... don't ask!:behindbar
LMAO YES! That is exactly the stupid song I was talking about!!
BBM :laugh: for some reason at 2 a.m. that sounds really naughty, lol.

Isn't it funny how different each couple is?? I keep nothing in hubbys auto cause I'm afraid I'd never see it again cause he's always cleaning his. Mine however, you could lose a small dog in there. It's the kid car and is always trashed. That could be why he has no desire to look into my glovebox :crazy:
I don't even look in my own glove box. LOL

ETA: You built a jail?!?! ( cannot mention something like that here and say not to ask. This is WS. We investigate everything we are curious about!)
Well gal's I am hitting the bed...

I know one thing the Coleman's are living in a pipe dream if they think the MCS messed up. Our MCS is one of the best in the country and they are not going to screw up and forget to read CC his Miranda rights. If I am correct they don't even have to give him his Miranda right until he is arrested. Everything he gave MCS before he was arrested was recorded and I am sure he gave his permission to be questioned and physically inspected without an atty present.
The Coleman family can try to sway public opinion all they want, but they may want to read up on the Anthony case and see how it is working for them. To call the media and LE liars is not a very good way to defend their family member. The least they could do is pretend to be looking for the one armed man!!
Custodial Interrogation

While many people believe that if they are not read the Miranda Warning that their charges will be summarily dismissed by the courts, this is not necessarily true. The Miranda Warning is about protecting your rights as far as police interrogation or questioning against your will. Historically there was concern that police were too intimidating in their questioning and frightened suspects into confessing a crime they may not have committed or pressured them into giving evidence against themselves.

Many people mistakenly believe that if they speak willingly to police officers, ‘telling all’ freely, and they have not been Mirandized before they speak, the police will not be able to use that confession at a trial. Don’t bank on it: if you confess to a crime or speak willingly without being “Mirandized,” that information may be presented at a trial. The police could prove that they would have discovered this evidence without your assistance, which allows them to use the information.

Being read the Miranda Warning is a clue that police intend to use your answers to their questions as evidence at a trial, if that happens. They may ask you questions without reading the Miranda Warning if they are concerned for the immediate safety of others, and your answers may be used against you at a trial. Most often the question is, Do I have to respond to police questioning if I have not been read my rights? The Miranda Warning protects your Fifth Amendment Constitutional rights:

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

The key wording here is about giving evidence against yourself. The Miranda Warning gives you the information you need to know to make an informed decision about answering police questions so you are not placed in a situation of giving testimony against yourself.

Refusing to answer questions casts some suspicion, of course, but if you are guiltyof some crime or feel that you might incriminate yourself even if you are not guilty, you should request to have an attorney present or speak to an attorney before being questioned. Certainly you will make your defense attorney’s job easier if you politely decline to answer questions if you have reason to believe you may be guilty of a crime.

Police have their own defenses to every situation, however, so do not think that simply because you confess your sins willingly that they cannot use that information in a trial. They can often prove that they would have discovered this evidence anyway, without your confession or assistance, in which case it can be used against you. They cannot intimidate or coerce you into giving answers; this is known as ‘fruit of the poisonous tree.’ While some verbal pressure is reasonable, if you are unfairly intimidated or frightened into giving information, it will not likely be admissible at your trial.

If you have been Mirandized and you waive your rights, meaning you wish to speak to police freely without an attorney present, you can change your mind at any time and ‘plead the fifth,’ meaning you no longer wish to answer questions, or that you have changed your mind and wish to have an attorney present after all.
Yes. LE would have definitely looked for every sign of an argument or that they were in the middle of a separation or divorce. His clothing being packed would be a huge red flag and their first clue.

It is most interesting those papers were out and the other things they took into evidence. Sheri could have gathered them up, but it sounds more like something he would do for some reason. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I am working on it. Tonight was the first time I have seen the SWs and other papers so I am behind.

Theres really not a lot to read; a lot is duplicated with the narratives from the officers over & over again. So you should catch up pretty quickly.

Notice one thing on the house SW. They did have a glock and maybe another gun (late, can't remember) in the nightstand. Remember someone popping on here early on saying that Sheri had a gun there and knew how to use it? Hhhmmm. Now surely she wouldn't use it on her husband, but of course she would on a one-armed, ninja, stalker, freak!
I have to laugh at KC... (one more time tonight)

CC was a MP - he knows right off he did not have to talk to LE/MCS without an atty present.
CC willingly took his clothes off for the physical exam before asking for an atty.

I guess KC thinks we are living in the old old days where the cops would beat suspects with rubber hoses and phone books.
The Coleman family can try to sway public opinion all they want, but they may want to read up on the Anthony case and see how it is working for them. To call the media and LE liars is not a very good way to defend their family member. The least they could do is pretend to be looking for the one armed man!!

No doubt! That should be CA's next career path; writing how-to books on how not to parent, how not to act during a criminal investigation, deposition, interview with le, chew gum, clean crime scenes/evidence - NOT "helping" missing childrens families.

And yes, I'm building a jail. New career path for me, lol! No, the hubby & I are the chairpersons of our school/church picnic - which is this coming weekend. He had the brillant idea to have a Jail as one of the games; where kids can have their friends arrested. He waited until today to start building it. It's built & one roll of paint is on it. Need to do another, then paint the bricks, then put the bars (silver spray painted PVC) on & we're done! BTW Spray Paint is VERY VERY messy! I had it everywhere and there was no wind. It was under my nails, all over the hair on my arms, on my legs - EVERYWHERE. And the PVC was laying on the ground on a moving blanket while I was painting - I wasn't getting creative writing words on the wall. He had to have backspray somewhere on him that day. I pray they found that during the body swabs. And I hope whoever had to do those swabs gets therapy from having to be so close to pure evil!
I have to laugh at KC... (one more time tonight)

CC was a MP - he knows right off he did not have to talk to LE/MCS without an atty present.
CC willingly took his clothes off for the physical exam before asking for an atty.

I guess KC thinks we are living in the old old days where the cops would beat suspects with rubber hoses and phone books.

They're in a reality all their own. Remember we have to believe them, and not what LE tells us.

BTW - did he willingly submit to the exam? I'm doubtful of that, because there is a SW for his body/person signed at 11:59 a.m. They even took his clothes!!! I wonder if he had to "borrow" some jail duds, lol!
• I was asked to go to the police station to answer questions, but I don’t want to do that. No one read me my Miranda Rights – do I have to go and answer questions?

If you receive a request to go to the police station to answer questions, or if the police come to you and ask you questions, you do not have to answer them and can politely decline. You can assume, though, that if the police really want to talk to you, they will come up with ‘probable cause’ and either arrest you (requiring that you be read the Miranda Warning) or will get a search warrant if they feel you are in possession of evidence that a crime has been committed.
They're in a reality all their own. Remember we have to believe them, and not what LE tells us.

BTW - did he willingly submit to the exam? I'm doubtful of that, because there is a SW for his body/person signed at 11:59 a.m. They even took his clothes!!! I wonder if he had to "borrow" some jail duds, lol!


that's for sure. 'If it's wrong, it's probably O.K. for a Coleman.'

For instance, his father refuses to marry people if the bride to be is already pregnant, claiming that the marriage is founded on sin. Unless the groom is his eldest son.
If I had been here I would have done the same thing. It's a matter of mutual respect - imagine how you would feel if something you wrote and had intended to be private was put out for all to see.

I understand that you feel it is valuable insight into the workings of the Coleman "mind" - and it is. But KC did not intend for that information to be public for whatever reason.


I know better than to post anything on the internet that I consider to be private...

Am I allowed to post the contents of emails that are sent to me?
~TCO~ sneeks back out of the room.................
And yes, I'm building a jail. New career path for me, lol! No, the hubby & I are the chairpersons of our school/church picnic - which is this coming weekend. He had the brillant idea to have a Jail as one of the games; where kids can have their friends arrested. He waited until today to start building it. It's built & one roll of paint is on it. Need to do another, then paint the bricks, then put the bars (silver spray painted PVC) on & we're done! BTW Spray Paint is VERY VERY messy! I had it everywhere and there was no wind. It was under my nails, all over the hair on my arms, on my legs - EVERYWHERE. And the PVC was laying on the ground on a moving blanket while I was painting - I wasn't getting creative writing words on the wall. He had to have backspray somewhere on him that day. I pray they found that during the body swabs. And I hope whoever had to do those swabs gets therapy from having to be so close to pure evil!
respectfully snipped and bbm

My guess is that he took one heckuva shower at the gym. How about sauna/steam/swim. Any of those would have helped to wash away evidence without leaving traces in the drains at the Coleman house.

The piece of molding removed from his car is a more promising site of evidence. I'm betting that blood or paint evidence was found on it. I'm praying it's the latter and that it was still tacky.
Another thought on the 2 comforters in the bedroom. Maybe Chris had slept on the sofa...

One thing we didn't hear is if Sheri was bound in any way other than the ligature mark on her neck. If she had marks on her wrists or ankles, it could be another reason they took the shoelaces and cords in the bedroom. The shoelaces laying out in the open is odd in a clean house, Stella. Maybe he got paint on the other laces in his tennis shoes and had to change them before going to the gym?

Has anyone heard anything about her possibly being raped? With her being found naked, it makes me wonder about his "control" factor (we do know rape is about control and power over the victim). While he probably did stage it by leaving her naked, it doesn't mean he did not rape her. (I am trying to figure out why there was blood on the mattress.)
Another thought on the 2 comforters in the bedroom. Maybe Chris had slept on the sofa...

One thing we didn't hear is if Sheri was bound in any way other than the ligature mark on her neck. If she had marks on her wrists or ankles, it could be another reason they took the shoelaces and cords in the bedroom. The shoelaces laying out in the open is odd in a clean house, Stella. Maybe he got paint on the other laces in his tennis shoes and had to change them before going to the gym?

Has anyone heard anything about her possibly being raped? With her being found naked, it makes me wonder about his "control" factor (we do know rape is about control and power over the victim). While he probably did stage it by leaving her naked, it doesn't mean he did not rape her. (I am trying to figure out why there was blood on the mattress.)
My first thought was it was possibly her "time of the month"? (I didn't post that before now cuz my tummy gets queazy thinking about it.)
My guess is that he took one heckuva shower at the gym. How about sauna/steam/swim. Any of those would have helped to wash away evidence without leaving traces in the drains at the Coleman house.

The piece of molding removed from his car is a more promising site of evidence. I'm betting that blood or paint evidence was found on it. I'm praying it's the latter and that it was still tacky.
You are right about the sauna/steam/swim. Someone at the gym should know what he did while he was there for 30 minutes. He still had to clean up before he left the house, didn't he?.

Do we know for certain if LE confiscated his suv eventually? Why didn't they take it in before pulling the molding or did the pulled molding give them a reason to take it later?
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