Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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I am very, very confused by all the shoestrings, etc. that were located in the master bedroom, as well as all the latex gloves. I can't make sense of it. I guess it's possible Sheri kept her extra shoelace backstock in her nightstand drawer, for lack of a better central location... the gloves don't make sense to me though. I have a box of them in the broom closet for cleaning, and a box under the kitchen sink for when I handle raw meat (ew) but they aren't strewn about the house. Any thoughts?

Re: The comforters... we have two in our room right now. We are sleeping with our windows open and it can get quite chilly at night, but I already put away our electric blanket... Maybe it is something like that for them.

Re: blood on the mattress... I don't recall seeing that. Where did you find that info? I can't imagine a woman sleeping nude and without a tampon (sorry, male readers!) at a point in her cycle when she would bleed heavily enough to soak through bedding to the mattress. I can't believe that is how the blood happened to be there.
Welcome to WS, JenB~ I usually keep shoestrings in the sock drawer, but who knows where people keep them. The things I keep in my nightstand we won't discuss, but shoestrings are not one of them. ;) He could have placed them there to throw off LE.

I can't imagine why a glove would be in the basket in the master bedroom (I assume they meant waste basket). It could also be his attempt at throwing off LE by planting evidence since he went to so much trouble to set it all up for months. He probably thought of these things at the last minute and they didn't work either.

OK...I give on the 2 comforters! I guess it is normal for some people. Who knew?! LOL

While accidents happen, I don't think that was it either. It was the last item on the Search Warrant. They cut out a piece of the cloth of the mattress containing a red blood stain (rbls).
Didn't know if this was posted on the last thread - Published today about the yard sale. Left me in tears :)

"Repasz said she almost panicked at one point when a car from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department came by. "I thought surely I haven't done anything wrong," she said. "But it was the Monroe County Fraternal Order of Police dropping off a check for $250."

I wonder if any of our locals stopped by?

Didn't Stella say that her hubby went there with a donation?
OK...I give on the 2 comforters! I guess it is normal for some people. Who knew?! LOL


Here's a smiley for ya, girlfriend!

Didn't know if this was posted on the last thread - Published today about the yard sale. Left me in tears :)

"Repasz said she almost panicked at one point when a car from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department came by. "I thought surely I haven't done anything wrong," she said. "But it was the Monroe County Fraternal Order of Police dropping off a check for $250."

I wonder if any of our locals stopped by?
It brought a tear to my eye when I watched the video of the two boys announcing their total for the day. They are so sweet. I could tell they were surprised by the outpouring of the public to help in their efforts. Bravo for the Monroe County FOP!

With the money gained from the lawsuit (which I do think they will have no problem winning), the memorial to Sheri, Garett, and Gavin will be wonderful! I wish they could set aside an area for a baseball diamond. I also hope they have an artist do a lifesize bronze statue of them together.
Greetings LooneyMama,

Oh you are toooo cute with the hubby burrito! My hubby is known as the "blanket snatcher" in this house -- every time he rolls right (he sleeps on the right of me), he takes a foot more blanket (comforter/duvet) with him. I have to constantly awaken through the night and snatch back the duvet or it would all be spilled onto him and the floor on his side of the bed and I would have nothing. Here, we believe in the family bed (with limits), so when our little grandson comes and snuggles in the cozy queen sized waveless water bed with gran and gramps for the night (to the left of me -- I'm the sausage in the middle), I am grappling all night to make sure that the squirt stays covered (to the left) while hubby, the blanket snatcher, is at work.

A few people were wondering about them having two comforters in their bedroom.

My husband rolls over a lot in his sleep. Eventually, he'll roll until he's rolled himself into a nice warm hubby burrito. Of course at that point I'm on the other side of the bed freezing my butt off, trying to wrestle some of the blankets back. We started using two comforters pretty soon after we moved in together. We both sleep better that way.

PS OT: The family bed is awesome, it is a time for telling jokes and wonderful laughter, it is the time for telling wonderful historic and teaching stories about life, it is the time for "touch" (safe, pure nurturing touch) -- back tickling or scratching, hair and scalp touch/massage, and gentle facial massages, arm tickling (all of which my grandkids suck up like sponges), and prayers together.
Wrinkles: We end up going the family bed route too, whether we like it or not most nights! It was a lifesaver when our babies were infants, though.

Thanks for the welcome, Kimster and SS! I've been lurking here for a long while -- I came for the Caylee Anthony case after I got tired of the excessive nicknaming and mudslinging toward Cindy and George on other sites. I only just recently figured out how to create an acceptable email account so I could join.
PS OT: The family bed is awesome, it is a time for telling jokes and wonderful laughter, it is the time for telling wonderful historic and teaching stories about life, it is the time for "touch" (safe, pure nurturing touch) -- back tickling or scratching, hair and scalp touch/massage, and gentle facial massages, arm tickling (all of which my grandkids suck up like sponges), and prayers together.

WOW! That sounds so warm and inviting!!! I never looked at my bed like that before! I need some grandkids to fill mine up :)
I don't know why but I had a feeling from the get-go that Sheri was pregnant when they got married. However, being trapped into marriage doesn't mean he had to stay married to her. They did go on to have a second child.

No excuses for CC in my book.:mad:
Since we aren't told placement of blood on mattress, I went in search of possible explanations for mysterious blood stain. (I now know everything I never wanted to know about ligature strangulation, eeesh...) Here is one possible answer I came across in the following publication, "A GUIDE TO THE PHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF LIGATURE PATTERNS IN HOMICIDE INVESTIGATIONS." -Brent E. Turvey (snipped for space, full article at link)


"Also possible but not necessary is a bloody discharge from the nose and mouth of the victim. The presence of such a discharge is indicative of some kind of trauma..."


...Adelson shows photographs of one 22 year old female victim who was strangled to death with her own brassiere. In situ, the brassiere is tightly knotted and there is associative bloody discharge from the victim's mouth."

Oh Kiki, that is so awful! I'm sorry we sent you there! But perhaps that answers the blood on the mattress question!
I was looking for some type of description on that debt management class CC & SC hosted in their home and came across the blog entry below (from Destiny Church WS).
By the dates, we determined she probably wasn't pregnant when she married Chris (if those dates are correct) and he was a couple of weeks early. So it does not appear he was in any way trapped into a marriage.
I was looking for some type of description on that debt management class CC & SC hosted in their home and came across the blog entry below (from Destiny Church WS).
It appears this was written the same day as the murders. People at that time did not believe Chris could be responsible and I believe that post reflects those sentiments. The poster may not feel the same way about the situation today.
It appears this was written the same day as the murders. People at that time did not believe Chris could be responsible and I believe that post reflects those sentiments. The poster may not feel the same way about the situation today.

...and that was what I was thinking at first. However, there have been blogs since then and you'd think they could have updated the original post by now - especially since CC has been arrested!!!

I realize it was an older blog post, just thought under the circumstances and out of respect for SC's family, maybe a deletion or edit was in order. MOO
Since we aren't told placement of blood on mattress, I went in search of possible explanations for mysterious blood stain. (I now know everything I never wanted to know about ligature strangulation, eeesh...) Here is one possible answer I came across in the following publication, "A GUIDE TO THE PHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF LIGATURE PATTERNS IN HOMICIDE INVESTIGATIONS." -Brent E. Turvey (snipped for space, full article at link)


"Also possible but not necessary is a bloody discharge from the nose and mouth of the victim. The presence of such a discharge is indicative of some kind of trauma..."


...Adelson shows photographs of one 22 year old female victim who was strangled to death with her own brassiere. In situ, the brassiere is tightly knotted and there is associative bloody discharge from the victim's mouth."


Which could account for the removal of Garett's pillowcase as evidence too...perhaps there was "trauma". We've heard before, but I don't think it was actually confirmed...not sure about that... that Garett appeared to have trauma like bruising and possibly the jaw broken as well as Sheri showing similar trauma. Perhaps the blood on the mattress was from nose/mouth. She didn't necessarily have to have her head on a pillow. Could have been lying flat on the mattress.
Which could account for the removal of Garett's pillowcase as evidence too...perhaps there was "trauma". We've heard before, but I don't think it was actually confirmed...not sure about that... that Garett appeared to have trauma like bruising and possibly the jaw broken as well as Sheri showing similar trauma. Perhaps the blood on the mattress was from nose/mouth. She didn't necessarily have to have her head on a pillow. Could have been lying flat on the mattress.

Yes, it is heartbreaking. From cheery reading done today, I learned more re blunt force trauma injuries to neck sometimes but not always associated w/ ligature strangulation, including predictable patterned contusions and abrasions. But there can be finger marks or fingernail marks, caused not by assailant but self-inflicted defensive wounds as victim struggles to pry off the ligature.

"These injuries are then prone to change over time, with the healing process. Injuries not apparent on the day of death may actually become visible by the next day, as skin begins to dry and become more transparent."

I agree it seems both horrific and plausible that whereas an older, larger adult w/ SC's defense training may have managed to struggle at least off her pillow, a relatively slight child in a sound sleep would be such a poor contest that sickeningly (tho not surprisingly), his son/s may have never been able to put up even this much of a fight.
:furious: :steamed: :mad: by Strangulation - Dr. Dean Hawley.pdf

Didn't know if this was posted on the last thread - Published today about the yard sale. Left me in tears :)

"Repasz said she almost panicked at one point when a car from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department came by. "I thought surely I haven't done anything wrong," she said. "But it was the Monroe County Fraternal Order of Police dropping off a check for $250."

I wonder if any of our locals stopped by?

We donated money.
I've spent the past few days reading what's been posted and reflecting on this horrible crime. The wheels of justice are kind of in a holding pattern on this case for now, waiting up to the prelim or whatever they call it. IF Chris' attorney waives the prelim, we won't find out any further details of what the pros has until trial. But if the hearing goes on as scheduled, we may find out more. Many of the *rumors* of what transpired have shown to be true, either flat out true or in some form.

From what I gathered in reading the SW's, and it has been a few days since so my memory may be wrong, Chris was served with a SW the same morning Sheri and the boys were found murdered. IIRC, the SW was for his dna, body scrapes and scratches, hands ie fingernails, and I also believe his clothes were taken from the hospital and his vehicle was impounded from the home and taken in for inspection. A local could confirm the car was taken away by LE. (they put them on those tow trucks, usually, where the vehicle is placed up on a trailer) Anyway, I believe that particular SW was timed at 11:58 a.m. May 5, 2009.

As there was a signed SW, I don't believe Chris' Miranda Rights are going to be in question. The attorney can try, *attack the law,* but it isn't going to fly by a judge, IMO.

We've heard it *rumored* that Chris MAY have used his own computer to type up the threats. It remains to be seen if this is in fact true; however, I tend to believe that is most likely the case (because most of what we've heard rumored turned up true) LE did state they believe the 'threats' were manufactured by Chris himself.

So what is a def attorney to do? Not guilty is a given, but,..........what's the game plan? Especially IF the threats come from his own computer? Insanity is out, IMHO. They'll NEVER convince a judge, much less a jury this guy is nuts. The threats were over too long of a period of time............premediation is evident by the build up of the threats over time.

What is ironic is, these threats may have been made up by Chris just to scare Sheri into not going on her mission this summer or manipulate her in some way or who knows what and MAYBE NOT to necessarily kill her. But then the game plan for Chris may have changed once Sheri possibly found out he was having an affair. His actions now CAN point to premeditation and be his own undoing.

The last threat was ominous........THIS IS MY LAST WARNING...........or something to that effect. Something about.......YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE.....

What could be the worst nightmare? My :twocents: is the def is going to work on that angle..........YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE

What could be worse than killing everyone in your family?...... IMHO, killing everyone in your family and setting up you to be the one who did the crime!

Def attorneys have to be creative. Even as ridiculous as it may sound to us, this is, IMHO, a POSSIBLE scenario for this def. You'd be surprised what juries will buy. As much as we believe it's about as close to a slam dunk as we've seen, there's no guarantee........UNLESS, LE has a smoking gun, the rope or whatever found along the highway actually has the victim's dna as well as the perps, something that irrevocably connects THIS accused to these murders and NO ONE ELSE. SODDI, IMO, is still on the table for this def.

Although I realize the def may be reading here and may not have thought of this, it's ok. Because the pros may be reading here as well and this could be a heads-up of what they need to PREVENT even one juror believing this scenario. The pros needs to have that HOOK.


PS.......fwiw, a jury in Texas found a guy not guilty of murdering a neighbor, although the guy admitted he shot him twice,(I believe). The def claimed 'self-defense.' It didn't matter that the accused, after shooting the victim multiple times proceeded to cut the victim up and place his body in trash bags and put them in the bay. It didn't matter that the accused went back to the scene and removed the victim's head (which was never found). One of the juror's statements on why he found the guy 'not guilty?' He didn't think you could convict someone of murder if the victim didn't have a head.:eek:
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