Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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I know to some, it might appear as if this video of someone strangling the life out of a deer may not seem relevant to this case, but honestly, I do believe it does, in a round-about way. It shows that the person doing the strangling and the person filming the strangling, do NOT take life of another living creature as most humans do. It's one thing to shoot game to provide food, it's an entirely different scenario when you use your bare hands to squeeze the life out of another living thing. IF someone could do that to a creature the size of a deer, it's really not that much of a stretch to believe they COULD do the same to a fellow human. It's not like it's a scary spider you found under the sink, inside your home.

For years, profilers have said that one of the history type things to look for when attempting to locate a serial killer, is previous cruelty to animals. What more horrific proof of cruelty to animals, than to see an actual film of someone taking pleasure out of {squeezing} killing with their bare hands, a magnificant animal such as that deer. Then to want to most likely relive that act, by filming it and then adding to the horror of this action, by uploading it to the internet for all the world to see.

What kind of person does that? Seriously................I don't believe it would be Sheri. But I DO believe anyone who may have jumped from getting a thrill out of watching a deer's life drain from them, would be fully capable of doing the same action to another human. Even a wife/mother and her two small children. :(

That's the relevance to this case, IMHO.

I know to some, it might appear as if this video of someone strangling the life out of a deer may not seem relevant to this case, but honestly, I do believe it does, in a round-about way. It shows that the person doing the strangling and the person filming the strangling, do NOT take life of another living creature as most humans do. It's one thing to shoot game to provide food, it's an entirely different scenario when you use your bare hands to squeeze the life out of another living thing. IF someone could do that to a creature the size of a deer, it's really not that much of a stretch to believe they COULD do the same to a fellow human. It's not like it's a scary spider you found under the sink, inside your home.

For years, profilers have said that one of the history type things to look for when attempting to locate a serial killer, is previous cruelty to animals. What more horrific proof of cruelty to animals, than to see an actual film of someone taking pleasure out of {squeezing} killing with their bare hands, a magnificant animal such as that deer. Then to want to most likely relive that act, by filming it and then adding to the horror of this action, by uploading it to the internet for all the world to see.

What kind of person does that? Seriously................I don't believe it would be Sheri. But I DO believe anyone who may have jumped from getting a thrill out of watching a deer's life drain from them, would be fully capable of doing the same action to another human. Even a wife/mother and her two small children. :(

That's the relevance to this case, IMHO.


Well, apparently whoever took that video down right after the murders also thought it was relevant or they would have left it there for all the world to see! They didn't take Sheri's myspace down, did they? No....just the youtube video. Tells you something, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

ETA: Tells you THEY thought it was incriminating!
I know to some, it might appear as if this video of someone strangling the life out of a deer may not seem relevant to this case, but honestly, I do believe it does, in a round-about way. It shows that the person doing the strangling and the person filming the strangling, do NOT take life of another living creature as most humans do. It's one thing to shoot game to provide food, it's an entirely different scenario when you use your bare hands to squeeze the life out of another living thing. IF someone could do that to a creature the size of a deer, it's really not that much of a stretch to believe they COULD do the same to a fellow human. It's not like it's a scary spider you found under the sink, inside your home.

For years, profilers have said that one of the history type things to look for when attempting to locate a serial killer, is previous cruelty to animals. What more horrific proof of cruelty to animals, than to see an actual film of someone taking pleasure out of {squeezing} killing with their bare hands, a magnificant animal such as that deer. Then to want to most likely relive that act, by filming it and then adding to the horror of this action, by uploading it to the internet for all the world to see.

What kind of person does that? Seriously................I don't believe it would be Sheri. But I DO believe anyone who may have jumped from getting a thrill out of watching a deer's life drain from them, would be fully capable of doing the same action to another human. Even a wife/mother and her two small children. :(

That's the relevance to this case, IMHO.


I mentioned the deer video to my husband yesterday and told him of the "we forgot our knife" claim to explain a close up video of strangling a deer. He was in complete agreement with our other hunter poster about it being complete BS. He said that "a hunter never goes out without his knife" and you usually have two. The idea that multiple people forgot their knife takes it to a whole different level. And he said where he grew up hunting it the game warden or whomever checks licenses etc would ask to see the license, firearms and knife you were carrying with you. They were killing that deer for entertainment pure in simple. They had a knife with them, probably more than one. Just from a hiking in the woods and possibly needing to cut yourself loose from something they had a knife with them. Military trained too, right? Grew up hunting?
Tiny's is a popular bar in Columbia, IL. Just an FYI - posted in the comments section

Columbiamomof3 June 3, 2009 5:26PM CST
I thought everyone would want to know there is a benefit for the "Sheri and her boys" memorial fund at Tiny's in Columbia, Il. on Saturday, June 6th. It starts at 2pm and goes until 11:30pm. There is a small entrance fee (donation) don't know what it is yet but there will be BBQ and beer stands and a dunk tank. Should be a great time!
I mentioned the deer video to my husband yesterday and told him of the "we forgot our knife" claim to explain a close up video of strangling a deer. He was in complete agreement with our other hunter poster about it being complete BS. He said that "a hunter never goes out without his knife" and you usually have two. The idea that multiple people forgot their knife takes it to a whole different level. And he said where he grew up hunting it the game warden or whomever checks licenses etc would ask to see the license, firearms and knife you were carrying with you. They were killing that deer for entertainment pure in simple. They had a knife with them, probably more than one. Just from a hiking in the woods and possibly needing to cut yourself loose from something they had a knife with them. Military trained too, right? Grew up hunting?

I totally agree with you. And in many areas, you can't just leave a dead deer out there in the wilderness. Hunting (IMHO) is for food. I wonder what happened to the deer -- if they left it there, or if they took it home. I don't see CC as one who would put deer meat in his freezer (could be wrong).

My brother, otoh, uses a service that cuts up all the meat and seals it up properly. It's expensive, but he leaves that to the experts. By the by, he doesn't hunt deer - rather moose and elk. Guess the meat is better..who knows.

Dang - I've learned so much about hunting since this case came along :)

What on earth does this mud-slinging have to do with the case? Nothing at all!

Maybe the Holy Spirit didn't "warn" Joyce because CC is not a psycho killer.

You can all save your laughter at me.

I have the same problem with Joyce Myers being brought into this discussion. I see her as his employer and a family friend. I really wished they would just open a thread and discuss Joyce Myers, if that's what they want to do. I don't believe Joyce Myers and her teachings had anything to do with his decision to kill his family. I believe the holy spirit did try to show her some things about Chris but sometimes when we are close to someone or have known them a long time it's hard to see it. I know you believe CC is innocent, with the evidence I have see so far I believe he is guilty. I wish I didn't and if I see evidence to prove otherwise then I will change my mind.
I have the same problem with Joyce Myers being brought into this discussion. I see her as his employer and a family friend. I really wished they would just open a thread and discuss Joyce Myers, if that's what they want to do. I don't believe Joyce Myers and her teachings had anything to do with his decision to kill his family. I believe the holy spirit did try to show her some things about Chris but sometimes when we are close to someone or have known them a long time it's hard to see it. I know you believe CC is innocent, with the evidence I have see so far I believe he is guilty. I wish I didn't and if I see evidence to prove otherwise then I will change my mind.

Again, I have to agree. I believe this happened because CC and MM wanted to be together. He didn't want to go through a nasty divorce and pay child support. It's all about sex and money. At the end of the day, I believe we'll find JMM has little or nothing to do with this case (other than CC worked for JMM).


Sheri could be heard laughing in the background on the video. How soon that is conveniently forgotten. :mad: There were comments about Sheri's laughing in the background and her sense of humor was termed "weird" ... way back in some of the original threads.

yes, i do remember this being said. i knew better than to watch the video, i would have nightmares for a week ! :chicken: but since then i have been looking for anything else in regard to her sense of humor being "weird"...i havent come across she wasnt really weird, but i do remember that you have anything else about this?:confused:

since i didnt watch it i dont know anything about laughing...actually this is the first i have heard of it - or of her laughing about it..
Fairy...I am catching up here...and I do not intend to "blame" religion...but if JMM did not have the restrictions about divorced individuals working for you think CC would have carried out his diabolical plans?

Where could he have gone and made the same $$$??

I do not wish to start a religious debate, but according to scripture, as I understand it, divorce is perfectly acceptable on the grounds of fornication/adultry....JMM is being unrealistic in asking their employees to adhere to a rule that is not found Biblically.

Good point. I just wonder what his motive was for killing his children.
That is what I think - that CC made erroneous assumptions. Many people apparently think that name off or not on the deed, means all rights of that person are gone. Now, if someone is on the deed during the marriage, and then takes their name off, I am not sure just how that will play out in court/probate court.

Does anyone know what "name not on deed" would do in a divorce situation. Maybe he did contimplate devorce first (or second). Just MO
Good morning everyone and please forgive me. I've been under the weather the last few days and missed most of the deer video discussion. Is it a video of CC strangling a deer?
FWIW, the JM ministeries, et al, that have been discussed is not about religion, but the business aspect of them. Most importantly, how CC may have taken advantage of them for himself. I think that it does have to do with this case and CC's financial "status" that he may have used and abused. That does not place blame on JMM or others, but is does towards CC.

I have the same problem with Joyce Myers being brought into this discussion. I see her as his employer and a family friend. I really wished they would just open a thread and discuss Joyce Myers, if that's what they want to do. I don't believe Joyce Myers and her teachings had anything to do with his decision to kill his family. I believe the holy spirit did try to show her some things about Chris but sometimes when we are close to someone or have known them a long time it's hard to see it. I know you believe CC is innocent, with the evidence I have see so far I believe he is guilty. I wish I didn't and if I see evidence to prove otherwise then I will change my mind.

FYI, I discovered that a thread about JMM has been opened in the Parking Lot. :)
Good point. I just wonder what his motive was for killing his children.

I have thought about this many times and I wonder if the oldest son came to defense of Mom, was hurt/murdered. Youngest child after the fact. IMVHO, I don't believe the children were originally part of the murder plan, but were "collateral" damage. But, that's just me.
Good morning everyone and please forgive me. I've been under the weather the last few days and missed most of the deer video discussion. Is it a video of CC strangling a deer?

I haven't seen it myself, but it was CC's brother strangling the deer.

(Sorry you've been feeling sick!):blowkiss:
Good point. I just wonder what his motive was for killing his children.

MOO: He staged it. He figured no one would believe it was him if the boys were killed too. :behindbar

My second theory is one or both of them were privy to the fight and he deleted the witness(es).

Either way, he's just as evil!!!!!
FWIW, the JM ministeries, et al, that have been discussed is not about religion, but the business aspect of them. Most importantly, how CC may have taken advantage of them for himself. I think that it does have to do with this case and CC's financial "status" that he may have used and abused. That does not place blame on JMM or others, but is does towards CC.


I agree with you. I just have a hard time figuring out why it's important about JMM's financial status and who they donate too. I really haven't heard about how much money CC made working for them. I certainly believe he took advantage of JMM. And he probably used their computer equipment too. But it appears that there are people on this board that want JM investigated. I don't think that part has anything to do with this case. Not saying she should or shouldn't be investigated, I just don't see the relevance in this case.JMO
Does anyone know what "name not on deed" would do in a divorce situation. Maybe he did contimplate devorce first (or second). Just MO

I think Jbean posted that Sheri signing off the deed during marriage could have proved problematic for her in a divorce.

I feel CC contemplated divorce at first and was trying to follow in his brothers footsteps and for whatever reason divorce wasn't going to work for him. Something caused CC to change gears and go the murder route. CC may have realized that divorce was still going to cost him alot, his job, alimony, child support. A divorce would have also exposed his creative financing as well, possibly landing him in jail. And in the end wouldn't allow for the complete freedom CC wanted.
I agree with you. I just have a hard time figuring out why it's important about JMM's financial status and who they donate too. I really haven't heard about how much money CC made working for them. I certainly believe he took advantage of JMM. And he probably used their computer equipment too. But it appears that there are people on this board that want JM investigated. I don't think that part has anything to do with this case. Not saying she should or shouldn't be investigated, I just don't see the relevance in this case.JMO

Unfortunately, CC has brought JMM into this case. His job, his position, and his travels with the Ministry must be investigated. How he used credit cards/monies and where did he get it from. This is not unusual, imho. Background stuff. I don't care how any person chooses to Worship. I will never judge. However, this is about business that CC was part of. Again, just one more group in CC's collateral damage pool.

I think Jbean posted that Sheri signing off the deed during marriage could have proved problematic for her in a divorce.

I feel CC contemplated divorce at first and was trying to follow in his brothers footsteps and for whatever reason divorce wasn't going to work for him. Something caused CC to change gears and go the murder route. CC may have realized that divorce was still going to cost him alot, his job, alimony, child support. A divorce would have also exposed his creative financing as well, possibly landing him in jail. And in the end wouldn't allow for the complete freedom CC wanted.

I'm beginning to wonder if the creative financing wasn't his motive. I don't believe he had any intention of marrying TL. I believe he told her he was and I believe that she believed him. I just don't think he ever intended to marry her. I'm fairly certain he wouldn't have wanted his creative financing secret to get out. A Divorce would have outed that secret. IMO
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