Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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Unfortunately, CC has brought JMM into this case. His job, his position, and his travels with the Ministry must be investigated. How he used credit cards/monies and where did he get it from. This is not unusual, imho. Background stuff. I don't care how any person chooses to Worship. I will never judge. However, this is about business that CC was part of. Again, just one more group in CC's collateral damage pool.


Your right CC did bring JMM into this case. And I agree 100% that what CC touched or had anything to do with should be investigated. I questioned what JMM financial records and who they chose to donate too had to do with this case.
I have enjoyed this discussion because I tend to get an idea and think that's how it happened until I read someone else's view and it makes me go hmmm. I had no idea that JMM didn't let people that were divorced work for her. I could see that could have been a motive for killing Sheri. Thanks for the discussion.
I have enjoyed this discussion because I tend to get an idea and think that's how it happened until I read someone else's view and it makes me go hmmm. I had no idea that JMM didn't let people that were divorced work for her. I could see that could have been a motive for killing Sheri. Thanks for the discussion.

This is one of the things that I have *always* loved about discussions here. It's not about a debate who is right or wrong, but the possibilities that could be that I never considered before. I adore being enlightened to another perspective. Even if I agree with it or not. Makes me think. :)
Good point. I just wonder what his motive was for killing his children.

Prolly the same Motive as Scott Peterson to kill his wife and unborn child -- to be with his mistress. For some, money, greed, sex, can draw great consequences.


So JMM fires people who get divorces. Let's assume that CC murders Sheri because he doesn't want to be fired for a divorce. Didn't he think that even if he were to pull off the whole "my family was threatened for months and some crazy ninja stalker killed them" story that LE would at the very least find out about his affair w/ TL? And in that case, wouldn't JMM have fired him anyway? I would think adultery is not high on her list either.

Just thinkin' out loud here....
I agree with you. I just have a hard time figuring out why it's important about JMM's financial status and who they donate too. I really haven't heard about how much money CC made working for them. I certainly believe he took advantage of JMM. And he probably used their computer equipment too. But it appears that there are people on this board that want JM investigated. I don't think that part has anything to do with this case. Not saying she should or shouldn't be investigated, I just don't see the relevance in this case.JMO
Chris was making $100k a year plus trips and perks. ;)
So JMM fires people who get divorces. Let's assume that CC murders Sheri because he doesn't want to be fired for a divorce. Didn't he think that even if he were to pull off the whole "my family was threatened for months and some crazy ninja stalker killed them" story that LE would at the very least find out about his affair w/ TL? And in that case, wouldn't JMM have fired him anyway? I would think adultery is not high on her list either.

Just thinkin' out loud here....
I don't think he counted on the MCS and thought he would be dealing with the local PD. With the threats, he thought it would be basically an open and closed case. His ego allowed him to believe they would buy his story and because he worked for JMM he felt they would skim over things, imo. After all, he was the preacher's son and a devoted Christian working for one of the most influential woman in the area. Since Tara Lintz was from Florida, he did not count on them going to such lengths to find out about their affair. Boy, was he surprised?! :eek:
Good point. I just wonder what his motive was for killing his children.
It could be he didn't want to deal with the children without Sheri. Two mourning children would interfere horribly with his plans. Maybe he thought he was also "doing them a favor" and saving them from the pain. (There have been a few killers in the past who used this twisted reasoning for killing their children.)

If greed was the motive, the children could have represented money he could otherwise spend on himself.

If freedom was the motive, they would stand in the way.

If Tara was the motive, it is possible she didn't want children or didn't want to raise Sheri's children.

I agree with the term, "collateral damage". They were there.
Prolly the same Motive as Scott Peterson to kill his wife and unborn child -- to be with his mistress. For some, money, greed, sex, can draw great consequences.



I know that you are right. I just have a hard time convincing myself that men kill their wives to be with other women. Money and greed I can see. I think once a cheater always a cheater. So it opens a can of worms if they kill their wives to be with another woman it stands to reason that they would then kill the next woman to be with someone else. I know it happens. It appears that Drew Peterson killed two of his wives but I believe his motive was greed and control. I wonder if we will ever really know what Chris Coleman's true motive was for killing his whole family. I just can't figure out why someone would kill their whole family to get out of responsibilities and then jump right back in with another woman. Whatever the reason it was senseless.
SS, that YouTube was crazy, man! LOL


Yes, it was crazy and I know I recognize this voice from somewhere! I have heard it before on YouTube!!!
Well, durnitall anyway! I can't pop in here much so what that does is leave me a very frustrated thinker and writer as I sit and ponder y'all's takes on this case! Shoot, I'm just here with my jaw dropped down on the desk at so much to reply to and I simply can't git r dun and I'm left nearly speechless.

All that being said, I have been a Christian for many, many years. 58 yrs young, female, and I am the senior pastor's assistant at a very large Bible believing/teaching church where I've been a member for almost 30 years and worked almost 20. It grieves me beyond measure that this has involved churces/ministries and so on. But Jesus didn't have to die if we humans weren't born into sin. I never have to wonder why and how peeps do the things they do because God's word tells me why. 2 Cor. 11:14 says that "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" so I don't have to wonder why no one got "vibes" off CC. I think CC has deep anger about his whole religious upbringing and teaching, deep anger at JM and yet needed the job and would've gotten great pleasure in this crime's success - had it turned out that way. Fortunately, his ego and belief in himself was much larger than it should've been! Straight up STUPID! And also, the Holy Spirit may not warn us about every bad thing that comes along and we'll be taken by surprise at evil - BUT our God will not be mocked. I am not a religious fanatic, if some of you may see me as that, but I do love and serve Jesus Christ, as I know some of you here do also. I'm also a mouthy ol hussy! And I just want y'all, straight outta the shoot, to know where I'm coming from in this.
I never really care to hear the lame reasons given for a motive in this type of sitch because, simply put, ain't no reason makes any sense! It ruffles my feathers when I hear the statement, "Just because he's an adulterer doesn't make him a killer!" I must always reply, "Just because he's an adulterer doesn't mean he can't be a killer also!" I can't believe anyone ever made that lame first quote above, let alone that others continue to spew it! Ah, it tickles their ears and feeds into their fantasy of not wanting someone to be guilty of such.
Correct me if I am wrong.

Did CC use his JMM credit card to pay for travel for TL to Hawaii and Arizona?
I remember reading this, also......... And was the $100,000 "gift" a rumor or a fact?

As for the toxicology reports - I'm betting on something turning up. Hope they release them.

IIRC the $100K gift was reported in The County Journal news paper a while back. It is a local paper from Percy IL. They ran an article about RC bragging about how he had founded the Grace Church and what a success it was.

In reality RC was not the founder of the church.
Joyce Meyer and/or Joyce Meyer Ministries don't "own" any actual churches. Even her own church, where she is a member, is operated by its own Board of Directors independent of JMM and it's Board of Directors. Grace Church Ministries is operated by elders elected from within the church itself IIRC. No one that I know within JMM is aware of the alledged donation from JM to pay off part of Grace Church Ministries mortgage. Doesn't mean it's not possible but the folks I know should be aware of that if it were true...and they'd never even heard of Grace Church Ministries until the murders and the subsequent news coverage. Whatever relationship there is between JM and RC is apparently pretty low-key and not very close because many who know JM well and interact with her on a regular basis (as well as CC) didn't know a thing about RC. (That should negate the idea that CC threw his dad's supposed weight around to benefit himself because none of them knew who RC was.) Again, though, these folks did say that JM has known CC since he was a child which leads me to believe she must've had some interaction with RC early on in her ministry career.

It's awful quiet tonight...hopefully we'll hear some news soon to keep this story in the public eye. Anyone planning to attend CC's Prelim next week?

It is true that JMM is run by a board of directors. It is also true that JM hand picked the entire board, they are all close friends and family. Read between the lines here.
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